Murder in a Small Town: 1x03 A Chill Rain

can we talk about how stana's accent kept changing through the whole show

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@djats she was terrible start to finish. At some point, I wondered if she was trying to imitate the old lady she killed, like split personalities.

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The Simpsons: 34x19 Write Off This Episode

Reply by sisdog

What’s happened to Mr Burns? He sounds like someone who can’t do a Mr Burns impression

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His voice was sooo shockingly off.

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X-Men: The Animated Series: 1x12 Days of Future Past (2)

Mystique is Rogue’s adoptive mom ?! That's a forced plot twist if I've ever seen one.

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@finfan That was some stupid S#!t

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Lost: 1x13 Hearts and Minds

You know what makes great sense? Encouraging people to cut up perfectly good rope when you're stranded on an island indefinitely and might not be able to get more rope. Good job, Locke.

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@dgw I thought the same thing

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It's really bad. The writing is terrible. Even my tween daughter was making fun of it making comments like "why is Ashoka afraid of Sabine turning dark? I thought Jedis aren't afraid." And "Why is Ashoka lighing her saber first? That goes against everything in the original triloty of Jedis not attacking" . Yeah I have been a fan of Star Wars since seeing the first one in 78, so maybe I am just too old for this, but it doesn't feel like star wars at all. Thrawn was great in those Heir of the Empire books, but he was so weak and not convincing in this series. The lightsaber fights have gone from masterful sword fights to dance routings. I don't know... pretty disappointing. I hate how they keep changing and cheapening the whole force/ jedi thing too. and there are too many modern tropes that they cannot get away from in modern Star Wars movies - particulatly how there has to be a weird light saber and there has to be a differnet stormtrooper. I guess in this case, zombie stormtroopers. ugh...

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@darthunderpants I agree with you and your daughter 100%

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Succession: 3x02 Mass in Time of War

Reply by sisdog

I'm in the minority here but I don't like this show nearly as much as everyone else seems to. I hate all these people.

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They are all very unlivable. I like the show though. Roman makes me laugh, constantly. I actually kind of feel bad for Kendall.

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Star Trek: Picard: Season 3

Reply by sisdog

Season 1 was a sheet of used toilet paper…
Season 2 was a whole roll of used toilet paper…

Season 3 a pure golden nugget, made for the true fans, filled with memories and fan service of the right kind…..

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@cuddlelover 100% agree. I could not even finish watching Season 2 and then this. Where did this come from?

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Obi-Wan Kenobi: 1x03 Part III

I am entertained, but as a fan from 1978, I can't help but feel like I am looking at Obi-Wan's Facebook feed. Perhaps I don't really need to know all the details or backstory of him. A New Hope as been my bible. Leia seeks Obi-Wan because he fought alongside with her father Bail Organa during the clone wars. No mention of how he rescued her before. Continuity errors? Yeah well. I really don't feel like typing a novel right now....

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@darthunderpants Disney-splaining, they have to fill in every little gap in Star Wars with mundane details I don't want to know.

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 1x12 Rescue on Ryloth

Reply by sisdog

Tbh the last 3-4 episodes has been kinda bad, a little disappointed! wanted to see more cool stuff that happen when the order 66 was executed. Feels like a offttrack of a offttrack right now! well still fine tho serie in general but could be much more!

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@nicol1212 That is because they are just bringing back character after character from other shows that think people want to see. I could care less about Hera and Trace, Now Cade Bane was cool.

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For All Mankind: Season 2

Reply by sisdog

Season 1 was tolerable, but season 2 is boring and mind-numbing. Got to the first 15 minutes of episode 3 and couldn't take it anymore. Goodbye.

This show started with promise - the Russians getting to the moon before the Americans, but they're now changing history. Reagan president in 1976?! Margret Thatcher also PM in 76?! Emails and colour monitors in the late 70's. Please.

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@speeddemon It was worth getting through the first hald to get to the last 2 episodes.

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Defending Jacob: 1x08 After

I say Andy should ditch Laurie and Jacob, pick up his Shield and just go back to the Avengers for one more adventure and then mysteriously vanish rather than getting old and leaving us all bored out here :grin:

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@typongtv “Andy” he’s not fooling anybody.

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The Rookie: 2x16 The Overnight

How many times can cops in this precinct get taken hostage? Apparently a lot.

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@ultramookie it’s funny because I said before we started watching that 1 of the main characters will be robbed, shot or kidnapped, because that happens in every episode. This is because of very poor writing.

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The Walking Dead: 10x12 Walk with Us

Reply by sisdog

Why didn’t he shoot Beta in the head with the arrow instead of that girl that got turned?

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@daniels0xff ding ding ding we have a winner

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The Flash: 6x10 Marathon

Shout by Deleted

Yep, after dropping supergirl, arrow, black lightning, batwoman etc etc its finally time to drop the flash.

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@guenguer I am almost there too.

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Evil: 1x05 October 31

That was so creepy and awesome. The creepy little girl stole the show.

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@jim222001 I was expecting her to not have a face the entire episode

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The Flash: 6x05 Kiss Kiss Breach Breach

Nice Caitlyn Mohinder scene.

Your words are senseless he said.

Nice Thawne 5.0 and Joe scene.

"You are an anomaly. Makes me wonder why it was so easy to frame you."

Dark Cisco stuff.

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@dewdropvelvet I like that you call him Mohinder because that is all I see or hear when he is on the screen.

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The Flash: 5x17 Time Bomb

I honestly don't know whats worse, the whole cicada thing or the Nora thing. but never forget the iris thing...

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@hildebread I know the answer... both equally bad. For the sake of the argument, I dislike everything about Nora, so that.

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Arrow: 7x14 Brothers & Sisters

Shout by Timekeeper
BlockedParent2019-03-05T09:59:00Z— updated 2020-05-17T07:49:23Z

So I smell a spin-off with the kids and maybe the arrow coming to an end. Update- I was right, Spin-off with the kids.

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@timekeeperseven next season is the last.

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Marvel's Iron Fist: 2x04 Target: Iron Fist

Reply by sisdog

Mary is a very interesting character I love characters that have multiple personality disorder I know that's not the PC name but I can't think of it right now they make for really fascinating characters trying to help you one second then trying to kill you next

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@sawyer189 just an fyi, I think it is Dissociative Disorders

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The X-Files: 4x15 Kaddish

This one features Jewish mythology, and the Jews here remind me of the Simpsons episode (Like Father, Like Son) about Krusty's father, Rabi.

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@roth there was also a and Treehouse of Horror called "You Gotta Know When to Golem".

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Avengers: Infinity War

Review by Jordy
BlockedParent2018-04-25T11:40:16Z— updated 2024-03-18T08:37:43Z

This is one of Marvel Studios’ riskier projects, the hyperlink structure combined with the villain being the main character immediately makes it stand out in the genre. It’s because of those two aspects that the film works as well as it does. Thanos is a great character with an interesting motivation. The animation is so detailed and lifelike that it never fails to bring out the emotion, in fact I’d argue that the scenes between him and Gamora have the most emotional punch (courtesy of Zoe Saldana and Josh Brolin, who both put in a really solid performance). The balancing of all the different plot lines is also quite well done as there’s a relevancy to each one, nor does the tone feel too disjointed at any point. Some transitions or the sudden pop culture riffing during serious scenes can be awkward, but it’s handled about as well as it could. The exposition is handled tastefully and kept to a minimum, it instead chooses to focus on unexpected interactions between characters from different branches of the Marvel universe, which is the more exciting part. I’m less into the action and filmmaking, however. Not a lot about the camerawork or score jumps out to me, I feel like what little vision the Russos brought to their previous MCU projects is completely lost here. The washed out colour palette (which for some reason is slightly more vibrant during scenes in space) and obvious music embellishments don’t evoke all that much. The staging and editing of the action is a little too quick for my liking, the moments that are meant to be memorable don’t leave much of an impression because the editing doesn’t take its time to punctuate the stunts properly. Some of the CGI also feels a little weightless, for example Stark’s suit looks and feels like its made from paper. The resulting scenes, such as the final battle on Titan, feel more like small scale, digital mush than the big epic scenes they’re aiming for. Once the film decides to slow down for the dramatic conclusion, I find its intent to be manipulative and disingenuous. I felt that way after watching it the first time in the cinema, and after every ‘death’ in this movie having been retconned in one way or another, it turns out I was right. Even in its riskier films, Marvel will find ways to take most of the edges off. Overall, it’s still decent but it’s lost a lot of its flavour for me over the years.


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@jordyep Mark Ruffalo was terrible in this, thought he did alright in Ragnarok, but this...he looked like he just got out of bed in every scene and still needed to have his coffee.

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The Flash: 4x16 Run, Iris, Run

Barry loses his powers....Again! At this point the CW writers are just reusing their previous ideas although the execution of it was more satisfying then I thought it would be.

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@bingewatcher47 Uneccessary episode, Ralph throws it in Iris' face that she does not go in the field. What do you know Iris gets powers and proves she is a hero after all. Stupid.

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Grey's Anatomy: 14x17 One Day Like This

Reply by sisdog

Wow, wow, wow. Where to even begin with this episode. From start to literally the last shot it was perfect. Nick and Meredith’s scenes were obviously the highlight for me, their chemistry was like fireworks from their first interaction and I instantly loved and was intrigued to see more of that guy. He's extremely charming and charismatic. Please make him stick around. Can’t remember the last time I saw Meredith laugh and giggle like she did around him. It was also nice to see Teddy again and I was rooting and cheering when she went off on Owen. I’m so done with him and his ladies drama. Someone please write him off with the other characters that are leaving. He will not be missed. Not by me at least. And it looks like April finally came back to her senses, loved how that was done as well. I may not like her character all the much but there’s no denying the actress is talented and always delivers. I’ll definitely be re-watching it. Which is something I have not done in years when it comes to this show.

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@khawlah felt the complete opposite, could not stand Nick.

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The Walking Dead: 8x02 The Damned

The directing on this episode was really below average, typified by those bookend close up shots which were equal parts pretentious and atrocious. Also, the lack of sense of place, what the objectives were, why people were splitting/meeting up, bad fight scenes, Rick & Daryl wandering around the Saviors' main lair with almost no one there to stop them, and...actually just everything. Worst of all we're no further advanced than last week, ok, they've taken 1 (count 'em) one outpost.

In fact, this week's episode of Z Nation had a better sense of place, equal movement of the plot, and less confusing machinations than this one and the protagonists in that show spent the whole episode in weird teleporting boxes being zapped unconscious with sound by an unknown entity who was using them to clear out a zombie infested underground factory complex after being honey-potted by a driver-less ghost-truck.

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@kanootcha Yeah, I can really do with slow-mo close-ups. Their attempt to build suspense failed.

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Westworld: 1x06 The Adversary

I don't see why they'd obey her, she had no way to force them...

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@unexpectedtyron I know what the hell!? Lower all of her attributes. This pissed me off the entire episode, hit an alarm, walk out the door.

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