While like most of the western Godzilla movies, it's not in the same league as the Japanese ones especially the recent Minus One, it's still exactly what you expect and while I didn't love the previous entry this one I kinda enjoyed.

Very much a switch your brain off and enjoy the big monsters fighting, and grabbing a beer would not go amiss, Wingard seems to have figured out what these movies are and why people will go and see them. Big monsters go rawr at each other and then fight. The human stories are mostly kept to the sideline and just dropping in to explain or setup the next monster thing and unlike some previous entries they don't cut to human stories while you want to see the monster fight.

Dan Stevens absolutely nails/steals every scene he's in, and as a long time fan I hope this does get him some bigger main roles in future. Most of the other human performances were fine and they all knew what type of movie they were in. Wingard does bring back some of his stylish visuals when there is an actual set it's not just a CGI fest

While I had fairly low expectations walking in, walking out I was very much "yeah that was actually pretty fun". Won't be winning awards or in many "Top 10" lists at the end of the year, but I don't think anyone was really expecting that.

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