Couldn't even get through half of it. It's the same dumb recipe as Jurassic World and other blockbusters like it. Easy to follow and predictable story, boring/annoying characters and poor attempts at comedy.

Wish we could get a monster movie that doesn't feel like it's on the intellectual level of a 10 year old.

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Too human to be beasts. Full of cliches. Linearity for 5 -year -old children. worthy of a chapter by Dora the explorer.
The worst Godzilla work ever made. The worst King Kong work ever made.

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So what can I say? Action, adventure, entertainment, whatever you are looking for, this movie has it in abundance. Godzilla and Kong are truly a perfect duo. They portrayed it very well in the movie anyway. The graphics were beyond perfect. It's not like it can be explained. If you're reading this review and haven't watched the movie yet, watch it now. One word: It was perfect.

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At least one of these movies nabbed Bryan Cranston (for half of it anyway). The humans in this latest Godzilla/Kong flick were forgettable and often annoying. I kind of spaced on the hidden civilization part in the middle. I didn't care, and it seemed kind of contrived anyway. The action was good, I guess. Godzilla always looks impressive in these movies. This iteration in the series was boring and unnecessary and probably little more than a money grab. The previous films were better. Hell, Skull Island was several times better.

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Oof. It took me three sittings to get through this one and honestly, I'm not sure why I bothered. The writing is Saturday morning cartoon level - a whole bunch of superficial, handwave-y mumbo jumbo. And the action, which theoretically could have been the saving grace, didn't make an impact at all. I can recall memorable scenes from both Godzilla (2014) and Skull Island (2017) after 5+ years. I suspect I won't remember anything from this movie in 5 months.

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That is what happens if you ask "come to brazil" one too many times.

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Good monsterverse movie. However..

7 is a good rating for a monster movie. The action scenes were great. The story was weak as always. The side story about those native people is so unnecessary, I watch these movie to see monsters fight not to see some random chosen girl free a moth.

The size comparisons in this movie were awful, one moment the ice Godzilla was bigger then the normal Godzilla and the next scene he was smaller then Kong. That little monkey was small, and in rio he is taller then skyscrapers. Very bad execution by the producers.

Scar face is the worst monster I have ever seen, arms so small as paper, but the strength of Kong. How the fuck can Godzilla every lose to that

Overall a 7 because I like the action. And that’s all I excepted from it.

The scene were you see all 4 monsters jumping in the air is out of this world, man that was SICKKKK

The scene were Kong and Godzilla entered the second hollow earth to fight scar monkey was always EPIC

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This movie was fantastic. The fights were epic, the CGI and destruction were phenomenal, the roars were very cool, and the scenes moved in a not so fast pace. My favourite character was Kong. He was so smart, powerful, and protective of his allies. The villain was also cool. I loved the Scar King. However, Golden Mothra was magnificent and the most beautiful thing that I have seen in any movie.

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I understand the complaints of it feeling weightless, of the cgi not being the greatest, the heavy exposition, the thinly drawn human characters (though Tyree Henry, Stevens, and Hall do their best). I get it all. But I am not immune to giant monkeys. I pop when Kong beats up other apes with a baby ape or knocks out an uppity ape with one punch. And I think the wordless ape scenes were surprisingly clever in conveying information. Godzilla was underserved though, and I think they could’ve utilized those same strengths for more Kong and Zilla scenes to emphasize a buddy cop odd couple energy. The previous film had a big prize fight novelty energy this one lacks, and that could’ve helped. It’s nothing special, but it’s a fun enough time.

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The only thing Godzilla x Kong did well at was making me appreciate Godzilla Minus One tenfold.

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it's stupid. like watching a cartoon mini series

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Lanky Kong gives a superb performance as the villain.

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A baby blue Kong and a pink Godzilla wtf am I watching mannnn ..can't wait for the gender reveal sequel where they both get iron man suits and join the Guardians of the Galaxy

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What has happened with modern filmmaking!! This is bordering on ridiculous now

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Shut your Brain off and watch big monsters bonking each other on the head.

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The movie was childish. I wasted my time.

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Can we please, please let the Japanese make the godzilla movies again? The Americans take one of the best franchises in the world and still fail with every single movie! How was the screenplay written? By prompting, hey ChatGPT, please combine the godzilla vs kong with planet of the apes?

Seriously, don't waste your time watching this.

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They obviously decided that to milk this franchise even further they just need to throw an ever increasing amount of CGI monsters at it. This Kong / Godzilla / Planet of the Apes mish mash sets a new low bar for these movies, not hard given how low the bar had sunk in the first place. Purple-zilla seems no more powerful than white-zilla, despite consuming the entire planet’s nuclear energy so it’s down to JCB Kong to save the day aided by his very own, albeit orange, mini-me and a dismal cast cast of actors muddling their way through an even more desperate script. This will definitely be the last of these movies I choose to endure, I’m just glad I didn’t pay to see it! Might be ok if you’re a mega Kong or Zilla head, or if you maybe need a 3 year fix of CGI all in one go, otherwise, hard pass!

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Who thought of this making it a comedy, what was the thought behind that ? making more appealing ? ruing the whole movie ? make it stupid and childish, accomplished!

What a dumb movie, what a lost opportunity, why was like that ??? i literally had to FF in many scenes as they were bring and completely for children. An epic fail.

Also, why most of the films and shows now have deaf people, what do they improve on the film and make it so necessary ? is this a new law from PC police ?

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Overall a disappointment, monster scenes were decent but the human drama wasn't compelling and got annoying. Main monster was Kong which I understand as its easier to relate to big monkey rather than big lizard but, if you remove godzilla from the movie nothing changes. While some scenes were good I knew about 10 minutes in it was going to be lame and it was. While not the worst godzilla flick it is easily overshadowed and forgettable.

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I don't care much about the hollow earth and there was too much going on for my liking. Still fun dumb action movie.

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Who writes this crap and then who are the idiots who green-light it?
No real story other than how to shove as much CGI into a previously solid franchise.
It's worth a few stars, just because they didn't add any 'super-hero landings'.
Re-watch Skull Island is my advice

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it's so stupid, i love it!

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I went in looking for Kong and Godzilla wrecking shop and that was exactly what I got.

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I really wanted to love this film, it was like the avengers of Kong x Godzilla, but from it's first shots, the CGI was very poor, it felt like it's a 2000s video game, not a movie at all.
The storylines has so many boring details, I liked that most of the time was the action scenes , I wished if the CGI was better than this.

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Maybe I'm just too old for this kind of movie. Where I loved Godzilla Minus One, I was mostly bored here. Maybe if I was 12. Thats about where the target audience for this is. Some cool fights and effects, but nothing with any substance here.

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1 of the worse films iv seen in years

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Forced dialog and humor, where the leading character "Godzilla?" is hardly shown. The ending wraps up too easy, lacking any credence to a "New Empire"

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Went in expecting very little and walked out satisfied. I don't think I'd rate it this highly had I waited for the digital release on vod. Glad we hit up the cinema for this archetypal popcorn flick. Some of these movies don't have enough of the actual monster mashing. This one has it in spades and it was great fun. Some of the dialogue was brutally cringe, but on the whole it was a worthwhile adventure to seek out. 6.7

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This one was truly great. And why? Well, they didn’t made us spend time with Monarch politics and hyper elaborated family dramas! What’s left? The best part, amazing action scenes with the monsters and human that participate with no intention of grabbing the spotlight. I just wish they could go back to all the previous and re-release a “no bad guys from monarch” edition

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Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire presents an epic clash between these two legendary monsters, delivering non-stop action, breathtaking visuals, and intense battles that captivate audiences. Following Godzilla and Kong in their struggle for dominance, the film introduces compelling human characters who add depth and emotional stakes to the story. With impressive special effects, realistic portrayals of the monsters, and expertly choreographed fight scenes, the film stands out as a thrilling spectacle. What truly elevates it is the emotional connection forged with both Godzilla and Kong, leading viewers to root for both creatures throughout the film. Overall, it's an exhilarating and satisfying cinematic experience that lives up to its promise of a monumental monster showdown, appealing to both fans of the franchise and general audiences alike.

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Did a suplex. Can’t complain

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Ridiculous. (like all Goji movies become)
but a lot of fun.

kids were enthralled throughout.
If you like Kong, this has a lot of Kong being king.

slightly dragged at the start, but soon it was over and I don't know where the time went.

a lot of hilarious uses of battering things.

some stunning segments of utter beauty

lacks the original Goji theme . Wingard !

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influencers overhyped it by saying that it would be the second coming of Christ, an Avengers Infinity War event or that it would be an action packed John Wick style, but hey, in the end it is a Monsterverse movie. Anyway, it's not bad at all, very fun and the action scenes have been completely incredible. The human part does not feel like a pain in the ass and the plot despite not being brilliant, serves to develop Kong. Mini-Kong rocks

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That's what I call pure Showa era juice, a frank beating of giant monsters
simplicity a fun film to watch

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Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire

It's a very good film, I went with low expectations, but I was surprised, the film has some slurred dialogue, but other than that, it's a visual spectacle, it's beautiful!

There are lots of Fights, Mini Kong, Puppy and much more! Overall, a fun film that delivers a lot!

:warning: There is no post-credits scene!

Rating: 8,7

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Yes, yes, yes. Finally they listened to us! I loved the monster scenes so so so much. The sound, the soundtrack, the visuals, the speed and slow mo, the emotion, and most of all, the characterisation of not only two of the most iconic monsters but Baby Kong too. The casting was awful, but I wasn't as bothered as we actually got a monster pov movie. The only thing I recommend for the next movie is the over exposed trailer. Yes, it brings hype, but it also breaks down a lot of the tension as we know what's to come. The feel-good fun sequences blew me into hollow earth. HOW DO THEY MAKE THESE?

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Wow. Just wow. I don't think I've ever watched a movie that's worse than this one in every aspect. What the fuck.

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Boring and shallow human plot. The monster battles are short and boring for most of the movie. Seems most of these Titans can't fight for more than 20 seconds. CGI is mediocre at best. Epic monster fights in the last 30 minutes are the only redeeming quality of the movie.

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I liked this one about as much as "Godzilla vs Kong" but for different reasons. Still not anything to get overly excited about, but good action to enjoy on screen!

Rating: 2.5/5 - 70% - Worth Watching

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Nice soundtrack, but it's a bad movie.

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I thought the Hollow Earth stuff would be a total waste of time, but I was pleasantly surprised.

The story made some sense, the effects were great, and I also had childhood vibes from the good old original films.

Especially since there were more Asian actors and the Mothra performance was really great.

I still think the franchise belongs in Asian hands, but I see the Monsterverse as an interpretation of the West that can definitely stand on its own.

For me it's an 8 out of 10 because these days it's really difficult for me to stay in front of the screen without interruption - and they managed to do that.

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As a Brazilian, the only thing really good about this movie was to see Rio being destroyed, and the CGI is good too, not "really good", but ok good.
They tried to make an epic movie but it was full of cliché.

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Shout by sir.me_
BlockedParent2024-07-29T11:43:42Z— updated 2024-07-30T13:04:36Z

Cool fighting scenes at the end. But I hate humans having major roles in monster flicks. I just wanna see monsters go grrr!!! Godzilla minus one is the only exception.

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"Nobody likes a dentist."

I don't expect anything deep from my western Godzilla movies. I just want some Kaiju action and we got plenty. We got a Godzilla suplex, we got Kong using Mini-Kong as a stick to slap other apes around. We got an Ape name Skar King who uses a whip-like weapon with a tip that controls another Kaiju. One that used TM13 to get Ice Beam. Godzilla looks great charged up. We even got Mothra! And a great update for Kong! Yes, the Kaiju bit was solid.

I do enjoy the human characters but they are just here to string the Kaiju setpieces together. Which is not a bad thing.

Anyway if they continue the Monsterverse this way, I will be pleased. For the great Godzilla movies I look towards the Japanese ones. Still very happy the Godzilla franchise is still going strong today.

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I really wanted to hate it, because the last one wasn't that great. Plus the middle earth with sunlight and just sheer nonsense.... like millions dying just because titans fighting. eh ..

But the actors as nonsensical as the story is give a pretty good show pretending it's all real. That's their jobs afterall and they do it justice.

But man, the effects and the end fight is just cool as hell, like flashback to my childhood watching the old Godzilla movies on TV when they would show one.

7.5/10. I rounded down only because it's going to be an 7-8 for old Godzilla movie fans. It's a 7 if you like an action flick full of mythical creatures kicking ass.

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I like it
Yes, the story was maybe predictable but it was well done, the cgi and effect was greatly done
It kept a good pace.
And I have some favourite moments like
how Kong was already done with mini Kong.
How Kong tried to explain a stubborn Godzilla
How Godzilla seem to have his favourite restingplace :rofl:

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Rated a Connor 10, normal 8

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I saw Godzilla vs king Kong and Godzilla x Kong Kong on my birthday for these both movies it was a dream come true to see them both on the big screen on my birthday! I did loved Godzilla x King Kong the new empire but I really love how it was focused on king Kong more but don't get me wrong I am still a Godzilla fan but king Kong will always be my favorite giant monster if I had to choose between king Kong or Godzilla!

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"Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire" is a thrilling continuation of the MonsterVerse saga, delivering an epic showdown that fans of the franchise have eagerly anticipated.

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Again, Hollywood marketing team of this movie screwed up the trailer. They Americanized the trailer into super monster brawl, while the movie itself, despite having super monster brawl, has a good atory to tell. It's better than advertised.

As forbthe human side, which every Godzilla films were all about, leave it to Dan Stevens to create a very fun to watch Trapper character. He was the unexpected sparks throughout the film, proofing his acting ability was far underrated.

Little woke lady boss messages were highlighted, but not dominant enough to ruin the whole film.

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Call it expectations but this is what I wanted from the first one. Sure the stuff with the people is a drag but it feels like we get more monster time in this own and Kong is literally me fr

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Didn’t expect anything from this film. How wrong I was, fucking brilliant! If you’ve expecting Oscar winning acting performances and scripts you’re in the wrong place. If you just want hardcore cool and funny film this is the place. Anyone that disses this has no sense of humour or fun and basically lives at home with their parents masturbating all day.

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I feel like they struck the right balance of people vs monsters with this one. Previous films were too people heavy.

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Good things: Kong and the whole storyline, fights in general
Bad things: Every human storyline is a stretch, music is a weird mesh of synth music and 80s pop songs, someone wanted to be Guardians of the Galaxy without Guardians at all.

It's a nice film to watch late Sunday evening, just before bed, nothing else.

Skull Island is still undefeated as MVP of the Monsterverse (Monarch is out there as well).

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I really like this movie! I like the fight sequences, I really like King Kong's character and the little Kong too. Overall the movie had good balance between action and a little comedy with great special effects.

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Much roar, less and less sense. Only the aliens in the next part can top that.

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Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire (2024) - :heart:x8

lol - Goodbye ancient pyramids.
These Godzilla/Kong movies are just too much fun.

Someone should do a study on how much damage Godzilla/Kong do vs the Transformers. I have a feeling G/K would win that one.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Horrible bad. But I’m not surprised after I saw I already hated the first movie.

I prefer to watch Godzilla Minus One again instead of watching that movie till the end.

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Just for the Monsters - Go for it* all about VFX. I wanna give 6 to be honest but I'm giving 7 just because I've enjoyed it with my family.

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Shout by Mannix

I love how Godzilla spared the Colosseum:joy:

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While still lengthy and incoherent at times, this film feels like an upgrade from the last one. It is not as painfully boring and at least not divided into subplots that barely connect. It still feels like "Kong feat. some Godzilla" which is a bit unfortunate, but at least this time the storytelling sort of works.

The human characters are also not as insufferable this time around. The mother-daughter bond between Dr. Andrews and Jia is quite touching, Bernie is not as annoying as he was in the last film and serves more of a purpose and Dan Steven's plays probably the most unhinged and fun human character in the franchise so far.

On a technical level it's not the most impressive looking CGI the franchise has used yet, but works fine and the action sequences are a lot of fun to watch. But boy, do I wish they would get Bear McCreary back to score these movies

Anyways, Kong adopts a rebellious child, Godzilla is in his pink Lovers era and Queen Mothra returns.

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What a let down after the all round great Godzilla Minus One.

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I love it very good movie

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A film as stupid as the previous one, but it doesn't fool the viewer. It offers what you want: great battles and good FX. On the downside, the monsters (especially Kong) are being humanized and their history is instantly forgotten.

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Sit through the expositions, don't mind the people and you will have a good time with the monsters.

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not maybe the best to watch on small screen.. Its a theater watch bcoz most of the movie is visuals

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Big on spectacle, short on plot. Except when they spoonfeed every detailed exposition.

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This was definitely one of the movies this year.

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pretty oka could do better

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The CGI is good, but if you're looking for a fulfilling flick look elsewhere. Even Godzilla barely turned up

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eww! four stars only for the vfx

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So Jia is literally from a wizard race now. I think it's about time to either a) wrap it up for these movies or b) just merge it with Harry Potter universe and go bananas.

The "oh we just randomly happened to have this King Kong Powerglove (with... healing powers??) was some of the dumbest and laziest writing I've ever seen even for a Hollywood movie :laughing:

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Too short, too many characters and overly cheesy. Please go back to basics and focus on Godzilla and stop with the mash ups.

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A very enjoyable movie. Wonderful special effects and CGI. Well worth a watch :thumbsup_tone1:

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Watch this God awful movie at 1.5x or 2x speed. It's unbearable.

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It's kind of funny how similar the trajectory of Godzilla movies are for both Legendary and Toho. They always start out serious, but eventually, Godzilla is either dropkicking or suplexing some other giant monster. The laws of physics simply don't matter anymore.

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Forced dialog and humor, where the leading character "Godzilla?" is hardly shown. The ending wraps up too easy, lacking any credence to a "New Empire"

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This flick is pretty much the same quality level as Godzilla vs. Kong. Generally, the Legendary Monsterverse is better whenever Kong is around and this is definitely better than the Monarch series on Apple+ which wasn't even referenced on this. Good action, but ultimately just loud and chaotic. Never nervous for the characters or worried about if GxK were going to save the day. Ho hum.

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Holy crap...that was fun AF!

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Big, loud, stupid, and needs more Godzilla, but overall, there's plenty to like and enjoy with this one.

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I got what I came for. And then some. I didn't expect to see the birth of the Titanvengers. :monkey_face:

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Rated a Connor 10, normal 7.2

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Just give us 100% pure Kong and Godzilla in next movie. No human needed

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It’s good. The fights look a little pre-orchestrated though.

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This Kong was better than the previous one. The “story” was good for an action film, and the action did not disappoint. The CGI had some flubs, and Kong’s height changed from scene to scene, but for this type of movie, who cares. It was non stop smash and punch.

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COOL lore and cgi, I thinka 3d experience could be better

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Shout by grbellingerVIP

As a lover of all things King Kong, I went into this movie with high hopes and wasn't disappointed. We pick up in Hollow Earth, watching Kong explore his new home while Godzilla is preparing for a battle against an enemy no one has seen yet, and Jia is seeing visions she doesn't understand. The stories of all of our favorite characters are women together in such an interesting way and the battle scenes are both insane and gorgeous. We also meet several new characters -  including my favorite little guy Mini Kong - who were incredibly fun to watch. I clapped, fist pumped, and even cried in the end.

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If you like Kaijuu movies and Kong then this is the movie for you. I, for one realized after watching this movie that I don’t like them. Even though I haven’t seen any of the previous movies I didn’t feel lost at all. Didn’t find the human cast enjoyable at all. The stars of course were Godzilla and Kong…and the baby. Every time they were on the film I enjoyed it! Villain was pretty dope too but not memorable.

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Too much lore in an attempt to make the powers and storyline make sense.
I just wanna see big monke fight with big lizard.

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