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Deadpool & Wolverine 2024

This movie is everything that I needed it to be. Ryan Reynolds is right. He ''IS'' Marvel Jesus!

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One of the few movies that I didn't want to end. Full of actions, laughs and a bit of heartache. Thank you Ryan for this epic trilogy. You did a great service with the Deadpool character.

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Shout by Jason
BlockedParent2024-07-27T21:16:06Z— updated 2024-09-02T17:59:32Z

Theme- 9.5/10
Rewatchibility- 9.5/10
Acting- 10/10
Kinematography- 10/10
Time- 10/10
Total - 49/5 = 9.8

They did it and I'll keep watching it until I'm 90! Going into this, I felt the movie would be successful, fun, and a perfectly serviceable film much like Deadpool 2. But coming out of it I realized that it over-delivered on those expectations. Hugh and Ryan are spectacular and expertly weave emotion and drama through two hours of humor and aggression. There are a lot of cameos and deep cuts out there but none really feel like homework nor take away from the movie if you don't get it. Language, blood, and gore aplenty which while gratuitous, is fine by me. I don't know where they go from here in for the franchise or the wider MCU, but I'll continue to stay and pray for our lord and savior; Marvel Jesus.

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Shout by Rynbru

Thank you Marvel Jesus! That was brilliant!

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Man, what a m̶o̶v̶i̶e̶(cameo). Cameo this, cameo that—no crazy plot or even a plot to begin with. I tried looking for a plot the entire movie and didn't find one. But it did have wild 3D effects, a crazy score, and a little bit of fun, and that's it. I think the movie never took itself seriously, it's just you. Gambit and Blade nailed it. I just went to the movie for Gambit and Wolverine.

Marvel's self-aware humor is negatively impacting their films in every possible way. It was already problematic when it targeted kids, but it's even worse when aimed at adults.

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Yup they nailed it yet again!

The Chris Evans switcharoo had me screaming “fuck you” at the screen. Slow clap! Please give me a rated r movie with Channing gambit please!

I wonder who else was approached to join for a cameo but turned it down.

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This was so beautyful. This movie has everything one could hope for and even more. This is how comic book adaptation is done. We live in a times where there is finally unlimited potential of CGI, so there is not limitation to show any superpower and fight between immortal superheroes wass perfect.

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Seen last night, I liked it, the plot is an excuse to put cool cameos and cool fights and I applaud it.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this outstanding superhero film. It was packed with delightful cameos and had the feel of an Avengers 5.5, making it a thrilling experience. If given the opportunity, I would certainly watch it again. I appreciate FINAS for allowing the film's authenticity to shine through by not censoring all of the curse words, despite some necessary censorship. I highly recommend this movie.

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I just love Ryan and Deadpool. I just love Hugh being Wolverine. And while I am tired of multiverse and fan servicing, I just love the one they did in this movie.

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Started off strong, got mixed up with more than one antagonist - unnecessarily, overall pretty good.

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The best super hero movie after the End Game so far. Deadpool is truly Marvel Jesus.

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If this was for you like for me, the first superhero movie in 10 years… well, it was fun and crazy but certainly I had not f clue what was going on. Is dying in superhero movies a thing of the past? Are there any stakes? Ok, I’ll watch the next one in 2034

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It’s a farewell to the Marvel superhero movies of 20th Century Fox.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Deadpool & Wolverine’:

  1. Can we please have more R-rated Marvel movies?

  2. I haven’t laughed like that in the theatre in a LONG time. SO much great humor, so many epic lines, that landed spectacularly well.

  3. Cameo heaven. They took this extraordinary sandbox, built over literal decades, and played the shit out of it. Well done.

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Deadpool & Wolverine are back for an incredible adventure full of heart, humor and lots of bodily harm. (Dw, they'll be fine.) This film is the perfect love letter to the Marvel films made under 20th Century Fox. The writers spared no expense crafting a fun story that brings back many Marvel characters which is sure to make lifelong fans wet themselves. With a funny script, numerous surprise cameos, and a soundtrack meant to be played on repeat, Marvel definitely nailed their one and only feature film for 2024. LFG!

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I saw the beginning scene twice actually. I came with my sister but she didn't like the humor and we had to leave. I came again by myself and yeah, it's a Deadpool movie. It's a Ryan Reynolds movie and if you don't like his humor then this is plainly not for you. At this point Disney, Marvel, the audience, and Ryan Reynolds are all banking on this being a hit.

And it is. But within the terms of the MCU. It's not a good movie, especially since the plot is so limited and bare, but it's chock full of fanservice and humor. And that's the point. Where this will go from here? Who knows. But it's a fun viewing if at least once.

And everyone gave it their best performance, even people you didn't think could.

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So, so, so much better than I could've ever hoped for when Ryan Reynolds released that "Hey, Hugh, you wanna be Wolverine again?" video. I knew Disney and Marvel Studios finally having access to the Fox-Men stable of characters/actors could be awesome, but I never expected it to be this fucking awesome!

The cameos were both unexpected and incredibly funny at times, especially Chris Evans reprising his Johnny Storm from Fantastic Four role. Deadpool, just like the audience, fully expected him to be playing Steve Rogers/Captain America, so the "Flame On!" moment was one of the biggest laughs that early into the movie for me. Dafne Keen returning as Laura/X-23 wasn't a surprise since she showed up in the trailers, but the real surprises were Jennifer Garner and Wesley Snipes reprising Elektra and Blade. Channing Tatum as Gambit wasn't surprising, but it did make me feel kinda bad for Taylor Kitsch, who just cannot catch a fucking break! Kelly Hu back as Deathstrike and Ray Park back as Toad is fucking awesome, too! Hell, pretty much all the big characters from the original Fox-Men movies come back with their original actors, except for Taylor Kitsch :(

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The definition of the word perfection is not enough to describe this film

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Just as No Way Home was a (somewhat) send-off to the Sony movies, Deadpool and Wolverine is a send-off to the Fox movies, and is a fun time.

Just like No Way Home, this movie is going to make a billion dollars. Just like No Way Home, this movie is an isolated incident with unique circumstances, where the cameo rumors drive the majority of the consumer interest in the movie.

Do NOT confuse, as Disney inevitably will, this movie's success with "the MCU is back on track".

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Nearly threw up from laughing so hard and so long. Can't wait to watch again!

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Good jokes and cameos
Story meh

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Shout by Mikeylito

Deadpool & Wolverine was NOT an MCU film. It used the framework of the MCU to say "Goodbye" to the Marvel FOX Universe.
And it was well done. 8/10 +1 if you're a fan of Marvel Comics and/or the Marvel FOX Universe.

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F*ck, I loved it...
But the villain didn't convince me, his motivations, the way he does things and his ending, was something that was just another villain.
With nothing to contribute (as far as I know), so it was not a bad villain, but I expected more....
Deadpool is what I expected and wanted, I didn't feel he lost his essence....
Wolverine was...
Damn awesome, his story, the execution of being a great Wolverine....
The action was enough, I wouldn't add more to it....
Or so I would like to say, but F*ck after seeing a version of wolverine vs hulk, obviously I want to see that fight....
I would have liked more, it met my expectations but I would like more....
The scenarios, references...
Damn everything...
Really, I'll seriously watch it again....
The falls were enough...
Nah,quería ver a más...
Es un 9.5...

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EPIC :heart_eyes::star_struck:

Marvel Jesus

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So much fun, possibly the best of the multiverse movies. With even better cameos than Doctor Strange 2.

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Shout by Kitty Cat

This movie is exactly what I needed from a Marvel movie, it had comical moments and moments that just remind you who Deadpool is!

Plus, one of the best back and forths ever;

"He's gonna say it. He's gonna say it. Avengers..."

"Flame on."


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hold on the movie isn't released yet and people watched it already...

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After 6 years with Disney just producing rubbish, rubbish and more rubbish, with the exception of Guardians of the Galaxy 3 which was good, they finally decided to put entertainment first.
Worth every second and every penny.
It is the best opening of a Marvel film, ahead of the opening of Guardians of the Galaxy 2.

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like a love story to the older failed-to-make-more-sequels marvel movies.
with Jackman doing some oscar quality speeches.

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Shout by Kevib

I went in with no expectations because I knew I'd be disappointed otherwise, and that was the right way to go in! I had a lot of fun with mi amigos at the cinema.

Seeing Wesley Snipes as Blade was crazy and I don't even care that much about Blade. I loved seeing failed superheroes like Elektra and Channing Tatum was hilarious as Gambit. And Chris Evans as Johnny Storm or whatever the name is, perfect! And Henry Cavill!!!! And the joke about Hugh Jackman's divorce!! And the Will Smith incident!!! Exclamation marks!!!

Wolverine in the full costume with the mask on was epic and the songs were amazing. Slightly disappointed they didn't do more with The Greatest Showman music since they announced it would be in the soundtrack.

I'm sure I'll lower this to 4 stars on a rewatch but I had a lot of fun being surprised with the different cameos.

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Ryan Reynolds and Shawn Levy really know how to make 'em. Best time I've had in a theatre since Free Guy.

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did you like the first and the second? This is more of that! HF!

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Overall I liked the movie. It was nice to see a superhero movie not made for toddlers. The actors were good. The fights were interesting. What dragged it down was a very shallow story, with quite an underdeveloped antagonist. Also at moments, I really felt like I was watching a parody. Like watching Scary Movie.

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It has been a while i went to watch a Marvel movie, specially with tickets being (almost) sold out.
I don't think anyone in the room was feeling the superhero fatigue everyone was talking about, we had a good time and a lot of laughs with amazing performances and cameos.

It' really simple. Don't give us unnecessary lectures, leave your political stance outside the script and we will get some overpriced drinks and popcorn with the ticket.

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