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Hostiles 2017


Shout by Steven Farrell

Nice scenery but a depressing movie

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The entire part of the mother being found and the interaction with the army was literally one of the most impactful acting I've ever seen.

My heart dropped.

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Visually beautiful film and the performances are great, especially from Bale. However, the pace is slow as molasses in the first 3/4s of the movie.

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A lot of folks commentin' its a slow movie and that there's not much going on... I say it is a slow burn but that doesn't mean there isn't a lot going on. If you were to diagram out all the dynamics going between the relationships of the characters and how that changes during the film I think you'd see an intricate tapestry. There's many call backs to Classic Western films, Stagecoach (1939), Unforgiven (1992) come to mind. I would like to give this film a higher rating and may do so later but a couple of plot points seemed a bit wonky to me ... like if escorting the Chief was so important, why give it to Ross with his background? Maybe I missed that. ... So I gave it an "8" meaning I'd gladly watch it again; it's a film that deserves further investigation, critique and therefore, praise.

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Christian Bale is really good and there are a lot of familiar faces in the supporting cast too. The movie is too long and slow though. There are some tense moments and man, can they be brutal, but there is too much time between them.

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very classy movie, beautiful scenery, good acting but overall not exciting enough for my taste

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I really enjoyed this movie. Christian Bale was phenomenal. The script had few words for him, but he spoke volumes without saying a word. It truly shows the effects of war on a man's soul and the carnage that affects innocent victims on both sides.

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A slow boring just talking Western movie..

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This movie is Superb!! Great acting and storyline. Tells the story of the metamorphosis of the human condition, And the evil in men's souls!! Not for the faint of heart though, but if you can handle the truth, it will set you free!!

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A strong film with a lot of deep moments with a slow pace and a good job from all cast..

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Bale is awesome and Wes looks and sounds so unique. I love to watch and listen to him. More of a drama western, some action more of an emotional ride

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This movie is 100% predictable trash!

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Hey Mom, Hostiles.. pretty decent Western....rents Hostel by mistake...WTF was that?! Bahahaha priceless

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Fantastic movie. The scene before the ending scene was amazing, as was the ending scene. The ending scene was perfect, especially with the music. The soundtrack was amazing as well.

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This was absolutely amazing. This is not a western. It's simply an amazing movie. It's so much more than what you might think. I was blown away. The score is amazing too.

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Slow it's not, if taken in context..
I thought Hostiles was epic. The story telling was spot on.
If anything, I thought probably Bale saw the errors of his ways a little too quickly. I could have easily lapped up another hour to really dive into the characters.
Cinema is losing its way but films like this give me hope.
History needs to be told and wrongs were made by both sides. When is the Battle of the Little Big Horn going to be tackled? Come on American it's time to start owning its history. Only then can it make amends..

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I enjoyed it and thought the pacing was just right.

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Was that train moving off a little lopsided to the left or is it just me?

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A decent but slow paced western that features some beautiful location scenery. When we get the dialogue and action scenes the film comes to life, trouble is they are few and far between.

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Loved it. Ending scene was nice too.

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visually excellent with a moving story. well acted characters.

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Shout by deadcow7

I don't understand how this film can seriously end with the only surviving native American (young boy) being dressed up all mannerly and "white", with our main character white Joe handing him a book by Julius Caesar as a gift, commenting that he was one of the bravest men in history. without any irony? I mean common!

there are other things problematic about this film, not just on the "white saviour" front, but this is the one thing that really baffles me.

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Excellent C.Bale .
Wild West in all its glory!

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The movie is very beautiful and high quality - everything looks real and believable, and acting is first class as you can expect from Christian Bale. However it feels very long and the pace is extremely slow that it made me fall asleep and I had to continue watching the next day.
Its a depressing film and overall, though I appreciate it very much, I can't say i enjoyed it and I just wanted it to be over.

I'm giving it 7, though it deserves 8, but I'm actually not recommending it.

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Christian Bale gives one of the best performances I've seen from him in a good long while. It's a slow burn Western, that deals with racism and acceptance in a rather poignant way.

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Fantastic movie! We saw the many levels of their character and how things are not always black and white. Christian Bale is my favorite actor. I was very moved by Rosamund Pike's performance.

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I was looking forward to this movie but after watching it I am not sure what to make of it.
On the plus sides are good performances from Bale and Pike and a beautiful scenery that acts like another character. But the writing is rather listless and uninspiring. A lot of time it feels like random events put together and the plot drags along way too slow. So at the time when I reached the finale I lost interest. Quite frankly I lost Interest the moment Bale and Pikes characters went into the tent together because that one was obvious from the second they met.

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Hostiles is an apology. An overly long, heavy handed and totally necessary apology. A rambling, repetitive and required apology. It's so damn sorry that, after the 2-hour mark you kind of just want to forgive it and tell it to go home.

But if the story is lacking in direction, at least we have Christian Bale, Jesse Plemons, Ben Foster, Timothée Chalamet, and Wes Studi to take the ride with us. The cinematography is often stunning and the film works well enough as a bookend to Unforgiven but, in the end, it needs a little more care to make it worth the epic this apology to the treatment of Native Americans deserves.

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A Western that thinks it is better than it is. It isn't Unforgiven and is so overwelmingly sullen that it never gets a life spark. It just plods along and maps the characters on an arc you knew they were going to have going in, but doesn't earn any of the redemption, any of the changes in heart that the characters experience. I think the screenwriter/director just shrugged his shoulders and said casually, "Well, you know what I mean. You've seen this a million times already," and moved on. Disappointing.

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Thought this was great. Don't like how westerns a lot of the time are over-the-top or cliche on various aspects of the time period, whether the hero, Indians or brutality. This movie has some of that, but I thought balanced decently with originality. Christian Bale was very good. Made me wish it was a Netflix original TV series that went on, exploring that world with the same quality as the movie.

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Slow the film may be, but its never boring. Brutal when it needs to be, gentle when it can, this is a superior western that doesn't rely on the usual genre conventions.

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