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Moonfall 2022

This is definitely not as bad as people make it out to be. Yes, it's not Interstellar. Yes, it's ridiculous. But it's also a lot of fun, and John Bradley delivers the laughs as expected.

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i regret watched this movie bro

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Its fun, and that is i like my movies.

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This is good Sci-Fi. I liked its fresh take on the origins of humanity. It's not great on the CGI front though.

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So bad is good bring on moonfall 2

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Shout by Pete
BlockedParent2022-04-04T03:08:04Z— updated 2022-09-18T08:41:58Z

Looks gorgeous on an OLED. Oh the perfect blacks! I don't even mind the ridiculous plot, what ruined it for me was the drama between people. Horrific acting and self-righteous melodrama abound. Carjackers were straight out of a create your own moron playbook.
Anyway, worth watching for the visuals and if you're a fan of silly but fun sci-fi (I am), but try not to bang your head against a wall handling the relationships between them whilst armaggedon is happening around them. 5.2

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We’ve all heard of the saying ‘it’s so bad, it’s good’… well that doesn’t apply here. It’s so bad, it’s horrendous.

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Looks like a cheap copy of Meteor Moon

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What an abundance of trash. None of the situation or plot points made here make any hint of sense. The stereotypical American movie where the apocalypse seems not only to affect and almost destroy the United States alone, but also everything is concentrated on an handful of character, while the rest of the world is completely ignored. And, as if it not were enough, every single character risks of being killed every minute, but they always savage, sometimes in ridiculous ways.
Still puzzled on why such plots are still made.

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Reading the script/plot/synopsis, how did any studio allow this utter crock of shit to be made? Emmerich has made nothing but junk since Independence Day, and this is the worst yet.

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Sometimes a film can be entertaining and terrible in equal amounts.

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I can’t begin with to tell you how dumb this movie is. About half way through i decided I had been subjected to enough of the terrible story and turned it off. Don’t waste your time on this.

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If you went to the bargain bin of a roadside truckstop in the middle of nowhere and found a cheap knockoff sci-fi DVD called "I can't believe it isn't Armageddon" this is exactly the movie I'd expect to find on there. Chinese money in a The Asylum style production that make Syfy TV movies look good. Good for a one time watch provided you leave any actual science outside.

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Good cast and good ideas which I thought was entertaining. Good to see some big sci fi movies finally coming out.

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I promise you this.
From the start to the end you will understand nothing, only our ancestors used AI :rofl:

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I have seen worse but this may be one of the top shitty movies. It will offend religious people as it changes what the books tell which I do not care but as a point of art, it is full of CGI as expected which feels like you are in a video game with shitty scenes. Not worth it. 3/10

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let go of your imagination, be a 6 year old again and enjoy the ride!!!!!

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A plot that makes zero sense? Yep
"Hello my brother who I last saw at [previous event]" style terrible dialogue? Check
Characters introduced in the very scene they're used for a teary farewell? Haha, yeah
Many examples of terrible ADR? Oh yeah
Actors delivering lines like they just read them for the first time? Uh huh
Is the entire cast of this global catastrophe 6 people? Yes
Do any characters do anything that makes sense? No
Does someone decide they can nuke the moon? Yeah
Is the plot three SciFi tropes shoved into a too-small box? Yes

8/10 I loved it.

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This movie has a horrific screenplay/script. Why try to make a movie from it? The script should've been throwed in a trashcan or even burned after reading 5 pages or so. At first it's utterly annoying but later you even have to laugh (on the edge of crying, haha) ;) about it because it's so stupid/ridiculous and of the thought they spent so much money making it. The screenplay also makes the acting bad, but the actors can't help the very bad writing so they are forgiven.

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Was it stupid? Yes.
Was it ridiculous? Also yes.
But did I enjoy it regardless of the above? Why, yes I did.

It was an weird but interesting take on a love child between Elysium and 2012. The storyline was well over the top but the action scenes were exciting. The CGI wasn’t bad on the whole - except for the car chase which would’ve looked better had they switched to anime for that scene. Nobody could act very well except for Halle Berry who also looks like she’s been airbrushed to about half her actual age.

All in all, I won’t be watching it a second time, but I also don’t feel like I’ve wasted the last two hours of my life.

Edit: I suppose Michael Peña and Donald Sutherland can act but they were given very mediocre and minor roles.

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This reminds me of similar movies, except it is so much worse.

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Ohh such an expensive piece of crap this is
(Obviously financed by that shit Chinese company) masterfully created by Emmerich, king of flops.
If plot holes disturb you, be aware! Your OCD will scream while watching this.
I guess also Oscar winners such Hally Barry have to pay the bills..
Easily one of the stupidest movies you'll ever watch.

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Four words: Lame story. Awesome Vfx.

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Jesus this was bad. The writing is God awful! If they took out the cheesy comic relief and focus more on the plot then they could have had a decent Armageddon-esq movie on their hands.

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This is exactly as bad as people make it out to be.

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Great start, turned into an dumpster fire an quarter way through. Hollywood kinda took an dump on this one. Ur better off watching interstellar an 5th time.

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People give this a bad rap but it's actually an entertaining piece of science fiction. As long as the acting is OK and the story is fresh, it's worth a watch - and this is worth a watch.

I don't think I'll watch it again for five or more years, it's not that good, but it's good enough that I can see myself watching it again sometime. Berry really does show that her capacity for acting is, well, not that much. When you wonder "what ever happened to her", it's this mostly, just a string of mediocre to downright bad acting in obscure movies.

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What waste of good actors. Should have just watched my fridge defrost

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70 | Moonfall has a very ridiculous premise, but the way they handle that premise saved the quality. The science of this film was silly but because of how people in this film react to it made it believable. They just disbelieve like us, the audiences. Moonfall is Don't Look Up 2.0, but better. But it did not mean had no flaws. The visual of this film was painful to watch. Also, A film with stakes this big is not completely successful to captured human emotion to it. We did not see enough desperation, hopelessness, and deep conversation between the characters, even though the world is about to end. With all of that points, Moonfall is not as bad as people said but still could be better than what it was.


Rating: 69.71


P1: 1.3
P2: 1.3
P3: 1.3
P4: 1.4

Director: Roland Emmerich

Favorite Characters

1.3: Halle Berry as Jocinda Fowler
1.3: John Bradley as KC Houseman
1.3: Michael Peña as Tom Lopez
1.2: Patrick Wilson as Brian Harper
1.0: Charlie Plummer as Sonny Harper
0.9: Eme Ikwuakor as Doug Davidson

Written by Kornelius Harda Wicaksana

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Strange pacing. It feels like a disjointed series of scenes with very little rhyme or reason. One second you're in the control booth, the next a huge wave is sweeping over everybody. Literally in 9 seconds the scene changes entirely. This occurs throughout the entire film. It feels poorly edited.

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The movie is so ridiculous, beyond belief, and doesn't make much sense. But it was entertaining and great way to pass 2 hours. Ignore all the reviews, turn off your brain, don't use logic, and enjoy a great ride.

Side note, I'm convinced this movie was made to launder money, there is no other reason to spend $140 million.

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it has a few Stella actors and yet remains jarringly shyte.

There are so many things wrong with this movie I kept rolling my eyes and the corny hack dialogue, John Bradley might be a great actor anywhere else but is plain awful in this, even the actors in the storyline look at each other with incredulity at some of the effluence and delivery from this UK actor.

There are a few massive product placements that kept costs lower but just seem wrong.

It's completely full of really lazy idiotic logic and continuity errors that are borderline insulting, if you are going to portray a story stick to it, just stop making stuff up as you go along with a "that'll do, no-one will notice, as long as we make bank" attitude.

It's frustrating as this movie could have been so much better, up there with Independence Day and the like but as it is it's the most expensive and longest B movie you are going to waste part of your life on.

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Wow! It started ok'ish, but keept going down from there. Absolutely horrific silly and terrible all at once. Save your time for something better. Wish I had.

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I'm probably going to catch some flak for this, but Moonfall is not a particularly bad film. Sure, it's stupid, but come's a Roland Emmerich film for crying out loud. If it's not stupid, he's not keeping to what has made him millions of dollars up through the years.

Anyway, Moonfall is visually impressive, and the sound is not far behind, but the story's there, but come on... Is the story really why you sat down to see this film?!?

My advice?!? Leave your film club snobbery behind, and just enjoy the visually spectacular nonsense. It might even alleviate some of your blood pressure problems...

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So bad. Complete nonsense. This film made Armageddon looks like a masterpiece.

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Halle Berry worst performance, she is a bad actress in general but in this film she exceed the expectations of badness, bad story, bad science, bad film, KC best character

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Cheesy? Indeed. Questionable acting? It's there. Crazy storyline? The craziest. Did my partner and I munch down on tons of popcorn? Heck yeah. For all its faults, I had a great time in the theatre. Oh and by the way, they loved it, go figure.

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Ridiculously poorly done. What a waste of really good actors.

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The science made no sense and that chinook that flew straight toward the water was asking for it. But I was really entertained by it. Sad we won't get the trilogy.

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I had a few hours to kill when I came across this movie and figured, “how bad could it be?” Dear sweet baby Jesus…. Never again. Terrible, terrible writing. The dialogue was just truly horrendous. Berry tried WAY too hard to the point I spent and inordinate amount of time wondering if it was deliberate, and the acting overall was just simply subpar at its best.

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Yes, it's silly and ridiculous, with some huge plot holes.

Yet, I found it entertaining.

7 out of 10.

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Shout by LovesickDead
BlockedParent2022-08-17T21:18:44Z— updated 2023-03-16T23:38:44Z

A movie with a very high budget, involving lots of producers, it seems. Sometimes this is bad, because they tend to do too much, like in this case. This movie starts like a disaster flick, then turns completely sci-fi with 40 minutes left, and at that point science and physics are all over the place. The characters were laughable, just figurines.
It does entertain despite its lenght, I'll give it that.

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It's not as silly as you's sillier!! Emmerich has done this kind of thing before but better and with more realistic special effects. Risible dialogue and no semblance of plot logic adds to the movie's problems. Some people clearly like it (judging by comments on here) but even by this genre's low standards, we really did deserve something of better quality than this.

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It feels like it should be a spoof but then is not actually a spoof.
This could not be worse if it was written by an AI trying to reuse tropes from better movies.
Did Elon Musk part fund this? He is name checked more often than some of the main characters.
The only funny thing in the movie was the name of the cat.

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I enjoyed the movie! It's fascinating to imagine what it would be like if the moon was really hollow lol

Waiting for a sequel :)

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Embarrassingly terrible writing and story line with pretty reasonable special effects. It felt like the script was 5 hours long so they kept only the most basic dialogue to ensure the audience knew what was happening. Even the most dedicated sci-fi fans will struggle with an all power AI being thwarted by the most simplistic of solutions.

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This movie have a lot of potencial in fact if you ditch everything that happened to the idiot teenagers and their beyond and stupid car chase, would have been a sci fi classic the story about the moon and origin of the planet is the kind of thing that we love in sci fi very interesting premise that could have spawned a lot of other histories but we get a weak popcorn film.

The cast is good except the Asian chick that look forced into the script just to attract Asian's markets, hope Hollywood would stop doing that!

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Really lame disaster movie with very bad dialogue. Thank god we've got the Americans to save the planet.

Typical story that has been done multiple times before... hero gets blamed for something and kicked off the force, disaster strikes and only the hero can save the planet after being reinstated.

Don't waste your time on this crap.


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it was so boring! l was glad l didn't pay for it!

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I swear… I had no idea it was written and directed by Roland Emmerich… halfway through the film, I tell me husband: “don’t you think this movie is like a hodgepodge of Emmerich’s apocalyptic films?”… the same shitty formula, lame pep talks and trashy plot line.

I promise I didn’t know it was by him, otherwise I wouldn’t even have entertained the idea of watching it. What a waste of money…

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I love big, dumb epic disaster movies. Couldn't get into this one, and I blame he of the small face: John Bradley. This is second movie this year (Marry Me is the other) where he had a role that was designed to be comedy relief and it felt more like tortured comedy. Just didn't like it.

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Enjoyable movie and decent plot.

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The most bonkers movie I have ever seen.

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A couple of the major plot points are pretty obviously altered rips of an upcoming project based on the Seveneves novel from Neal Stephenson (which hopefully is handled as a limited series - a film won't do it justice.) Anyway, mix in some rips from other apocalyptic action thrillers (Armageddon, for one) and you've got yourself yet another p.o.s. Roland Emmerich flick. The guy made some decent (not great) movies back in the day but has turned into one of the biggest hacks in the biz. Shame.

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i was expecting it to be somewhat good, i was wrong..the acting was awful.

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Good acting but the story is waaaaay overkill, unfortunately i stick around to see how worse it gets and i wasn't disappointed

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ya lost me at the second half of the movie, but still entertaining

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1/2 star extra for the Spaceballs reference

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It's not the realistic kind of movie. It's fantasy with some comedy. It was much more entertaining than what I was expecting.

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Stupid fun!

Emmerich rarely fails to deliver on what you expect from him: big super-fantastic disaster spectaculars.

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So. I was expecting a disaster movie and I got a pretty interesting sci-fi. The idea itself isn't bad, but the execution is kind of bad. The thing is, for example, you have absolutely no connection to the characters. You don't care who dies and who doesn't. Because nobody introduces them properly. Remember when you were crying like little kids at the end of Armaggeddon? That was because the characters were given their own space in the film and so you felt really sorry for them at the end. The CGI was good once, and then it looked like a cheap trailer for an even cheaper game. Not to mention the "hidden" commercials. There won't be a sequel, that's already clear to me, and it's a shame because anything could have been made out of the theme. At the very least, a very good series. Good for one viewing. Not for another run.

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Mix of independence day, end of worldetc....
this movie for me:thumbsdown::thumbsdown::thumbsdown::thinking:

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omg, what a load of crap.. please no more CGI .. story is so far fetched. i want my 2 hours of life back..

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I've seen a lot of bad movies to understand that even the biggest "shit" movies find their audience. However, without further discussion, this is the worst thing Roland Emmerich has ever made, and in truth I couldn't finish it.

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So bad it is almost good. Interstellar this is not. Throw away all your common sense and reasoning and just go for the ride. Good fun and effects not bad. Despite the whole planet being at risk there was never really any feeling of jeopardy or scale. Harmless fun and a very typical Emmerich style and avoidance of any real science.

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The cinematography in this movie is terrible. The story, meh. Overall, don’t waste your time on this POS.

The Care Bears Movie is more entertaining and gripping than this hogwash

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The moon is not a flying rock.

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This is the future of the movie market. Turning your brain off is not a spontaneous response to this movie . . . it's the purpose of it.

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If you're reading 'Moonfall by Roland Emmerich' you know immediately what kinda movie you're gonna get and this is exactly that. Just turn off your brain and enjoy watching the freaking moon fall on earth for two hours.

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Very entertaining disaster movie. Forget the script and enjoy the show.

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This is so dumb... I love it. The beginning is a bit too rushed and some special effects look really bad, but this is going straight into guilty pleasure territory. Just like Geostorm (or whatever that disaster movie with Gerard Butler is called) or The Core. If you liked these, then you'll like this.

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This was not what I expected. Unfortunately.
First the movie is way too long and there are moments that did not make much sense nor they contributed to the story. For example the scene where they rob them for the oxygen tanks.
Like it the world ends this is the first thing that comes to your mind?!

I will definitely keep an eye on my Google Home :D tho.

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It's an entertaining movie, with some nice-looking moments. It all goes downhill when anyone starts to speak, the stupidity that comes out is just horrible. And not just the things regarding science. I will have to try and watch this without sound, could make for a better movie. Also, the acting was mostly just bad, really bad. A lot of actors looked like they just had collagen pumped into their faces and they could not emote anymore. Especially Halle Berry looked the same the whole movie. Shoved no emotion at all on her face.

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Good idea, bad execution on script. Money went for faces instead of a compelling story.

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Turn your brain off and enjoy the visuals

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Like speeding to work: it moves along pretty well but covers the same old ground.

I don't ask much from action films. I want tons of action and no romance. While Moonfall delivers on both counts, there were some scenes that made the movie unnecessarily long, and many many more that didn't bring anything new to the genre.

But the CGI was good and served the story well, so it was perfect as a Saturday morning cartoon.

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As far as disaster movies go, this is a very entertaining one with an intriguing plot. There is, as expected, a lot of nonsense in regards to the circumstances that lands our lead characters at the heart of the issue. However, the ending is surprising and provides a welcome science fiction approach.

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I was expecting catastrophes and destruction and it has been given to me. That double Kaspersky ad, those crazy ideas. The classics of divorced husband and nuclear general are fulfilled. I am left without knowing if the White House is destroyed like other times

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Too much action, not enough science.

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It's a new genre comedy science fiction :) it was fun that's is real science fiction for me :)

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"...what you showed us was crazy, this is a whole 'nother level of insane!"
A big sci-fi/action/disaster movie that keeps you occupied throughout.

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Who loves the Moon theories will love this movie xD Cool adaptation of many of the discussed theories.

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Watched it earlier today. We all liked it. Was it the greatest sci-fi movie? No. It was entertaining though. Yes. The action scenes were good. The ending was good. A completely different take on where I thought it was going.

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The promotional tie-ins were painful. I’m looking primarily at you Lexus and Kaspersky. To call it a plot is charitable. If you want to see a disaster, this is your movie.

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it's just boring!

Same old things that Emmerich always does.

All the space FX looks fine, but all the earth based ones look like absolutely awful, worse than video game cut scenes.

There's not much point in having a teary eyed Halle Berry saying a possible 'Goodbye forever' to her son, when he's not even been seen before.

I don't want to see it, but I hope someone gives Emmerich the go ahead to make his alien war movie he's clearly desperate to make. so we don't have to see another peice of crap like this with the space adventure setup.

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This was meant to be an A list movie however it is not. The story is so ridiculous and some of the lines so cringeworthy. This comes from the same director of 2012 and there are a lot of similarities with this movie. Viewed through the lens of a classic 1950s B Movie it was a great adventure with some great special effects.

It's so bad is good

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One does not watch a Roland Emmerich movie for its intellectual storyline. You watch it for the crazy, fantastic special effects. In that regard - this is an awesome movie. And in general, it's just a fun romp of a disaster movie. I'm guessing his next movie would have to be the sun exploding or burning out or something. The next, the collapse of the Milky Way.

Anyway, this was simply a fun watch. Check your brain and grab the popcorn or nachos and enjoy.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Mm. I watched it to the end, and that's about all I can say. I really think Hollywood (and/or the Chinese) should do something else. Like go and create children's toys. The poster was good, though.

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2012 meets Mission to Mars. Fun bit of nonsense.

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Roland Emmerich has become the M Night of disaster movies !! It has a few good moments that makes it not as dreadful as 10,000 BC, 2012 and ID2 .

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Shout by Anthony T

This movie was absolutely ridiculous and I loved every minute of it! The wooden acting, longing looks, cliche lines, over the top destruction was amazing but the whole twist made my inner conspiracy theorist laugh with glee! Love your work Roland!
The best line of the movie:
“Thank God for Space X”
“…I love Elon”

Hahahaha! I mean c’mon!!!! :sweat_smile:

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It's one of the worst movies ever made and by coincidence it was also made by Tencent/China, weird. But it was so bad, it was actually entertaining!

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I have not seen a disaster movie for ages, its my guilty pleasure's in life.
Most memorable are the speeches.. oh wait ..

John: "I have Irritable Bowel Syndrome" ...

cracks me up every time

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Much better than all the other disaster/alien movies of the nineties and 2000's

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I reviewed this film for the Hugo-winning blog Nerds of a Feather:

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