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Moonfall 2022

It was good. I enjoyed it. Shades of Armageddon. Use your sci-fi imagination and enjoy

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Shout by EdEquinox
BlockedParent2024-02-22T16:50:19Z— updated 2024-05-24T14:50:44Z

oof, man what a trip. Its so laughably bad, each dialog is worse than the other, looks written by a emotionless robot. Get a group of friends, drink and watch this mess

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Overall, the dialogue let me down the most. The sfx and vfx work was amazing. The story was interesting when you don't think too hard. The acting was alright. I think I've seen them all play better before, so that's why I blame the generic, ai generated, wobble bobble dialogue. The story is just stupid, that goes without saying, but sometimes you're just in the mood for a big budget, nonsense blockbuster. Finally, I was so happy seeing Sawell Tarley get round to being a wizard.

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Note to self: wasn't absolutely terrible the first time solely because of the graphics but don't watch again

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One of the best science fiction films I've seen in a long while

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What could've been a great movie just totally sucked. The concept was there, and the actors were pretty good. But ugh. The script just sucked almost like they found the worst writers with no desire to write a sci-fi movie make up the most hokey scenarios from start to finish. The CGI was okay, but in the beginning even it was ridiculous.

I wanted to turn it off, but found myself wanting to see the punchline, like one of the Marx Brothers was going to jump up. "I'm Curly and I'm here to save the day."

watch it if you have nothing better to do. like I said, terrific concept for a script. horrible execution.

2 out of 10 only because it had so much potential or it would be a solid zero.

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it's not a masterpiece but it's fun and tbh that's a major motivator for me when watching movies

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You know from the story that it's going to be a lame movie. I expected more from Rolan Emmerich to be honest. The CGI at the start, with the water, it's horrendous. The rest of the movie is ok, but actually seeing how bad it is totally ruins the entire movie. The rest is just funny, nothing special.

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Had my doubts first but about halfway it all changed, loved it!

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What a wild ride! You'll never guess the end from the beginning, but you might not want to.

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For the life of me I can't understand why this movie has received such negative comments/reviews. Every person I've actually talked with loved it. Good actors, good plot, good visuals, non-stop action, etc. Only thing I can think of is people take this movie too seriously. It's science FICTION. Stop with the "It's not accurate or what could really happen". There are movies way further off the reality path than this one that no one seems to mind. I feel like a bunch of people that aren't really into sci-fi voted it down and then a bunch of saps with no minds of their own jumped on the wagon.

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Good visual effects. Bad story. Everything just on the surface and adjective.

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I don't get all the hate with this movie. It's a disaster movie. Yes it is bad, but it was also fun. You don't watch it for the oscar worthy plot or performances, you watch it to enjoy stuff exploding and getting destroyed. Loved the scenes inside the moon and the quick hint of the previous civilization that built it. The subplots were as ridiculous as every other disaster movie.

John Bradley did a very good job of being a comic relief while not being too over the top.

Donald Sutherland though got done dirty with a weak scene just to justify putting his name on the credits.

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Good and funny movie, I really like it…
Probably Roland watched History Channel tv series "Ancient Aliens" too often.

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Roland needs to attend high school again. He might have missed something.

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This movie gets stupider by the minute

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The moon is a megastructure of ours.

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Roland Emmerich must be recognized for his firmness in directing films that are consistent in a filmography full of disasters and threats of destruction of our planet. That is his brand, the mark he leaves in a story that again uses all the possible clichés to make a predictable story. But surprisingly, it works well enough not to be thrown away as an entertainment product. Even if it's a disastrous disaster movie.

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Shout by Darth

if the bad ai was going to war with the ancestor humans and they made a good ai to be in the moon to search for another planet… why not mass produce the good ai to fight the bad ai

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Shout by tvJackson
BlockedParent2022-09-12T02:20:46Z— updated 2022-12-24T22:49:46Z

The moon is going to crash into the Earth in 3 weeks, but everyone has so many personal problems that it's competing for their time to care about the destruction of the planet.

I didn't finish the movie. There is no way to excape the planet. Going to Colorado won't help. Colorado is a place on Earth!

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Shout by likhon012

It was an enjoyable disaster movie ...i didn't have to find solid logic behind everything..and every movie don't have to be scientifically accurate.....overall a fun watch..enjoyed my time..

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It had so much potential but the acting and even character writing was just awful ; some of the special effects belong to a cheaper film....

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I xan deal with a dumb movie as long as it's not boring. This was both.

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It's a movie.

Jokes aside, I got here with zero to no expectation and this is how you should watch an Emmerich movie.

The dialogue was bad, most of the acting too, the plot has craters, but damn that was a fun late night watch.

The visuals were mostly good, with some inspiration from Halo or Mass Effect series for sure.

Just put the seventh art critique persona to rest a little while you laugh as you watch this super expensive game movie.

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I can live with a silly scenario, but not with the aweful acting, poor dialogues, and ugly CGI. The movie just doesn't work.

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Shout by Michal Kaluza

Overall, the summary of the movie is 6/10 which is a pity. The empty moon concept has great potential. The first part of the movie is very poor on all levels. Then it is slightly better, but there is a great exaggeration in reference to other films of this type (Armageddon). Sometimes it's better not to show something than to show too much.

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Just two words: product placement.

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I don’t even have the words….

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The plot is shit. The science is shit. The acting is shit. But it’s just so f’ing fun. If you like watching train wrecks, strap in ‘cause you’re gonna love this shit. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Surprisingly enough, I did enjoy the movie. Sure, it is not something deeply anchored on actual science. But, c'mon it's science fiction. Emphasis on the FICTION part. I think it's a good way of passing time...

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The moment they entered and saw the whole moon inside it was like “what a joint they have smoked” but then when it tells the story I was like WHAAAAAT.

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Premise - 11/20 - A conspiracy theorist's wet dream. Time to suspend disbelief.
Cast/characters - 13/20 - Halle Berry and Patrick Wilson did OK, but others were not very layered. John Bradley as KC made you cheer for the nerds.
Story - 15/20 - Much better than I expected, with a satisfying ending.
Dialogue - 12/20 - Interesting rhetoric, even if it's crazy.
World-building - 17/20 - They went all out on this idea. Building a moon structure and destroying most of the world takes good visuals.

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Nice special effects, good crew but that’s it.

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I actually enjoyed this movie. Good pace, interesting theory on Mega Structures. Good CGI especially inside the moon. Well worth a watch :thumbsup_tone1: :thumbsup_tone1:

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Very boring story, lacking of science knowledge and imagination. The megastructure idea sucks

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Nothing much more to be said than has already been written below. It's certainly not terrible. I actually rather enjoyed it, despite how stupid it can be. Well worth a watch just for the fun factor.

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Not to bad, felt like another Armageddon remake.

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i can't even finish this movie.

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whoever wrote the dialogues and interactions in this movie has never seen a another human being.

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Shout by ryandrews

This could have been a pretty decent film. Unfortunately it lost its way somewhere around the hour mark and then it was downhill all the way from there. Some laughable scenes, as in laughing AT it, not with it. Plenty of holes in the plot, some as big as the one on the moon! Just about passable if you want a no-brainer of a film to help pass the time.

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i was kinda surprised. just heard really bad stuff about this movie, but somehow i just wanted to see for myself and its not that bad. i mean people are going crazy over ryan reynolds movies, and there sure are not all good.

it looks amazing and the effects should be appreciated, story is 0815 with fast pacing but a kind of interesting twist/perspective. its not a realistic movie, but an entertaining one. if you liked stuff like greenland, deep impact, the core, etc just watch it and have a nice time.

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Shout by Agent24

Kind of disappointed by this movie. The Alien storyline was just really dumb and some of the CGI on Earth made the film look like a B-movie at times.

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So, looks like a big reveal as to the moon's true form, like we figured.

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It’s passable. Script is okay. Some light sci-fi fun, don’t expect too much and it can be enjoyable.
Only real problem for me was the CGI that was of too low quality and pulled me out of the experience.

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Emmerich swam, definitely closer to the sci-fi fairy tale. If we evaluate it that way it can defend itself because the realism of this fairy tale is negligible. ;)

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The hotel scene is hands down my favorite scene:

"Hey man, the world is crashing down and everything is flooded, so let's put on our Pajamas and get a relaxing, good night's sleep! Don't worry, if some choppers will urgently and surprisingly need us, they'll know where to get us from as I updated our current living address on Facebook"

XD :joy::joy::joy:

2nd best part:
"Yes of course we can launch this 40 year old space shuttle in 28 minutes. After all, we're 3 people and I only need to call my parents until the launch!"

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excellent has very good effect ...:thumbsup_tone2:

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Shout by Deleted

Seriously though I'm sure you can go off and watch something much much better than this rubbish.

It tricked me with a somewhat interesting start, which got my attention, a middle where I began to lose interest because of it's ridiculousness.

Then I saw it through until it was finally over because well, Halle Berry was in it

Hmmm best way to describe it is an amalgamation of every sci-fi movie where the earth is in imminent danger and our heroes bravely attempt to save everyone so......just like

Independence Day

The Core

Hmmm....maybe Deep Impact too

Hope you enjoy made me chuckle


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There is actually a pretty good Science Fiction idea in here that would've made for a good movie.
But no, not with Emmerich. He turns all of that into a mediocre desaster movie with weak characters, stupid and unessessary sideplots, and CGI that ranges from really good to downright laughable.
It's his thing, it's what he does. He makes the same movie again and again.

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This movie took me back to the late 90s and early 2000s of sci-fi action films. Simple plot, stereotypical, selfless heroes, 'family' drama, and big apocalyptic disasters. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the next 90 minutes.

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If it wasn't for the CGI and its effects, this would simply a GARBAGE of a movie. Lame plot, repetitive, dialog left to be desired and wth happened to Halle Berry?! I don't remember her THIS bad.

and last but not least, Americans again saving the world while putting none other but themselves first, showing the true colours

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Seems these days people just want to jump onboard when it comes to hating something that doesn’t live up to the greatest of all time.

Sure it’s not the most amazing, ground breaking sci-fi film but it was entertaining enough. Good popcorn flick and shame I missed this at the cinema. I am sure the visuals would have looked amazing.

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i liked it :) silly little movie about the moon but was a good silly little movie about the moon

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Dear oh dear, nothing more to add

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Epically ridiculous heroic humanity rescue sci-fi movie. A lot of product placement, a lot of cliches, sometimes pretty decent CGI, and the rest is so ridiculous that I had to LMAO all the time. Overall, If you are a sci-fi addict and don't mind a ton of nonsense, this can entertain you but it's not a movie you'll ever watch again. Otherwise, don't waste your time.

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Just one more “end of the world “ movie with a hero saving everyone and a bad actress, Halley Berry.
Nothing to see here….

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