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Passengers 2016

A fantastic premise, let down by predictable tropes, cliches and character arcs. The budgets resulted in some fantastic imagery, but an incredibly safe and sterile story. Plot devices are dropped into the film very suddenly to keep everything moving, it feels amateur and clumsy.

I'd instead recommend Interstellar, Moon or Arrival.

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Amazing movie, definitely didn't want it to end! They should make a part 2

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Well.. It was ok I guess?

Why didn't they alternate hibernation to age only 44 years? And spend the rest of their lives together on a new planet...

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Anyone who thinks this is a good love story is fucking deranged. A guy kidnaps a girl, and forces her to live out the rest of her life alone in space. She finds out what he did a year later. She's mad for a while. They make up. They live happily ever after.

Not to mention she's screaming and crying over the dying body of her murderer like a pathetic idiot. Fucking let him die. HE'S A PSYCHO

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The movie was form to plot, forcing the viewer to accept a terrible injustice as for the sake of the ends justifying the means. The suspense was Disney-esk, adding to the offence of needing to accept the "hero's" transgression. It was dark, and uncomfortable with a unsatisfactory ending, and understated rise to action. I would not recommend to anyone who has suffered an injustice at the hands of a person they had to accept.
The effects, and acting were not terrible. Just the movie could have done without using a crime to introduce shock value, or at least followed up better on punishment for said transgression.

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how did they find plants seed and birds egg??!!

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a wake man always need a woman, but why not to try to set the first wake is a women? a wake woman's really needed a man or another woman?

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Shout by R1D1CUL3

Great movie. Overall one of the top 3 movies of 2016. What I find surprising was the fact that they both decided to live until they died rather than share the pod and hibernate until reaching Homestead

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It's a fine movie, two very strong actors, it wouldn't have worked at all with any others, at least in my opinion. It's enjoyable, touching and a few life lessons thrown in there to boot. There's only one problem, it's forgettable, you won't remember this two years from now, you'll be lucky if you remember it a year from now. That sounds a bit harsh but it's already fading as I type this and that's never good.

This is not a negative review, I liked it but it's not a classic.

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Against all the critics I read, I just loved the movie. Visually stunning and brlliant performances by Pratt and Lawrence. Definitly worths watch this one on cinema.

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The movie is fine as it is, even if there are few suprises along the way. The most frustrating thing though is that it could have been truly great with a few not that big changes.

If they started from her perspective, and put his first year after she finds out, it would have had a real impact. If they were truly courageous, they would have ditched the Hollywood ending, let him die, and then put her before the same choice after a year alone. But they would have been willing to make him the villain.

The weird thing is, his behavior around her already kind of fits the darker, creepy vibe, to the point that it feels like it might have been the original plan.

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I'll make it simple. I found this movie very enjoyable, to my surprise.

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The only negative about this film was that the ending after the resolution was a bit rushed through as it still wasn’t clear the resolution. But, it was a very intriguing and great film all the way through. Very mystical and thrilling as it follows a passenger ship traveling to a new Earth that experiences issues that results in a passenger being woken up out of deep sleep too soon and he has to figure out how to navigate those issues alone, until he makes a dramatic decision that turns the film into an epic love story that dives deep into the meaning of making the most of the present.

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I just can’t help falling in love with her…

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Just watched this. Really really good. Great leads, great visuals, great concept and execution. I get the feeling that many different endings and scenes were filmed for the last 30 minutes or so, as I felt the film could have veered off in so many darker ways. Nonetheless, it was thoroughly satisfying the route they took with the story.

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Passengers is more than a sci-fi adventure; it's a testament to the power of human connection in the face of the unknown. The film's feel is a delicate balance of excitement, introspection, and a touch of romance. It leaves you with a sense of awe, not just for the vastness of space, but for the emotional journey that unfolds between two exceptional actors. Worth watching, this strange love story set in space.

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Beautiful!! Lost for words.. wow

The story is great, the acting is outstanding, the graphics are beautiful. Don’t have anything bad to say about this movie.

Yes I am a big fan of Jennifer so that makes this already amazing, but besides that I loved every part of this. It even kept me on the edge of my seat until the end.

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This movie gave me an existential crisis. I've been in a sensitive state of mind recently. But imagine deeply loving someone and that person telling you that they're going to a different planet 90 years away from Earth and that they'll have to go into hibernation and that when they wake up, you'll be long dead. You will never see that person again. It's like they're dead to you. Awful. And imagine being someone on the ship who wakes up too early and has to spend the rest of their life on that ship, alone. Never experiencing nature or another person ever again. Horrifying.
I could feel both main characters' pain so much.
It was a but cheesy at times though but overall it's a thought-provoking and very enjoyable movie.

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This was an OK movie, a nice story. Bous points for Jennifer Lawrence.

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Nice Movie only because of Jennifer :heart_eyes:

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Sure the entire storyline is predictable, but it's done so well.

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I like reading and watching fucked up love stories, things that are at least morally dubious in real life, but this one's is just... bad. I was waiting for a worthwhile plot twist, maybe she would sacrifice his life for hers in vengeance or something, but no. Worst of all is that there's absolutely nothing traditional romantic, or wicked romantic about this piece of film.
The ending was just... terrible. Maybe in the future plants don't need dirty to live anymore, nor sunlight, or nutrients? Anyways, mediocre movie with mediocre acting.

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Sure the entire storyline is predictable, but it's done so well.

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Very bad ending. Horrible ending in fact. What the hell. Amazing movie with an ending like that? Ruined the entire movie.

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This was watchable but fine I expected a big Science-fiction film what I got was something more romantic set in space

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I watched this movie a couple of times. Once in high definition, the last time was in 4K. This movie tells an interesting story in a visually stunning manner (the movie looks great in 4K). I’m not sure why a lot of people here dislike it. I think it’s way underrated.

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Stockholm Syndrome in Space. A creepy stalker dude takes a woman hostage and steals her whole future from her. But it's okay, because she falls in love with him, because he's handsome and how else do you cope with living with the only other human being you'll ever see for the rest of your life?! This is a really messed up movie, dressing an abusive relationship up as a romance. Pretty spaceship though.

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For a Hollywood film, it's not bad. It suffers from all the usual Hollywood issues, which makes any mainstream film almost insufferable to watch, but the main concept was really interesting. Shame that the focus and shallow psychological implications went in totally predictable direction. Good enough to burn a couple of hours, but nothing more. Nowhere near the levels of Tarkovsky's Solaris, and I feel filthy just for uttering this comparison.

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Very cliché and predictable, but still entertaining. The movie is visually pleasing and, there are great performances from the actors. Worth watching.

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Brilliant movie.
I put it off for so long thinking it would be just another spectacle film with brilliant visuals and a lacking story. I was pleasantly surprised to find that it it was just all round good.

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Mind you, I gave this movies 9 :heart:s, but I still would say my review is as follows--

Stockholm Syndrome: The Movie

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I usually like sci-fi movies, and this is no exception. There is usually a plot twist in these, but it was somewhat moderate in this one.

Still pretty great overall.

Rating: 8/10

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It's polished and it's in space but you already know the entire plot from the poster

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It has somewhat of a twist on the "guy meets the only girl around and they fall in love", but that's pretty much it. The story is not even close to believable, full of plot holes left and right, not to mention 100% predictable in the first 20 minutes of the movie. And to top it off, it's not even THAT good looking as it was promised to be.

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Biggest mystery in the movie?

Why does the ship announce, "You may want to enter the viewing area." while passing the star?
Aren't they all supposed to be sleeping??? I'm perplexed! #RobotsMustLoveStars

Alternative ending, Laurence Fishbourne puts Jennifer Laurence and Chris Pratt back into hypersleep and then proceeds to fix the ship before he puts himself back to sleep. She then wakes up in the future and tells the passenger next to her about the creep that woke her up during the flight.

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This is one of the most beautiful sci-fi movie I've watched. Eff the bad reviews, I wanna watch a sequel but I don't think there can be one.

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It is a decent sci-fi premise but nothing really memorable.

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Critics are so stupid, it's why ratings on rotten tomatoes aren't taken seriously at all. Fantastic movie as many others here have mentioned.

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ignore the score, just go and watch.

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Shout by RCSII

When does Jennifer Lawrence start doing things while wearing daisy dukes!?

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Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence star in the extraordinary science fiction drama Passengers. When James Preston is awoken prematurely from hibernation on his way to a new colony he's faced with a lifetime of isolation on the ship's 120 year journey and must find a way to survive. Both Pratt and Lawrence give excellent performances and have good onscreen chemistry. And the writing is especially smart, tackling some heavy issues and presenting a fascinating vision of space travel. Also, the special effects are incredibly well-done, really capturing the majesty and vastness of space. Additionally, the score by Thomas Newman is extremely evocative; intensifying the action and the drama. While the material may be a little familiar, Passengers is exceptionally well-crafted and remarkably compelling.

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I loved this movie! It was beautiful visually to watch! A love story with deception in space..... great plot!

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The story is simple, but it was well executed and it's joyful watching this movie. The visual effects are pretty nice and memorable.

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I went in with low expectations based on the critic reviews, but was pleasantly surprised! I rather liked it. Visually stunning, and an interesting concept. Well acted with great chemistry between leads. There is a big flaw in that [spoiler] the movie asks the audience to forgive one of the leads for the unforgivable. If you can’t get past it, then I can see why some may not like it.

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The premisse is very interesting and the spaceship setting is just beautiful. Jim turns into a dislikeable character pretty fast though, and it is hard to like Aurora when we feel sorry for her all the time. The dramatic climax feels like a mixture of Armaggedon and Titanic, as weird as it may sound, but it is rather exciting. The ending is of the feel-good variety, and I have no complaints.
Overall, a solid 6, which is only disappointing because the rather common story feels like a great injustice to the lavish visuals.

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I by really enjoyed watching this... it's better than I expected

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Shout by Deleted

Stunning movie, a must watch for anyone loving Sci-Fi movies, watched it a second time just for the visuals alone.

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Shout by Deleted

One of the most boring film I've ever seen.

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Imma freaking give e it a TEN (10)!! This film reminds me sooooooo much of Interstellar (you gotta watch it by the way). The story is different but it all happens in space !

There's one scene in this film that brought tears to my eyes. From this moment on, l knew l would watch this film several times again
Four thumbs up for this film (only because it takes place in space lol)!!

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I was listening to my instict and bad critis and i haven't seen this movie until today..Well i was wayy wrong!

This was a well directed and great perfomed movie with nice plot.It was different and i really prefer this than gravity it was way better..It's a little bit slow in the beggining but this how it should be in my opinion and in the last 40 minutes action is everywhere so don't rush to judge..Sorry for my bad english but please don't listen to the nosayers and negative people and just take a look so you can have at least your opinion.. 7.6/10 really suprised from this one!

P.S Lawrence is a special actress and she deserves everything she has!

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Reasons To Watch -
Story / Acting / Romance / Drama
Reasons to not watch -
Ending could be more satisfying
My Review -
You wont regret 116min of your life.
Worth watch.

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what a waste of my time, this movie should be called bullshit plot holes

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Amazing movie, visually stunning and moving. Jennifer Lawrence was great as usual. Hell of a life !

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It's the kind of movie you know what's gonna happen. I knew from minute 18 what the guy was up to.

I skipped an hour and missed literally NOTHING except absolutely predictable interaction between the guy and the girl.

The "human" part of he story was as predictable as the story of the movies my grandma used to watch.

The "sciency" part wasn't better. No emergency crew wakeup protocol? No active backup computers? Why are the backups stored in a closet when nobody should be awake to use them?

Plot holes, plot holes, plot holes...

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this is a good movie and worth the watch, but if i'm being totally honest my main takeaway is that chris and jennifer have insane chemistry. like, the movie is over and done with and i'm still just marveling over that eye contact in the dining area.

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Movie with deep atmosphere of loneliness which leads to some serious choices. Amazing score!

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Decidedly average masquerading as quality due to cast and budget.

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Shout by Deleted

"Why can't she see that I'm just a Nice Guy?": The Movie

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I feel like everything in this movie is a bit of a stretch. But then again, it's a movie about people traveling in an outstandigly fancy ship for more than a century in animated suspension, so what more could you expect?

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Shout by Deleted

This could be so fucking great if it had an thriller vibe where they got crazy about each other and at the end it's all a test to see if they were really apt to get a fresh start. ( I'm really sorry about my English but is that popular saying, right? Vamo fazer o que?)

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Shout by Deleted

It's not a great movie, but a really good one especially for Sci-Fi fans. Just watch and enjoy it.

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This film is terrific! There's not a lot of action but action isn't everything guys! Passengers offers an awesome story line, great visuals and pretty good acting. The thing it shines the most is the script: The actions of the main characters are total believable - that's a very refreshing positive fact in the current hollywood movie scenery. It's well worth watching.

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While the idea for the story might not be that new or original I think the execution was great. If you can accept the premise that a man and a woman alone naturally have to fall in love you´d be fine.
As for the lots of nagative reviews: everyone is entitled for having his own opinion but watch it and form your own. And a 74% avarage from about 25k viewers does tell something.

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What a beautiful romantic movie. Loved it.

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I really did not expect this movie to be this interesting. There's a lot of holes and misconceptions in the story but altogether it's quite good. First I thought "not another space travel movie" but it turned out to be quite captivating.
Acting is great as well of course and soundtrack as well as especially photography really made it great!

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It seems that the writer watched Titanic so many times

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To me, this movie is the perfect example of how to ruin what could have been a story with depth and emotion. It's dumbed down with happiness and unrealistic themes rather than exploring the very real human issues it could have. Sooo much potential in the story for this movie and they wasted it on a quick hit of happy feels which basically renders any themes explored null.

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Shout by Deleted

nice movie with everything in it love,exitement,en good story line

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Shout by Deleted

didn't read any critics, was just a good movie with a nice story line with everything in it, love, thrill, excitement so just a movie to watch

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I really enjoyed this movie ! :)

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Shout by Deleted

Fun concept but not ground breaking. Not a lot of emotion from actors and with only 2 for most of the movie that was critical. Worth watching once...only.

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Surprisingly good! Was surprised in the depth this simple story line held. A piece on the human condition and human psychology hidden in an epic visualization of space travel in the future.

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Sci-fi nut here reporting in. This was great! Really represents events that could actually happen, and what I mean is, what happens to the human being when left alone. I'm a big fan of deep space movies and how it affects people emotionally, but I find some movies go too far and drag it on too much. Passengers does a great job of knowing when enough is enough, and balances story, sci-fi, and personal/emotional relationships perfectly. This also isn't a movie to leave you hanging and wondering what happened, to a point... You don't get to see what happened the rest of their lives, and I was half expecting to see their children onboard, but what they did to the ship showed that they lived a long life. And a long productive life, making their home, their new homestead.

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A very good movie. I wanted to watch this in the cinema but skipped it due to low ratings and bad reviews. But after watching it online i realized that those ratings and reviews were only by ridiculous SJWs complaining about non-existent "offensive" content. If only i knew this from the start, i wouldn't have missed out on what would've been a great cinema experience.

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I enjoyed the movie, but it just feels too scripted. Not in the interaction between Jennifer and Chris, but in the plot and development of the story.

Here are some examples:

All the problems with the ship get dumbed down to one problem instantly: open the valve and you can pretend like nothing happened.

There is only one "carepod" for 5000 people, that's practically impossible. It seems very unlikely for such a big luxurious ship.

Despite this, it was still entertaining to watch. Jennifer and Chris are good actors, and the fact that they are both gorgeous isn't too bad either. There were some great moments in the movie where I was completely immersed in the story, but not enough to make a lasting impression on me.

An OK movie for a regular evening, but not on the level of Interstellar or Gravity.

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didn't actually watch but rather ironically streamed with about 11 strangers on a school night. pretty lit. they were fun. this movie made no sense and laurence's character is the only one that mattered.

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So what exactly am I supposed to hate about this movie...? It wasn't the terrible disaster I was lead to believe. It was light entertainment that posed an interesting existential dilemma. Sure it ends rather neat and predictable, but it doesn't seem like it's trying to be any more than a simple fairy tale...

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Despite the endless bad critics I've read, I really enjoyed every minute of this movie. In addition, there is Jennifer Lawrance in it so, you definitely should watch it.

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Loved it. I failed to predict the ending, I was expecting their children to be the ones to land

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Shout by Samfira Ion Cosmin

If you ask me this is a love story in space.... it has all the ingredients boy wakes up alone, boy want's company, boy wakens girl and then they start kissing, girl finds out what happens, girl hates boy, tragedy appears and they discover that they still love each other... the end. other than that also a lot of things you already saw in a lot of movies and situations that you have an idea of what will happen next and 90% of the time you are right. Nice to see as a couple but alone..... nothing really there

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I really enjoyed this movie, maybe a little predictable at times but a great watch.

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The critics are not insane, this is not a great movie. It's not even the best one of the director, who did a much better job with "Headhunters", said that, the movie has a nice concept design and good pacing for his first 30 minutes, but his sound design is cheap, and the soundtrack never hits the spot, they lost the chance of making you feel as lonely as the characters. When Lawrence Fishburne's character showed up, the history improved a little but they never invest in that direction and decide to easy endings and cheap drama instead. It's not a enjoyable movie in any way, only if you are solely into concept designs - i belive this would work so much better as an animation - but is not a dumb movie, and doesn't make you feel angry or cheated while watching. Just don't go expecting nothing and you will not feel desappointed. I went expecting nothing and got nothing, so is kind of a win win situation.

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Excellent movie IMO.. I really enjoyed it.

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Heard allot of bad about this but I got bored and just needed something to watch.

Well I got allot more than I expected.

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Simply outstanding! Excellent story and visually stunning

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I've wanted to watch this movie ever since I saw Pratt and Lawrence in a television interview. Until I watched the film and thought to leave a comment, I hadn't realised that it had received terrible reviews. Like others have said, ignore the bad reviews this a thoroughly entertaining film. Really enjoyed it and a great performance by both main stars. It's a case of what would you do in the same scenario? Entertaining.

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this was a really great movie, I don't understand the bad reviews... I feel kinda sad they didn't reach Homestead II but I understand that if they did, it would be kinda 'fanservice' and cliché

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