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The Menu 2022

Calling it now: bet it's cannibalism

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Solid movie. A perfect balance of levity and psych thriller. I didn’t come away feeling 100% satisfied, but it was very enjoyable nonetheless.

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No.. to all the comments... you will be surprised.. It's a banger of a movie and I refuse to give any spoilers. Next to Midsummer and Hereditary, my favourite so far!

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"Because we're always innovating, and we fear irrelevance, here's an update to a classic..."

Impeccable dish served with the utmost original and delicious ingredients! The Menu exposes the whealthy and the critics on a platter for you to judge, taste, savor and digest. It makes you choose a side between those who give and those who take. The social commentary is very unsubtle and in your face pretty much the whole time just like the dishes which all have a distinguished message to tell. One of my favorites was the Breadless Bread Plate, I thought it made an interesting metaphor with industry workers, the accompaniments don't mean much without it. The acting is astonishing, the dishes look intricate, the thrills are thrilling, the story is predictable and the dark comedy is hit and miss but one thing's for sure it'll make you think and question. Please don't eat The Menu, taste, savor and relish it.

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This is the weirdest burger commercial ever.

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It kept me glued to the screen, but with absolute disgust. I wanted to stop this restaurant-version of Alice in Borderlands. Seriously what a f'ed up story. Maybe I should rate this nightmare of a burger joint higher for the amazing acting performances, but... ugh. No. Just dont waste your time on this movie and just order a cheeseburger with fries.

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Can someone tell me why Anne was condemned too?

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I actually flipped on this movie after getting an AWFUL review from a friend. He said it was incredibly boring and I should skip it. Naturally, I do not skip movies, so I gave it a go. I quite loved it! It was stylishly made and engaging start to finish! Feels like an A24 film, and I wouldn't be surprised to learn that someone high up making this film was connected to A24 in some way!

Rating: 4/5 - 8.5/10 - Would Recommend

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This is an "art piece" of a movie, where the limits of a regular world do not apply and the world everything happens in has no rules either.
Where the story, no matter what, is the centerpiece of it all and everything else must bow down to enable the story.
To fully enjoy such movies you have to suspense your disbelief in amounts that I cannot.

Well acted by Fiennes, well shot, but unbelievable throughout.
Too arrogant and pretentious in its criticism about high society, out of touch people or however you want to call it without being self-aware anywhere which would have helped. Characters except Chef Slowik and Margot are stage pieces for the story and nothing more. Stupid all around.

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sorry did i watch something different then all of here? what was that? i didnt get it. what was this about? its neither funny nor scary and definitely not thrilling. too many questions and no answers. was not my cup of tea.

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Comedy? You mean there's supposed to be humour in this? ... Uh. Okay then. Can't tell where, but whatever.
The acting is solid, although I'm not sure it's enough to carry the movie as a whole on its back. In trying to offer criticism, I think it ends up being just like the thing it criticises: cold, obsessive, and indeed in Margot's very own words: "fancy, deconstructed avant-bullshit". After which we are left hungry, too, because despite all the display, there isn't much substance to it at all.

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In its attempt to comment on the corruption of the wealthy, The Menu just falls on its face. Best served cold.

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Absolutely fantastic. A well-executed original idea, packed with brilliant performances, impactful suspense, and many absurd laugh-out-loud moments.

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I really love the sense of humor this movie has, dark and playful and it’s a blast to watch unravel. While not the same, it kept reminding me of Ready or Not which I feel hits some higher highs for me.

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Hell's Kitchen on steroids. Gordo is a peon compared to Chef Slowik. Great movie, definitely unique.

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A curious and different premise, a great cast with striking characters who directly influence the events of the movie. The story is interesting and manages to be both funny and disturbing, with moments of impact and others that make you feel ashamed of the characters' attitudes. It's definitely a movie that manages to provoke many reactions and entertains a lot.

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Late to the party with this one! Probably a party to avoid anyway...

'The Menu' is a film deserving of hype. It's very good, with some strong storytelling and excellent cast showings. Anya Taylor-Joy continues to be a very reliable actress, yet to dislike a performance from her. Ralph Fiennes, meanwhile, feels perfect for the role of Chef.

Hong Chau sticks out too, while it was good to see Paul Adelstein act again - not seen him in anything since 'Prison Break', well aside from a bit part in his (underrated) 'Imposters' show. The movie sets an nice tone, it isn't all that unpredictable (though is in a few moments, tbf) but still manages to build good tension throughout.

As someone who hadn't seen either but has now at least seen one of them, up until recently I thought this and 'The Bear' were the same thing; based on a few glimpses I got of each poster. How interesting that they released so close to each other, even the (great) 'Boiling Point' feature film with Stephen Graham basically came out in 2022 too. Year of the kitchen.

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I know it is on purpose, but this movie really lost some points for me because all of the characters in it are unlikable. (Even Erin.) There are only two types of people in this movie: people you find annoying and people you don't know enough about. Most of the dialogue feels 'acted' and not good. The movie wasn't scary in the horror sense or the thriller sense (did not feel tense for me).

It is rare for me to watch a horror movie with a semi-happy ending.

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This is masterpiece that will be talked and diacussed academically in movie universities everywhere in the world. Everything was made for stage play but shot in movie format. Perfection

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why go to an island for a burger when you have uber eats?

the movie was mostly good but the ending was so stupid and cheesy it almost ruined the whole thing for me.

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Yea, okay, but why were they all just so willing to die? Even the guests just accepted their fate… Why??

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Brilliant film and it settles what will be for Dinner the following night.

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Enjoyable, albeit rather pretentious and contrived. If its story centered more on the three main characters, this might've been something truly special.

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Loved both the mockery and celebration of high-end restaurants. Found it hilarious, especially "I hope you enjoy your unaccompanied accompaniments".
Nicolas Hoult was delightful as usual. Enjoyed this movie.

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This movie would be a lot better if the chef was vegan and made his guests think they were eating animals, before treating them the way animals are treated.

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I really enjoyed this. Tons of suspense that kept me engaged the whole time.

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I saw "The Saw" with different set-up. I didn't like the girl's acting but the chef gave me creeps. Enjoyed it very much. Solid 8.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘The Menu’:

  1. He was definitely channeling Voldemort at times, trading in his cloak for an apron.

  2. I enjoyed the doses of humor peppered throughout. No pun intended. “Tyler’s Bullshit,” in particular, was an unexpected hoot.

  3. It was an entertaining journey of a film, but I can’t help shake the thought that they could have tried a liiittle harder to escape.

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No wonder Chef looked familiar, he was also M. Gustave in Grand Budapest Hotel. No wonder his acting struck the most too.

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Am I too stupid to get this movie? What was the point? Wouldn’t recommend to others

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I don't know what I expected, but it turned into something entirely different and unique. Something between a dark comedy and a slasher horror movie, with about as much distaste for foodie culture and critics as the chef in the movie.

Anya Taylor Joy and Ralph Fines are absolutely brilliant, and even if Nicholas Hoult gets annoying and one-dimensional very fast, it kinda works for the character.

Unique movie, should watch at least once.

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A very hysterically twisted plot with an amazing cast of a movie!

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Plenty of fun to be had here, but the lack of motivation for the deaths of so many staff strains plausibility.

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Interesting movie, would recommend to give it a watch, I wonder if the actions of the cooking crew could be explained as shared psychosis.

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Hands off to Ralph Fiennes' and Anya Taylor-Joy's acting in this piece. It's well shot, well made, well acted. It's an honest dark comedy that is set out to be a psychological horror movie. But it's not actually that scary, it's just a nice experience. So taste, don't eat.

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Annoying and pointless a waste of time.

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It’s a smart and fun comedy with an incredible cast and a surprising plot. The movie tells the story of a couple who go to an exclusive restaurant, where the chef prepares exotic and unusual dishes. What they don’t know is that the menu hides some secrets that will change their lives forever. The movie is full of humor, suspense and twists, and made me laugh and tense at the same time. I highly recommend it for those who like original and creative movies.

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There's one significant downside to this film, otherwise it's a tense, darkly funny thriller. That downside is Nicholas Hoult. I generally like his work, but his performance/character here is insufferable and took me out of the movie whenever there was focus on him. But when you were dealing with Fiennes or Taylor-Joy, it was delicious. Overall a clever film that may have a few plot contrivances and a potentially weak ending. Horror and thriller fans should love it.

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Shout by bleppeiVIP

Was genuinely expecting cannibalism, was shocked to find out it wasn’t. Also genius to make this his initiation to the new owner

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A unique movie, very weird, psychedelic and completely out-of-there. Finally something original

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kind of trying too hard

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A harsh criticism of the overrated world of haute cuisine.

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I will never forget this movie while eating a cheeseburger in the future :)

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A good idea but could be better lead, acting was on point and the atmosphere very acute.

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The idea behind the whole movie is just conceptual, as the chef suggests for each course. It is all about a comparison between rich and ordinary people.
The last scene explains the message that the writer wants to deliver to people: that sometimes the simple, ordinary things are enough to make people happy like a cheese burger. On the other hand, the complexity that the rich people add to their lives makes it like fire and hell!
The chef was happy when he was serving the food to ordinary people, but when he served it to rich people, it just turned his life miserable. They made him very sick!
The clue to this point of view, when he had a little chat with Margo and told her she doesn't belong to the guests 'rich people'.

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Good isolated setting
Great performances

Characters 9
Story 9
Pacing 9
Visuals 10
Rewatchability Factor 8
Enjoyment or Emotional Value 9
Average Score 9.0

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The characters and plot were too unrealistic to take anything in this movie seriously, but it wasn’t funny enough to be satire. It fell flat in the middle.

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Why this movie has gotten great reviews is a mystery to me. It’s pretentious, boring and has a completely inane plot. It’s the least bit scary, suspenseful or even creepy. A lot of people like it so give it a shot I guess…

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As a photographer, a lot of things translate quite well to the photography world.

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the only reason that made me watch this movie: anya.

good movie tho

very good movie

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Weird as fuck, but good

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Quite an original idea, really well made. The only thing I was really missing, was the motivation. Just why? Are they just crazy? There is no explanation or anything at all

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I think there is a point to be made for the ending not being what it seems.

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This was such a well-made film! The acting was phenomenal as always with Anya Taylor-Joy and Ralph Fiennes! So captivating the whole way through

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Weird but one of the craziest movies. It’s a super solid movie overall and I highly recommend.

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Terrific film. The most demanding I ever seen.

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The Bob's Burgers/Midsommar crossover we didn't know we needed.

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I mean, that cheeseburger looked good. I wanted one after the movie.

‘The Menu’ is a darkly funny black comedy; dry enough for something like the Coen Brothers movie.

Ralph Fiennes, Anya Taylor-Joy, Hong Chau and Nicholas Hoult were excellent in this, especially Chau and her annoying haircut.

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I honestly do not remember the last time I saw a film this great! An intriguing concept with a fantastic script, beautiful set design and all of it expertly executed!

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A story about egos, aloofness and art appreciation, but somehow it tastes bland. Despite good ingredients, none of the characters leave you wanting more.

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I'd like a cheesebuger please.

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A very interesting and creative concept the writer has come up with here and beautiful casting/acting and scenery. Although designed to be this way, the film was a bit slow and could be boring at times as it’s mostly in one setting. The fascinating concept however of a highest end 5-course restaurant situated on its own island growing all unique foods to perfection then serving it in elegant ways run by the dictator chef is quite intriguing. And the film turns out to be not what you expect and has some unexpected violence.

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Pure art. I loved the cliffhanger and looking forward to The Menu 2!

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Really solid mild horror movie. Ralph Fiennes performance made me think of his role in Red Dragon maybe a couple of times too much, but I still think he did a good job. Anya Taylor-Joy does an awesome job as usual. The story is original and I like the underlying meaning.

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Started with so much hope, then downward spiraled into sheer madness towards the end. The plot twist were ( yes, there's multiple) mind numbing. As the movie went on, the endless questions it left the viewers asking made for a rather uncomfortable watch.


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Good movie, great cast and well acted. Started off good, got even better as it went on and the suspense / shock started, sadly the ending was a bit limp IMO, it just sort of fizzled out.

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If not taken seriously, this is a great and funny movie :wink:

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Shout by Atomic ClownVIP
BlockedParent2023-02-24T20:39:03Z— updated 2023-05-30T08:41:14Z

Very impressed. Seems almost predictable at surface value, but twists are, pun unintended, tastefully done. I also found the humor to hit far more often than not, a drier comedy that had me laughing much more than once. The film is beautiful at times as well, complemented strongly by an exceptional score. Will certainly be remaining in my library. That's my piece.

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This was a funny fucking movie

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What did I just watch? Definitely not my type of film. Boring and nonsense AF.

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I always love a theme restaurant.

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I can feel the juice of the hamburger running down my chin!

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This is an excellent movie.

The characters are hilariously insane, the whole premise is absolutely ridiculous, and I love it. One of the best movies I've watched this year (although, tbf, it is only February)


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Shout by Shmuckle
BlockedParent2023-02-12T21:50:37Z— updated 2023-03-10T01:19:50Z

Fun movie that doesn't take itself too seriously. Not so much a horror movie as much as it is a black comedy.

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Absolutely wonderful, and quite frankly, all too real and relatable :rofl::rofl:

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The only horror aspect of this is that it's horrendously bad.
It has continuity errors like a 1970s B-movie.
Fiennes (who I otherwise adore) drifts seamlessly between a British and American accent and Anya Taylor-Joy goes from a face covered with blood to fresh out of make-up back to a face covered in blood several times in the second half.
A really shallow made-for-streaming production that is instantly forgettable.

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Besides some decent acting and nice visuals the movie was one of the worst I have ever seen. The plot doesn't make any sense and it's extremely boring.
It was weird (not in a good way) and I really hated it.
If you like movies like Vivarium or the platform, you might enjoy this one. If you don't, don't waste your time.

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great movie! very original and the idea was very well executed ! it’s been quite a long time since I’ve been entertained like that by a movie

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"I've been fooled into trying to satisfy people who could never be satisfied, but that's our culture, isn't it?"

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The Menu is a discreet production (producers of little renown, director without much success), which has nevertheless managed to become a great discovery due to two main factors: firstly, the magnificent work of the actors, led by an impeccable Ralph Fiennes, whose performances grab you. And secondly, the fast-paced script that turns this film into a rollercoaster that starts slow and ends in contradictory emotions. You won't know if what you see terrifies you, disgusts you or hooks you, but you won't be able to stop looking at the screen.

In this house we are fans of original scripts, and The Menu is a clear example of this. Forget what you think you're watching and pay attention to the details. Because it will surprise you.

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An "alright" movie with incredible performances.
If this movie was to be rated on Ralph Fiennes performance, it would be an easy 10/10, but i'm not going to do that. I'm going to rate it as a movie, and as a movie the start was overly abrupt, very little is given enough attention, there are very little twists and turns once the main twist that everyone, including the staff, are going to die by the end of the night has been revealed, and there are no emotional beats I can think of at all.

It was an okay movie. But the story was pretty simple, the characters not all that memorable, and if they hadn't managed to get someone as great as Ralph Fiennes as the Chef I dread to think how much lower the score would be.

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Too predictable and unbelievable (not possible for me to let go the disbelief) in my opinion... And felt quite similar to Midsommar (the end? lol) .

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i literally did not get the point of this movie at all

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Shout by Reiko LJVIP

An experience. Just like his menu. You'll definitely get it if you've had to work in any kind of customer facing role. Great style and execution. Solid 7 film

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rubbish movie... don't understand the rave reviews

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I would recommend this to anyone who likes weird films. I agree with a lot of the negative comments here, but in my opinion the complaints aren't enough to rate it lower than 7 because it really was something different and has a lot of good things going for it including the actors, camerawork, and especially the concept.

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"You will eat less than you desire and more than you deserve."

I went in blind and absolutely adored this. I could spend hours watching Ralph Fiennes and Anya Taylor-Joy go back and forth as the most bougie food gets served to the undeserving. While I do have unanswered questions, it left me satisfied and happy that it was something different, fun and exciting.

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Shout by Blastmaster

An interesting movie. Slightly unbelievable but was at least mildly entertaining. The cast was a decent ensemble and that helped elevate the shore somewhat.

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you can haz the borger :)

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Well the service was great from the chief, the menu was well done, definitely filled my appetite, the customers were nice, i had room for pudding and didn’t want it to end and wanted s’mores.

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Let's see how I explain it... it's a weird movie, let's say it's all the bad things about humanity expressed in this film :thinking: I'm not acting for sensitive people!!

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such a good cast and such a good movie. i don't have anything exciting to say, i just loved this ride

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Weird but in a good way! Ralph Fiennes is awesome!

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Amazing movie, I highly recommend watching it!

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Thrilling, visually stunning, brilliant acting.

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kind of liked it. I don't feel like it broke any new ground in terms of atmospheric horror but it was well done and am interesting setup.

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Shout by Maharaja
BlockedParent2023-01-22T02:59:44Z— updated 2023-02-18T04:46:18Z

Outrageous. Perfect blend of black comedy and social commentary. Ralph Fiennes as Chef Slowik is just * chef's kiss * brilliant.

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