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Breaking Bad 2008


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I had the same experience, but you have to get through that and you will start to notice so many little things that are connected. + this show gets better with every episode...

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I have watched a lot of tv-shows in my life, (and when I say 'a lot', I mean A LOT) and this is by far the best show I have ever seen. I am not the same person after watching this brilliant masterpiece. I swear I could watch this show thousand times in a row and not get tired of it (tbh, I would probably love it EVEN more). Thank you Vince Gilligan for enlightening my life with the world's best cinematic experience.

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For those who miss this awesome show:

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Breaking Bad is THE TV show. Never seen anything better. Recommended viewing for all. Bryan Cranston, Aaron Paul, Giancarlo Esposito, Bob Odenkirk and all others give life to characters that will remain in history and in the hearts of everyone, no ifs, ands or buts. Differently from other series, the ending leaves open anything and nothing is put there by chance. Everything back. All this creates a universe so true, so frightening, so shocking, so wonderful.

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Shout by Deleted

A new standard for television. Watch it or be left in the dust. This program is a masterpiece that should be taught in film school.

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This is one of the best show's I've ever seen. The acting is top notch... It's easily on my 'top three best shows ever' list. I loved Cranston in Malcolm in the middle, had me rolling laughing more than a few times. He's so good in this, shockingly good, the guy is imo possibly the best tv actor. Totally addicted to it now. I didn't expect to like it as much as I do, the first few ep's were good, but it gets so much better as the story fleshes out. Give it a chance to get going if you find yourself not liking it at first.

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one of the best series around..

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I watched the show 2 times. It's not enough ever.

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obviously a 10.

also, skyler haters are just misogynists, plain and simple. she doesn't have to be your favorite and you can totally find her annoying but if you seriously watched all that and garnered that she was the "true villain", I've got nothing.

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Shout by Deleted

I think this might be the best drama show ever made. It's the only one I watched all over again for the second time after it ended. And now, after another few months, I really miss it and want to watch the whole thing for the third time. Absolutely epic!

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Breaking Bad is even more addictive then crystal meth.

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Shout by Deleted

Simply best tv show ever

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Shout by Deleted

When I think about Breaking Bad, when I look back at the summer I spent watching it one season after the other, I get goosebumps. It is not JUST a TV show, it transforms you, it makes you think. After watching the last episode, the series stuck in my mind for long after that. After a year I still have random thoughts about certain scenes, about how breathtaking the cinematography was, about the genius of so many plotlines. Breaking Bad is perfection, and I would give everything to be able to see it again for the first time!

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Shout by Deleted

Best television series of all time.

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Shout by Evergreen74

one of the best tv shows I've ever seen. MASTERPIECE.

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That last episode was nailbitingly fantastic, except for the literal Face-Off. Very unrealistic and a bit two-facey...

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nothing just peak everything :place_worship::place_worship:

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The acting, the story, the characters, what can you say that hasn’t already been said. If you haven’t seen this show you should honestly make it a priority.

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The best TV show of all time

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One of the best series ever made. Incredible characters and fantastic story!

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It’s just simply a masterpiece

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This is an absolute masterpiece, loved and hated every single second of it, forever stunned

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Too good to have missed it for so long. I would have loved to watch the episodes week after week to maintain the suspense, but I consumed it in less than a month. Each chapter is better than the last, its characters are memorable and YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT TO EXPECT. The script is impeccable and the effects are amazing. Heisenberg is easily one of the most cunning characters in film and TV history. Simply... a work of art.

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This is a tv show I thought I would never like and put it off for years. Boy was I wrong for that. The show is great! Good story line and great character development. I can not recommend any more

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Great show greatest overall story out of any show ever. Slow at times but still debatably greatest show of all time

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Greatest tv show to ever exist. (Not even close)

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Just masterpiece, 10/10, never watched the series better.

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finally years and years of seeing those memes of this show, I finally watched it and it turned out to be my favourite show of all so far! it's so good, fuck yeah :D

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I'd easily put this up there with The Sopranos as one of the most important TV Shows of all time.

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Just finished my 7th or 8th time through this series. Just incredible. Seems like I notice subtle things each time through.

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The best series ever made

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The best series ever made

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The best series ever made

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The greatest writing,acting i've seen on tv(laptop) ever.

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This is by far THE BEST SHOW I HAVE EVER WATCHED.... I have watched it 3x to date. There will never be another Walter White or Jessie Pinkman duet. Sad this show ended:cry: The acting is superb, the writing immaculate. I would rate it 11/10 if I could. Breaking Bad is a MUST SEE!!!

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Great show will watch again

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Best TV series ever, period.

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If you don't like this show, that's a you problem.

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Greatest show of all time.

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Breaking Bad, a show where the very fundamental elements they build upon over five seasons explode in one very famous episode, and before you know it Breaking Bad has ruined TV for you, because you know it can't get better than this.

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Wish I could watch it for the first time again.

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A series that was on my to-watch list since its last season ended in 2013, which I finally decided to watch in 2019, turned in to one of my favorite series of all time. Completed it in probably 3 weeks and loved every goddamned second of it. Beautiful story, characters, music, everything about this show was wonderful. The ending was, in my opinion, one of the most satisfying and beautifully written endings I have seen in a long time in a TV Show.

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if i could erase my memory and forget all about this serie to rewatch it , I would do it for ever ! No words can describe this master piece I love it !

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Doubts about seeing this masterpiece? Ever seen best?! This is the best. No comments. Just WATCH!.

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Best tv series ever! Everyone who has not seen this yet is lucky..10'''/10 Epic!

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There is no better tv drama/mystery/action show made. Breaking Bad is a 10 for me.

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The best tv serie ever!!!

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Shout by Mohammed Roshan Mrk

There is a high propensity to feel a bit dragged during the first or sometimes the second episode, but after believe it or not you will be just completely into it. One of the best I ever seen tbh!.

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The best series I've watched till now.....the story.....acting.....character development..... everything is just mind blowing....
Especially the last season HATS OFF....

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Prison Break, 11.22.63 and Breaking Bad, the best series ever!

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This is by far my favourite show!

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Shout by Espedito Viana

The best drama of century \o

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Shout by Deleted

The best serial drama I have ever seen in my life. You actually live the story. Because deep down inside, circumstances pending, we all have a bit of Walter in us. The story has so many twists and turns, then goes off in a tangent you would never in your wildest dreams think of. Fantastic writing and production.

Breaking Bad is by far the best drama I have I been ever seen in my life. Get the box set and watch it from star to finish. How everyone managed when is was screened the first time, I will never know. Having to wait for the next series. A truly fantastic and engrossing drama series. I don't think it will ever be topped, I can only give it 5 stars, it definitely deserves more.

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The best show ever created

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I have never watched a series where the developement of the characters never stopped. From Season 01 to Season 05 only to name it with the example of Walter: He developed every episode further and further. This whole five seasons are a role model for character development.

Very intense, very frustrating (even I could take the lies of him anymore), very thrilling, brutal and bloody (not positive, but it fits in) and with a realistic show final!

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Shout by sean barry

Nothing comes close to this!! Outstanding

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Shout by Deleted

One of the best shows ever? Quite possibly. The first season is admittedly slow yet watchable and involving. But there's an early point in season two, it kicks in and it starts firing on all cylinders. It builds up and is a masterclass in tension until a brilliant ending.

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Shout by Deleted

awesome show...

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Shout by Deleted

Todd is a much better Dexter

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Shout by Deleted

"This show has ended." Way to rub it in, trakt.

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Shout by Alex

And that's a wrap.
Well what can you say, fantastic ending to one of TV's best shows ever.
Unparalleled character development a gripping story and top notch production values from start to finish. Thanks, this was a highly enjoyable, if sometimes very painful, ride.
Makes one wonder if we ever see a show as good as this ever again... we can only hope!

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Shout by Deleted

All thing must come to an end. I wish it never would.

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Shout by Ben

I was just watching some fan-made (tribute) videos on YT. - all from the user account WalterPinkman.
[containing spoilers from season 1 - 5]
They are really, really nicely done!

Watching these got me all fired up for 5x09 again :D
Brilliant writing combined with flawless, top-notch acting & incredible good motion picture is leaving absolutely no doubt...
The terrifying realistic scenario & all that comes with it, will get under your skin - it's literally 'a thrill'!

I am running nuts the see the show continue (2013-07-15), even sadly this MASTERPIECE is coming to an end! (O_o)

120 Days remaining.

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Absolutely love this show just wish it was airing right now.
I miss it badly, Walter and Jessie are a dream team.

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I haven't had a "gotta see the next episode NOW" show since The Wire. Love it.

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Shout by Deleted

Just awesomeness. Let's cook.

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Shout by Ben

"Baking Bread"

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Shout by Ben

@alixaxel LOL - thanks man that's awesome :D

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Finale in season 4 was awesome

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@duffeye such an EPIC line right there

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Shout by Alix Axel

@astral: OMG, he has actual hair?! o_O

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Agreed. This show is amazing and one of the best dramas on TV right now. If you are looking for a new show to watch, pick this one.

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Greatest show of all time.

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The USA didn't have free health care all this years preparing us for this show.

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Greatest show of all-time hands down!

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My first American show. Thank you

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Lives up to its reputation as seminal, cornerstone television. It’s a tragedy first and foremost, of a man so beholden to his ego and pride he dooms everyone around him, and it’s incredibly compelling to watch his fall and everyone around him realize the time bomb that’s come into their lives. Sharply written and impeccably acted, Breaking Bad is essential watching

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Quite a ride, huh?
The most intense and wonderful journey… I have loved every minute of this masterpiece and it’s rare to have such a phenomenal ending.

I feel so grateful to be able to enjoy this extraordinary work of ART!

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maimdjw oh evsosvsiev side effects on a new window and the

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I wrote a lot on each season as I finished but:

Breaking Bad is an excellent show about a man who, through his own pride, ego, and hidden power fantasy, brings down everyone he loves and himself.

All he had to do was accept the money. All he had to do was accept help. But he was adamant to doing things himself, even at the very end. Even when it cost him everything.

It's just incredible. Everyone should watch this show because it's just, so good. Peak Drama, I'd call it cinema, that's so stylish and cool and, even though it didn't for most of the show, it felt like it knew exactly what it was doing. Career making and best performances from the entire cast, There's a reason why I can see myself watching this again decades from now. It's just that good, and I cannot wait for the next sort of series to grip me with this magnitude again.

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This series is not one of the best, it is the best. There's no way anything can be near the quality of this one. Every other show you watch could be 9.9 but cannot reach a perfect 10. This is the perfect 10. Even more than 10.

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If you didn't watch Breaking Bad. Consider me your enemy till you do.

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The Greatest Show ever made

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Obviously I’m practically obligated to give this a perfect score. While not my favourite show of all time, I think it is technically the more flawless of my two top picks (the other being Attack on Titan). It’s a slow burn, but it still manages to keep you completely engaged, and it’s such a vivid antihero tale. I love antihero tales.

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Breaking Bad is an excellent show that showcases exceptional acting and a riveting plot that is full of unexpected twists and turns. The show is widely regarded as one of the greatest of all time. The show's exploration of the complex moral dilemmas that its characters face is captivating. Breaking Bad is a show that keeps you on the edge of your seat with every episode, constantly surprising you with its shocking turns of events. With its masterful storytelling and compelling characters, it's no wonder that Breaking Bad has become a cultural phenomenon and a classic of television.

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Best series ever made without a doubt. Sometimes it's like a Grand Theft Auto game come to life, other times a Coen Brothers or Martin Scorsese film. So ridiculously engaging, with incredible performances and so many twists and turns your head will spin. The prequel Better Call Saul is the same level of quality, with much of the same team and returning actors, adding up to a depthful, perfect crime saga 15 years running full of humor, heartbreak, and action.

Breaking Bad: 10/10
Better Call Saul 9/10

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Shout by Deleted

Cinematography 10/10
Acting 10/10
Plot 9/10
Writing 9/10
Enjoyment 9/10
Themes/emotion 9/10

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Shout by Thatguyyy
BlockedParent2023-03-03T14:15:37Z— updated 2024-06-15T13:22:50Z

When you start watching a show everyone and their mother is convinced is a ten outta ten, you watch it looking for reasons why, and I found every single reason why this show is a master piece. Character development of Walt is unmatched, spacing ,timing ,acting and everything else. Breaking bad is a masterpiece.

Which is why it's going to receive a perfect score

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No show can't beat this masterpiece so far.

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one of the best shows of all time. character work is insane and there are so many iconic moments. what a ride

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Phenomenal. Entertaining from start to finish

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greatest show of all time

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Possibly the best series ever put to screen, but I can't say for sure until I've watched everything else, which sigh might take a little while.

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Absolute Banger Show of All Time!

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I'm fucking addicted to this show and I can't just watch it twice and be done with it.Dammnn!forever hooked

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