This season was weak, I’m glad season 4 is back on track so far.

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This is a departure for them for two reasons: two way bigger stars than previously and, well, it’s a musical now (at times)! I do appreciate them trying to do more with this very limited format. I find this show charming and mostly very enjoyable, even when it repeats itself (which it is doing more and more as it must).

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It’s probably been the case for the previous seasons as well, but for some reason, it’s getting harder to bear with the over-the-top characters and forced detours. The hook of the show in its first season was the focus on the characters, with an unexpectedly melancholic touch in exploring the two older leads. Unfortunately, this time we’re left with caricatures that have very little to say. Each episode tries to paint a different character as the main suspect, and the diversions are so obvious that sitting through the season felt like a chore. A pity because the musical as the main setting really suits the tone of the series , and the overall direction still shows a few interesting ideas here and there.

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This season feels a bit samey but it’s fine, not all comedies can be constantly forward moving and shapeshifting like The Good Place did. Plus, I just want to spend more time with those characters and I got that. Also, there’s Meryl Streep: she’s like a goddes amongst mortals, so much greater than any other actor in the show but also never stealing the scene, always making everyone else better. What a beast.

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Theme- 9/10
Rewatchibility- 9/10
Acting- 10/10
Kinematography- 9.5/10
Time- 7/10
Total - 44.5/5 = 8.9

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Ant-Man makes a big deal here...

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Fuck the Pickwick Triplets.

This season has it's moments but it's slow and meaningless. Oliver, Charles and Maybelle all still have a good screen presence but the start is poorly paced with imagination scenes throughout that just "do not sing". Speaking of which, whenever a show makes itself into a musical, there's going to be a descent into crassness. It's the case here too. Musicals are gimmicks in of themselves. This season seems to be too. Hopefully season 4 will ground itself again.

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I didn't particularly care for how this season commenced, but it picked up steam as it went. I really didn't like Paul Rudd's character. I felt that they could've done much more w/ him, and instead, they made him cringey and uninteresting. Luckily, they quickly moved away from this focus. Meryl Streep, however, was her usual phenomenal self. It's truly amazing how she's able to turn in amazing performance after amazing performance. She's truly a cinematic gem.

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"Which of the Pickwick Triplets Did It?"

I think the show lost its grip this season. I like the characters but I wasn't fully invested in the whodunit storyline which just wasn't executed as well as previous seasons. It was still fine and there were some quite enjoyable and fun parts. Hope they can step it up for the next (and hopefully the last) season.

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Season 1 was fantastic, season 2 was okay, and season 3 was meh. The best episodes were at the end of the season but I had to pull a few teeth to get there.

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This season wasn’t all that great, in my opinion. With a premise like the one this show has, there is only so many times that they can do the same thing over and over again before it becomes kind of unbelievable or kind of boring. I think they hit their limit this season. It is getting a little bit stale at this point. It’s still watchable, but it’s not as great as it once was.

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The ending of this season is somewhat entertaining but the frequent meandering it did to get there was really slow. What the hell was all that white room crap with Steve Martin's patter song?

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3 seasons in, Only Murders in the Building continues to deliver the impossible. This is somehow the most wholesome, fun show about murder I could ever imagine. Even with an impressive cast of costars, Selena Gomez, Steve Martin, and Martin Short continue to steal every scene. I've found myself attached to these characters and very much invested in their unconventional friendship. I did find the middle of this season felt a bit slow due to (the temporary falling out of the main trio) however it picked up again with the last couple episodes. Either way, this was another excellent season and I can't wait for more.

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Despite all the big name Stars in this season - the first 7 episodes are only so-so. I did not enjoy them much simply because the dynamic of our 3 main characters was thoroughly trashed. But once we got to episode 8 the familiar, fun dynamic between them was back and the show got a whole lot better.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Shout by Dudaai
BlockedParent2023-09-02T01:29:11Z— updated 2023-09-05T00:47:33Z

Much as I like this series, season 3 is definitely the weakest of the 3 IMO, by a long way! The writers seem to have gone off the thread of the team of 3 working together to solve a murder to 3 individual stories of their personal lives and relationships where occasionally they seem to remember "oh yeah, there's a murder here for us to solve right?" at which point a link to the story appears, problem is though, without the original theme of what made the series good and fun it's just a bit dull . The dream / fantasy sequences really add nothing to the show whatsoever and merely serve as pointless (not to mention stupid) padding. If they have run out of ideas to keep the show fresh based on the idea it was originally founded on, maybe it's time to end it.

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