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Outer Banks 2020

Starts off a little slow, but soon you get pretty invested in all of the characters. The last 3 episodes had me so stressed out!


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If you like mystery & treasure hunting, some cute romance, give this one a watch, just don't expect a super serious show. I personally loved it & can't wait for third season.

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I love this show through and through. It's a direct hit of adrenaline and stupid in my veins.

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I REALLY like this show.

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This show is my favourite. S2 blew my mind

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This show (especially Season 2) has every bad cliché that come with the teen adventure genre and yet somehow I'm still addicted to it.

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This is good, entertaining TV. No politics or propaganda, just fun and adventure.

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Really great show. Feels like a 00's teen drama + treasure hunt. It's actually well written and really exciting (it falls into the usual tropes but is also very original). It knows what it is and I loved it!

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Shout by nicfel
BlockedParent2020-04-19T15:38:38Z— updated 2020-04-23T09:00:53Z

I am not even finished with this show but I already love it. It is one of the best shows I've recently seen. I am really into teen shows and usually teen shows fit into one of two categories. They are either made for teenagers and are usually pretty stupid or they are really depressing. When I say depressing I mean that these kids are usually pretty fucked.

Outer Banks is different. I generally feel pretty good when I watch this show. It just makes me happy watching these kids be together, talk trash and search for the treasure. I really love the way the story is told and the way it makes me feel. It is certainly not perfect though. Its a classic american tv show and fullfills a lot of clichés. I can look past that though and enjoy the adventure of these kids.

Edit: I finished it now and it got a little bit over the top in the end (for my taste) but still: amazing show!

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Amazing show! Netflix knocked this one out of the park! The summer vibes they implement in the show put you in a great mood. They capture the essence of being a young and dumb teenager! I love the story development within each episode.
I am looking forward to season 4! Highly recommend.

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I like this show and was really into it for the first 8 episodes, I felt like it dropped the ball a bit in the 9th and 10th ones but will still hang around to watch future seasons and see how they resolve it, overall it's pretty good just feel like John could've made smarter choices.

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This show is so dumb... Wish I had a bunch of chill friends to hang out with outdoors...

Also, the girls in this show are very distracting.

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targeted audience is teenage . like disney shows.

if you have nothing better to watch. watch this for pass time.

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The show (or at least the first season, since there will probably be more) peters out unfortunately. I feel like it needed to be 6 episodes rather than 10... there is a LOT that could have been cut which would have made for a more concise and interesting story. It really seems like they decided to completely change the show after 3 or 4 episodes and overall that negatively affected the outcome. It's essentially a CW show with a little bit of cursing -- beautiful people with largely poor dialogue. It's easy to watch so I wouldn't say it's not worth your time, but I can't really recommend it.

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Shout by Leandros

Season 2 starts off really boring and for the first few episodes I was really pushing myself to keep watching. However, things got interesting really fast as I was always kept on alert and I genuinely enjoyed the last episodes.

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It's hard to not like this show, but it's also hard to like it. It has it's good moments then absolutely terrible moments. Good acting suddenly turns to bad acting then it becomes good again. The script is a mess - what adult stepmom says chill to the teenage girl that she just drugged to help kidnap her to 'keep the family together' ?! And the overuse of the Jamaican accent with a great actress was disappointing.

And how do these people stay alive? They get shot and recover so quickly, and beat to a pulp but they're fine within just a couple days. And got bit by an alligator on the leg but can run when needed and didn't go to the hospital, but walking normally within just a few hours....OK..... veeerrryy believable. I'm watching it for the tragic but still interesting story.

I like the concept and I will continue watching it for now, but season 2 got worse and worse as it went on.

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I’m not sure what to make of this show. Season 1 was great and it had so much potential. Sadly though it’s become very dull, you don’t really care for any of the characters and the storyline is rather poor along with the acting.

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I never write reviews but had to say just how STUPID season two has become! I have maybe two episodes left and I’m trying really hard to not just turn this bad acting bad script and ridiculous show off! Season two was good and I’m extremely disappointed to say the least in season 2! I can’t imagine this having a season 3.

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First season is easily one of my favorite season in the history

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this show is idiotic. terrible writing and psychotic characters that don't make any sense. cute friendship between 3 teens (yes 3) may be the only redeemable quality of the show

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I'm laughing so hard at these comments but my husband I love this show! This is a teen show and we are over 45. Take the show for what it is. Sub-par acting with over the top moments and loose ends that never get tied up. Its like Goonies meets Spring Break. The underage drinking is completely unnecessary. But the writing is hilarious! And I hate shows where you can predict stuff. You cannot predict anything in this show! Season 3 was actually our favorite! The people making the objectifying women comments are overreacting. They must get offended every time they go to the beach or the gym. The girls.have teen bodies and they dress like.normal.teen girls. Get over it. Give this show a chance. It's enjoyable to watch and of. My teens and I don't watch a lot.of the same it's nice to connect with them on this one.

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After painstakingly getting all the way to season two episode four I am convinced this show was conceived with a bet. The bet was, “Hey I bet you could take Madelyn Cline’s bewbz and create and entire show revolving around them”. That’s how poorly written and dumb this show is and that’s how much focus is placed on objectifying the character Sarah. I mean all the teenagers (erm almost 30 year olds in some cases) look like rich Abercrombie models from Wilmington, NC but still, the emphasis placed on making Sarah jiggle as much as possible is just sad.

Season two seemed like it was going to get a bit more serious and adult-oriented. Then Kiara happened and all the ridiculous coincidences and the screaming about EVERYTHING to create fake drama. Its just a trashy eye candy show where the only semi-decent acting is done by guest stars and the plot has more holes than Swiss cheese. There’s only two reasons this got renewed and those two reasons are featured heavily in season two!

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After a looong time NETFLIX got this right

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J’adore outerbanks, I based my life and ‘aesthetic’ around it for a good 2 summers and I look forward to doing the same again when the 3rd season is released :)

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Season 4 is fire :fire: I can't wait for part 2

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Gawd this is an awful show. The choices the kids make are stupid ones (Every . Last . One). The authorities would have had all of them arrested by the 4 episode in real life. The parents are completely unbelievable. I keep asking myself how much money is this treasure (treasureS) worth? And nobody can possible work together? They still would have more money than they could possible spend. They all have skills they couldn't possible possess at their age. The list just goes on an on. Its nerve wracking to watch it. The only redeeming part is there are some pretty locations and amazing boats. How do these dirt poor kids afford them and the gas? Lastly, I cant stand love triangles and man there are a ton in this show. I have to find other things to do while the show is on to keep my sanity.

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John B this and John B that.... I'd understand if any other characters were called John, but no.... the B is unnecessary and bloody annoying

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I regret ever watching this show. Some of the actors are nice. The subplots are actually better than the main narrative. If this was a show just about friends hanging out and living the life and the keys it would be a pretty good show.

But the search for this gold is actually weighing down the overall feel of the show

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