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Sea Change

All Episodes 2019

  • Ended
  • #<Network:0x00007ffa54a07d18>
  • 1998-05-09T22:00:00Z
  • 1h
  • 8h (8 episodes)
  • Australia
  • Drama
When a corporate lawyer's professional and personal lives crumble she leaves the city with her children to live in a small seaside town and becomes a local judge.

47 episodes

Series Premiere

1x01 Something Rich and Strange

  • no air date1h 22m

In just 24 hours, corporate lawyer Laura Gibson's life is decimated. She is passed up for partnership, her son is expelled and she almost kills the family cat before discovering her husband has been arrested for fraud, squandering their life savings in the process...not to mention sleeping with her sister. Desperate to escape her life, Laura accepts a job as magistrate of a small coastal town she has fond - ten year old - memories of. Packing her kids in the station wagon, Laura heads to Pearl Bay only to find a half collapsed connecting bridge and laconic local, Diver Dan. On belated arrival, Laura discovers the solitude beach house she bought based on memory is now a dilapidated shack in the middle of a caravan park. Yet, staring out across the spectacular view from her new home, Laura decides maybe Pearl Bay is worth a chance

1x02 Full Fathom Five

  • no air date1h

Laura wishes her first days in Pearl Bay could be as idylic as the scenery. As the kids struggle to survive with no television and Laura's cooking, a lunch invitation to the Jelly house seems like a welcome distraction. But Bob Jelly's motive is soon evident. Over Heather Jelly's fastidiously prepared lunch, Bob is sure to let Laura know how much power he has over the townsfolk, including her predecessor, renowned drunk Harold Fitzwalter. It is Harold's botched revenge plot against Bob that surfaces as Laura's first case. As Laura struggles with the ethical implications of the trial, her court clerk seems more interested in the surf report. The police prosecutor, Karen is no help either, busy planning her fantasy wedding to Angus. The only thing distracting Laura from her professional crisis is the alluring Diver Dan, a handsome renaissance man who represents everything she is not - a relaxed, scruffy person who can cook

1x03 A Matter of Taste

  • no air date1h

Carmen, Meredith's free spirited niece breezes into town and quickly confides in her aunt that she is both pregnant and on the run from the law. Meredith purposely presses charges against her niece, a ploy to keep her and the unborn baby close. Three chefs storm into town to testify against Carmen, who posed as a restaurant critic in order to obtain free meals. Sympathy for the chefs is lost as they immediately criticise the culinary expertise of the locals. Feeling a little insecure in the kitchen herself, Laura approaches Diver for a few cooking lessons. Miranda approaches Dan as well, earning herself a job in his makeshift cafe after a Carmen inspired decision to quit school. When Miranda announces she is funding a move back to the city to live with her Dad, Laura is forced to show her vulnerability.

Sergeant Grey is suspicious of local 'saint' Matthew Reily who founded and mysteriously funds a youth training farm for the long time unemployed. Desperate to get anything on him, Grey charges Matthew with driving without a licence...for the fourth time. Bob, in his new quest to become a senator for the 'Here and Now' party decides he will take a sojourn out to Matthew's farm...with a small camera crew. In the presence of the cameras, Matthew is extremely cagey and when he stands before Laura he risks more than a fine. Laura's hands are full enough with Jack breaching his parole for Rupert's birthday. Rupert is miffed with his mother's treatment of the situation but they reconnect when they kick butt in the local pool competition

In times gone by Diver Dan, Angus and other local men formed a syndicate to share the cost of an Armani suit they could call upon for formal occasions. The arrangement had gone without incident until Laura's sister, Trudi, arrives in town. Suddenly, time honoured friendships are tested as the men battle with an impossibly tight suit allocation timetable in order to impress the new girl in town. Aside from causing havoc amongst the syndicate, the real purpose of Trudi's visit is to patch things up with Laura. In public it appears as if Trudi's plan has been successful but behind closed doors, Laura has no difficulty expressing her anger. Family drama is a common theme as Laura sits on a case involving Grey's daughter. As the case unfolds, Grey's most private secrets are revealed, silencing town gossip.

1x06 One of the Gang

  • no air date1h

A big night out on the town results in a car flying off Pearl Bay's condemned bridge. Several of the locals are under suspicion until Grey points the finger at Reg, the local garbage collector with a drinking problem. If Laura sentences such a popular local, she risks alienation and when she isn't invited to a Jelly bash, she decides it is time she conformed with the local women. Not surprisingly, frocks and the ladies' reading circle don't suit her style. Bob suffers his own identity crisis, feeling financial and status pressures...he needs a plan - fast. In the meantime, he throws his support behind Reg, gaining more momentum against Laura. With Miranda's desire to sunbath nude compounding her problems, Laura approaches breakdown before finding a unique release of her own...pity she chose to do it in front of Diver's boatshed.

1x07 Stormy Weather

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Just as Laura decides it is time to move things forward with Diver Dan, his gym fit bomb of an ex-wife pounces into town. Dorothy is sassy, sexy and suing Bob Jelly. Bob's indiscretion ruined her employment prospects in Port Deakin. During the case, Laura finds it hard to repress her competitiveness. As the trial progresses, it becomes clear that Dorothy may be forced to reveal something that will not only compromise her reputation...but Dan's as well. A kangaroo court develops in the Tropical Star saving Diver the embarrassment but still hitting Bob where it hurts - the wallet.

1x08 My Own Sweetheart

  • no air date1h

An invitation to the annual magistrate's dinner dance confirms Laura's suspicion that she is single in a world designed for couples. At least it encourages her to invite Diver. Laura's ego is battered when Dan surrenders himself with a pile of unpaid fines, choosing a jail sentence over a date with her. Dan is checkmated when instead of imprisonment, Laura sentences him to the cruelest of community services - filing in her office. Disturbingly, beneath Diver's rough exterior lurks a highly organised individual. Karen questions how well she knows her parents when they return as born again hippies, more willing to chat to Angus about surfing than grandchildren. Karen is further horrified when her father turns himself in for a past crime, leaving Laura baffled as to why the town's men are trying so hard to get into jail rather than staying out of it.

Pearl Bay is rocked by the death of one its teenagers. Laura presides over her first coronial inquest as football hero, Jerome Hall's, last hours are relived. After Jerome's accident, Rupert withdraws. Dan takes the boy under his wing, deciding he should teach Rupert how to be a man, applying what his own father taught him. Laura is furious to discover Dan's somewhat violent interpretation of masculinity. Affected by unearthed memories of his father, Dan drinks himself into a lather, waking the next morning with a certain remorse. Without telling Laura, Dan takes Rupert on a secret night time adventure and gently draws out what has been troubling him.

According to Carmen, local 'parking' spot, Brabey Point is such a place where a strong tantric nexus is formed between lines of male and female energies...in other words its a place where people get it on. When an old crony of Bob's proposes a housing development at the famous site, a protest ensue. By pure coincidence, Craig emerges as hero activist, impressing Miranda immensely. The attention and thrill of standing up to his father causes Craig to re-evaluate his surroundings for the first time. While Heather tries to understand her son's actions Bob focuses on clearing Craig's name to avoid embarrassment and move the development along. Laura can't help but be curious about Brabey Point's properties, a curiosity that proves impossible to resist when Diver reveals he's not sure he could fight the power of the Point...if only they could both be there at the same time...

Instead of the usual musical extravaganza, this year's Pearl Bay Thespians production is a play penned by Harold with Meredith at the helm. After years in the wings, Heather is cast as the leading lady opposite visiting professional and old flame, Barry Boston. Bob immediately presumes an affair is taking place. Unlike Bob, Laura is keen to maintain her dignity and calls upon the help of Dan to save her from the show. Apart from working overtime as Laura's bad acting coach, wounds from Diver's past are re-opened when he discovers a friend's violent domestic situation. While Harold's play pays tribute to the law, Dan and Laura come into conflict over the justice of the legal system.

Jack's fraud trial is finally being heard and the kids convince Laura support him in person. Back in the city, unexpected sparks fly between Laura and Jack and just as she is offered a spanking new job. As Laura ponders over her future, Phrani tries to fortell other people's as part of her special Tax Return package. Disturbed by Heather's recent bizarre behaviour Bob blames Phrani for encouraging her to continue with it. Kevin is also in need of Phrani's support when his de facto, Lucy, is released from prison. Unable to cope back in the real world, Lucy sends herself back to jail as Laura, too, must decide if she wants to return to the 'real world' or stay by the sea.

The locals brace themselves to be reconnected with the outside world as Bob proudly awaits the opening of the repaired bridge. Carmen too, waits. Her baby is due to arrive, but doesn't seem ready to make an appearance, leaving the intuitive Carmen sure something has gone horribly wrong. The reason for Heather's odd behaviour becomes apparent as Meredith and Harold wait anxiously to meet their baby - forty years on. Laura and Dan decide to put an end to their cat and mouse game and consummate their mutual attraction. Only something major - a bomb, a natural disaster could get in their way now. Cue wind, thunder, a brewing storm...

Season Premiere

2x01 If Fish Could Fly

Season Premiere

2x01 If Fish Could Fly

  • no air date1h

The entire Port Deakin region of the coast has been lashed by violent storms and the newly opened Pearl Bay Bridge is once more closed to heavy traffic. For other traffic the bridge is open - one way at a time, for two hours a day (except Saturday) and if you can bear the queues. Kevin and Trevor return from their ocean adventure to find further havoc at the caravan park. Phrani, whom Kevin left in charge, cries tears of remorse as she shows him the Deluxe Continental caravan floating in the sea. Worse is yet to come. Krzysztof Chrzanowski, the backpacker who was in the van at the time, tries to sue Kevin for pain and suffering and the loss of his soon-to-be-published manuscript on the nature of chaos. Dan and Laura are too busy kissing to notice that in fact most of Pearl Bay is in a state of chaos. The court is inundated with storm damage claims and the Council is in a financial shamble. Still shattered by Heather's departure, Bob has withdrawn from public life, leaving the Council to call for his resignation as Shire President. Laura begins to grapple with conflicting roles as magistrate, mother, Jack's ex-wife and Dan's lover. All Dan can think about are unique weather patterns, king tides, unusual fish in the bay and lunar cycles. Jack is struggling to get used to the idea that Laura and Dan are an item. Rupert and Miranda are thrilled to have their dad around - Laura is not so sure and Dan definitely doesn't like it. Angus is perturbed that he may be in a rut in his relationship with Karen, while Karen is equally disturbed by Angus's suggestion that she needs to cut loose and let her hair down. Meredith and Harold must come to terms with the fact that Heather is their long-lost daughter. The missing manuscript is foundIt's Dan who comes to Kevin's rescue in court by producing a mullet which he found on the roof of the boatshed. Dan uses the humble fish to prove that no one could have predicted the severity of the storm in Pearl Bay and the Deluxe Continental rolling into the sea was entirely unforeseeable. Laura finds in favour of Kevin, and Krzysztof is a broken man. Not only has he lost his manuscript but Pearl Bay seems to have proven his Chaos Theory is totally up the spout. Fortunately his manuscript is found and he is able to draw comfort - and a peculiar kind of 'Pearl Bay' order - from the unlikely story of its recovery at sea.

Laura and Dan's relationship would be perfect - if it wasn't for everything else in Laura's life. While Laura is trying to balance her work and her children with the attraction she so obviously feels for Dan - Dan is feeling very much on the outer. Jack's presence in Rupert and Miranda's lives begins to impact more and more on Laura and Dan - helped along by Rupert's well-intentioned, but for Dan painful, attempts to get his parents back together again. When Dan tempts Laura with talk of travel to exotic places, Laura struggles to find a way to fit his dream into her reality. But she's shocked to realise Dan will not compromise - he doesn't mean a holiday, he means forever. The Council is in dire financial straits. Bob's impassioned speech about his financial prowess is rudely interrupted with a court summons for failing to lodge his tax return. In court, Angus warns Laura of the endless tedium that is tax prosecution time. He is pleasantly surprised to discover the tax prosecutor is not a brown cardigan-wearing, middle-aged bureaucrat but a very attractive young woman named Katrina Fennessy. Katrina takes an increasing interest in Bob - and a surprisingly reasonable position about his fiscal impropriety. When she learns the town's bank has recently closed, Katrina senses an opportunity and begins to get to work on the people of Pearl Bay - via their esteemed leader, Bob Jelly. While the idea of a community bank has great appeal, the townsfolk are initially cautious. Bob, however, is won over with special promises of fame and fortune, and the hint of something more carnal when the deal is sealed. Rupert scares himself attempting a cliff climbA "family" picnic orchestrated by Rupert ends badly. Upset and frustrated, Rupert runs away. His distraught parents are joined by the town in their search for him. Jack and Laura are drawn together in their anguish and in a quiet moment wonder at the mess they have made of their marriage. During Rupert's disappearance, Laura grows to realise she needs... and wants... to stay in Pearl Bay. Moving there was the bravest thing she's ever done and she can't run away again. What Dan wants her to do is the most romantic thing she's ever heard - and the most impossible. The ties that bind Laura are the very things that define her. To stay is the wise, the noble and the only decision she could come to. Dan's life has been one of moving on, never forming attachments, never looking back. He has given Laura an ultimatum from which he can't - or won't - back down.

Max Connors returns to Pearl Bay after an absence of many years, bringing his wife, Elena, with him. An old friend of Dan's, Max has been bequeathed the boatshed and he and Elena move in. Max, a successful foreign correspondent who has spent the recent past living hard and fast in war-torn countries, talks of settling down and writing a book. After 12 years, Elena expects an emotional reunion between Max and Len, his father, and Squid, his brother. But Len seems more interested in his tomato plants than in Max's accomplishments as a journalist. Squid is preoccupied by his crab business and the songs he is writing in order to woo Pam Nugent, the woman he has loved since fifth grade. Pam Nugent, a local hairdresser, has no intention of being wooed by Squid or his ballads. Squid is somewhat bewildered to find himself facing charges for breaching a court intervention order, but is undeterred - believing his love - and his lyrics will win her over. Elena, seeing that Squid could be in real trouble over Pam, tries to talk to him about his inappropriate behaviour but to no avail. Laura is in the doldrums about Dan. Angus and Karen tread warily - wanting to avoid any emotional outbursts. Laura is quite touched by Jack's efforts to be helpful and understanding. But in court she can't concentrate and, to Angus' disgust, keeps adjourning so she can have a good cry in the privacy of the Ladies' toilets. When Elena, a professional psychologist, approaches Laura about the possibility of working with children in the court system, Laura seizes on the chance to unload. Elena lets her talk it out, and it's clear that these two are set to become warm friends. Not so Laura and Max. Their first meeting leaves her feeling upset and very silly - most of her initial encounters with Max have that effect. Despite Elena's assurances, Laura finds it difficult to find much likeable about Max. Bob's attractive new business associate, Katrina Fennessy, has managed to sew up a deal which will make Bob's dream of a Pearl Bay Bank a reality. Bob's vision is shattered when his old adversary, Max, does some checking up on the backers of the Community Bank and discovers that all is not as it should be. Katrina has vanished off the face of the earth - along with all the hard earned savings of the Pearl Bay residents. To add insult to injury, Heather chooses this time to break the news to Bob that Meredith and Harold are her real parents. Squid sings to Pam in the streetMax forces his brother to face the facts about Pam with some cold hard talking. Squid is devastated and Max appears on his behalf in court. His poetic speech about love and loss is aimed at getting Laura right where it hurts. But Laura isn't as soft as she looks. Max is quietly impressed - this miniature magistrate might have his measure.

2x04 Sink Or Swim

  • no air date1h

Bob Jelly is contemplating suicide. As if discovering that his real in-laws are Meredith and Harold wasn't a sufficiently bitter pill to swallow, Katrina Fennessy, the woman behind the setting up of a Community Bank in Pearl Bay, has disappeared, taking with her the savings of the entire town - including Bob's. While Bob ponders the method of his departing the mortal coil, Max takes matters into his own hands. His efforts are rewarded and, with help from Sergeant Grey, Katrina is caught red-handed and remanded in custody. Bob hears the news just in time and rushes to her cell. The locals are oblivious to all this. They are prepared to accept a slight delay in the Bank's opening and the entire town operating on barter, as a minor inconvenience. When word gets out that Katrina has been arrested, they are ready to burn her at the stake - along with Bob. Matters aren't made any better when Bob provides surety for Katrina and Laura grants her bail. Laura's decision is unpopular and the townsfolk decide to take matters into their own hands. Rupert is also into high finance after deciding that lack of money is a home wrecker and the reason for his parents not getting back together. He muscles in on Trevor's paper delivery round but he endangers their friendship when he tries to take shortcuts with his new responsibility. Released on bail, Katrina plans her escape, asking for Bob's help to organise a plane ticket and a false passport. She professes her innocence and her deep attraction for Bob and puts pressure on him to flee with her to Vanuatu. Bob must choose between disgrace and dishonour at home and living the high life overseas. Laura and Elena's friendship blossoms, and Elena invites Laura and Jack to dinner. The dinner party is awkward and Laura can't help but compare Elena and Max's apparently perfect relationship with her failed ones. A special moment for Elena and MaxMax has been exercising his investigative skills and discovers Katrina placed the town's money on the stock market. Thanks to her insider trading it has made a handsome profit. Sergeant Grey has to decide whether to pursue Katrina and leave the town penniless or drop the charges and let the town receive a windfall. Bob finds he is no longer villain but hero. Laura confronts Max over his interference in Katrina's case - but her tirade is interrupted by shocking news about Elena. The fragile nature of life and love is brought home to Laura and she seeks comfort from Jack.

2x05 Head For Water

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Pearl Bay is grieving - but not in any conventional sense. Max won't acknowledge or share his grief over Elena's death - refusing any gestures of support and not allowing anyone to attend the funeral. Unable to express their feelings over the death of Elena directly, the town's sadness manifests in their reactions to the drowning of Bucket's dog - Alfonzo Dominico. Bucket is charged and Laura finds what seemed to be a simple matter of unlawful littering, willful damage and Health Act offences, becomes an investigation into who killed the beloved dog and an exploration of whether Alfonzo Dominico (the dog) was the personality Bucket never had. Carmen returns to Pearl Bay, convinced a recent tribal workshop has helped her recover from losing her baby, and ready to embark on a career as a journalist. She approaches Max with advice on grief, the suggestion that he start a local newspaper and a request for a job. Despite himself, Max warms to Carmen. Bob has grand plans to upgrade and rename the local pool "The Jelly Aquatic Complex". His vision is thwarted when Kevin suggests it might help Max through his grief to name the pool after Max's father, Len, a long distance swimming hero. Max champions the pool-naming cause and, at Bob's expense, publishes a mocking article entitled "Iron Man or Jelly?" Angus mourns his own loss. The sandbar which provided the most consistent surfing waves in town, disappears. When Karen realises it could mean Angus leaving, she knows she has to act. There is another memory Angus cherishes ... that one, wonderful time at Brabey Point Karen swore wouldn't be repeated until they'd walked down the aisle. But the situation is desperate and Karen is prepared to do anything to keep her man in Pearl Bay. Len understands grief. He knows Carmen is not as resolved over the death of her baby as she would like to believe. And Len realises Max's fiery passion for naming the pool after him is Max's attempt to distract himself from his pain. Max finally expresses some of his grief by telling his father a story about Elena. As the court case over the death of Bucket's dog unfolds, Sergeant Grey is lead to investigate escalating disputes between local fishermen. The mystery of the death of Alfonzo Dominico is finally solved and Max suggests a name for the pool that satisfies everyone - except Bob. Max and his fater, Len reminisceAs Laura deals with her own sadness at the loss of her new friend, she tries to offer Max comfort and support. His flippant rejection of her attempts make her feel inadequate. His long distance swimming seems to be his only way of soothing the hurt. Laura receives some insight into Max and a heavy responsibility when she is given a letter in which Elena asks her to keep an eye out for Max

Unsure of how to fulfil the responsibility thrust onto her in Elena's letter but determined to do as her friend asked, Laura delivers a steady stream of casseroles, chutneys and jams to Max. This apparently amuses Max and Laura suddenly finds herself the recipient of bizarre and totally inappropriate gifts from him - a cheese grater, a butter curler, fridge magnets... Laura visits Jack who is making a start to the house he's building in Port Deakin, and there's a strong hint the hurt between these two is beginning to heal. Jack's keen for Laura to rethink their relationship but Laura's still haunted by the memory of his affair with Trudi. Bob's concern over the decline in his usually vigorous sex life with Heather leads him to succumb to marriage counselling under the guidance of Barry Boston. Bob finds it hard going - not only is he taking marriage advice from a gay man but the sessions are highlighting Bob's shortcomings on sensitivity and intimacy. The town is being terrorised by monster crabs, let loose in suspicious circumstances from a crate being stored at Max's brother, Squid's, place. Crabs start to appear everywhere - from the caravan park to the courthouse to the police station, and while Kevin and Squid try to round them up, Sergeant Grey tries to figure out how they escaped. The crabs were on consignment for Paula McVeigh, an old flame of Max's, and when she arrives to collect them Max finds himself comforted by her presence. An evening of reminiscing is interrupted by a couple of heavies and Max finds himself the victim of an assault and is embarrassed by revelations in court of his pathetic attempts to defend himself. But even harder for Max to take is the realisation that Paula - ex-hippy, idealist and champion of worthy causes - has become involved in the drug world. When Sergeant Grey discovers the loose crabs have ingested drugs planted in the crates they were travelling in, he's quick to take them off the menu at the Tropical Star. But some are unaccounted for ... such as those Heather and Bob are feasting upon. Whether it's the counselling or the crabs, Heather and Bob head back to the bedroom. Jager scares PaulaLaura prepares herself to forgive Trudi - to clear the way for the possibility that she and Jack might start again. But Jack is forced to confess he's just discovered Trudi is pregnant - with his child. Laura is devastated. She wants Jack out of her life forever, and vents her anger on an unsuspecting Max. In a raw, honest moment Max and Laura comfort each other over casseroles, chutneys and jams....

The shock of Trudi's pregnancy to Jack has left Laura angry and determined to remove Jack from her life. As Laura sets out to forget her past, the town's celebration of its history - the annual Pearl Bay Pork Festival - is imminent. But things are not running smoothly. This year Bob's roped in a multinational called "Tony's Hot Ribs" to sponsor the event but Meredith is adamant the town can celebrate its traditions without a sponsor for the Festival. Bob points out the Festival is a dying event - hardly anyone turned up last year - and sponsorship is the only way forward. Meredith is furious when Laura agrees with Bob that a sponsor seems a sensible idea. Max has decided to return to life as a foreign correspondent and accepts a dangerous assignment in Kosovo. But he is involved in a car accident as he leaves town and is forced to stay in Pearl Bay for the court case. The other driver is a very attractive woman called Imogen Wilkes, the public relations spokesperson for Tony's Hot Ribs and - to Karen's horror - Angus' ex-girlfriend. Imogen sweet-talks the town into the benefits of sponsorship for the Festival. But Meredith is not convinced and Heather is devastated that the Pork Queen Competition will be cancelled this year. In court, Imogen denies responsibility for the car accident and faces prosecution by an unusually ruthless Karen. Angus is left reeling by a revelation from Imogen about their shared history. As he struggles with this, Karen fears she might lose him. Laura decides to try to make amends with Meredith by cooking lemon butter for the Festival. Despite her failed attempts, she refuses to resort to Dan's prize-winning recipe - determined not to seek help from the past. Stuck in town for Imogen's court case, Max enlists Carmen's help in digging up some dirt on Tony's Hot Ribs. He publishes a damning article which causes the company to withdraw its sponsorship and it looks like the Festival is doomed. As Max rushes to leave town, he receives terrible news from the Bureau in Kosovo. Imogen faces an unusually ruthless KarenMeredith reminisces about past Pork Festivals and discovers a story Max wrote as a child about the delights of the Festival. Carmen uses the story to remind the town of the significance of the event and the community rallies to save it. Laura wins Meredith's forgiveness with her lemon butter and her offer to judge the Pork Queen Competition. Max opts to stay in Pearl Bay - knowing he cannot run away from the pain of the recent past and Laura learns some memories are worth keeping.

2x08 Manna From Heaven

  • no air date1h

Kevin is having a recurring nightmare in which a caped, hooded figure accuses him of having failed the truth. Is it a premonition - or the effects of Phrani's eggplant curry? Meanwhile, Pearl Bay is turning to dust as a voracious insect devours wooden structures all over town, including Bob's properties, Laura's house, the pub and the courthouse. Max finds himself the reluctant centre of a local community paper called "The Oyster" and his home is taken over by enthusiastic volunteers keen to make a contribution to the town's new publication. Unable to concentrate on writing his book, Max heads to the courtroom for some relative peace and quiet. There Bob has hauled the local pest exterminator before Laura for failing to eradicate the bug that's eating Pearl Bay. Miranda ropes in Meredith and her phenomenal memory to help with a school project about the history of Pearl Bay. After hours of Meredith recalling each day in excruciating detail, Miranda is amazed when Meredith suddenly has a blank. A whole day where Meredith can't remember a thing. Max is intrigued by Meredith's memory loss but when he investigates further, realises the same date has the same effect on many other locals - it's missing from their memory. An old friend of Meredith's arrives in town. Mabel Pearson - now Tenzin Jetsunma - has spent many years away from Pearl Bay searching for enlightenment, exploring the meaning of life and discovering the value of truth. As Tenzin espouses the benefits of truth, the town hides a guilty secret from the past. Everyone was in on it - Meredith, Harold, Angus, Karen, Kevin, Griff ... everyone except Bob. Those involved make a pact to keep the secret but the evidence coming out in the court case threatens to reveal the truth. How will the conspirators get Bob to drop the case against the pest exterminator? Worse still is the discovery that the secret the town is hiding is connected to Tenzin and a shipload of sacred wood. This explains the town's crumbling buildings - does it also explain the natural disasters that have plagued the town? But Tenzin is more concerned to heal a past rift with Meredith. The old friends share painful but liberating truths about Meredith's decision all those years ago to give up her daughter. Laura has to contend with Miranda's growing fascination with Tenzin's teachings, and her daughter's accusations that Laura is something of a spiritual lightweight. Laura embarks on a search for meaning in her own life. She decides the search is futile - until she discovers that much of what gives her life meaning is right under her nose. Max finds himself the reluctant centre of a local paperHeather's secret about her real parents is killing her. And Tenzin's resemblance to the woman in Kevin's dreams is haunting him. Just when it looks as though the town's secret is going to be blown, Heather upstages them all by revealing who her parents really are.

2x09 Playing With Fire

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There is a heatwave in Pearl Bay. It's unbelievably hot. The fireworks intended for the centenary celebrations go up with a big bang, blowing the church hall they were stored in to smithereens. It's a spectacular if untimely display for the locals. Felix, the expert employed by Bob to prepare the fireworks for the celebrations, is suspected of arson and charged. His evidence in court shows that he may fit the profile of a pyromaniac and that he gains sexual gratification from lighting fires but none of this puts Miranda off. From the moment she sees Felix twirling fire on the beach, she wants him. Felix proceeds to teach her the art of playing with fire - literally and metaphorically. The prolonged heatwave is causing some strange behaviour among the residents of Pearl Bay. All the men in town find themselves inexplicably - and intensely - attracted to Laura. Even Angus sees her in a different light. Is it the heat? Or is it Laura's own feelings of heat and desire? Laura accepts a dinner invitation from Max. Although Laura thinks fondue is a strange choice for such a hot night, the conversation goes fairly smoothly until Max bluntly suggests he and Laura go to bed. Laura isn't sure whether he's joking or not and the conversation gets very heated. As she goes to leave, her skirt catches fire and Max knocks her to the floor and lies on her to smother any flames. Laura realises that she's enjoying the close physical contact she was craving. Max also enjoys the contact and the two stay entwined long after the threat of fire has passed. Kevin is feeling the heat too, but it's mostly because of Phrani's latest culinary feat. For the first time he experiences true "fire in the belly" and proposes to her. He is hurt and surprised when she tells him she wants him, but not in marriage. Kevin struggles to understand her - enlisting the help of Max and Angus who offer their wisdom on women. When his research fails to give him the answers, Kevin goes with his instinct and touches on a painful truth at the heart of Phrani's reservations about relationships. This revelation leaves Kevin and Phrani free to embark on a long, slow, erotic journey. Heather invites Meredith and Harold to dinner. The awkward evening goes from bad to worse when Bob has a go at Harold about the irresponsible encounter that brought Heather into the world. Harold's response touches Heather and even silences Bob. Kevin and Phrani embark on a long, slow erotic journeyThe discovery of a rocket Rupert and Trevor have built dramatically changes the outcome of Felix's court case. After Felix leaves town, Laura worries that Miranda might have been hurt. But Miranda's okay - she learned how to play with fire and not get burnt

Craig has failed a maths exam and Bob jumps at the opportunity to convince Craig to leave school and follow his father's footsteps into the glorious career that is real estate. Bob waxes lyrical about his cousin and inspiration, Jim Jelly, who left Pearl Bay years ago to make his fortune in property overseas. But from the outset Craig has trouble with the world of dummy bids and real estate jargon and finds the whole process of evicting a tenant a bit distasteful. The tenant is Theo Lawrence, an old bloke who's rented the run down property from Bob for twenty years - ever since his prospering building business collapsed. When Sergeant Grey tries to enter the property, Theo assaults him and finds himself in court. His refusal to stay away from the property leaves Laura no option but to remand him in custody. When he tries to kill himself in the cell that night everyone is shocked. Why would a man who once had all the potential in the world end up as he has? As rumours circulate about Theo's house being haunted, the locals speculate on the supernatural and Max takes it upon himself to find out what he can about the old bloke who the town once looked up to. With Theo out of the way, Bob gives Craig the task of staying in the house and preparing it for a quick sale. During his overnight stays, Craig is woken by a ghostly figure who rattles off slick real estate prattle. Craig's troubles increase when, to Bob's disgust, he can't make the measurements for the floor plan add up. Maybe Miranda's right and he should just return to school. While Craig contemplates his vocation, school report time makes Laura worry about her children's professional future. Miranda is sailing through with excellent results but has no idea what she wants to do, while Rupert is only just passing but wants to make his first million before he's thirty. Laura applies none-too-subtle pressure on Rupert to improve his grades and on Miranda to decide on a profession. But she is forced to reassess her approach when faced in court by a young boy expelled from school for stealing a bike. Laura's judgment demonstrates a new understanding and surprises Angus for the wisdom it shows. Max is worried about the novel he's supposed to be writing. His publisher is calling for chapters. Max tries out numerous opening paragraphs on Laura, but doesn't like her responses. He suggests that perhaps creativity is not her strong point - but he can't help wanting her praise. Max and Craig make a gruesome discovery at Theo's house - and questions about cousin Jim Jelly's whereabouts for the past 20 years are finally answered. But it's little consolation for Bob. The ghost of Craig's future continues to haunt himThe ghost of Craig's future continues to haunt him until finally he realises life as a real estate agent is not for him. With Miranda's help he begins to recognise his talents, and a career outside his father's business

2x11 Kitty Litter

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Miranda suddenly decides she doesn't want to stay at her father's house any more and Laura is horrified to learn a very pregnant Trudi is now living there with Jack. Rupert is also upset when his mother forbids him from going to Jack's while Trudi is there. From now on Jack must visit them at her house, on her terms. Jack is furious with her ultimatum and Rupert's left with only Max for consolation when his parents' bitter squabbling leaves him on the outer. Unused to children, Max's advice to Rupert only makes matters worse. It takes a long while for Laura to realise what pressure she is putting on her children and admit to herself that she is worried about being replaced as their mother. In court Laura is faced with another case of divided loyalties and ownership disputes. Cynthia, Harold's estranged wife, is charged with assaulting her neighbour - but the case appears to be more about ownership of a mangy cat. Harold represents Cynthia in court and is surprised at the twinges of jealousy he feels as the evidence suggests a possible romantic connection between Cynthia and her neighbour. Spurred on by his new-found family ties with the Jelly family, Harold decides it's time he and Meredith married. But Cynthia - to Meredith's secret relief - has other ideas. The cat in the middle of the ownership dispute is confiscated by Laura and somehow ends up with Max. He's allergic to the thing and despises the affection it shows towards him. Another arrival in Max's life causes more upheaval. An old television journo mate, Brent Cauchi, arrives in town. Good looking and charming, Brent may be a bit past it but still has a certain something. When he turns his attentions to Laura and she agrees to a date, Max experiences more than a hint of jealousy. As Laura and Brent spend a night together, Max is left sneezing and sniffling with the cat. Worse still, the page one article he's prepared for "The Oyster" has been relegated to page four by Carmen who is certain no one in the town will understand what he's written. She's replaced it with one of Kevin's 'witty' anecdotes and the town loves it. Laura greets Brent CauchiLaura tries to employ the wisdom of Solomon in an attempt to solve the cat ownership dispute between Cynthia and her neighbour. But her plan backfires and Max realises he could be stuck with the cat for life. He heads over to Laura's to rid himself of it. He's loaded to the eyeballs with antihistamines and when Laura offers him a drink is quick to scoff it. The combination is lethal and when the cat disappears and a chase ensues Max ends up collapsed on Laura's bed.

Laura wakes up in the morning to find Max lying beside her wide awake and wondering what happened the night before. Laura assures him it was the alcohol and antihistamines and that nothing happened. To avoid having to explain the situation to Rupert and Miranda, Laura insists Max leave via the bedroom window. Unfortunately there's been a small but strange fire in the caravan park and the crowd that has gathered to see it also witnesses Max's exit from Laura's window... A handsome Indian film director arrives in town - having selected Pearl Bay as the location for his next film. His name is Ravi Kapoor and he soon wins Bob over with his promise of cinematic glory and financial reward for the town and an impressive letter from the Indian Minister for the Arts. Angus and Karen finally set a wedding date - it's not the world's most romantic proposal - but it's what Karen has always wanted. Or is it? With Sergeant Grey on a well-earned break, Karen is left in charge. Her first assignment is to investigate the caravan park fire and her prime suspect is none other than Ravi Kapoor. Karen suspects a link with Phrani - who is behaving strangely. Her suspicions intensify when Phrani's shop is trashed and Ravi is nearby. But instead of solving the crimes, Karen finds her encounters with Ravi leave her with gnawing doubts about the plans she has made for her future. Karen is, for the first time in her life, questioning whether what she's doing is really what she wants or just what everyone else wants for her. Angus on the other hand is really warming to the idea of marrying Karen. When Trevor goes missing, Kevin is distraught and lashes out at Phrani. Karen is forced to interrogate Ravi and he appears before Laura charged with kidnapping. In court, Phrani's connection to Ravi is revealed. But for Karen, the truth about Ravi only serves to highlight the gaps in her own life - she cannot continue blindly on with her life plan - even if that means breaking Angus' heart. The speculation that began when Max climbed out of Laura's bedroom window escalates and Max and Laura are the subject of the hottest gossip in town. Laura's horrifed by what people are saying and demands Max do something. He does - he publishes an article in "The Oyster" denying the allegations but knowing full well it will only fan the flames. PhraniLaura is furious at being portrayed as a femme fatale. Max pleads innocence and publishes another article - describing Laura as a middle-aged, strait-laced magistrate. Laura's not sure which perception is worse - madonna or whore - and lambastes Max again. Max wonders why she worries so much what people think. Carmen has a theory - Max is just trying to get Laura's attention...

2x13 Law And Order

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With the bridge about to re-open, the powers that be decide to close the Pearl Bay court and transfer all the cases to the new Port Deakin legal complex. The town embarks on a civil disobedience campaign to increase the case load and save the court at Pearl Bay. The courtroom is suddenly full of locals and their misdemeanors, and although Laura is touched, she feels they are wasting their time protesting against the harsh realities of centralisation and economic rationalism. She's decided to accept the writing on the wall and is making inquiries about a job at her old law firm. Miranda and Rupert are not convinced about the planned move back to the city and Max is horrified Laura is going to give in without any sort of resistance. What they need, he decides, is publicity. The trouble is, no one outside Pearl Bay is remotely interested. With the promise of great personal glory, Bob has formed an unholy alliance with his old enemy - the Port Deakin Council. Amalgamation of the Pearl Bay council into Port Deakin threatens the very existence of Pearl Bay. Desperate to make the world understand the town's plight, a distraught Meredith grabs a gun and heads for the courtroom. Some quick-thinking by Max sets up a most unlikely siege. Police and media attention is suddenly focused on the Pearl Bay court - where a mad gunwoman has Max, Meredith, Heather, Karen, Angus, Kevin, Phrani, Harold and Laura hostage. Locked in her chambers, Laura is convinced the gunwoman is seeking revenge for a jail sentence handed down by Laura some time ago. Inside the body of the courtroom, conspiracy and camaraderie reign during the long night of the siege. Karen and Angus spend precious last moments together; Heather, Meredith and Harold unite as a family unit; and Kevin and Phrani discover more secrets of the Karma Sutra. Outside the court, experts decide how to deal with the gunwoman's demands while Trudi announces to Laura and the world that she needs Laura's forgiveness before her baby is born - which will be any minute now. As if this and being held captive in her chambers isn't enough for Laura, her old law firm calls to say they no longer have room for her as a partner. Max gets news that his novel has been rejected by the publishers. Laura and Max bond over their disappointments and a bottle of peach brandy. Bob's anguish over Heather being held hostage intensifies when he realises the truth behind the council amalgamation. He devises a plan to save Pearl Bay ... Tense moments during the seigeThe siege ends leaving the authorities bewildered, Sergeant Grey suspicious and the hostages safe and sound. Trudi's baby is born - with a surprising outcome, and Bob's plan to save the town looks like it might have worked. After a confession from Max, Laura decides staying in Pearl Bay might not be the worst option for her.

Season Premiere

3x01 Best Laid Plans...

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Just when life was finally going to plan, the bulldozers descend on Pearl Bay. The town is thrown together in their fight to save what is left of Macgettigan's boatshed...and Max's possessions. Baffled and angry that the local council would sell such an historical landmark, it isn't long before the collective finger is pointed at Bob Jelly. Bob immediately sets about clearing his name, which is hard to do when you are one hundred percent guilty. Amidst the chaos, Karen returns from her overseas trip and begins to reassess Pearl Bay and her place within it. Even Angus has difficulty reconciling the Karen who left and the one who returned. Convinced the role of constable is no longer for her, Karen quits the force...and Angus. As the old gives way to the new, Laura finds herself in a passionate moment with Max. After months and months of threatening to, they finally share a passionate kiss. However, Laura finds past lessons hard to forget and she insists their relationship remain platonic.

Jealousy runs rife in Pearl Bay as the dreaded CFA Dance approaches. Taking advantage of this year's Latin theme, seductive flamenco instructor Francesca spins into town - a spate of jealous crimes against local women following her. The Latino bomb instantly scores the attention of the native men, even Max falls prey to her charms. Laura won't allow herself to appear put out and endeavours to find herself a date without a prostate complaint. Naturally, she is forced to hire outside help. While Bob's real estate licence remains suspended, Heather reluctantly puts to use the licence she obtained years ago, before having the kids gave her something to do. Jules helps out, displaying all the traits necessary to succeed in property sales: insincerity and dishonesty. After escorting Francesca through a home, Jules soon scores herself a date...in court. When the dreaded night finally arrives, Francesca's veneer slips, exposing her true colours. Jules' innocence is proved while Max and Laura are relieved of their dates, again finding themselves in an impossibly romantic setting...pity about the 'just good friends' policy.

3x03 Hungi Jury

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Trouble in the ranks, back stabbing and a raging hungi debate...Laura couldn't have picked a worse time to join the Women's Auxiliary. Her sojourn into the world of sponge cake and tea rooms is soon cut short by club president, Vicki Drury. When Vicki's husband finds himself in court for trashing his own sports store, it is Laura's turn in the power seat. On her second job in as many weeks, Karen accuses Angus of being unpredictable. In an attempt to break his unwavering, if not slightly boring, routine, Angus takes leave from the court. Kevin's world is thrown into a tailspin, no longer able to rely on Angus as his human sundial. On assignment at a toxic waste dump, Max and Carmen's squabbling takes a personal turn. A moment of emotional connection leads to a night of passion...that threatens to become an affair. Max does his best to avoid Laura until he has no choice but to accept a dinner invitation. Over the blue eye and mash, Laura suggest they reassess their friendship status prompting Max to reveal he is seeing someone else, careful to keep Carmen's identity a secret. Laura couldn't appear to be happier for him. But he could've waited at least six weeks

As the news of Carmen and Max's affair infiltrates the town, Carmen heads to the city feigning excitement about a job interview. Max feels guilty, but Carmen insists she is not leaving Pearl Bay because of him. Furious that Max has presumably broken her niece's heart, Meredith and all local women send Max to coventry...except Laura, no-one is brave enough to tell her. However, Max is distracted by the appointment of Morton Tregonning as local Administrator, replacing the defunct Port Deakin council. Morton immediately announces plans to build a tunnel between Pearl Bay and Port Deakin , a move certain to destroy Pearl Bay businesses. Meredith and Bob form an unlikely alliance and call for a complete Port Deakin boycott. To save Phrani's shop from bankruptcy a town funded co-op is established. The locals struggle with the utopian principles involved. Even the local hippies can't live in harmony, their television watching debate ending up in court, causing Harold to confront his conformist ways. Carmen returns on the heels of Laura discovering the truth of the affair. Carmen takes full responsibility and goes on to describe Max as one of the most sensitive men she has ever met. She would never have let him go if he wasn't so obviously in love with someone else. While the local women forgive Max immediately, Laura struggles to let him off the hook...until she witnesses a shattered Max. Carmen did leave town because of him after all. It was much easier to hate him when he was a bastard.

3x05 Pipeline

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Laura is tired of being let down by the men in her life and now Angus' quest of self discovery has left her without a court clerk and a mountain of paper work. What perfect timing for handsome and totally uncomplicated court reviewer, Warwick Munro to arrive in Pearl Bay. Max takes the opportunity to redeem himself by singing Laura's praises but when he realises Warwick's interest in Laura is more than professional he can't help but stage a sabotage. Angus has what is akin to a religious experience when he is approached by a business associate of surfing legend Mark Richards. However, Angus' prospects of making boards for his surf God's company are dashed when his prized template board is snatched. Angus decides to take the law into his own hands. With Griff and Kevin as accomplices it is no surprise that Angus ends up in court facing his ex-boss and ex-girlfriend, the new court clerk. After successfully defending himself, Angus decides he is more comfortable in a wetsuit than an Armani twin breasted. Just when Angus thinks he will be condemned to Hell, Mark Richards materialises is Pearl Bay to share a wave or two with his faithful apostle. Later, over dinner, Warwick professes his deep attraction for Laura. She is flattered until he discusses his willingness to help her with her 'personal battle with alcohol'. Laura identifies Max's handiwork immediately, sending the sly schemer back to square one

Laura's niggling doubts about Warwick begin to dissipate as she begins to fall for his charms... if only the locals would stop interrupting them. Laura is concerned that everyone else is Pearl Bay is warming to Warwick faster than she is. However, Laura is convinced she will fall madly in love with him at any moment. Soon. Apart from Warwick, the town's attention turns to "Still Waters", a city newspaper column detailing the life and times of a small coastal town. Even though the parallels between the fictional town and Pearl Bay are uncanny, no-one recognises themselves. However, Miranda recognises Max's penmanship and bribes her way into a cadetship at 'The Oyster'. As if Max's hands weren't full enough already with new employee, Karen, courtesy of a town sponsored 'scholarship'. Morton Tregonning informs Bob a property in the path of the tunnel development must be purchased at whatever cost. Bob sniffs a great opportunity to make some quick cash and purchase the derelict house for a steal. The fact Griff is the tenant is only a minor consideration for Bob, besides, Heather can evict the freeloader. Racked with guilt, Heather encourages Griff to take her to court. When Morton notices the court case, a desperate Bob pays Griff off but soon after Bob parts with ten grand, Morton decides the shabby shack isn't in the way after all. Poor Bob is left with a valueless title deed, no money and Griff as houseguest. All this and Mr Tregonning hasn't even begun to play for real yet...

A strange wind blows into town leaving the locals unsettled and with a couple of visitors: Tama, a pacific island prince and Mad Girl Madigan, a renegade sailor. Tama's profound hatred for brass music sees him in jail for destroying Grey's trumpet, ruining the sergeant's chance of making the police band…again. The two form an unexpected bond, giving Grey the confidence to reaudition for the band playing to his own tune. Meanwhile, Griff decides it is time to settle down. Heather throws herself into finding just the right home for him and his future bride to be. Griff's master plan is threatened by nomad Madi, a beer drinking woman who infatuates him immediately. Unsure who is the right kind of woman for him, Griff plays the field... well, he asks Karen out to dinner. Karen is in the process of making a big decision of her own, returning to the police force. Not surprisingly, no sparks fly between the two and when Heather hunts Griff to sign the contract of sale he is already sailing off into the sunset with Madi. While work commitments keep Warwick out of Pearl Bay, his presence is felt courtesy of a constant stream of flowers. Max is amused by the hopelessly written notes attached and constructs his own 'version' of a Warwick love letter. Max is forced to confess for his sins, earning a smack across the face - literally and laterally, as Laura begins to settle into a relationship with Warwick.

Laura's mother, June, arrives in town during a geriatric traffic crime spree. June's suspiciously sudden appearance is more of an inconvenience than a pleasure for Laura, who is too caught up in her own life to sense her mother's sadness. When Laura eventually discovers her father's declining health has forced June to place him into respite care, she is forced to reassess her priorities. Max begins to spend more time with his father and his friends, learning of Pearl Bay's real, great, textured history. However, Bob has his own interpretation of the town's past and plans to turn Pearl Bay into Ye Olde Pearl Bay : a sure-fire tourism hit. Max plays along with Bob's redundant plan for his own entertainment. When judgement day arrives and the city tourist agents descend on the town, instead of letting Bob hang himself, Max turns an inevitable disastrous slide show into a tribute to the older citizens of Pearl Bay. Meanwhile Harold feels the grip of old age tightening. His frustration is worsened by representing elderly drivers caught in the recent, unexplained traffic crime spree. Meredith reminds him being comfortable with yourself defies age, presenting him with a nude portrait of herself. One look at the picture and Harold is young again.

3x09 Eminent Persons

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Laura's ego is battered when she is not chosen to speak during Eminent Persons Week at Rupert's school. Laura heads off to the principal's office under the guise she is concerned about her son's education. She should be, her visit brings Rupert's report card fraud to the attention of Ms Philby. But perhaps worst of all for Laura, Warwick has asked her to marry him. The corrupt former Port Deakin councillors are finally brought to trial before Laura. Max is suspicious as to who pays the councillors' entourage of legal eagles - headed by an old associate of Laura's, Hilary Tonks Q.C. Naturally, when Max and Hilary meet at Laura's dinner party, Max can't help but stir things up. An emotional argument ensues catapulting Laura into accepting Warwick's proposal. Meanwhile, Heather is excited to learn she is the recipitent of a prestigious real estate award. When Bob mocks her legitemate success, Heather packs up and leaves...for good. Bob plummets to rock bottom when Morton threatens Mr Jelly's past crimes could come back to haunt him - in the form of a lengthy prison sentence...

Kevin is acting strangely. He heads out of town without Phrani, won't speak more than three words at once and most worrying of all...he's wearing slacks. Phrani's worrying is appeased when Kevin's sister, country singer Suzy, arrives in Pearl Bay to claim their recently dead father's silver guitar. The case ends up before Laura where Suzy's adamant belief her Dad was a member of the "Master's Apprentices" is challenged...and eventually proven correct, resulting in a cliff side tribute concert. Laura is reluctant to spread the news of her impending marriage but she is keen to sever all legal ties with Jack. However, when Jack pays Laura what he owes, she is left feeling unexpectedly hollow. Karen, too, is eager to even the scales. After Karen reveals her continental infidelity to Angus, she inisists he has an affair to compensate...while Meredith has her own way to keep Harold on his toes. Construction work finally begins on the tunnel site, arousing Max's curiousity. When Max doesn't keep his discoveries to himself, Morton pulls a few of his very long and very connected strings, revealing Max as the writer behind 'Still Waters'. The town alienate Max immediately but things could be worse...he could be Bob. Wifeless and facing a lenghty prison sentence, Mr Jelly decides to end it all, a hard task with only three sleeping pills. However, Bob's fortune seems to improve when Morton offers to back him in his quest for the mayoral robes. Bob would be thrilled if he wasn't comatose

While Laura's on a one way track to the altar, Maxs announces he has accepted a lucrative job with an international newspaper and will be leaving Pearl Bay - and Laura - behind. Of all things, a trivia night question causes Max to reassess his life. Max is reminded of his likeness to the mariner in Colerdige's 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner', who shot an albatross, his potential saviour. In other words, Max realises he should stop making a habit of sabotaging his own happiness. Meanwhile, Bob launches his campaign with Morton at the reigns. Mr Jelly receives female attention from his forward image consultant, Astrid Moore, prompting Bob to warn Heather she'll let a tiger out to play if she doesn't take him back. Heather knows Bob couldn't cheat on him no more than she could on him. Her theory is proved when a terrified Bob bails out a restaurant toilet window to escape Astrid's advances. Trudi finds herself in court...as Vietnamese interpreter. As the case unravels, the defendant is revealed to be Lewis' father. He traded identities with a crim and risks imprisonment just to see Trudi again and beg her to return home with him. Desperation drives Karen, too, when in a last ditch attempt to win Angus back, she learns to surf. At the eleventh hour Max confesses his true feelings for Laura but his words are soon upstaged by the fact they are careering downriver in an out-of-control dinghy. However, after a champagne drenched hen's night Laura, again, finds herself careering out of control...by foot, to the shack at the end of the beach.

Laura desperately wants to be honest with Warwick about her night with Max, but the moment constantly eludes her. To compound on her anxiety, Jack, distraught since Trudi left him, refers to Laura as the 'good', faithful sister. Work is no help either. Barry Boston and his ex-lover, Ari, are in battle trading accusations of deception and passionless love. With the rocky Jelly marriage creating bad PR, Morton threatens Heather into supporting Bob to keep face. However, newly independent Heather can not be swayed and throws her support behind the new candidate on the block - Meredith. To add to Bob's woes Craig goes through a sexual crisis, closely observed by a bemused Miranda. Yet despite the setbacks, Bob's campaign rolls on with Morton in the driving seat. Max's investigations reveal Morton plans to turn Pearl Bay into a nucelar wastedump! An incredulous Bob goes public and withdraws his nomination. Meanwhile poor Karen bravely accepts her fate as the 'dude bride' at her forthcoming surf wedding while Laura struggles to escape hers. It isn't until Max reveals his love for Laura to Warwick that Laura is forced to pull the plug on the big day. In an uncharacteristically callous gesture, Warwick leaves a little momento behind to remind Laura of his broken hearted departure...rotten fish has never smelt sweeter.

3x13 Half-life

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While Laura suffers the fallout of a cancelled wedding, 'The Oyster' - publishing anti-nuclear material - is seized. Max and Phrani conjure a plan to keep the newspaper in print but Morton Tregonning prepares to open the nuclear waste dump regardless...just as soon as the tunnel is completed. After protesting at the tunnel site, Miranda and Craig are arrested for trespassing. When Laura learns all police and legal authority in town are Morton's Port Deakin stooges - including her new co-worker, Port Deakin magistrate, Tucker - she is angered. Feeling utterly powerless, Laura quits her position as magistrate, deciding to defend Miranda and Craig herself. Tucker's bias and corrupted self ensure the case will be impossible to win until Max discovers an anomaly which saves the day...but not the fate of the town. As the ends of the tunnel come close to connecting, the locals pray for a miracle...which comes in the form of a natural disaster courtesy of an unexpected source...Meredith. Frustrated by the local's apparant apathy, Meredith is struck down by a stroke. Pearl Bay is devastated. All hope seems lost when her life support is turned off, triggering the earth at the tunnel site to shift. The project is defunct and the town is saved. However, Meredith remains in a coma. Showing remarkable strength in the face of tragedy, Heather insists Bob rerun for mayor using Meredith's campaign and Karen go ahead with her wedding. Without Meredith around, Karen's 'surf wedding' seems more ominous than ever. However, Angus and the town have other ideas and throw Karen her ultimate white wedding fantasy. As we head out of the series Meredith decides not to leave Pearl Bay to battle on alone while Laura and Max are left doing what they do best: arguing...over the name of their unborn child

Season Premiere


4x01 Paradise Reclaimed: Back Where We Belong

Season Premiere

4x01 Paradise Reclaimed: Back Where We Belong

  • 2019-08-05T13:30:00Z1h

After losing her job in Africa, former magistrate Laura Gibson returns to Pearl Bay to visit her daughter. But after two decades, Pearl Bay has changed in ways that will challenge everything Laura believes about life, love and family.

Laura tries to convince Miranda to keep her newborn baby. Fin reveals his romantic side to Miranda during the full moon. Laura is shunned by the people of Pearl Bay after she orders Ben to close his pub.

Miranda's world is rocked when her half-sister makes a surprise return to Pearl Bay. Laura is heartbroken over Anna's plans to adopt Baby Joe.

Stella's secret plan to save Pearl Bay has dire results for Miranda and Fin. Bob Jelly feels the heat when his business partner gets out of prison.

Miranda is desperate to hide her romantic past from Fin. Laura helps Ben mend his broken heart and rediscover his love of Pearl Bay. Kevin's dreams come true when a past love returns to Pearl Bay.

Bob Jelly launches a cunning plan to reclaim his dodgy cash from the police station. Laura receives a valuable life lesson from Ben. Miranda teams up with Fin to win the annual fishing competition.

4x07 Paradise Reclaimed: Part 7

  • 2019-09-16T13:30:00Z1h

Fin helps Miranda with her dream of starting a marine centre. Laura's life is in crisis when Ben's ex-wife applies for her job as Magistrate.

4x08 Paradise Reclaimed: Part 8

  • 2019-09-23T13:30:00Z1h

Laura, Miranda and Bob Jelly join forces to save Pearl Bay from destruction. Miranda is forced to confront her true feelings for Fin.
