Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin

The thing I love about the Paranormal Activity movies is how low budget and homemade they feel. This one was too movie-y for my tastes.

Like, at times it felt a little like a YouTube vlog, but it mainly gave Hollywood. And it's not just because of how it was shot and edited, the dialogues, too, felt very scripted where in previous movies they were much more natural and spontaneous.

And as for the horror aspect, I'm really not that hard to scare and this movie didn't even manage to raise my pulse. Total snoozefest.

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Tomorrow with You

This is one of those rare dramas that starts off kinda weird, gets unbearably boring towards the middle, but pulls off a miracle towards the end and achieves a fairly solid landing.

Did it need to be 16 episodes? No. Too much time was wasted on boring side plots that ultimately contributed very little to the story. Also, the writers played it too close to the vest for too long, where everything seemed bleak, depressing and pointless because they kept piling on the questions without providing any answers.

The time traveling was okay, it was interesting in this drama's take of it how people of the past and future were actually allowed to interact. Then again, it had some of the same loopholes all time travelling stories usually have. And the villain storyline sucked ass.

But I think what made this drama worth the watch for me was the main couple. The energy between them was fantastic, and it was adorable how sweet and cuddly they were. Seeing actors who are physically comfortable enough around each other to where it feels natural that they'd gravitate together and exchange small touches is really so underrated.

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Tomorrow with You: 1x16 Episode 16

The clear phones made me LOL

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Tomorrow with You: 1x14 Episode 14

Things have gone wrong for them so many times, that I expect for that trend to continue. But there's literally two episodes left, they have to change the course of events eventually.

But like, seriously, why wouldn't they go straight to the police station? In the real world, that's what anyone would do. Also, why would they not stick together? Silly, silly writing.

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Tomorrow with You: 1x11 Episode 11

A couple episodes ago I almost quit this drama, but it's gotten interesting now that some things are being revealed.

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Love My Scent

This movie was SO BAD. What a waste of the leads' talent.

They're both great actors, but they had so little chemistry. Or maybe it wasn't their fault at all but the fact that the script was plain terrible. The relationship development was atrocious. This movie was more of a collection of isolated scenes than a cohesive, smoothly flowing story. The audio was weirdly mixed at times and the plot was lucklauster and all over the place. I wish they would have stuck to the rom-com-y vibes, the scientific thriller angle (psycho ex included) made no sense and was so poorly planned and executed.

It was bizarre how significantly worse this movie got the longer I kept watching, and the ending—I have no words to describe how stupid and off-putting it was.

It's such a disappointment, because with better writers and a longer format (say a 6 episode mini series), the ideas in this really could have coalesced into something so much better.

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Dreaming of a Freaking Fairy Tale: 1x01 To Chungdam Heaven

Was this episode silly and low key dumb? Yes. But because the drama takes full ownership of how ridiculous and over the top it's being, the whole thing was kinda cute and fun. I mean, c'mon, Prince Charming is called Cha Min. That's so on the nose, it's hilarious.

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Frankly Speaking

Watched two episodes, found the show to be really boring.

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The Atypical Family: 1x12 Episode 12

Da Hae's happiness turned Gwi Ju's grey world into one full of colors, both literally (in the past) and figuratively (in the present). :sob::purple_heart:

I wish they would have found an actress who resembled Ina enough to play her college-aged (or HS senior? They mentioned dorms, but she was wearing a uniform still) self so we could get a family reunion. I also would have liked to see more family photos of her with Da Hae and her baby brother. We were robbed of the father-daughter reunion.

Still, this drama was so sweet and filled with subtle yet massive emotions. I really enjoyed it.

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The Atypical Family
The Atypical Family: 1x07 Episode 7

Gwi Ju can easily go back to the past and tell Da Hae all about winning lottery numbers and stocks. They'd build the family fortune in no time, and even pay off the loan shark lady whatever it is she thinks she's owed.

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Hierarchy: 1x07 Spring Time: Our Short, Vulnerable Yet Precious Chapter

Were we supposed to know who the new headmistress is?

If ever a last episode felt like they were trying to leave things open for another season, it was definitely this one.

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The plot was dumber than a bag of rocks, the acting wasn't amazing (with some exceptions—Lee Chae Min and some of the supporting cast did a good job) and there was zero chemistry between Jae I and Ri An. But at least the cinematography was good, so the drama was pretty to look at.

The script wasn't great, so even with fantastic actors this drama would still have been a low key bore, but Kim Jae Won must have studied acting at the Kristen Stuart school of actors because he can't make facial expressions to save his life. Even a statue has more emotion on its face than this guy. If you were to mute the episodes and try to guess what he was feeling based on visuals alone, you'd have no hope of getting it right. And that extends to some of the other actors, also. They're still young though, so maybe they'll get better.

Honestly, with as old as Gossip Girl is, if you're looking for rich, entitled brats living privileged lives full of drama, that's still a better show than this will ever be.

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Missing Crown Prince: 1x18 Episode 18

Makjang through and through. There's nothing left to do except laugh at the sheer absurdity of it all.

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Missing Crown Prince: 1x17 Episode 17

This episode was so melodramatic LOL

Is it finally time for all the traitors to die? Not like we've been waiting 17 episodes or anything. With how many of them there are, a full vat of poison is gonna be needed.

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Eye Love You: 1x02 Episode 2

Yuri, girl, you need to learn Korean ASAP so we can all know what Tae Oh is thinking LOL

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Hierarchy: 1x02 Secret: Within a Secret

The story is silly, but this drama is so pretty to look at. The filming and editing are really top notch. I'm gonna have to look up who directed this to search for more of their work.

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Eye Love You: 1x01 Episode 1

If you'd told me this show was filmed ten years ago I would have believed you.

But omg Chae Jong Hyeop is so freaking cute. I can't with this man. And Yuri's hangriness was low key adorable, too.

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Hierarchy: 1x01 Newbie Party: Truth or Dare

So... Korean Gossip Girl meets revenge plot, then?

This first episode was beautifully shot, and it starting and ending with swirly, tilted shots was a nice touch, but I seriously hope Kim Jae Won has taken some acting classes since King the Land, because if I have to sit through another drama with this man having the emotional range of a plastic spoon, I'm not gonna be happy.

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Hospital Playlist: 2x04 Episode 4

I wonder what happened to the baby dolls from season 1. They were featured so much last season but haven't made a single appearance yet LOL

I honestly feel so bad for Jun Wan. For his sake, I actually hope Ik Sun was being honest about having fallen for someone else, because if not, that was such an immature, dick move on her part. They´re all supposed to be in or near their 40s, so I seriously hope she didn't just lie to him to run away from her problems, like a teenager, instead of having an open, honest discussion with him. Either way, now she's gonna have to face him sooner or later, and I'd guess we're headed to him being the one that gonna be her liver donor.

And kinda related to that, maybe Koreans should cut back a little on their alcohol intake. I think I've seen more liver transplant cases here (so far) that there's been in Grey's Anatomy's 20 seasons.

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Hospital Playlist: 2x03 Episode 3

While kinda understandable, Jun Wan getting jealous when he's been best friends with a girl for the past what? 20 years? Would be fairly hypocritical.

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Hospital Playlist: 2x01 Episode 1

The jokes about Ik Jun's kid getting bigger because it was a near year were low key hilarious considering how, except for Gyeo Ul's hair being longer, everyone look the exact same as last season, like no time at all had passed in between filming LOL

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Hospital Playlist: 1x10 Episode 10

I'm still waiting for the show to get back around to the med students' story about the doctor that treated their mom. Will they ever find out Seon Hwa is the reason they decided to become doctors?

And still fully rooting for my girl Gyeo Wool to get her man! One more little push from Ik Jun and I think we'll be there LOL

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Hospital Playlist: 1x08 Episode 8

They should have gotten different sizes of the dolls, so all their infant patients weren't all weeks-old babies. There has to be ones that look older, surely, because it's kinda ridiculous that they're trying to pretend 3-weeks old babies look the same as 6 months-old.

Of all the medical dramas I've ever watched (including over 15 seasons of Grey's Anatomy), I don't think I've ever come across a show with a ratio of sick-babies to number of episodes as high this one has. There's almost no kids, teenagers or college aged patients. It's all either just-born babies or people middle aged and older, except for the handful of pregnant women. And it feels like the surgeries are all either cardiac-related or transplants. The surgical aspect is the weakest part of this show IMO (I still don't get why the writers chose to make all the main cast surgeons).

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Tomorrow with You: 1x08 Episode 8

Turns out the obvious answer was correct, then.

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Tomorrow with You: 1x07 Episode 7

I can't make up my mind about So Joon. Sometimes he's the worst and sucks, but when he manages to pull his head out of his ass, he's the sweetest.

I keep wondering what the other time traveler dude is pulling. He's sus AF, and some of his weird behaviors seem to indicate he's somehow tied to Ma Rin. I don't think it's possible, but there's no way he's her father, right?

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Tomorrow with You: 1x06 Episode 6

I don't get how he doesn't realise that the longer he keeps lying to Ma Rin, the worse their relationship is getting.

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Tomorrow with You: 1x04 Episode 4

Crazy how in this episode they went from not even dating to being married LOL This drama's storytelling is whack, but the utter weirdness makes it kind of cute :yellow_heart:☂:yellow_heart:

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Tomorrow with You: 1x02 Episode 2

Ma Rin's weirdness is growing on me

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Tomorrow with You: 1x01 Episode 1

Hella weird first episode, but imma trust the yellow(ish) umbrella. Yellow umbrellas in k-dramas haven't lead me wrong so far.

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