Better Call Saul: 5x04 Namaste

Me doing the best job of my life:
My boss reacting to it: "IT'S ACCEPTABLE"

dang, Fring!

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The Big Bang Theory: 5x03 The Pulled Groin Extrapolation

Howard is pathetic, but it was great to see Sheldon being a tad protective by the end

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Breaking Bad: 3x03 I.F.T.

I feel sorry for Skyler - she clearly got the short end of the stick in this whole deal, being lied to and still being taken as the villain in the whole story. Walter doesn't give her a break ... "Honesty is good" :(

Also I'm not sure I understand the significance of Hank leaving the gun in the car. Does that mean he was trying to face death somehow?

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Black Mirror: 6x04 Mazey Day

It started so strong - paparazzi culture, someone from within that broke free, celebrities shunning responsibility for their acts ... there was a lot of meat in that bone and the episode could have gone to incredible places. But the actual direction it went to feels really out of place, unsatisfying and unwarranted. It feels counter to what people usually expect when watching Black Mirror. It's not bad per se (even though I personally don't like it), but it just feels misplaced

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Parks and Recreation: 2x06 Kaboom

"Don't say situation" "Don't look back" :grin:

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Parks and Recreation: 2x03 Beauty Pageant

"Coming through, buddy" :police_officer:♀:grin:

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Community: 5x02 Introduction to Teaching

What was the song before the outro??

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Adventure Time: 6x19 Is That You?

This is Tenet, Inception and Memento crushed together and shredded

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Bob's Burgers: 12x14 Video Killed the Gene-io Star

I mean, isn't it more likely he just has a different amount of business stuff in his briefcase? Because this is the least scientific test that anyone's ever done in history. No offense.

Bob is hilarious

Maybe blow it, don't blowhole it? Oops, sorry. My retainer gathers saliva.

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Adventure Time: 5x49 Bad Timing

That was so distracting o.o

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Adventure Time: 5x48 Betty

I can't believe all of that happened in just 11 minutes

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Adventure Time: 5x45 Blade of Grass

Wow, cool sword dude (in Jake's voice)

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Adventure Time: 5x43 Root Beer Guy

A good follow-up on BMO Noire!

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Adventure Time: 5x33 Time Sandwich

This is practically a space opera

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Adventure Time: 2x17 Death in Bloom

This is probably my favorite episode ... I've watched it more than any other. The moment when they arrive at the Land of the Dead is so epic!!

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Arrested Development: 4x02 Borderline Personalities

Two episodes in and Maeby hasn't shown up, and Tobias Lindsay and George Michael have a combined 5 lines together. I have a feeling that if I stop now, it'll hurt less than if I keep trying to finish the series ....

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Adventure Time: 5x04 Up a Tree

This is so epic! Woohoo

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Arrested Development: 3x01 The Cabin Show

How can you not love when Steve Holt! calls GOB "Son"?

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Arrested Development: 2x18 The Righteous Brothers

Favorite lines: "Dad's gonna be crushed" and "I fought for you, Tobias // Lindsay, I'm going to Vegas with Kitty!"

Also was that Andy Samberg at the Blue Man Group's performance in Vegas?

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Arrested Development: 2x16 Meat the Veals

In between Franklin, Mrs. Featherbottom's 2nd floor jump and Mini Cooper driving "in the colonies", and "secular ways", this is one of my favorite episodes!

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Arrested Development: 2x11 Out on a Limb

Loose seal was a great pun, but what takes this episode for me is the speech Lucille delivers to Tobias. I was silent after that, OMG

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Arrested Development: 2x09 Burning Love

Find someone in your life that reads menus the way GOB reads club sauce

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Arrested Development: 2x06 Afternoon Delight

GOB was absolutely incredible on this one

Also I squirmed when Oscar mentioned Lucille's brownie :joy:

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Arrested Development: 2x03 Amigos

Gene Parmesan (and Lucille's reaction) is too good to be true, my new favorite character!

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Arrested Development: 2x02 The One Where They Build a House

"Dad always tried to pit us against each other ..."
"Yeha but Dad always said it was your fault"

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Arrested Development: 2x01 The One Where Michael Leaves

Besides Blue Tobias and classic GOB shenanigans, am I the only one who thought this one started weaker than last season ended?

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Arrested Development: 1x19 Best Man for the Gob

I get constantly thrown off by the fact that some storylines come and go without notice - how Tobias is frequently in and out of the jail, or how GOB is married in one episode and spring-breaking in the next one just to be married again in the next

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Arrested Development: 1x18 Missing Kitty

GOB dancing and performing might be some of the best bits of TV I've ever seen ... equally amusing as his dismissal of George Michael (while muttering under his breath how sorry he is)

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Arrested Development: 1x09 Storming the Castle

Where did Tobias ended up, if not the Gothic Castle?

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Adventure Time: 3x15 No One Can Hear You

Holy shit, that deer was scary af. Unblinking eyes

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