Free Rein: Season 1

Shout by Serena
BlockedParent2017-07-07T05:58:56Z— updated 2017-07-24T11:12:15Z

The main problem I had with this show was that there weren't enough episodes and the episodes weren't long enough. I absolutely and utterly adore horses and love these shows where you see the bond between people and horses, but also between the owners of the horses. Younger me would have died for Zoe her life in the TV show, heck, I now would've died for it #noshame. I love it. The storyline is not really unexpected, but there were a few good twists. I loved the casts, very talented people. Kerry Ingram is absolutely amazing and I'm pretty sure I'm in love with Bruce Herbelin-Earle.

To the kids who love horses, this show is made for you. To the "older" people who love horses but don't have any horses in their lives, although they wish they had, so instead of being with horses in real life, they try to get close to horses through TV shows: this show is made for you. (the latter is me)

Update (17/07/17): Finished watching this a second time, still loving it.
Update (22/07/17): Guess who finished it for the third time. Yup, it's me.

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Orange Is the New Black: Season 5

Shout by Serena
BlockedParent2017-06-11T21:08:38Z— updated 2018-01-28T08:37:47Z

To be honest with you, this is not my favorite series. I never really got the hype around it all. I also wasn't very excited about this new season and watched the first half without a lot of enjoyment. I must say though, the second half was pretty good and I actually enjoyed it quite a bit! I think all the characters grew this season and that's the main thing that's happening, that's what I felt like was the focus on.

Although it's not my favorite show, I enjoyed this season and I enjoy the characters and liked getting to know all of them better.

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Riverdale: Season 1

Took me a few episode to really get into but those few "less interesting" are worth it. In the end I really, and then I mean, really enjoyed it. Cool characters you pretty much fall in love with and quite an interesting storyline.

If you enjoyed watching teen shows, might enjoy something with a bit of a twist (aka murder, aka death, aka drama) I really recommend this show. Can't wait for season two.

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Master of None: Season 2

I had forgotten how fun this show was! I might even prefer this season over season 1. I loved Francesca, so I'm very happy they put her character in the show. I also loved the whole Italian storyline.

Master of None saw the opportunity to do different things, different ways of filming, different storylines, etc. And they did amazing. This is the first show I watched that actually "dared" to do something like that and I wouldn't mind seeing it more often.

Oh and that ending! I'm frustrated I need to know more, haha. Can't wait for next season.

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13 Reasons Why: Season 1

Shout by Serena
BlockedParent2017-04-07T17:47:09Z— updated 2017-06-17T14:51:42Z

Such a good show, I felt so many emotions while watching this. Hannah was for sure one of my favorite characters and I bawled my eyes out at the ending. I also got kind of mad because of the way people treat each other. I think this is a really amazing show and apart from that, it teaches people and hopefully opens people their eyes to what might be going on around them and not just ignore it when someone seems troubled. All the actors were so amazing as well. I felt all Clay his emotions. Dylan Minnette has a very bright future, so does Katherine Langford. I can't believe this is her first major part, she's amazing. Also, I fell in love with Tony. And with his car.

I really really really recommend this show. It's a rollercoaster of emotions, but they are all worth it. Go watch it.

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Sherlock: Season 4

Amazing. Amazingly brilliant. The first episode had me in shock, the second made me cry those silent but quite big tears and the last one had me in its grasps the whole time, even now that I finished it. This is simply put, pure greatness.

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A Series of Unfortunate Events: Season 1

I think this is the first time I binge watched something. Finished A Series of Unfortunate Events in a day, and really really enjoyed it. Although I felt like the start was a bit slow, with each episode it got more interesting and more fun to watch. The acting in the show was so good, especially the kids. I am so in love with Sunny, what a cutie patootie. The whole show gave me a bit of a "The Grand Budapest Hotel vibe". The world they created was either very colourful or very grey and it all seems just a bit "too much", but I absolutely loved it. I guess the world and the way they filmed and created it all might have been one of my favourite things about the show.

As I said before, I got more and more excited and interested with every episode. I didn't expect it to happen but I even ended up with quite some questions, or maybe just a whole lot of questions. Which makes me only more excited for next season. I for sure can't wait!

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Poldark: Season 2

This season was one rollercoaster of emotions, I'm still recovering and I finished it almost a day ago. I was so happy when things finally were going right, but no, it was foolish of me to think it would last. I love this show but I just feel like I just need a bit more positivity.

I think this TV show is so beautiful. The locations, the people, their homes, everything. All the characters show so much love and passion as well as determination and hope. I think that is probably one of my favourite things about this show. I find it to be very inspirational. Although I do think all the characters are quite foolish as well, which only makes them more human so I guess that's quite a good thing.

You know, I just don't know. I love this show I really do, but they better bring me some cheer next season. Till then, I'll be waiting patiently.

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Lucifer: Season 1

Shout by Serena
BlockedParent2016-04-26T21:03:34Z— updated 2016-08-11T20:39:44Z

This is a surprisingly fun show! I enjoyed every episode, and although I'm not Deckers biggest fan (which started at the start of the series, and weirdly enough it didn't turn around, which most of the time happens. I'm sorry Decker) Lucifer made up for it, in the very best way possible. He is the perfect mix between super scary and perfectly funny/charming, I love him, seriously. So basically if Lucifer wouldn't have been there, it probably wouldn't have been as great, because I feel like he brought most of the enjoyment to the show.

There were some fun crimes and stuff as well, but seeing that there are so many police shows, it's hard to find something new or surprising, ya feel.

I can't wait for the new season, and have myself a little more Lucifer, mmhmmh. smirk

(I was going to give this season a 7 but, because Lucifer, I'm giving it an 8 #teamlucifer)

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Mozart in the Jungle: Season 2

Still love it as much as I did after the first season. Maybe I love it even more, if that's possible. I can't handle the fact that I have to wait for season 3, I need it now! I loved how the character developed in this season. I feel like Hayley is really beginning to find herself, although I also feel like she's not entirely sure about what she wants yet. One of my favorite things on this show are the characters, how they act in certain situations, how they develop, how to are around each other, I love it. At one point in this season the orchestra goes on tour and they end up in Mexico. Episode 6 is one of those episodes, and was my favorite episode of this season! Once you've seen it you might understand why, haha. They also find some problems within the board this season, it's not like I highly disliked those parts, but they weren't my favorites either. The music makes everything better and I still adore maestro Rodrigo with all my heart, that man is amazing.

I'll be patiently waiting here for season 3 (starts the soundtrack music).

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Mozart in the Jungle: Season 1

I didn't really have any expectations when I started it, but boy did I enjoy it! I started the first episode with the thought "I'm only going to watch one". I ended up watching the first half of season 1 and the next day the other half. I adore the characters, they are all so different which makes them a fun cast to look at, every storyline is different, and they all come together at the symphony. Maybe it's because I love the fact that it's about classical music, and you don't see that very often, but I think this was a great start for a show I hope to watch for a long time. On to season 2 it is!

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