As someone who liked the 1st and loved the 2nd due to its huge expansion this 3rd entry feels very filler-ish. There's a lot of great action but the movie itself doesn't have a concrete story structure to follow. It feels like a part 1 of X (which if it was the case it would be good) but it isn't. It did felt like they are starting to stretch the franchise in order to milk it. It would've been really cool if they had ended it with a trilogy and then some spin off but... what a waste.
Also, this sequel removes part of the impact of the ending of its predecessor (which isn't good).

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Shout by Kevin Fisher

Still hugely enjoyable but the joke is starting to wear a bit thin now for me.

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Shout by Keldian
BlockedParent2019-08-24T10:08:00Z— updated 2021-10-20T21:02:58Z

John Wick remains possibly the blandest action hero to ever grace the screen, which to be fair is a perfect match for Keanu's perpetual idle expression and flat speech (you know you're terrible when Halle Berry outshines you). But seriously, could you not write some better comebacks for him than "no you won't", "thank you", "yeaaaah"? Most are not even one-liners but one-worders.

Besides that, the movie is yet another succession of choreographed head-popping scenes—featuring mindless assailants to whom it never occurs to camp on some vantage point using a scoped weapon to take out a predictably mobile target—all with barely a hint of plot to tie it all together. John rebels and gets hunted down by the organization pulling the strings, but then for incoherent reasons involving his dead wife decides to go through a great deal of trouble to make amends, only to inexplicably change his mind again later. Yep, that's the "story".

Watchable for the action, but also entirely skippable.

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The first 2 movies were better, simply because this one lacked any reasonable story. Sure, you don't watch John Wick for the great story, but I expected at least a little. In other words there was no development at all - everybody is at the exact same spot at the end.
There was one scene that was really ugly though and I had to look away because it was too brutal: when his dog licked his face - so disgusting!

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Do you know that meme about Raiders of the Lost Ark that says that, in the end, if Indiana would have never interplayed with the nazis to prevent them from getting the Lost Ark the movie would have come to the very same outcome? Ok, John Wick 3 is the same. Everything that happens in screen is just a cheap excuse to come back to the beginning, restore the status quo and make a chapter 4 as if chapter 3 almost didn't happened.

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This was basically a macho musical. Nohing but well choreographed dance/fight scenes set to action guitar riffs. The plot was so anorexically thin that I became numb to the fighting.

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Lame ass movie. This is Rambo 4 on speed. But there is a lot of guns and of course Halle Berry is in it, which gives it an extra plus.

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No way close to John Wick Chapter 1 or even close to Chapter 2 which is bad but still good than this last Chapter, sorry but a waste of time, no comedie, bad execution.

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5 - Meh

You wanna see Keanu Reeves kill people for two hours? Of course! That's why this is part 3

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Looks like 5 mins of talking for 2 hours movie is enough nowadays.

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Shout by Val
BlockedParent2019-09-03T22:12:38Z— updated 2024-03-19T15:20:48Z

Orientalism at its best :person_facepalming_tone1:♀:person_facepalming_tone1:♀

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Shout by Deleted

Disappointing... The 3rd chapter of the John Wick saga had much less of a story to it and although people watch John Wick for the action and fight scenes and not the story, this film just felt like plain senseless violence.

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Shout by JordyVIP
BlockedParent2019-05-17T07:19:53Z— updated 2023-03-17T19:05:36Z

I don’t get the appeal of these.
Yeah, the stuntwork’s great, but I see no redeeming qualities besides that. The acting sucks, the dialogue’s corny, the story is schlock that’s presented way too seriously, the characters are uninteresting, there’s little to no tension because the main character is an invincible cartoon, the music’s unmemorable and generic, and most of the film is just plain damn boring.
All the good stuff that this has to offer is also offered by franchises like Mission Impossible and Fast and Furious, and more on top of that.
You’re not getting the clever intrigue or fun gimmicks of the MI franchise here, nor the tongue in cheek comedy or creative, over the top insanity of the F&F franchise.
This is so boring by comparison to me.


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They say that power without control is useless, in this case it applies perfectly. As the film progresses, it loses any meaning. Only the action scenes are saved. By the way, the choreography of Halle Berry is quite disappointing

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Movie from game streaming serie "Let's play"
This is "Let's Play John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum" action (TPS?) game.

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I didn't like it. Cartoonsy, bad special effects, weird character interaction, unbelievable plot. I can suspend my disbelief but this film did not manage to capture me at all.

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They say that power without control is useless, in this case it applies perfectly. As the film progresses, it loses any meaning. Only the action scenes are saved. By the way, the choreography of Halle Berry is quite disappointing

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That was terrible. I loved the first two John Wick movies, this was dreadful, 2.5 hours of my life I’ll never get back. Little story, no character development, little dialogue, just endless drawn out action scene after action scene with the baddies attacking one after another displaying an intelligence equivalent to ZX Spectrum 1980s baddies. Don’t watch this. It’s terrible

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I don't know why I bothered as I haven't enjoyed any of the other wickian adventures.

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The most boring of them all so far. Just an endless stream of fights and gunfights. Not sure what the acting or story was like, I never saw any. John Wick 4 - Hard pass for me.

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It left wondering if I watched a movie or a twitch cast of some one playing in high def a first person shooter game.

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Wow so many great comments and ratings. for what ? absolutely nothing.
2.30 hours !!!! 2.30 hours of just fighting, almost zero nonsense talking and script and nothing made sense or interested about. Especially the last fight sequence in the Hotel that was so boring.

I remember liking the first one (cannot remember the scond one) but this was rubbish of action and nothing else. I have the 4 also but not going to waste 2.40 minutes of my life!

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Waste of f* time. 7 big battles each 10mins. You knife him to neck 3times, then undercut his throat, then 3 bullets in the head and still not dead??? Sorry, bro. She shot him into face 3 times, then she is suprised, she is low with bullets in magazine and then she shot 30 times w/ regular gun? :D No no no.. As bad as Equalizer 2. True story.

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less speaking, less cars, more fighting!
That's called "Action Redefined" which the John Wick franchise has achieved.

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Shout by KhawlahVIP

If you’re looking to be mindless and suspend all belief and watch action sequence after another after another with no reasonable plot or acting to ground it, then this is the sequel for you. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed it. But it needed a twist to make us believe killing all these people would eventually lead to something, instead the movie ended where it started. It all seemed pretty pointless and an opportunity for more sequels to make more money.

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This was a total waste of 2 hours of my life, F**king awful is the only way to describe it

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"are you pissed, John??".

Couldn't think of a better ending for this one.

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I really loved the first John Wick film. I thought the second one was good. I liked this part too, but at this point mainly just because it's Keanu starring as John ...

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[Amazon] The John Wick saga goes to the extreme. It is difficult to find an argument among so many action scenes. There are more kicks than words. That's fine. Some locations (the glass building) are spectacular. Some fight sequences are astonishing. Other action sequences (Morocco) are video game fireworks.

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Mark Dacascos from the bloodthirsty assassin to fanboy in 3 seconds. cracked me up :joy:
Reference to Matrix, hilarious.

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Shout by Syed Tousiful Hauqe

A movie which is loaded with action but very weak storyline i guess. There was lots of action and very little climax or twist in plot in this movie. Towards the end the action also becomes boring because you know jon is going to win everytime.

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Shout by aPoetanuKnowit

I NOMINATE THE ACTION N THIS MOVIE 4 THE OSCAR... keanu's alright 2 i guess.

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In my opinion the second movie was the best.

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John3Wick is a long and pointless film where unstoppable man kills a lot of people then has doubts if he can kill even more for a brief moment until he kills a lot more...

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