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Coronation Street

Season 15 1974

  • 1974-01-02T20:00:00Z on ITV
  • 24m
  • 7h 12m (18 episodes)
  • United Kingdom
  • English
  • Soap
The residents of Coronation Street are ordinary, working-class people, and the show follows them through regular social and family interactions at home, in the workplace, and in their local pub, the Rovers Return Inn. Britain's longest-running soap.

18 episodes

Season Premiere


15x01 Wed Jan 2 1974

Season Premiere

15x01 Wed Jan 2 1974

  • 1974-01-02T20:00:00Z24m


15x02 20th March 1974

15x02 20th March 1974

  • 1974-03-20T18:30:00Z24m

Lucille tells Rita she's been living with Danny Burrows for a month. Emily has her heart set on being Lady Bracknell in RADA's production of The Importance of Being Earnest. Ernie favours Annie and suggests Emily plays Gwendaline. Albert rows with Janet over her attitude towards Peter and Susan. Deirdre wins the part of Gwendaline for herself. Billy takes Danny on at the garage. Ken gets the part of Algernon. Janet tells Ken to take the day off tomorrow and bring the twins home.


15x03 24th April 1974

15x03 24th April 1974

  • 1974-04-24T18:30:00Z24m

Hilda is on the verge of a breakdown. Stan asks Len if they can use the money frrom the smoking syndicate but Len refuses. Mrs Morris wants her sugar bowl, used as a prop in the play, back during the show. When Mavis refuses to give it to her she calls the police. Stan finds something in an advertisement to help Hilda and gets her to sign an application form. The production goes well, despite Mrs Morris snatching her sugar bowl back on stage. Mavis is shocked when she walks into the mens' dressing room to be confronted by a naked Billy.


15x04 10th June 1974

15x04 10th June 1974

  • 1974-06-10T18:30:00Z24m

Albert returns and demands Dolores' removal from his yard. Billy has put Alison up but demands that she goes before Annie returns from visiting Joan. Albert is sickened to hear the Barlows have split. Stan takes the donkey back and is reported to the Health Inspector by Maggie. He is given forty-eight hours to move the donkey by Inspector Tom Meeker. Alf tries to get Maggie interested in the modernisation again but she's not bothered. Rita takes Alison in and spoils Len's evening by babysitting Jonathan.


15x05 10th July 1974

15x05 10th July 1974

  • 1974-07-10T18:30:00Z24m

Gordon gives Maggie away and she marries Ron Cooke with guests: Betty, George Farmer, Norma, Sidney Wilson, Mavis, Annie, Billy, Bet, Albert, Minnie, Jerry, Stan, Hilda, Len and Rita. Alf drowns his sorrows in the Rovers where Winnie Gregson minds the bar for the day. The wedding reception is held at the Community Centre, with telegrams from the Bishops and Jacko. The Hopkins show Granny round the Corner Shop. She thinks they could get it for a bargain. The Cookes leave for Zaire.


15x06 30th September 1974

15x06 30th September 1974

  • 1974-09-30T18:30:00Z24m

Blanche advises Deirdre to fight Ray back. Sheila Crossley plans to throw a party to show her appreciation to the Bishops. Deirdre hates working with Ray. Blanche is angry when he makes her cry and slaps Ray in the Rovers for harassing Deirdre. Jerry wants to take Mavis to the party but she isn't sure about going. Bet enters 'Find the Football' in the Gazette and ropes in some of the girls when Len insinuates a woman could never win it. Billy rings Deirdre to say that he'll be home tomorrow. Ray spikes Jerry's pale ale with vodka. Rita flirts with Ken to make Len angry. To Mavis's horror, a drunken Jerry gives a speech, saying how much Sheila means to him. Mavis runs out and Jerry is sick. Annie is annoyed to hear from Blanche that Billy has phoned Deirdre as well as her and even more put out when Blanche hints that wedding bells are in the offing.


15x07 14th October 1974

15x07 14th October 1974

  • 1974-10-14T18:30:00Z24m

The women laze around on their holiday in Majorca. Deirdre is pursued by Brian Dodds. Emily is eaten by mosquitoes. Bet picks up a property developer, Martin Barrett. Vera doesn't like it when Tricia flirts with Tony Bolton. His father and storeman at the warehouse, Fred Bolton, is pleased that his son has started at the warehouse with him. There's a hold up in the delivery and he has to store a load of leather and suede jackets in the store. Tony is interested and tells a friend Paul Meggitt. To the girls' surprise, Mavis falls for a handsome Spaniard called Pedro. Megan invites Ernie for a meal. Tony steals Fred's store key and gets a copy cut. Ernie and Stan go to an Italian for dinner. Ernie tells Granny he has to work late. Mavis is delighted when Pedro kisses her.


15x08 4th December 1974

15x08 4th December 1974

  • 1974-12-04T19:30:00Z24m

Granny determines to find out who "Elizabeth Preston" is. Hilda gives Betty £2.50 for the sideboard but she wants to see how much Bet will offer. Minnie tells Granny that Betty's maiden name was Preston. The Ogdens try to move the sideboard in secret. Bet catches them and sits on it. Hilda goes for her. Jerry stops them fighting. Annie tells Bet to let Hilda have the sideboard or she's fired - to keep the peace. Emily is worried as the children don't want to eat. Carlos tries to get Bet to tell Jerry the phone call was a joke but she can't bring herself to. Jerry gives Mavis the message. She goes to the rendezvous with Jerry following her. Carlos meets her. Granny and Vera give Betty the birth certificate and tell her her secret is safe with them.

Annie stops the party as the news is broken to Betty. Stuart Draper puts a note on the car outside the garage telling of Billy's crookedness. Billy tows the car away. Emily and Ernie start the Rovers Amateur Dramatic Association (RADA) up. Betty feels she caused Cyril's death by hurrying him to come to the party. She becomes confused. Billy tells Draper he hasn't a leg to stand on legally. Draper manically drives the car into the Rovers' door, smashing it.

Lucille tells Rita she's been living with Danny Burrows for a month. Emily has her heart set on being Lady Bracknell in RADA's production of The Importance of Being Earnest. Ernie favours Annie and suggests Emily plays Gwendaline. Albert rows with Janet over her attitude towards Peter and Susan. Deirdre wins the part of Gwendaline for herself. Billy takes Danny on at the garage. Ken gets the part of Algernon. Janet tells Ken to take the day off tomorrow and bring the twins home.

Hilda is on the verge of a breakdown. Stan asks Len if they can use the money frrom the smoking syndicate but Len refuses. Mrs Morris wants her sugar bowl, used as a prop in the play, back during the show. When Mavis refuses to give it to her she calls the police. Stan finds something in an advertisement to help Hilda and gets her to sign an application form. The production goes well, despite Mrs Morris snatching her sugar bowl back on stage. Mavis is shocked when she walks into the mens' dressing room to be confronted by a naked Billy.

Albert returns and demands Dolores' removal from his yard. Billy has put Alison up but demands that she goes before Annie returns from visiting Joan. Albert is sickened to hear the Barlows have split. Stan takes the donkey back and is reported to the Health Inspector by Maggie. He is given forty-eight hours to move the donkey by Inspector Tom Meeker. Alf tries to get Maggie interested in the modernisation again but she's not bothered. Rita takes Alison in and spoils Len's evening by babysitting Jonathan.

Annie goes into a hysterical panic when Winnie Gregson, the relief barmaid that Billy has employed, is late. Betty all but throws Hilda out of the Corner Shop when she comes in nosying after Maggie. Jerry delivers a present from Alf, with a message that he won't be coming to the wedding. Len remembers his own wedding almost exactly twenty-five years before. Albert complains about the state the Community Centre hall will be in after the reception. Stan tries to swipe an early drink from behind the bar but Hilda stops him. Vera and Tricia Hopkins call in to the Corner Shop wondering if they can have the key to look round later on. Ray tries to get a word with Tricia but her mother intervenes. Before they leave for the church, Gordon wishes Maggie all the luck in the world. Winnie turns up at the last minute and her first customer is a doleful Alf. Maggie and Ron exchange their vows and then return to the street for the reception. The Hopkins show Megan Hopkins round the shop. She thinks it's pokey. Jerry tries to help Mavis with a stuck zip but tears it instead. Len goes into the Rovers to find Alf who is half-drunk and refuses to come to the reception. Billy, Ray and Bet make fun of Jerry and Mavis's embarrassment. Maggie gives them the key to the shop to get the dress repaired. Megan thinks they could get the shop for a bargain with Maggie going to Zaire and Gordon returning to London. They return to the shop to fetch Megan's umbrella and find Mavis in a state of undress with Jerry. Telegrams are read from the Bishops and Jacko Ford while Minnie cries on cue. Hilda makes Stan dance with her. Alf stays drinking until closing time. The Cookes say their goodbyes. Gordon promises to stay in Weatherfield to see to the shop sale. Ray reminds a half-cut Stan that it's his court appearance tomorrow and he may be sent down

Blanche advises Deirdre to fight Ray back. Sheila Crossley plans to throw a party to show her appreciation to the Bishops. Deirdre hates working with Ray. Blanche is angry when he makes her cry and slaps Ray in the Rovers for harassing Deirdre. Jerry wants to take Mavis to the party but she isn't sure about going. Bet enters 'Find the Football' in the Gazette and ropes in some of the girls when Len insinuates a woman could never win it. Billy rings Deirdre to say that he'll be home tomorrow. Ray spikes Jerry's pale ale with vodka. Rita flirts with Ken to make Len angry. To Mavis's horror, a drunken Jerry gives a speech, saying how much Sheila means to him. Mavis runs out and Jerry is sick. Annie is annoyed to hear from Blanche that Billy has phoned Deirdre as well as her and even more put out when Blanche hints that wedding bells are in the offing.

Jerry gets up early to do the Kabin papers. Len joins him. Annoyed with Rita, he considers selling the shop. Blanche moves into the Rovers rather than live at home. The women enjoy lazing around the pool in Majorca. Deirdre is pursued by lovestruck Brian Dodds, much to Annie’s disapproval. Bet picks up a property developer, Martin Barrett who wines and dines her in a coastal restaurant. Vera doesn't like it when Tricia flirts with loutish Tony Bolton. Rita and Mavis sunbathe and Rita is picked up by a Spanish waiter with a pedalo. Stan feels abandoned without Hilda to look after him. Tony’s father and storeman at the warehouse, Fred Bolton, is pleased that his wayward son has started working with him. There's a hold up in the delivery and Fred has to store a load of leather and suede jackets in the store. He tells Ken that he feels uneasy with the responsibility. Tony is interested in the goods and tells friend and fellow warehouse worker Paul Meggitt. Fred disapproves of Paul. Emily’s skin suffers in the sun. To the girls' surprise, Mavis falls for a handsome young Spaniard called Pedro. The next day, Rita questions Mavis about her movements with Pedro on the night before. Granny invites a reluctant Ernie for his tea that night. Under Paul’s instructions, Tony steals Fred's store key to get a copy cut so they can pinch the goods. Stan asks Ernie to go out for the night and Ernie suggests an Italian restaurant. Paul and a nervous Tony use the key to enter the storehouse at night. Ernie tells Granny he has to work late at the camera shop so he can’t take up her offer. The women go to the nightclub where Pedro works. He kisses Mavis.

Bet turns up at last - but will the regulars swallow her story?

Granny determines to find out who "Elizabeth Preston" is. Hilda gives Betty £2.50 for the sideboard but she wants to see how much Bet will offer. Minnie tells Granny that Betty's maiden name was Preston. The Ogdens try to move the sideboard in secret. Bet catches them and sits on it. Hilda goes for her. Jerry stops them fighting. Annie tells Bet to let Hilda have the sideboard or she's fired - to keep the peace. Emily is worried as the children don't want to eat. Carlos tries to get Bet to tell Jerry the phone call was a joke but she can't bring herself to. Jerry gives Mavis the message. She goes to the rendezvous with Jerry following her. Carlos meets her. Granny and Vera give Betty the birth certificate and tell her her secret is safe with them.

Season Finale


15x103 Mon Dec 30 1974

Season Finale

15x103 Mon Dec 30 1974

  • 1974-12-30T20:00:00Z24m