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Coronation Street

Season 33 1992

  • 1992-01-01T20:00:00Z on ITV
  • 24m
  • 2d 14h 48m (157 episodes)
  • United Kingdom
  • English
  • Soap
The residents of Coronation Street are ordinary, working-class people, and the show follows them through regular social and family interactions at home, in the workplace, and in their local pub, the Rovers Return Inn. Britain's longest-running soap.

157 episodes

Season Premiere


33x01 1 January 1992

Season Premiere

33x01 1 January 1992

  • 1992-01-01T20:00:00Z24m

The McDonalds worry about Steve's whereabouts. Liz fears that the gang have got him and want the Police brought in. Alma is upset to find Ken has checked out of the hotel. Liz grows hysterical when Jim refuses to contact the Police and suffers stomach pains. Andy calls for an ambulance. Raquel is upset when Curly doesn't seem pleased to see her. Bet guesses that Vicky is at the Ardens' house. She finds Steve and her asleep at the house. They swear they didn't get up to anything. The ambulance takes twenty-five minutes to arrive for Liz. Raquel breaks down and tells Curly that she's finished with modelling and is homeless. Curly comforts her. Vicky tells Bet she knows she's been having an affair with Des Foster. Steve is appalled to discover he's caused Liz to go into premature labour. Bet tells Vicky that she wanted to make Alec jealous with Des but it backfired. She swears she wasn't unfaithful and Vicky believes her.


33x02 3 January 1992

33x02 3 January 1992

  • 1992-01-03T20:00:00Z24m

Andy makes Steve realise that he's been childish and selfish. Liz knows Katherine is dead before the doctor tells her. Liz tries to cry but can't manage it. Jim tells the twins that their sister is dead. Steve decides to got go to the police and tell them all he knows about the stolen radios. Jim tells him he should have sorted his priorities sooner. Deirdre is furious to discover that Mike has ruined Ken and Alma's relationship and Alma vows never to be humiliated again. Ken apologies to Alma. She tells him she doesn't care how he feels. He says he could have forgiven her for sleeping with anyone but Mike. She realises that his relationship with Mike was important to him than his relationship with her. Des tells Raquel she can move into his spare room.


33x03 6 January 1992

33x03 6 January 1992

  • 1992-01-06T20:00:00Z24m

Jack wants to take Raquel in a lodger,but Vera tells Jack she's not having Raquel living with them. Curly and Angieare put out that Des has offered Raquel a room. Curly accused Des of wantinghis wicked way with Raquel, not content with stealing Angie. Raquel witnessestheir row and Raquel moves in at No. 6 with Des. The nurses give Liz photographof Katherine for her to keep. It moves Jim to tears and he agrees not to takeout his anger on Steve. Bet gets jack to move Alec's wardrobe back into herroom and asks Vicky not to tell Alec about Des. Jim gets the twins to fill inthe extension trenches and Emily stores stock from the charity shop at No. 3.


33x04 8 January 1992

33x04 8 January 1992

  • 1992-01-08T20:00:00Z24m

Phyllis is astounded to find Raquel living with Des and Angie tells Raquel she's a calculating little cow and tells her she's wrecking her relationship with Des. Raquel assures Curly that she is not after Des. She asks him to defend her from Angie's wrath but he accuses her of stringing him along. Des tells Raquel he was never serious about Angie. He makes overtures toward her but she tells him she just wants a friendship with him. She agrees to pay him £20 a week. Jim brings Liz home from the hospital. Steve breaks down and has to be comforted by Liz. She refuses to let Steve blame himself, feeling it washerfault that Katherine died. Jim registers Katherine's birth and death. Alec returns home and Bet gives him a warm welcome, but Vicky is annoyed when Bet insists she return to school at the right time, as she wants to see more of Alec. Percy and Emily transfer all the shop stock to another shop and Deirdre and Ken receive their divorce papers.


33x05 10 January 1992

33x05 10 January 1992

  • 1992-01-10T20:00:00Z24m

Steve can't bring himself to attend Katherine's funeral and disappears.Jim is furious. Liz, Jim and Andy bury Katherine. Jim feels Steve has insulted the whole family, but Steve goes to the police station and tells everything he knows about he radios. Jim lays into Steve, but when Steve tells him he's given the police a statement he is even angrier; feeling the police will make a scapegoat of Steve. Liz is relieved that now they can begin to get on with their lives. Raquel is aware that her presence in the house is causing Des problemsas he finds her desirable. Angie overhears Phyllis talking about the way Raquel shows off her body around the house. Angie pours a pint over Des' head when he boasts women fall at his feet. Alec reprimands her so she resigns. Des and Raquel decide they don't care what people think about them and start kissing.Vicky tells Alec Bet really missed him and he should make it up t her. Bet is touched when Vicky kisses her before returning to school.


33x06 13 January 1992

33x06 13 January 1992

  • 1992-01-13T20:00:00Z24m

Bet tries to tell Alec about Des but he is too busy to listen.When Alec is insistent on employing Des, Bet tells him about her relationship with Des and Alec thinks she's been unfaithful. Bet is forced to show Alec the bruises Des gave her. Alec is stunned and believes that she had to defend herself. He wants to sort Des out but Bet begs him to leave it alone as she wants to forget it all. Sally tires to cheer Liz up but ends up crying over Katie's picture. Liz is touched when Jim buys her a frame for Katie's picture. He makes arrangements for a plaque at the crematorium. Bettabuys is short staffed. Reg wants to take Raquel on but Curly wants Angie to have the job. Des gets Alec to employ Raquel as a barmaid at the Rovers but she isn't too keen. Gail hears that a fast food take-away is going to open in the charity shop and worries about the competition.


33x07 15 January 1992

33x07 15 January 1992

  • 1992-01-15T20:00:00Z24m

Alma offers Gail the chance to buy her out but Gail has no money. Gail tells Mike he's tearing Alma apart. She begs him to leave Alma alone. She tells shim Alma is planning to sell up and asks him to stop her by telling her he will leave her alone. He says he can't leave her alone as he loves her. Gail tells Alma she can't let Mike drive her away from all her friends. Alma just wants to get as far away from Mike as possible. After contacting a private detective,Vera visits Detective Hastings and asks him to track down Andrea Clayton and her child, but she doesn't want Jack to know. Deirdre agrees to have a drink with Ken, as he's so lonely. Ken tells Deirdre about Alma sleeping with Mike. She feels sorry for both of them. Raquel stars work at the Rovers and Angie is furious that Raquel as taken her job. She tells her she can have the shoes off her feet as well and throws them at her.


33x08 17 January 1992

33x08 17 January 1992

  • 1992-01-17T20:00:00Z24m

Kevin asks Mike to let him handle Halliwell's contract when it comes up for renewal. Mike tells him he'll give him a bonus is he can get more money out of Halliwell. Kevin asks Halliwell to pay 10% more for a servicing contract. Halliwell tells him he'll give the firm's contract if Kevin giveshim a £1,000 backhanded. Kevin is stunned. Hastings finds out the Claytons moved to Accrington and then Edinburgh, so Vera gives him £100 to drive to Scotland. Deirdre is upset to hear Alma is leaving town to get away from Mike. Angie goes for an interview for a waitressing job at Romana's and is hired. She thanks Alec for sacking her. Gail warns Sally that their childminding arrangement may fall through if she has to sell the business and Raquel is embarrassed when Phyllis finds her earring in Des' bed.


33x09 20 January 1992

33x09 20 January 1992

  • 1992-01-20T20:00:00Z24m

Kevin can't believe Halliwell's cheek and tells Mike about the backhander. Mike tells him he wants him to deal with it as he says he can run the garage. Mike tells Kevin the best way to keep the contract is to put £25 on every service carried out for Halliwell's firm to pay the £1,000. Kevin doesn't like the deal as it is dishonest. Sally urges Kevin to stand by his conscience,but Kevin realises he's going to have to go along with Mike. After dismissing Derek's proposal, he is surprise at the report once he looks it over. He agrees that the company needs streamlining and redundancies. Derek is alarmed when Victor tells him he can see from the report that the company needs only one manager and that he has made himself redundant.


33x10 22 January 1992

33x10 22 January 1992

  • 1992-01-22T20:00:00Z24m

Alma calls in an estate agent. Gail is bitter that she has to sell up as well. Mike gives Alma the lease to the cafe to keep her in Weatherfield and she is stunned. Derek starts looking for a job. He is pleased that Victor is now out of his life for good, but soon Derek doesn't know what to do with himself. Derek feels that he's achieved nothing in his life. He begs Mavis to ask Victor for his job back. Mike gives Kevin £1,000 to give to Halliwell, but is disgusted with himself when he gives Halliwell the money. Steve is scared that he's going to Borstal but tells Liz he wants to be severely punished. Jack grows suspicious as Vera is working late and has no money. He begins to suspect that Vera has a lover and does some investigating of his own.


33x11 24 January 1992

33x11 24 January 1992

  • 1992-01-24T20:00:00Z24m

The McDonalds go to the Magistrates Court. Steve is charged with handling stolen good and pleads guilty. The magistrates fine Steve £100. He has to pay it off at £5 a week. Jim is furious to discover the case against the rest of the gang has been dropped. Gail is thrilled that Mike is no longer the landlord. Alma feels that it doesn't change anything - she is still moving on. Gail accuses Alma of not caring what happens to her or the cafe. Jack overhears Vera making arrangements to meet Hastings. Jack follows Vera to a pub where she meets Hastings. Jack warns Hastings off Vera so she has to introduce them. Hastings tells Vera the Claytons have moved to Exeter. Jack refuses to let Vera give Hastings anymore money thinking he's a conman.


33x12 27 January 1992

33x12 27 January 1992

  • 1992-01-27T20:00:00Z24m

Kevin realises he'll lose his job if he goes to the police and feels that Mike will deny any knowledge of the bribes if he tells the police. Derek plans to claim unfair dismissal, exposing Victor's harassment through lustful pursuits of Mavis. Mavis doesn't want to tell Derek that Victor spurned her, but she tells Derek she doesn't want their marriage put on public display. She persuades Derek that their marriage is worth more than Victor's money. Vera finds herself looking at all little boys, wondering if they're Paul. Alma can't understand Mike's motives in giving her the lease. Mike tells Alma he gave her the lease as he love her and asks her to marry him.


33x13 29 January 1992

33x13 29 January 1992

  • 1992-01-29T20:00:00Z24m

Sally confides in Gail about Kevin's trouble with Mike. Alma tells Gail and Audrey that mike has proposed. The both worry that he'll weaken her into accepting. Alma tells Mike that she can never love him again. To put her off Mike, Gail tells her about the way he's turned Kevin into a thief. Mike goes down on one knee and begs Alma to marry him. She tells him he hasn't changed at all; the Webster's story has made her see him for what he is. PPP demand Derek returns his company car, or buy it for £5,000. Derek wants to cash in the insurance policies to buy the car. Raquel gets a job modelling slippers but can't because her feet are too big.


33x14 31 January 1992

33x14 31 January 1992

  • 1992-01-31T20:00:00Z24m

Mavis makes Derek see they can't afford a car, but Derek tells Mavis they should persuade Rita to retire and take over the Kabin together.Mike reminds Kevin that he's the one that committed fraud and tell him to keep Sally's mouth shut. Terry visits the Duckworth's having heard they tried to track down Andrea. He asks Vera to forget all about the Claytons as he's got a new girlfriend and doesn't want her to know his past. He agrees to bring Lisa visiting. Vera warns Jack not to mention Terry's past when Lisa comes to visit. Ken's back goes again whilst teaching and Reg tries to get Rita to go out with him, but she tries to ignore him. Raquel's agency goes bust, owing her £500.She is upset, as she can't pay her way.


33x15 3 February 1992

33x15 3 February 1992

  • 1992-02-03T20:00:00Z24m

Derek is enthusiastic about buying the Kabin from Rita. However, Mavis isn't sure she'll want to sell, so to help the situation along Mavis and Derek throw a dinner party for Rita. Mavis and Derek try to broach the subject of retirement to Rita; she shocks them by telling them they should retire. Rita is outraged at Derek's suggestion of his buying the Kabin. Alma receives the cafe valuation and is upset, as it is so low. She realises that after buying Gail out and the solicitors fees she'll have nothing left. She suggests to Gail that she could move out and leave Gail to run the business. Gail is furious that Alma would let her look after the place single-handed. Kevin buys a double buggy for Sally, which thrills her and Ken refuses to let his back stop him from teaching.


33x16 5 February 1992

33x16 5 February 1992

  • 1992-02-05T20:00:00Z24m

Audrey finds Ken in his bed unable to move with his back and a pain in his leg. Ken is embarrassed, as he has no clothes on, but Deirdre helps him get dressed, where he is taken to hospital in an ambulance. Mavis and Derek apologise to Rita, which she enjoys because she knows she is in control of the Wiltons. Although through it all Rita begins to feel wary about he future. Terry brings Lisa to tea to meet his parents. Vera tries hard to impress Lisa and puts Jack on his best behaviour. Terry tries to keep Lisa away form everyone but Vera drags them to the Rovers. Vera guesses that Lisa is pregnant and when Lisa confirms it Vera is delighted. Martin tells Alma that Mike has won if she leaves town. He makes her see that Mike will track her down wherever she goes.He advises her to stay with her mates and fight Mike. She realises he's rightand tells Gail she's staying.


33x17 7 February 1992

33x17 7 February 1992

  • 1992-02-07T20:00:00Z24m

Vera tells Terry she's pleased for him about Lisa's baby. Jack tells him he's stupid and Lisa has set him up. Derek rings an old contact only to find he's been made redundant. Terry goes for Jack in the Rovers when Jack tells him Lisa will take his kid away like Andrea did. They fight and have to be separated by Alec. Jack advises Terry to ditch Lisa before she ditches him. Tracy persuades Deirdre to visit Ken in hospital. Terry and Lisa return to Blackpool. Vera tells Jack he's a louse for trying to put Terry off Lisa. Jack maintains he was protecting him. Ken is told by Doctor Wakeman that they need to take tests on his leg and he has to stay in hospital.


33x18 10 February 1992

33x18 10 February 1992

  • 1992-02-10T20:00:00Z24m

Alec gets a postcard from Cherie Watkins in Antigua. Bet demands to know who she is. Alec tells her that Cherie is related to a director of the shipping company and he tried to impress her. Bet is annoyed as Cherie thanks Alec for a wonderful time. Derek returns his car to Pendlebury Paper Products. Alec swears to Bet that he was not unfaithful. Ken has a mylogram. Alma visits him in hospital. He tells her that he's pleased she's not selling the cafe anymore. Whilst studying at the library, Andy meets Paula Maxwell. They are attracted to each other. Bet believes that Alec was faithful and rips up Cherie's postcard. Tracy tells Deirdre that they should take Ken in when he's discharged.


33x19 12 February 1992

33x19 12 February 1992

  • 1992-02-12T20:00:00Z24m

Ken is told he won't have to have an operation but will have to stay in bed for a while. Doctor Quinn refuses to discharge him unless he has someone to look after him at home. Emily suggests that he sleeps in her front room. Mavis begins to fear that they could lose the house if Derek doesn't find another job. Bet talks to Cherie Watkins when she phones up. She is furious when Cherie thinks that she is Alec's mother, as he told her that he was a widower. Bet attacks Alec with her handbag for telling Cherie she was dead. Tracy and Steve send bogus Valentine cards out. Andy is smitten with Paula Maxwell and puts a Valentine card in her bag. Derek realises that he's going to have to ask Angela Hawthorne for a job. Bet tells Alec that as his mother, she's invited Cherie to tea. Deirdre tells Ken that he can't expect Emily to look after him so he'd better come to her and Tracy.


33x20 14 February 1992

33x20 14 February 1992

  • 1992-02-14T20:00:00Z24m

Steve receives a Valentine from Vicky in Lancaster. Deirdre sets up a bed in the living room for Ken. Alf is sent a Valentine from 'Britannia' (Steve and Tracy). Audrey pretends to be furious and consoles herself by going shopping.


33x21 17 February 1992

33x21 17 February 1992

  • 1992-02-17T20:00:00Z24m

The Kabin is broken into at 4am. Don sees the robbers and chases them in his cab. Mavis recognises the alarm and rushes to the Kabin to check on Rita whilst Derek phones the police.


33x22 19 February 1992

33x22 19 February 1992

  • 1992-02-19T20:00:00Z24m

Steve tries to find out who Andy is going out with. Jack asks Don to get him a job pall bearing. Deirdre sets Percy and Phyllis up to vist Ken to stop him getting too cosy.


33x23 21 February 1992

33x23 21 February 1992

  • 1992-02-21T20:00:00Z24m

Jack interrogates Ken for details of his bad back for future reference. Ken and Deirdre open their decree absolutes together. They tell Tracy they are now officially divorced. Steve follows Andy when he meets Paula.


33x24 24 February 1992

33x24 24 February 1992

  • 1992-02-24T20:00:00Z24m

Steve is fed up that he has to pay £20 a week rent whilst Andy lives at home free. Tracy is sick of her parent's civilised attitude towards the divorce. Derek spends his day cooking for Ted Sullivan


33x25 26 February 1992

33x25 26 February 1992

  • 1992-02-26T20:00:00Z24m

Rita has a security roller fitted on the Kabin door. Mavis tells Rita it's obvious that Ted fancies her. Raquel gets a job demonstrating microwave popcorn. She asks Jack to make up an excuse for her to tell Alec.


33x26 28 February 1992

33x26 28 February 1992

  • 1992-02-28T20:00:00Z24m

Alec tells Bet that he will only take Liz back if they sack Betty. He tells Liz that he can't re-employ her as the brewery have instructed him to have young bar staff. She is furious. Tracy is thrilled when Mark Jackson asks to listen to some of her tapes. Andy is taken on at Bettabuy, sweeping up. Jim shouts at Alec, accusing him of humiliating Liz. Alec snaps and calls Jim a stupid Irishman. Jim insults Raquel causing Des to have a go at him. Alec throws Jim out of the Rovers.


33x27 2 March 1992

33x27 2 March 1992

  • 1992-03-02T20:00:00Z24m

Rita is woken at 5.00am by The Kabin alarm going off. She calls the Police. Reg and Martin come to her aid but the intruders have left with cigarettes after smashing one of the windows. Martin gets stuck in a hospital lift with an elderly visitor, Mrs Oaks. She gets claustrophobic and collapses. He loosens her clothing and gives her mouth-to-mouth. When they are rescued she is rushed to Coronary Care. Mark Jackson listens to Tracy's tapes in her room. Andy starts at Bettabuy, on trolley patrol. Brendan Scott, as Area Manager, calls on Reg and tells him that he will be getting a graduate, Vanessa Morgan, to train in management. Tracy is furious when Ken sends Mark off after half an hour. Deirdre is annoyed that he has such a low opinion of Tracy and reminds him that he has no say in what goes on in her house. Martin is proud when he is told that he saved Mrs Oaks's life. Rita is frightened to be on her own at night.


33x28 4 March 1992

33x28 4 March 1992

  • 1992-03-04T20:00:00Z24m

Jack takes the day off from the Rovers, with his back, to pallbear. Vanessa Morgan starts at Bettabuy as management trainee. Reg puts Curly in charge of her. Ted tries to bring Rita out of herself. Jack is horrified to see Alec at the funeral. He tries to hide from him but is spotted. He escapes through the graveyard. Olive Oaks thanks Martin for saving her life. Sister Walker suggests that he trains as a nurse. Jack runs home from St. Mary's, Alec follows him and sacks him when his muddy shoes prove his guilt. Jack begs for his job back and Alec, faced with having to do cellar work himself, agrees to take him back. Reg thinks Vanessa is a spy for Brendan, possibly even his girlfriend. Ted takes Rita for a meal. He tells her that he'd like a companion to spend his retirement with.


33x29 6 March 1992

33x29 6 March 1992

  • 1992-03-06T20:00:00Z24m

Martin is keen to train to be a nurse. Jack runs round at the Rovers to please Alec. Bet is livid that Raquel can get away with anything at the Rovers whilst Jack is always got at. Ken decides to move back to the flat as he feels unwelcome at No.1. Brendan tells Curly that Vanessa is the daughter of Lord Walter Morgan, Chairman of Bettabuy. Curly reacts by giving Vanessa the best jobs. Liz gets a job behind the bar at the Legion, getting 80p an hour more than at the Rovers. Reg is shocked to find Vanessa working in a superior position and demands she mops out the storeroom. Curly is annoyed and decides not to tell Reg who Vanessa is. Martin is encouraged to start nursing training. Gail feels that they won't cope if he has to take a cut in wages. Mr Thorpe sacks Jack for running off from the funeral. Raquel gets tired of Bet giving her cold looks and threatens to resign but Alec refuses to let her. Bet is sick of Alec undermining her authority.


33x30 9 March 1992

33x30 9 March 1992

  • 1992-03-09T20:00:00Z24m

Ken returns to work. Curly tries to make Vanessa Morgan's life as easy as possible. She fears that he's falling in love with her. Raquel's friend Lorraine Kinsey tells her that a flat has become free in her house. She offers it to Raquel but she's happy with Des. Curly discovers Reg kept a managerial appointment in Chesterfield from him. Reg is adamant that he acted in Curly's best interests. Curly is furious. Raquel is upset when Des flirts with Lorraine. Reg is annoyed by Vanessa's presence and tries to make life difficult for her. Ted tells Rita that he's thinking of living in Florida. She is pleased when he kisses her.


33x52 29 April 1992

33x52 29 April 1992

  • 1992-04-29T18:30:00Z24m

Steph assures Raquel that she doesn't want to make trouble. She tells Des that Simon Beatty was possessive and jealous and she grew frightened of him. Phyllis is astounded to find Steph staying at No.6. Curly offers Rita £30,000 for No.7. She agrees to think about it. Rita tries to make amends with Mavis but Derek slams the door in her face. Mrs Jeffers is concerned that Paula is falling behind in her studies. She tells her that she's capable of getting 'A's but her work is below par. She advises her to spend more time studying. Paula sees that she's right. Raquel catches the Barneses laughing about old times and feels in the way.


33x53 1 May 1992

33x53 1 May 1992

  • 1992-05-01T18:30:00Z24m

Rita gets Mavis to talk to her. She assures Mavis that she had good reason to cancel the sale but refuses to tell her what. She tells Mavis that she's willing to make her manageress of The Kabin as she doesn't intend to work in it after she marries. Andy is annoyed as Paula tries to get out of seeing him as she wants to study. Vicky puts Alec off when he wants to see her off. Instead Steve arrives at the station to kiss her goodbye. Derek rows with Rita, bitter that he gave up the Hewitt's job. Simon Beatty calls at No.6 looking for Steph. Des makes him see that he's being an idiot. Mavis tells Derek she can't stand his bitterness; she intends to look forward and the manager's job is a good offer. She accepts Rita's offer. Raquel tells Des it's obvious he wants Steph back. She tells him that he has to decide who he wants.


33x54 4 May 1992

33x54 4 May 1992

  • 1992-05-04T18:30:00Z24m

Raquel tells Steph that she's not wanted at No.6. Steph refuses to leave until Des asks her to. Mavis contemplates employing Derek as her assistant at The Kabin. Andy is annoyed when Paula takes private tuition. Lisa arrives in the Street to tell the Duckworths that Terry is in Strangeways. Jack is disgusted and Vera is upset. Vera goes with Lisa to visit Terry. Bet returns from holiday in Tenerife and tells Raquel that there's always a room for her at the Rovers. Vera believes in Terry's innocence, even though he laid into a policeman. She tells Lisa to stay with them at No.9 instead of travelling to Blackpool all the time. When Raquel calls her pathetic, Steph rows with her. When Des takes Steph's side, Raquel packs her bags. Des feebly tries to stop her leaving but she is adamant.


33x55 6 May 1992

33x55 6 May 1992

  • 1992-05-06T18:30:00Z24m

Vera is touched when Lisa tells her that she's a good mate. Raquel calls Steph a bitch and accuses her of stealing Des off her. Alec dislikes having Raquel living at the Rovers. Steph worries that Des is banking on a reconciliation. Whilst Vera doesn't want anyone to know that Terry's in prison, Jack uses it as an excuse to get off work. Liz tells Bet that she's willing to return to the Rovers to cook food in the evenings. Derek rows with Mavis for not asking him to work with her at The Kabin when she takes over. She feels he won't be any good in the job. She knows that she's going to have to employ him but is determined to show him that she's boss. Curly is shocked when Vera tells him that Terry's up for GBH. Mavis formally offers Derek the job and he grudgingly accepts. Vera is disgusted that Jack took time off work to spend the afternoon at the bookies and the Legion when he should have visited Terry. Alec sees the sense in having Liz doing the evening cooking and offers her the job. Des is shattered when Steph tells him that she left Simon Beatty as she's found another man. He can't believe that she is playing with his emotions still. She promises him that when she does leave she'll do so for good.


33x56 8 May 1992

33x56 8 May 1992

  • 1992-05-08T18:30:00Z24m

Des gets drunk and feels humiliated and bitter. Steph begs him to lash out at her but he tells her that he still loves her, instead he insults Phyllis. Jim worries that business is slow. Steph leaves with her bags, to live with her new lover. Des sees her off with champagne. Alec and Liz agree to a three-month trial. She resigns from the Legion. Rita stops working at The Kabin, and Mavis takes over. The Duckworths tell Lisa that she can stay as long as she likes but she feels in the way. Drunk Des barges into the Rovers. Raquel thinks that he's come for her and hides in the back room but he only wants to apologise to Phyllis. Lisa tells Vera to face the facts; Terry is guilty and is going to be in prison for a long time.


33x57 11 May 1992

33x57 11 May 1992

  • 1992-05-11T18:30:00Z24m

Des tries to apologise to Raquel to get her to move back but she tells him that she should have left ages ago. Terry confesses to Vera that he previously served three weeks in Wormwood Scrubs for affray. He now knows the man he hit has a fractured skull and is going to be charged with resisting arrest and GBH and he'll definitely go to prison. Lisa promises Terry that she'll wait for him. He is touched and proposes to her, she agrees. Vera is thrilled that Terry is going to marry Lisa. Percy is puzzled that Emily seems distant. Liz starts at the Rovers. Betty gives her tips on mass cooking. Andy camps outside Paula's house. Lisa spells it out to a disbelieving Vera that Terry could get five years.


33x58 13 May 1992

33x58 13 May 1992

  • 1992-05-13T18:30:00Z24m

Paula gets her mother to cover for her so she doesn't have to speak to Andy. Emily spring-cleans, telling Percy that she wants to do it herself, without his help. Rita is furious when Derek makes Ted pay for wedding invitation cards from The Kabin. Terry tells Vera and Lisa that he'll be allowed out to get married. He assures Lisa that he would have proposed even if he hadn't been in prison. Percy is puzzled when Emily leaves the cleaning half-done. Andy knows Mrs Maxwell is lying to him to stop him speaking to Paula. Martin finds writing essays on health matters very difficult. Paula is quite pleased that Andy is hanging around outside the house. She refuses to talk to him until after the exams. Jack isn't interested in Terry's wedding so long as Lisa's parents pay for it. Lisa can't bring herself to tell her parents that she's getting married as they don't like Terry. Andy tells the Maxwells in anger to tell Paula that he thinks she's pathetic and they're finished. Paula is horrified as this isn't what she wanted.


33x59 15 May 1992

33x59 15 May 1992

  • 1992-05-15T18:30:00Z24m

Lisa is thrilled when the baby starts to kick. Jack tries to get Lisa to tell her parents about the wedding so they'll pick up the bill but she doesn't want them to know. He goes behind her back to phone them. Martin is pleased to show off his portering skills at the training. Alma refuses to be at Mike's beck and call. When he books an expensive restaurant for lunch she stands him up to work. Rita and Ted go off to York for the weekend. Before she goes, Rita gives Derek an invitation to the wedding. The Hortons phone Lisa. She is annoyed that Jack contacted them and tells him that her parents are going to call round. Paula calls on Andy and tells him that she can't concentrate on her revising. He tells her that he's the same. They end up making love on the sofa.


33x60 18 May 1992

33x60 18 May 1992

  • 1992-05-18T18:30:00Z24m

Mavis finds the invite to Rita's wedding. Emily religiously polishes all the silver again and again. The Hortons arrive at No.9 to meet the Duckworths. Jeff Horton makes it plain that he doesn't like them. Jack gets annoyed when Jeff shows his dislike of Terry. Jeff tells Lisa that she's throwing her life away by marrying Terry. She refuses to return home and swears she loves Terry. Jeff gives in and agrees to pay for the wedding. Gail realises that she must be jealous of Martin's opportunities. Andy decides that he won't get the grades to go to Sheffield so he stops bothering to revise. The building society gives Curly a mortgage, subject to a survey.


33x61 20 May 1992

33x61 20 May 1992

  • 1992-05-20T18:30:00Z24m

Derek upsets Mavis by refusing to attend Rita's wedding. Lisa is amazed that Jeff Horton gave her £500 to buy a dress. Andy and Paula sit their General Studies exam. Andy walks out of the exam as he can't answer any of the questions. Ken urges him to return to the exam - for Paula's sake as she won't be able to concentrate on her paper. Derek is put-out when Mavis refuses to allow him any responsibility at The Kabin. Andy returns to the exam for Paula's sake. Martin takes fellow student Tony Stephenson to No.8 to meet the family. Gail is put-out as she has a romantic evening planned. Vera talks Curly into being Terry's best man although he isn't keen. Tony's youthfulness gets to Gail. Martin tells her that he's the same age as him.


33x62 22 May 1992

33x62 22 May 1992

  • 1992-05-22T18:30:00Z24m

To stop misunderstandings, Mavis pins a badge on herself, it reads "manager". Derek feels put down. Ivy tries to bring Vera out of herself and gets lumbered with going to a club. Gail plans to show Martin that she can still be young and carefree by taking him out for a romantic evening. Lisa buys her wedding dress. Raquel goes with her for support. Gail is furious when Martin tells her that he and Tony Stephenson have to write an essay and he can't go out. Ivy and Vera go to the Tic Tac Club. Don picks them up afterwards and is embarrassed when they insist on giving barmaid Julie Dewhurst a lift home, not knowing who she is. Julie feels awkward being with Ivy. Gail rows with Martin for laughing with Tony until midnight and eating all the food in the house. Don is relieved when Julie doesn't give anything away to Ivy.


33x63 25 May 1992

33x63 25 May 1992

  • 1992-05-25T18:30:00Z24m

Percy is bewildered when Emily arranges her photographs in a significant order. Curly is worried what to say in his speech about Terry. Percy shares his concern about Emily with Deirdre. She rushes round to see Emily but finds her behaving normally. Kevin doesn't like it when Sally starts talking about having another baby. He feels that they can't afford one. Andy is surprised when Ken tutors him on his day off. Vera gets emotional at the thought of the wedding.


33x64 27 May 1992

33x64 27 May 1992

  • 1992-05-27T18:30:00Z24m

Vera refuses to let anything spoil the day for her. Raquel does Lisa's hair and makeup. At St. Mary's, Terry is handcuffed to a Prison Officer for the service. Deirdre is concerned when Emily attempts to buy baby food at the shop, claiming she is momentarily confused. Don and Ivy joins the Duckworths and Hortons at the wedding. Vera pleads with the prison officer and persuades him to take the handcuffs off Terry for the ceremony. Terry takes his opportunity for freedom whilst the photographs are being taken and runs away. The officers give chase but he's too quick. Lisa is horrified. The Hortons and the Duckworths row over Terry's disappearance. The officers suspect Vera of planning the episode. Lisa refuses to return to Blackpool, insisting that she wants to stay near the Duckworths. The officers warn the Duckworths to tell them when Terry makes contact. Derek applies for every job he can in order to get away from Mavis's rule. Lisa is scared about what's going to happen.


33x65 29 May 1992

33x65 29 May 1992

  • 1992-05-29T18:30:00Z24m

The local paper reports on Terry's escape. Reg is worried by Curly's appearance in a photograph accompanying a newspaper article of the incident. Terry phones home and tells Vera to tell Lisa that he loves her. Lisa is upset when he hangs up before she can talk to him. Vera accuses Don of selling the wedding picture to the newspaper. When Ivy stands up for him, saying he wouldn't, Vera tells her that Don is a liar. Vera then discovers that Jack has taken the film out of her camera - he sold the picture. Percy worries that Emily is tiring herself at the hospital, only to find out that she isn't on the visiting committee anymore. The knowledge of Ted's condition gets too much for Rita. She breaks down and tells Audrey about the brain tumour. Jack tells Vera that he got £100 for the photographs; he maintains they need the money to support Lisa. Audrey promises Rita that she'll not tell anyone about Ted. Lisa fears that Terry used her as a means of escape. Don calls on Julie Dewhurst.


33x66 1 June 1992

33x66 1 June 1992

  • 1992-06-01T18:30:00Z24m

on tells Julie Dewhurst that maybe they should start seeing each other again but she refuses. Emily upsets Percy by sitting in darkened rooms. Vera hopes that Terry will stay on the run but Jack and Lisa feel he should give himself up. Terry visits Vera at work and asks her for money so he can go to Blackpool to see Charlie Bell, the chap he assaulted, to clear his name. She agrees to get him the money for the next day. Emily arranges to babysit for the Websters. Jack refuses to give Vera the £100 to give to Terry. Don buys Ivy flowers and takes her for a meal. Emily goes to bed at 7.30, forgetting about the babysitting. Lisa is desperate to see Terry and wants to hang around Bettabuy to see him but Vera tells her it would look suspicious.


33x67 3 June 1992

33x67 3 June 1992

  • 1992-06-03T18:30:00Z24m

Jack wants Terry to be caught before things get totally out of hand. He thinks that he should face up to his responsibilities. Ivy tells Don that she wants to go on a retreat, to a Carmelite Convent in Derbyshire. Mike discovers there's nowhere around Weatherfield to buy spares. He decides to set up a business, for trade and retail, electrical and mechanical. Curly's survey shows some damp in No.7. Reg advises him to make Rita pay for treatment. Vera withdraws her savings from the building society. Curly is stunned to find Terry at Bettabuy, Terry and Vera beg him not to say anything; he agrees. Vera gives Terry the money. Reg sees Terry on the security camera and phones the Police. Lisa arrives at Bettabuy in time to see Terry. He assures her that he didn't use her as a means of escape. She delays his departure and he is cornered by the Police. They take him away. Emily feels that Percy is becoming possessive. Don feels pushed out of Ivy's life by God. Vera shouts at Curly in the Rovers, accusing him of reporting Terry to the Police.


33x68 5 June 1992

33x68 5 June 1992

  • 1992-06-05T18:30:00Z24m

Rita tells Curly that she'll knock £2,000 off the price of No.7. for him. He thanks her. Ted's hands feel numb so Rita takes him to a doctor. Dr Carter tells them that it's early symptoms of a tumour. Ted confesses he's been feeling ill for a week. The doctor tells Ted that he can't drive any more. Derek changes his mind at the last moment and agrees to go to the wedding. Audrey, Alf, Bet and the Wiltons gather at the register office to see Rita marry Ted. They exchange vows and rings and are married. Emily decides not to go to the wedding and looks through old photographs instead. Derek is cold towards Ted's nephew Roger Brookes at the wedding. Rita has no regrets about marrying Ted. Don calls on Julie Dewhurst again who tells him that she's seeing other men. Curly tells Jack that Reg shopped Terry.


33x69 8 June 1992

33x69 8 June 1992

  • 1992-06-08T18:30:00Z24m

Percy tries to get Emily's doctor to see her. She starts to dress shabbily and gets her days mixed up. Percy gets her to return to bed and asks Mavis to help. She turns on Percy telling him that Emily's problem is obviously him; he's controlling her life. Andy and Paula contemplate Interailing. Vera tells Reg that Terry will see to him when he gets out and rows with him for shopping him. Reg tells her that he has to make an official report which could be read in court. Vera realises that she's beaten. Vera feels humiliated by Reg and resigns from Bettabuy.


33x70 10 June 1992

33x70 10 June 1992

  • 1992-06-10T18:30:00Z24m

Jack and Lisa persuade Vera to reconsider and she retracts her resignation. Andy decides to ask for his Interail ticket for his eighteenth birthday present. Steve plans to ask for the money instead - £180. Don takes time out to track Julie Dewhurst down and give her lifts in the cab. She cooks him a meal when he persists being with her. Jim is stunned that the twins want £180 each for their birthdays. Mike tries to raise cash to start the spares business. Angie is harassed making her outfits for her final show. Don assures Julie he only wants to be friends with her. She isn't sure he'll always just want a platonic relationship. Mike offers Emily a part-time job as his personal book-keeper. He is stunned when she offers to lend him £10,000 so long as he pays interest. He accepts. Jim fears he's going under. He has a load of unpaid bills and nothing coming in. He doesn't know how to tell the twins they can't have a present.


33x71 12 June 1992

33x71 12 June 1992

  • 1992-06-12T18:30:00Z24m

Ivy celebrates her fourth wedding anniversary, looking forward to a meal out with Don. Andy sulks about the fact his parents can't afford to buy him a rail ticket. Jim feels bad about the situation. Emily is horrified to find Percy ironing her clothes. He is trying to be helpful but Emily tells him he's getting on her nerves. The Hortons try to get Lisa to return to Blackpool; it's their grandchild as well as the Duckworths'. Deirdre suggests to Percy that Emily may improve if she were left alone. He refuses to see Emily go under. Mike makes sure Emily knows what she's doing before she gives him the money. She gives him a cheque made payable to MVB Autospares. Percy sees her writing out the cheque and is horrified - he tries to stop her but she tells him she's sick of him running her life. Jack doesn't like the idea of having a screaming baby in the house and sides with the Hortons. Lisa becomes distraught. Vera arrives to find Lisa in tears. She is furious that Jack wants her to go and rows with him. Curly is concerned that Angie is working too hard. The Brennans go out for a meal. Don is uncomfortable when Ivy keeps telling him how much he means to her. Vera sides with Lisa and refuses to let her leave No.9. Percy tells Emily he'll move out.


33x72 15 June 1992

33x72 15 June 1992

  • 1992-06-15T18:30:00Z24m

Seeing as their parents can't afford to host a party for their eighteenths, Andy and Steve decide to hold a party at BJs, the local disco. Tracy gives Emily her skirt to hem as she's going out and Deirdre is too busy. With Ivy away, Don takes Julie Dewhurst on a picnic. Mike has difficulty finding a best man and has to end up with Alec. Julie tells Don that he has to understand they're only mates. Alma hates the thought that Jackie thinks she broke their marriage up. She doesn't like being hated by anyone. Percy makes a meal of packing his bags. Emily tells him that she doesn't understand why he's going; he's a friend and she needs friends. She asks him to stay and he agrees. Don finds he can relax with Julie, he can't with Ivy. He kisses Julie but she stops him; she's going through it all again. Tracy is annoyed when Emily forgets her skirt. Percy tries to cover for her, saying he must have covered it up. Jim tells Liz that he can't afford to employ Steve anymore. Alma calls on Jackie to make her see that she never committed adultery. Jackie tells her that Mike named her in the divorce petition, not her. She advises Alma to get away from Mike before it's too late. Alma is stunned.


33x73 17 June 1992

33x73 17 June 1992

  • 1992-06-17T18:30:00Z24m

Alma is upset that Mike told Jackie they'd slept together, that he planned the whole thing to get her to marry him. She admires Jackie because she divorced Mike and came out on top. Percy discovers that Emily has disappeared. He searches for her, worried for her well-being. Everyone tells him to leave Emily alone and let her lead her own life, he breaks down in the shop, crying and saying that Emily is not well. Don tells Julie Dewhurst that he'll willingly leave Ivy for her if she'll have him. Deirdre feels awful that she never took Percy's fears about Emily seriously. Alf drives Percy around looking for her whilst Sally waits at No.3. Alma slaps Mike round the face and calls him a pig, telling him that she won't marry him. He is stunned. She explains that Jackie put her in the picture but he swears she's lying. Percy and Alf find confused Emily on a railway station. She has her slippers on. Gail tells Alma that Mike must love her - he went to a lot of trouble to get her to marry him. Jim tells Steve that he's laying him off. He hates doing it. Dr Joyce Wightman looks at Emily and feels she needs rest, she admits her to a medical ward for tests to see if she needs psychiatrist help. Ivy returns from her retreat. Don doesn't know how to treat her. She tells him that she wants them to renew their marriage vows. Mike begs Alma not to throw everything away - he needs her.


33x74 19 June 1992

33x74 19 June 1992

  • 1992-06-19T18:30:00Z24m

Alma decides not to marry Mike; he's a liar. Audrey tells her if she wants to humiliate Mike she should do it in style - in front of everyone. Kevin is annoyed that Sally has bought expensive glasses for Mike and Alma. She is furious when he accidentally drops them. Ken gives Alma a bottle of champagne and wishes her well. Mike is relieved when Alma turns up just in time. She lets him sweat before agreeing to marry him. Gail, Martin, Sally, Kevin, Bet, Alec, Alf and Audrey witness the wedding. Don decides he's going to leave Ivy. He is annoyed when Julie tells him it makes no difference to her feelings. She refuses to be bullied by him. She tells him she doesn't believe he'll leave Ivy completely. She urges him to go back to Ivy and forget about her. She wants him out of her life. Alec drops Sally's present again, Kevin stops her telling him it was already broken and Alec gives her £30 to replace it. Alma tells Mike she married him because she wanted to; she understands him completely now and she's not scared of him anymore. She tells him he'll never be able to lie to her again. Don feels he should have never returned to Ivy in the first place. He feels he's got nothing left. Julie tells him that if his life is wrecked then he wrecked it, not Ivy, God or her. He is stunned and tells her she's right, but he still loves her. Ivy worries about Don's whereabouts. Don speeds along country roads without caring for his safety. He misses a bend and crashes the car.


33x75 22 June 1992

33x75 22 June 1992

  • 1992-06-22T18:30:00Z24m

The Police call on Ivy and tell her that Don has been involved in an accident. Vera goes with Ivy to the hospital. Dr McKinnon tells Ivy that Don's in a critical condition; he is unconscious, his body covered in bandages. His ribs are broken and his legs have multiple fractures. Ivy is distraught. Gail rushes to help Ivy, taking her rosary beads to her. Steve helps Gail out at the cafe, waiting on. Ivy keeps a bedside vigil. The Police tell Gail that they don't understand why Don was doing 70mph down a country road.


33x76 24 June 1992

33x76 24 June 1992

  • 1992-06-24T18:30:00Z24m

Liz worries that the twins won't have a happy birthday as they can't afford good gifts for them. The Sullivans return from honeymoon in the Cotswolds. Ted moves into Rita's flat. Gail enjoys having Steve working at the cafe; he makes her feel young. Ivy keeps talking to Don hoping for some response from him. Emily enjoys resting in hospital in the Psychiatric Ward. Liz sells her grandmother's ring for £400 for money for the twins' birthdays. Jim is moved. Ivy is touched when the taxi drivers club together and give her £80 to buy Don something. She is stunned to hear that Don wasn't working when he had the accident.


33x77 26 June 1992

33x77 26 June 1992

  • 1992-06-26T18:30:00Z24m

Steve and Andy celebrate their eighteenths. They are amazed when Jim and Liz give them £200 each. Although he plans to sell his house, Ted still wants to keep the garden looking nice. He refuses to wait around to die, having his first row with Rita. Don regains consciousness and he tells Ivy that he doesn't want to talk about the accident. The doctors tell Emily that she's been suffering from depression. She is upset over the way she treated Percy. Steve is suspicious and tackles Jim over where they got the money from. Jim tells him about Liz selling her ring. Angie is annoyed when she only gets a 2:2; she wanted a 2:1. She feels it's not good enough to get a job. Paula gives Andy a backpack for his birthday. Angie faints in the Rovers, after drinking on an empty stomach. Steve tells Andy that Liz sold her ring to give them their presents.


33x78 29 June 1992

33x78 29 June 1992

  • 1992-06-29T18:30:00Z24m

Don is out of danger and put in an ordinary ward. Angie gets an interview at Onyx Fashions for a buyer's job. She isn't keen as they were the people who stole her designs after her second year show. Andy refuses to feel guilty about the money as he's going to Europe. Don is thrilled when Julie Dewhurst visits him in hospital. Ivy finds them together and realises who Julie is. Julie is embarrassed and walks away. Hanif Ruparell, owner of Onyx, interviews Angie. She accuses him of stealing her designs but he shows her he had no idea they were stolen. He apologises and she melts. Ivy accuses Don of carrying on with Julie and lying to her. Percy is pleased when Emily asks for him to visit her. She assures him he had nothing to do with her illness. She thanks him for looking after her. Ted takes Rita on a mystery tour to Southport. Hanif gives Angie the job, admiring her spirit. Ivy breaks down, telling Gail that Don's got another woman and he must have crashed his car on purpose out of guilt.


33x79 1 July 1992

33x79 1 July 1992

  • 1992-07-01T18:30:00Z24m

Steve pushes Andy and together they send Liz a bouquet. Ivy calls on Julie. Julie tells her that she hasn't slept with Don for a year. She tells Ivy that she didn't chase Don; he did all the running. Ivy refuses to believe her. Julie tells her that Don crashed his car because she'd refused to take him in. Ivy is horrified to hear Don was planning to leave her. She accuses Julie of lying but realises she's telling the truth. Liz is thrilled to receive the flowers. Ted is depressed that he's going to die now he's found someone he really loves. He wants to grow old with Rita. Don tells Ivy he won't be returning to her when he leaves hospital. Ivy is bitter and tells him that Julie won't have him either.


33x80 3 July 1992

33x80 3 July 1992

  • 1992-07-03T18:30:00Z24m

Rita tries to help Ted relax when he suffers pain in his head. Don phones Julie who confirms that as far as she's concerned they're finished. He urges her to visit him so they can talk. Ivy loves Don and can't face the future without him. Gail tries to comfort her. Gail is annoyed when Steve chats up girls at the cafe instead of working. Jim hasn't got enough work to keep him occupied. He has a few drinks and knocks over Liz's flowers. She is furious. Audrey gets fed up with being stuck in the shop. Sensing Liz and Rita are depressed, she opens champagne and they have a picnic in the shop. Alf returns to find three drunken women in the shop. The doctor tells Don his foot is not healing itself as it's so badly damaged. Don is stunned when the doctor says that he wants to amputate his lower right leg.


33x81 6 July 1992

33x81 6 July 1992

  • 1992-07-06T18:30:00Z24m

Don refuses to tell Ivy about his amputation. The windows are replaced at No.7. Julie is stunned when Don tells her about his leg. Martin is told about the amputation at work, he tells Gail but tells her not to tell Ivy; he'll be thrown off the course. Gail refuses to listen and calls Ivy but is told by Julie and rushes to the hospital. Angie is flattered when workman Neil Mitchell flirts with her. Alf begins to think that Ted is after Rita's money. Emily returns home. Ivy tries to stop the operation but is held back by nurses. She can't understand why Don is turning his back on her. Don's lower leg is amputated. Reg agrees with Alf that Ted needs to be watched. Martin is furious that Gail rang Ivy but she tells him that someone else got to her first. Ivy rings Julie and thanks her for alerting her about Don. Curly doesn't like the way Angie finds Neil attractive. Bet wonders if Alf is right about Ted. Ivy is relieved when Don's pleased to see her after his operation and talks positively about the future. Curly rings up Angie from work to check on her and Neil. Bet realises that Rita is unhappy and thinks she regrets marrying Ted. The residents push Alf to find out why Ted seems to be upsetting Rita. Curly is annoyed when Angie goes out for a meal with Hanif. Ted is puzzled when Bet is cool towards him. Ivy tells Gail that everything is going to be right in the future but Martin has reservations, thinking Don's thinking might be affected by painkillers.


33x82 8 July 1992

33x82 8 July 1992

  • 1992-07-08T18:30:00Z24m

Percy fears that Emily has forgotten about lending Mike the money. Ted tells Rita that he's heard the residents talking about him being after her money and Bet has been making him feel uncomfortable. Emily helps Ted tidy his garden at Highbank Avenue. Rita tackles Bet about what people are saying about her. Bet tells her that she's concerned about the way Ted seems to be after her money. Rita tells her it's nothing to do with her or anyone else. Neil Mitchell tells Curly that he's a fool buying a house. With Alma due back, Gail pays Steve off. Percy tells a shocked Ken that Mike swindled Emily out of £10,000.


33x83 10 July 1992

33x83 10 July 1992

  • 1992-07-10T18:30:00Z24m

The Baldwins return from honeymoon. Alma moves her things into Mike's flat. Ken investigates Mike's financial situation. Kevin tells him that Mike is starting a new business up. Audrey grows tired of Alf talking about Ted's shady past and tells him about Ted's illness. He feels awful but doesn't understand why Rita married a dying man. David falls downstairs whilst in Sally's care. She takes him to hospital where he is given a stitch in his face. Gail doesn't blame her for the accident. Jack refuses to attend Terry's trial, certain that he'll go down. Sister Lancaster tells Sally that she should be registered if she looks after children, otherwise it's illegal. Ken publically accuses Mike of conning money out of Emily when she was sick and confused.


33x84 13 July 1992

33x84 13 July 1992

  • 1992-07-13T18:30:00Z24m

Vera and Lisa attend Terry's trial in Preston. Jack is genuinely too upset to attend. Jim tells the estate office that he won't be renewing the lease on the workshop - the business is finished. He assures Liz that he'll find work. Margaret Thurlow of Social Services visits Sally and tells her that she can no longer look after the Platt children. She is advised to register as a childminder which will take a few months to process. Liz fears Jim will return to the army. He looks up an old army friend and discovers that he's too old to rejoin. Vera breaks down as Terry gets a three-year sentence. Jack comforts her. Lisa swears that she'll wait for him. Jack tells her they have to put the baby first now. Gail is annoyed when Sally refuses to break the law by looking after David anymore. Raquel feels bored as she spends her evening off in the Rovers' living room alone. Jim gets depressed that he's finished and turns to drink. Lisa tells Vera she feels that she should return to Blackpool where the baby would be better off.


33x85 15 July 1992

33x85 15 July 1992

  • 1992-07-15T18:30:00Z24m

Alma asks Ken to apologise to Mike for calling him a conman. Sally is upset that she's had to let the Platts down. A mate puts Jim onto a job at a security firm, installing surveillance systems. Jack asks Lisa not to return to Blackpool - he and Vera want to see their grandchild grow up. Raquel feels lonely and depressed. She contemplates going to London. Bet tells Alec that unless they stop her she could end up walking the streets. Mike asks Emily if she remembers giving him the money. She does and is upset to hear that Percy and Ken have accused Mike of conning her. Alec tells Raquel that she must stay at the Rovers, and treat it as her home. Sally tells Gail about a way round their problem; she can legally look after the children in Gail's house. Gail agrees. Ken apologises to Emily for causing her upset. She suggests that he also apologises to Mike. Jim is too late for the job but gets another one at Shad Security, part-time on security patrol. Raquel entertains Gordon Blinkhorn in the Rovers' living room. She previously shared a flat with his sister. Bet gets annoyed when they settle down for the evening. Mike tells Ken that he intends to sue him for slander.


33x86 17 July 1992

33x86 17 July 1992

  • 1992-07-17T18:30:00Z24m

Alma doesn't like the idea of Mike suing Ken. Mike tells Des that he wants him to be a witness as he heard Ken calling him a conman. Des tells him that he doesn't want to get involved. Curly signs contracts on No.7. Alec's pal, Harry Norton, who supplies animals for acts, tries to interest him in renting a vivarium with a spider in it to attract customers. He lets him have one, with a Mexican mouse-eating spider within, on trial. Alec is pleased when it does stir trade but Bet tells him to get rid. Vera is thrilled when Lisa tells her that she will be staying on when she hears Terry will be staying in Strangeways so that she's nearer to visit. Mike gets annoyed when no one wants to testify against Ken. Alma asks him to drop the case but he refuses. Don tells Ivy that he wants her to stop visiting him. She is distraught. Mike tells Ken he'll drop the case if he apologises. Ken refuses.


33x87 20 July 1992

33x87 20 July 1992

  • 1992-07-20T18:30:00Z24m

The spider escapes. The Rovers' staff are petrified at the thought of a huge spider at large. Ken refuses to apologise to Mike as a matter of principle, despite Alma pleading with him to. Alec orders the staff to search for the spider. Raquel refuses to stay under the same roof as a deadly spider at large. Alec fears that the health and safety people will close the pub if a customer sees it. Mike makes Emily see that she'll have to go to court as his witness. Emily tells Ken she resents him using their friendship to get back at Mike. Curly agrees to Raquel staying at No.7. Angie is less than thrilled. Harry Norton tells Alec that the spider is worth £500. Angie lets it be known that the spider is loose so the frightened customers leave the pub.


33x88 22 July 1992

33x88 22 July 1992

  • 1992-07-22T18:30:00Z24m

Miss Mooney and Mr Price, the VAT inspectors, go through Alec's books at the Rovers. Emily doesn't want to have her sanity debated over in court. Ivy doesn't want anyone to know that Don has finished with her. Jim closes the bike shop. Alec buys a mouse to tempt the spider out into the open. Curly contemplates having a skylight fitted into the roof of No.7 so that he can resume his astronomy with his new telescope. He hasn't got the money so Reg advises him to put Angie's rent up. Alec is furious when the mouse escapes. Raquel goes to meet the players at Weatherfield County FC with publicist Gordon Blinkhorn. At the grounds she meets footballer Wayne Farrell, the star striker. She falls for him. Ivy tells Gail that Don doesn't want to see her anymore. Gail comforts her. Mike tells Ken, publically, that he's dropping the case as he doesn't want to cause Emily any more distress. The VAT people tell a horrified Alec that he owes £3,500 in underpayment.


33x89 24 July 1992

33x89 24 July 1992

  • 1992-07-24T18:30:00Z24m

Raquel models for knitting pattern leaflets. Vicky doesn't want to be met from the station by the Gilroys as it will be a reminder of the Ardens' deaths so she gets Steve to meet her. Emily is delighted when Mike tells her that he's dropping the court case. Rita tries to cover for Ted when his speech becomes slurred. Derek thinks Ted is a drunk. Mavis feels he's right and tells Rita that she'll support her if she needs help and tells her they think Ted's an alcoholic. Jim is told he can go full-time at work in five weeks. To fill in time he suggests to Liz that they holiday in Ireland. Rita tells Ted that she wants to tell the Wiltons the truth - they have a right to know.


33x90 27 July 1992

33x90 27 July 1992

  • 1992-07-27T18:30:00Z24m

Don refuses to return to No.5 when he's discharged. Joe Lewis of Social Services wants to help but he refuses to get back with Ivy. Alec doesn't know where he's going to find the VAT money. Raquel is stunned when Angie admits that she doesn't like her and finds her in the way at No.7. Angie calls her a bimbo. Reg tells Curly that he's going to the Costa del Sol and can't go to the annual management dance so he gives the invite to Curly. Social Services tell Ivy that it's a common reaction to hit back at loved ones and Don is bound to come round. Ivy is given fresh hope. Alec lying, tells the staff that he found the spider and the mouse side by side, dead. Raquel is pleased and moves back in to get away from Angie. Ted agrees with Rita that the Wiltons should know the truth. Vera suggests to Curly that he tries to find a partner at a dating agency. He scoffs at the idea. Rita and Ted tell the Wiltons about the brain tumour. They are stunned. Mavis comforts Rita, Derek feels awful. Vicky is sick of having no money to spend. She is pleased when Steve tells her that he doesn't want to go to Ireland. Don tells Ivy that he's definitely not returning to her. She accuses him of breaking her heart.


33x91 29 July 1992

33x91 29 July 1992

  • 1992-07-29T18:30:00Z24m

Ivy refuses to return to work until she has sorted Don out. Vicky tackles Alec about increasing her allowance but he refuses. Derek realises that Rita will return to work after Ted's death and he'll be job hunting again. Don leaves hospital. With Frank Haskins' help he moves into the Wentworths Guest House at 191 Ashdale Road. Landlady Eileen Wentworth takes charge of him. Mr Steele, the health inspector, calls at the Rovers to check the kitchens are still clean. He tells Liz she must wear a hat in the kitchen. During his inspection, Alec sees the spider in the kitchen and is forced to catch it in his hand and squash it. Curly contacts Cupid's Arrow Introduction Bureau to make an appointment. Ivy can't believe Don hasn't returned home, she feels he must be with Julie. Frank tells her he's in a bedsit.


33x92 31 July 1992

33x92 31 July 1992

  • 1992-07-31T18:30:00Z24m

Ivy calls on Don at the B&B. She is upset to see him on his crutches. She tells him that he can come home at any time. Alec is furious to hear from Nicholas Wilding that Vicky has contacted him about her allowance. Vicky takes Steve to meet Saracen and Sarah Slade who is looking after him. Steve feels uncomfortable with the Cheshire set. Harry Norton arrives to collect his spider. Alec tells him that it's dead and he's done research - there's no such thing as a Mexican mouse-eating spider. He throws Harry out. Ted suffers more pain. He tells Rita that he doesn't want to become dependant on drugs.


33x93 3 August 1992

33x93 3 August 1992

  • 1992-08-03T18:30:00Z24m

Ivy has to break the news to Nicky and Sarah Louise that Don doesn't live with her anymore. She is touched when they both tell her that they love her. Rita struggles to cope with Ted as he suffers spasms. He tries to cope with them and doesn't like her fussing. He feels like a big useless child. Calling himself "Gerald Murray", Curly enrolls at Cupid's Arrow Introduction Bureau. He says that he runs a mega-store and is interested in car rallies. Vicky tells Nicholas Wilding that she wants an extra £50 a month. They compromise on £20. Steve tells his parents that he's not going to Ireland; they'll have to trust him on his own. Paula and Andy set off Interailing. Gail visits Don, she tells him that people care and he shouldn't cut everyone out of his life. Charmian Grey at the agency asks Curly to meet Janet Shaw for a date. Don phones Julie and asks her to visit him. She agrees.


33x94 5 August 1992

33x94 5 August 1992

  • 1992-08-05T18:30:00Z24m

Vera tries to bring Ivy out of herself but she doesn't want to see anyone. Wayne Farrell takes Raquel out. She is besotted with him. Julie Dewhurst visits Don. She is shocked to find him with one leg. She blames herself for his accident and promises to keep in touch with him. Vicky sells Saracen to Sarah for £1,000. Jim and Liz leave for Ireland not completely happy about Steve being on his own at No.11. Gail and Vera get Ivy to enter the Rovers. She puts on a brave face. Alec is horrified to discover Steve hasn't gone away with his parents. Curly goes to meet "Miss Shaw" outside Manchester Central Library. He is stunned when she turns out to be Kimberley Taylor.


33x95 7 August 1992

33x95 7 August 1992

  • 1992-08-07T18:30:00Z24m

Curly and Kimberley are pleased that they've found each other again. He is relieved to hear she isn't seeing Adrian Gosthorpe anymore. Vicky and Steve go to the pictures without telling Alec. He fears that they're together at No.11. Curly and Kimberley agree to see each other again. Alec refuses to believe Vicky has been at the cinema and accuses her of canoodling with Steve. She is furious and throws the cinema ticket stubs at him. Bet tells Alec that he can't do anything to stop Vicky seeing Steve. Alec asks Steve exactly what his relationship with Vicky is about, telling him that he doesn't trust him. He tells Steve that he's not good enough for Vicky and he wants him to stay away from her. The cruise line gets onto Alec and asks him to call at their office in Southampton. Bet threatens to leave him if he takes another cruise.


33x96 10 August 1992

33x96 10 August 1992

  • 1992-08-10T18:30:00Z24m

Sally doesn't like spending the day at No.8. Bet shows Vicky how to pull a pint from the pump. Alec is annoyed and accuses Bet of dragging her up like a barmaid. He leaves for Southampton. Steve enjoys it when Susie Johnson, a girl from school, flirts with him. Gail shouts at Steve for spending his time with Susie instead of helping at the cafe. Sally struggles looking after Nicky and Sarah Louise during the holidays. She can't control Nicky and he smashes a table lamp with a ball. Vicky cooks Steve a meal at his house. He assures her that Susie is just a friend - she was the school slag. Sally thinks Gail feels she lets Nicky walk all over her. Curly shows Kimberley his house. She is impressed. She agrees to go to the Bettabuy dance with him but is horrified to discover that Curly has a female lodger.


33x97 12 August 1992

33x97 12 August 1992

  • 1992-08-12T18:30:00Z24m

When Kevin calls at No.8 in his overalls, Sally makes him sit on newspaper for fear of marking Gail's chairs. Kimberley hates the thought of Curly and Angie living under the same roof. He tells her that to him Angie isn't a woman; she's a tenant. Vicky helps Steve wash up at the cafe so he can leave early. Sunglobe Shipping Company offers Alec the job of running their entertainment. He tells Bet he wants to do it; to give up the Rovers and move to Southampton. She is stunned. Vicky is amazed when Alec tells her that they might all move to Southampton. She is horrified at the thought. Bet assures her it's just an idea that he'll drop. Nicky tells Gail that Kevin wore his overalls in the house. She thinks she can see oil on the chair. Angie assures Kimberley she doesn't fancy Curly. She can't believe Kimberley is so naive. Alec is horrified to hear that Vicky has been washing up in the cafe. When he accuses her of doing it for the money she tells him that she's sold Saracen. Alec is furious and determines to make sure they move to Southampton to get her away from Steve's influence.


33x98 14 August 1992

33x98 14 August 1992

  • 1992-08-14T18:30:00Z24m

Kimberley doesn't know how to tell her parents that she's seeing Curly again. Alec discovers Vicky has bought Steve a T-shirt. He thinks that Steve is after her money. Angie advises Curly to stand up to the Taylors and be masterful. Alec tells Bet they're definitely selling up and moving to Southampton. Steve tells Vicky that he's tired of her making all the decisions in their relationship. Vera advises Curly to evict Angie to please Kimberley. Vicky accuses Alec of always thinking the worst of her. She tells him that she's not a bimbo but if he thinks she is she might as well be one. Kimberley plans alterations to No.7, including a nursery. Don appreciates it when Ivy visits him as he's bored. Kimberley is thrilled when Curly acts masterfully, telling her that she has to tell her parents she's seeing him. Don admits to Ivy that he tried to kill himself when he crashed. He tells her that he's never returning to her because she drove him to it and it cost him his leg.


33x99 17 August 1992

33x99 17 August 1992

  • 1992-08-17T18:30:00Z24m

Bet and Vicky tell Alec that they don't want to move to Southampton. Ivy tells Don he should visit the church and seek help from God. Curly calls for Kimberley at the Taylors house to take her to the Bettabuy dance. Brenda is cold towards him. Steve gets annoyed when Vicky teases him, kissing him but refusing to go any further. She gets upset when he tries to put his hand up her jumper. He accuses her of playing games. She is upset by his manner and runs off. Brenda warms to Curly when she discovers that he now has his own house. Kimberley and Curly enjoy the dance. Brendan Scott is there and he tells him that he's glad to see him taking on more responsibilities. He hints that there would be promotion for him if he were married. Curly asks Kimberley to marry him.


33x100 19 August 1992

33x100 19 August 1992

  • 1992-08-19T18:30:00Z24m

Steve upsets Vicky by openly flirting with Susie Johnson. Curly tells Brendan Scott about his engagement - Brendan congratulates him, telling him that he's done the right thing. Alec discovers Steve is entertaining a girl at No.11 and calls round demanding to see Vicky, only to find Susie. Ivy pours out her feelings to Father O'Rourke, explaining how Don hates her. She is distraught that he's going to Hell because he tried to kill himself. He tells her that she must forgive God for everything and advises her to look within to see if the seed of hate is in her. Brenda Taylor is pleased with the engagement, Angie is puzzled by it. Bet tells Alec that she's sick of him taking everything for granted; she's never even seen Southampton. Kimberley tells Curly to get Angie out of No.7.


33x101 21 August 1992

33x101 21 August 1992

  • 1992-08-21T18:30:00Z24m

Angie offers to design Kimberley's wedding dress. Gail is horrified that Martin has to spend £30 on two text books. Rita worries when Ted goes for a walk and is late back. Alec tells Vicky that he caught Steve with another girl. She is stunned. Ted promises Rita he'll always phone her in future to let her know he's alright. Brenda Taylor calls on Curly to give No.7. her approval. She finds a bra on the sofa. Curly assures her it isn't Kimberley's so she accuses him of being a womaniser. She refuses to let Kimberley marry him. Curly tells Angie to pack and leave but she is angry that their friendship means nothing to him. Martin finds £5 of his money is missing. He tells Gail it must have been taken. Vicky doesn't believe Steve has been 'unfaithful'. Curly tells Brenda about Angie, saying that there's nothing between them and he's not going to let her suspicions stop him marrying Kimberley. She marvels at his masterfulness. Alec promises Bet their move will bring them closer together. Their standard of living will improve and they'll be able to retire in style.


33x102 24 August 1992

33x102 24 August 1992

  • 1992-08-24T18:30:00Z24m

The Gilroys go to Southampton. Gail asks Nicky if he borrowed the £5. He says he didn't. Vicky doesn't care where she lives anymore. Sally feels used by the Platts; there at their beck and call when they want her and easily dropped. Steve tells Vicky that he has been to bed with Susie Johnson but it was no big deal. He points out Vicky had made it clear she wasn't interested. Rita is worried when Ted stays out all day and doesn't contact her. Gail is jealous of the way Sarah Louise loves Sally. Rita calls at Highbank Avenue and discovers that Ted hasn't been there. Brenda Taylor gives Angie the once-over and offends her by saying it's clear that Curly couldn't be interested in her. Provoked, Angie lets it slip that Curly and Kimberley met again through a dating agency. Bet has to admit that they'd be fools not to go to Southampton. Rita contacts the Police and reports Ted as a missing person.


33x103 26 August 1992

33x103 26 August 1992

  • 1992-08-26T18:30:00Z24m

Ted is found in the hospital. Martin thinks Nicky took the money. Sally hears about it and tells the Platts she hopes that they don't suspect her of taking it. She accuses Gail of treating her like a servant. Ted was found slumped in an alley. The Police thought he was drunk. Rita is furious at the way he's been treated. Ted tells Rita that he feels daft. Ted discharges himself and comes home with Rita. She is stunned when he has a memory lapse and thinks that she's Doris Sullivan. Nicky tells Sally that he borrowed the £5. Rita didn't realise that she wouldn't be able to cope. Sally decides to stop minding the Platt children as she's sick of Gail ordering her about and being frosty. Bet is stricken when Alec tells her that he's sold the tenancy back to the brewery.


33x104 28 August 1992

33x104 28 August 1992

  • 1992-08-28T18:30:00Z24m

Reg returns from Spain and the McDonalds from Ireland. Betty realises that she's going to have to leave the Rovers when the Gilroys leave. Curly tells Kimberley that she rouses him sexually. Reg is stunned to hear Curly is engaged and he tells him that he's making a mistake. Vicky returns to school without seeing Steve, resigned to the fact that she'll never see him again. Andy returns from Europe. He gets his exam results: 'B's in English and Computer Studies and a 'C' in Maths. The McDonalds celebrate. Reg tells Curly that Kimberley might be acting as a spy for rival store Krazy Kuts. Paula gets two 'A's and a 'B' in her exams. Sally tells Gail that Nicky took the money. Gail tells her that she needs her support and agrees to try to treat Sally better in future. Brenda Taylor tells Curly the wedding will have to be postponed as Randolph has a hernia and is waiting for an operation. She plans a spring wedding. Curly agrees but says he'll take Kimberley on holiday as he is eager to go to bed with her. Brenda is forced to give Kimberley her engagement ring back. Andy tells Paula that he wants them to share a flat when they go to Sheffield. Bet tells Alec that she doesn't want to leave the Rovers.


33x105 31 August 1992

33x105 31 August 1992

  • 1992-08-31T18:30:00Z24m

Martin tells Nicky that he wants him to repay the money at the rate of 50p a week. Bet starts to pack and becomes nostalgic about past customers and friends. Alec is rushed, sorting all his accounts and books out. Betty feels that Bet doesn't care what happens to the staff and tells her that she's disappointed in her. Paula tells Andy that she's decided to go to Manchester University, not Sheffield and has been offered a place. She tells him that she's too young to settle down and wants to meet new friends. He is upset and feels a mug for loving her. Bet is pleased when the brewery value the Rovers at £25,000; less than Alec wanted. She is stunned when Alec calmly accepts the offer, saying that the money isn't important. Bet realises she belongs at the Rovers and can't leave.


33x106 2 September 1992

33x106 2 September 1992

  • 1992-09-02T18:30:00Z24m

Bet meets Richard Willmore, the brewery tied-trade director. She asks if she could stay at the Rovers as manager. Bet talks Willmore into letting her stay on. He puts her on a six-month probation. Alec is stunned when Bet tells him that she's going to stay at the Rovers as manager and not go to Southampton. She tells him that she can't leave. He refuses to listen to her and tells her they are leaving. Alec accuses Bet of trying to blackmail him into staying. He can't believe that she'll let him go alone. Martin gets trainee nurse Carmel Finnan to babysit. Bet tells Alec she doesn't want their marriage to end as she wants to salvage something from it. He tells her that he married her in order to share his life with her and he's given her everything, but now it's his turn and he wants the new job. He tells her that if she doesn't go to Southampton she'll be finishing their marriage. The residents gather at the Rovers to see the Gilroys off. Alec walks through them all and leaves, Bet begs him to stay but he tells her that she's killed their marriage. He drives off.


33x107 4 September 1992

33x107 4 September 1992

  • 1992-09-04T18:30:00Z24m

Bet tries to make the most of things, she tells the staff that Alec's gone and the brewery is now the boss. She tells them they'll be paid by cheque in future and has to pay rent on everything that used to be hers. Nicky starts at Weatherfield Comprehensive and befriends Mark Redman. Don gets his artificial leg. Andy tells Paula that she's right - they're too young to be tied down. They both agree they don't want to finish. Jack brings Terry's old cot out from the loft. He plans to do it up for the baby as a surprise for Lisa. Ivy begins to wallow in self-pity, snapping at anyone who tries to help her. Percy gets through to the last sixteen of the Crown Green Challenge. Alf bets him £100 that he won't win the tournament. Bet clears out the last of Alec's things.


33x108 7 September 1992

33x108 7 September 1992

  • 1992-09-07T18:30:00Z24m

Alec sends Bet his change of address and nothing else on their anniversary. Vicky phones Bet after getting Alec's new address and demands to know what's going on. She takes the news of the spilt badly. Alf tries to get out of his bet with Percy. Don starts to get out and about, he meets Jack and agrees to watch Percy's bowling match with him. Alf is amazed when Percy beats a semi-pro and gets through to the quarter finals. Nicky finds Weatherfield Comprehensive frightening. He feels better after talking to Carmel Finnan who advises him not to give in. Lisa feels suffocated by Vera's attention all the time. After letting everyone think she doesn't care about Alec, Bet has a quiet weep whilst on her own.


33x109 9 September 1992

33x109 9 September 1992

  • 1992-09-09T18:30:00Z24m

Lisa's labour pains start and she does the housework between contractions. She summons Vera from work and they go into hospital together. Lisa keeps calm but Vera is a nervous wreck. Jack is glad he's found Don again and they're still mates. Carmel takes every opportunity to babysit at the Platts' house. As Lisa isn't dilating beyond 4cm and the baby is tiring, she has a caesarian with an epidural. Vera sits with her in the theatre, taking her mind off things by chatting about her family. The residents watch Percy play Cyril Jukes at bowls. Phyllis cheers him on. Lisa gives birth to a son, she calls him Tom. Cyril beats Percy to Alf's relief. Jack and Vera become emotional at the sight of their grandson. At the match, Rita finds Ted asleep on a bench at the bowls match but then realises he's dead. The residents come to her aid as she weeps, cradling his head in her arms.


33x110 11 September 1992

33x110 11 September 1992

  • 1992-09-11T18:30:00Z24m

Jack does a good job renovating the cot. Rita doesn't really have to arrange anything as Ted did it all before he died. Bet visits Vicky at school to explain what's happened. Bet assures her that she'll always be welcome in the Rovers and she's still married to Alec. Vicky is relieved that it's not all over. Ivy tells Gail that she's upset at never being asked to babysit. Rita registers Ted's death. Vera tells Jack that he's going to have to get rid of his pigeons as they're a health risk to the baby.


33x111 14 September 1992

33x111 14 September 1992

  • 1992-09-14T18:30:00Z24m

Sarah Brookes thanks Rita for making Ted happy. Jack makes the ultimate sacrifice and agrees to get rid of his pigeons. He gives them to Wally Middleton. The Brookes', Bet, the Roberts', Emily and the Wiltons attend Ted's cremation with Rita. Sarah and Philip are annoyed to discover that others knew about Ted's illness when they didn't. Jack is heartbroken without his pigeons. He is stunned when some of them fly home to the coop. He gets Vera to agree to let him keep them as they must be lucky birds. Rita refuses to cry over Ted; she's glad that she met him and shared the happiest six months of her life with him.


33x112 16 September 1992

33x112 16 September 1992

  • 1992-09-16T18:30:00Z24m

Lisa returns home with Tommy. Vera bursts with pride and Jack can't stop cooing over him. The Brookes' and Rita attend the reading of Ted's will by his solicitor, John Halpern. Rita and Roger Brookes are his executors. He leaves Sarah £2,000, Philip and Roger £1,000 each and the rest to Rita. Rita is upset when Philip accuses her of fleecing them all. Nicky and Mark Redman are bullied by Billy Jarvis at school, who demands £1 a week protection money from them. Ken sees the incident and warns Gail that Nicky maybe being bullied. Philip tells Rita that he's contesting the will, saying she's an evil, conniving woman who married Ted for his money.


33x113 18 September 1992

33x113 18 September 1992

  • 1992-09-18T18:30:00Z24m

Jack is alarmed to hear that the brewery are going to pay him monthly and not weekly, by cheque. Rita goes away to Whitby for a rest. Don ventures into the Rovers. He gets his disabled cards and looks forward to getting a new taxi. Against his better judgement, he lends the stickers to Jack until he gets his car. Ivy is hurt to discover that Don has been in the Street without calling on her. She feels that no one is interested in her anymore. Jack hasn't got a bank account and doesn't like the idea of paying his wages into Vera's. Gail tells Martin that she'd like them to go away for a few days. Richard Willmore tells Bet that she'll be getting a new till which will be linked with the brewery computer. He also tells her that she's overstaffed and someone will have to go. Jack overhears and is horrified.


33x114 21 September 1992

33x114 21 September 1992

  • 1992-09-21T18:30:00Z24m

Sally gets her registration and is made an official childminder. Fearing for his job, Jack goes out of his way to prove his worth to Bet. Ivy agrees to look after the children so Gail and Martin can go away to Abersoch. Bet realises that Jack overheard her conversation with Richard Willmore. She warns him that he's not indispensable. Betty tells Bet she knows that she'll be the one to go as she doesn't need the money like the others. Bet tells her that she doesn't intend to lose her. Jack uses Don's disabled sticker to park illegally. When a policeman checks on him, he develops a limp to win him over. The policeman helps him to the car. Vera sees them and thinks that Jack's been arrested, she creates a fuss making the policeman suspicious. The policeman takes Jack's name.


33x115 23 September 1992

33x115 23 September 1992

  • 1992-09-23T18:30:00Z24m

Jack is let off with a parking ticket. Bet works out that the brewery is wrong - they're not overstaffed according to the monthly earnings. She doesn't know what to do. Ivy thinks that Don is hurting her on purpose by visiting the Street. Vera suggests that it's his way of staying in her life. Ivy calls at his B&B only to find he's moved and told the landlady not to give her his address. Stella Rigby goes through Bet's books with her and tells her that she's right about not being overstaffed. She advises Bet not to complain to Richard Willmore as she's on probation. Carmel is lonely and talks the Platts into letting her babysit. Phyllis lets Lisa sit in Des' garden with Tom. Des doesn't mind. Bet doesn't care if she's putting her job on the line, she is not going to sack anyone. Gail is horrified to find Ivy drunk in the Rovers. She takes her home.


33x116 25 September 1992

33x116 25 September 1992

  • 1992-09-25T18:30:00Z24m

Curly and Kimberley return from Cornwall having had a horrid time as Kimberley has been sick all the time. Curly thinks that she's pathetic. Raquel returns from her holiday in Corfu. Rita is upset to get a letter from the Brookes' solicitor saying that they're contesting the will. Bet shows Richard Willmore her figures and is stunned when he tells her that she hasn't accounted for Hilda Ogden and Angie Freeman who Alec has still kept on the books. They both realise Alec has been pocketing wages of non-existent staff to defraud the Inland Revenue. John Chambers installs the new till but the technology is beyond the staff. Kimberley is upset to discover that Curly is still getting information on women from the dating agency. Curly gets some satisfaction in telling Kimberley that the women sound sensational. She is upset and runs home. Curly confesses to Angie that he fears Kimberley will grow into Brenda Taylor. Gail worries about Ivy's drinking. She tackles her about it, infuriating Ivy who swears that she wasn't drunk. Ivy throws Gail out and accuses her of saying that she's a drunk in order to keep the children away from her.


33x117 28 September 1992

33x117 28 September 1992

  • 1992-09-28T18:30:00Z24m

Raquel gets her holiday snaps back and upsets Jack by saying that she's topless in them but is refusing to show him them. Jack doesn't know what to do with his wage cheque. Roger Brookes tells Rita he believes that she didn't marry Ted for his money. He asks her to talk to his parents. Andy helps Paula move into her flat in Manchester. Vera and Lisa take Tom to see Terry for the first time. Vera is upset when the guards take the film out of her camera after she's taken a photograph of Terry and Tom. Rita meets with the Brookes'. Philip thinks the will is invalid because of Ted's illness. She is furious when Philip suggests that Ted wasn't in sound mind when he married her. Gail is pleased when Carmel agrees to look after the children whilst the Platts go away. Randolph Taylor talks Curly into having tea with the Taylors to please Kimberley. Bet takes the wedding ring off her finger and tells Betty that it's staying off.


33x118 30 September 1992

33x118 30 September 1992

  • 1992-09-30T18:30:00Z24m

Jack's wages cheque is crossed so he can only pay it into his own account. Des encourages Lisa to use his garden. He enjoys her company. Gail tries to explain to Ivy that Carmel is looking after the children but Ivy accuses her of not trusting her with them. The Wiltons are put out when their peace is disturbed by Tom crying next door. Des surprises himself by liking Tom. The Platts go away for a couple of days leaving Carmel in residence at No.8. Andy leaves for Sheffield. Paula waves him off. Curly makes up with Kimberley but she quells his passion by saying she hopes that they end up like her parents.


33x119 2 October 1992

33x119 2 October 1992

  • 1992-10-02T18:30:00Z24m

Curly feels that he needs time to himself to think. Kevin decides to ask Mike for a rise as he's sure that he'll be asked to run the parts shop when it's opened. Don takes Jack to his bank and helps him open an account. Sarah Brookes tells Rita that Ted led her to believe that Roger would inherit everything. She wants to come to an agreement with Rita without going to court. Sarah tells her that Ted's house is full of memories of their childhood. Rita feels she hardly knew Ted. Kevin is disappointed when Mike tells him that he's changed his mind; there's no money in spares. Jack opens an account and is annoyed that he has to wait a week for his money. Gail tries to make the peace with Ivy but Ivy accuses her of humiliating her in front of everyone. She refuses to have anything to do with her.


33x120 5 October 1992

33x120 5 October 1992

  • 1992-10-05T18:30:00Z24m

Rita desperately wants to remember Ted but doesn't have enough memories of him. Vera feels sorry for Ivy and tells Jack that he must give her Don's new address but Jack has promised Don not to tell her. Kevin tells Mike that he's fed up with working for little money and always being rushed off his feet. Lisa is troubled when Raquel tells her that Terry won't be happy to hear she's been spending time with Des. Jim is annoyed when Steve lounges around all day on the dole with Susie Johnson. Jack is talked into giving Don's address to Vera. Ivy secretly spikes her orange juices with vodka in the Rovers. She is thrilled when Vera gives her Don's address. Rita looks through Ted's things and realises that she was nothing to Ted. She feels she was only therapy for him. Mike takes Steve on for £10 a day to help Kevin. Steve decides to carry on claiming the dole. Kevin is annoyed as he just wanted more money through working overtime. Ivy calls on Don and is surprised to find that he's coping very well. He shows off his new CD player. He tells her that he's glad they can be friends, it's too much for Ivy and she has to leave before she breaks down. Angie is discontented at work. Ivy gets drunk and is furious when she's refused drink at the Rovers. She breaks down, saying she's lost everything.


33x121 7 October 1992

33x121 7 October 1992

  • 1992-10-07T18:30:00Z24m

Steve starts work at MVB. Kevin is annoyed that he has to train him. Raquel hosts a lingerie party at the Rovers run by her friend Gemma. Ivy goes to Don's local, The Rose and Thistle and gets drunk on her own. Steve resigns when Kevin is cold with him all morning. Roger Brookes tells Rita that there's been an offer on Ted's house of £55,000. Rita knows it's worth £20,000 more than that and says that she'd rather wait for a higher price. Roger is awkward as Philip Brookes wants a quick sale. Kevin tells Mike he's sick of being messed around by him and tells him that he's not sure he wants to run the garage anymore. The women look at the lingerie, Mavis is shocked as she thought it was going to be a Tupperware party. Kevin is pleased when Mike gives him a £20 rise. He thanks Steve for giving him the push he needed to confront Mike and takes him back on. Ivy gets drunk at the party and starts insulting Gail who says that she's always too drunk to look after the children. Jim tricks Steve into entering the Rovers' lounge, he is jumped upon by the women who want to see him in a G-string. Ivy calls at No.8 to tell the children what she thinks of Gail. Carmel manages to hold her back but Nicky is upset by the scene. Gail comes in and Ivy, feeling guilty at the scene she has caused, breaks down in her arms.


33x122 9 October 1992

33x122 9 October 1992

  • 1992-10-09T18:30:00Z24m

Vera gets annoyed when she has to keep covering up for Ivy as she stays away from work. Ivy just wants to be left alone. Rita assures Mavis that she isn't going to push Derek out of The Kabin. Gail washes her hands of Ivy. Derek is offered a job as school caretaker at Weatherfield Comprehensive. Mike tells Steve that he wants him to get his driver's licence as soon as possible. Steve puts in for his test. Vera forces Don's address out of Jack. She calls on him and accuses him of turning Ivy into a wreck. She urges him to talk to Ivy to stop her going over the edge.


33x123 12 October 1992

33x123 12 October 1992

  • 1992-10-12T18:30:00Z24m

Percy organises an El Alamein anniversary committee at the Legion. When Curly asks Ivy when she's returning to work she gives him a mouthful. To prove his worth, Derek applies for the caretaking job. Mavis doesn't think he'll be up to it. Don takes possession of his new adapted car. Lisa feels tied down by Tom. Ivy breaks down in the Rovers when she's refused service because she's drunk. She is stunned when Don appears and takes her home.


33x124 14 October 1992

33x124 14 October 1992

  • 1992-10-14T18:30:00Z24m

Don stays the night at No.5. Ivy tells him that she drinks because it makes her feel better. Jack hasn't paid his parking fine as Vera is summoned to go to court since the car is in her name. She orders him to pay the £20 fine. Percy is upset that the El Alamein committee has invited some Germans to join in the anniversary celebrations and he refuses to meet any of them. Rita meets with the Brookeses with Alf for support. She tells them that she wants one of Ted's watercolours but they can have all of the other furniture. She tells them that she's split the house money with them, keeping two-thirds for herself. Roger thinks it sounds fair but Philip says it's not enough. Mike tells Kevin that he can have a new mechanic and moves Steve into his new unit to print T-shirts. Rita refuses to haggle with the Brookeses. Philip feels that she's weakening and is certain he can prove the will is no good. He tells her that he'll settle for two-thirds of everything. He accuses her of marrying a dying man for his money. Alf sees Philip off. Lisa leaves Tom with Vera for the first time to have a drink with Des. Ivy tells Don she's sorry that he found her in a state but thanks him. She swears she isn't an alcoholic. She tells him that she's over things now and would consider having him as a lodger. Don is shocked. She tells him that she'd stop drinking if she knew she wasn't alone anymore. He agrees to move in to see how it works.


33x125 16 October 1992

33x125 16 October 1992

  • 1992-10-16T18:30:00Z24m

Ivy tries to convince Don that she won't drink anymore. Derek gets a job interview at the school. Mavis realises that she's going to have to make way for Rita to run The Kabin. Steve starts work in the garage unit, cleaning up ready for printing T-shirts. Reg tells Ivy that he's sick of the way she's been behaving at work. He tells her the company can't afford to carry dead wood. She promises Reg she's sorted out now. Reg tells her that he won't allow it to happen again and she's sacked. She is stunned. Curly pleads with Reg not to sack Ivy, fearing it will send her over the edge again. He urges him to show compassion. Mavis removes her manager badge. Rita promises her that they'll run the shop together and she'll maintain her salary. Derek is depressed at the thought of turning into old caretaker Percy. Reg tells Ivy she can stay on, telling her that she has Curly to thank. Ken meets Maggie Redman at a parents' meeting. She's worried about Mark's behaviour after Harry's death. Ken assures her that he'll keep an eye on him. Steve learns how to screen-print. Don is concerned at the easy way Ivy has accepted him being back. He reminds her it's only a temporary arrangement.


33x126 19 October 1992

33x126 19 October 1992

  • 1992-10-19T18:30:00Z24m

Ivy assures Don that his life is his own. Reg feels Kimberley is using Curly so she can spy on Bettabuy for Krazy Kuts. His evidence is that they have a display called "Cheeses of the World" which was the 'brilliant' and 'innovative' idea that Reg thought up a few days before. Curly thinks that he's gone mad. Steve has his first job - fifty T-shirts for an auction house. Vera doesn't like the thought of Lisa spending her time with Des. Reg asks Curly to find out, through Kim, what Krazy Kuts are planning for Christmas. Steve wastes thirty T-shirts as he keeps smudging the prints. Angie discovers that the stencil needs redoing and helps him. Don goes to a casino with Frank Haskins. They chat up two women, Katie and Sandra, but Don doesn't enjoy himself. Curly gets Kimberley to give Reg some bogus Christmas promotion plans: topless check-out girls. Reg is mortified but Curly can't keep the joke up. Angie and Steve get the T-shirts out in time for Mike. German Klaus Muller searches in the area for Percy. Lisa is indignant when Vera tells her that people are talking about Des and her. Lisa tells Vera that Terry may be in prison, but she isn't.


33x127 21 October 1992

33x127 21 October 1992

  • 1992-10-21T18:30:00Z24m

Percy decides to join the El Alamein parade in Blackpool. Vera refuses to babysit for Lisa in an attempt to keep her in the house. Derek is interviewed by Mrs Jeffers and the Caretaking Officer of Weatherfield Comprehensive. They feel he's overqualified. He tells them that he needs to work to keep his dignity. Klaus Muller tracks Percy down and tells him that he was under his control as a POW in the War. He thanks Percy for showing him kindness. Klaus tells him the German soldiers adored him and his cooking. Percy doesn't want to encourage him but Emily pushes him to be friendly. Derek is given the deputy caretaker's job. Percy is moved by some of Klaus' stories from the War. He begins to like him. They find they have a lot in common and Percy is persuaded to join Klaus in the Weatherfield parade. Ken bumps into Maggie Redman in evening class. She teaches flower arranging. He takes her for a quick drink. She tells him that she'd like to see more of him. Percy and Klaus get drunk together on schnapps and sing "Lili Marleen".


33x128 23 October 1992

33x128 23 October 1992

  • 1992-10-23T18:30:00Z24m

Klaus Muller and Percy are so hung-over that they miss the parade. Kevin interviews Doug Murray for the mechanic's job. Percy is sad to see Klaus leave. Kevin gives Doug the job. Phyllis agrees to babysit Tom so Raquel can take Lisa to the Rovers to cheer her up. Lisa refuses to go along with Vera's plans and tells her that she's going out with Tom but refuses to say where she's going. Ken takes Maggie to the pictures. She's nervous at being out with a man. Vera barges into No.6 thinking Lisa's with Des. Phyllis shows her that Lisa is in the Rovers with a crowd. Vera rows with Lisa for leaving Tom with Phyllis whilst she drinks. Lisa is furious.


33x129 26 October 1992

33x129 26 October 1992

  • 1992-10-26T19:30:00Z24m

Doug starts at the garage and finds Deirdre attractive. Ivy apologises to Gail for being so awkward. Derek starts at Weatherfield Comprehensive under caretaker and Councillor Harry Potts. Potts, who wanted his nephew to get the job, expects Derek to run the place whilst he has Council meetings. Derek is set to work shovelling coal and the children soon give him the runaround. Kimberley buys a rug-making kit, telling Curly that they can make it together for their love nest. He is appalled at this vision of domestic bliss. Don organises a card school at his flat and tells Ivy that he'll be spending the night there. Doug offers to buy Deirdre a drink but she isn't interested. Carmel is frightened by a prowler at the nurses' home. Gail insists she stays the night at No.8. With Don back at his flat, Ivy starts to drink again. Don returns to check on her and finds her passed out. He gets angry and wakes her, telling her that she's a disgusting drunk.


33x130 28 October 1992

33x130 28 October 1992

  • 1992-10-28T19:30:00Z24m

Don tells Ivy that she needs help and suggests she contacts Alcoholics Anonymous. She refuses to accept she's an alcoholic. Lisa decides to stay away from Des for the time being. Derek discovers that Nigel Chadwick attends Weatherfield Comprehensive. Nigel offends him by getting a girl to call him "Mr Carpet Head". Derek realises that he's surrounded by enemies. Lisa tells Jack she's fed up of Vera getting at her and she may move back to Blackpool. Jack begs her not to leave. Deirdre is shocked when Tracy buys a new dress. She realises Tracy is now a young woman and has to struggle with her emotions. The Platts decide to let Carmel stay another night as they know she's scared of the nurses' home. Jack tells Vera that her tongue is driving Lisa and Tom away. Vera is horrified and tells Lisa she can see Des whenever she wants to. Lisa assures her that Des is not after her. Ivy tells Don she turns to drink as she's frightened of being alone. He refuses to be emotionally blackmailed but agrees to move back permanently to keep her off the bottle. She is thrilled.


33x131 30 October 1992

33x131 30 October 1992

  • 1992-10-30T19:30:00Z24m

Don is adamant he's going to lead his own life and not be a "couple" with Ivy anymore. She is hurt when he tells her that he'll do everything for himself. Kimberley spends the night with Curly but her passion is interrupted by Angie. Don moves out of his flat and into the spare room at No.5. Derek marks out the football pitch. He has to cancel a night out with Mavis to lock up after the school disco. At the disco Tracy flirts with Mark Jackson's DJ brother Stuart who's twenty. Vera and Lisa go out leaving Jack babysitting. Curly has enough of the rug-making. Gail tells Martin that they could use Carmel as a paying guest as she could help around the house. Jack sings all his Sinatra songs to Tommy who loves them. Tracy is furious when Stuart dances with Debbie Dawson. She is so upset she cries. Derek sees her but she refuses to talk to him about it. Ken takes Maggie for a meal. Afterwards he wants to take her to the Rovers but, recognising the Street, she refuses. Ken, not knowing of her previous relationship with Mike Baldwin, is baffled.


33x132 2 November 1992

33x132 2 November 1992

  • 1992-11-02T19:30:00Z24m

Mark is embarrassed to find Ken talking to Maggie. Raquel objects to Doug flirting with her. Doug pesters Deirdre for a date but she's not interested. She doesn't feel that he's her type. Martin helps Nicky impress Mark by getting Wayne Farrell to call and give him his autograph. Wayne shows off his football skills to them. Martin tackles him and brings him down. Wayne is left with a knee injury. Raquel rushes to help him. Harry Potts pushes Derek to do all the work and orders him to throw out wallcharts from Ken's classroom. Angie is surprised to bump into Ben Williams. He is now managing a group called Dive. He asks Angie to design T-shirts for them to sell at gigs. Raquel rows with Martin, telling him that Wayne has torn a ligament. Andy returns home from Sheffield, telling Jim that he's had enough of University.


33x133 4 November 1992

33x133 4 November 1992

  • 1992-11-04T19:30:00Z24m

Raquel is furious that her love-life is over as Wayne Farrell is confined to his digs. Ken is horrified to discover that Derek has thrown away his displays. Derek is blamed and realises that Harry Potts set him up. Jim accuses Andy of running home to mummy. Liz asks him to be patient with him. Gail is thrilled when Carmel agrees to move into No.8, sharing Sarah Louise's room. Martin thinks that it'll be chaotic. Andy tells Paula he can't stand being apart from her. She doesn't like his heaviness and asks him to return to Sheffield, not wanting to be blamed by the McDonalds. He is annoyed that she has made plans and can't be with him. Mark is awkward when Ken comes for a meal. Ken feels uncomfortable with him. Angie asks Steve to print Ben Williams' T-shirts behind Mike's back. Steve agrees but doesn't want to put his job on the line. Ken is pleased when Maggie kisses him.


33x134 6 November 1992

33x134 6 November 1992

  • 1992-11-06T19:30:00Z24m

Carmel moves into No.8. Jim threatens to throw Andy out of the house if he doesn't return to University. Andy tells him that he's hated being pushed into University by his parents and accuses Jim of just wanting a son to show off about. Jim refuses to let him call himself a failure. Jim goes for him when Andy tells him that he's wasted his whole life. Derek is suspicious to see Harry Potts taking school light bulbs home but Harry tells him to mind his own business. The Platts throw a firework party. Andy admits to Paula that he's lonely in Sheffield but he's going back. She is relieved. Angie and Steve print the T-shirts at night. Mike catches them and demands £6 a T-shirt off Angie. She is furious as she's only getting £8. She pleads with him so he lets her off with £20 for the electricity. Lisa finds herself fancying Des. Jim and Andy apologise to each other. Jim is moved when Andy tells him that he's returning to Sheffield. Jim tells him that he's proud of him.


33x135 9 November 1992

33x135 9 November 1992

  • 1992-11-09T19:30:00Z24m

Carmel eagerly does all the housework at No.8. With Randolph Taylor's operation set for January, Kimberley tells Curly that she wants to marry in April. Phyllis trips in the Street and scratches her knees. Doug comes to her aid and drives her home. Harry Potts gets Derek to clean out all the drains by himself. Lisa is confused by her feelings for Des as she loves Terry. She decides to stay away from Des. Derek decides to resign; he can't take Potts anymore. Curly decides to build an observatory for his telescope in the attic. Angie warns him that Kimberley might not be supportive. Richard Willmore tells Bet that she has to enter the Rovers in a superquiz to boost trade. Maggie thanks Ken for helping her to enjoy herself again. Bet is trapped into accepting Reg as team leader for the superquiz.


33x136 11 November 1992

33x136 11 November 1992

  • 1992-11-11T19:30:00Z24m

Neil Mitchell shopfits the old charity shop at No.2. Derek refuses to dance to Harry Potts's tune. He intends to seek out his weaknesses. Reg hopes that the quiz will bring him closer to Bet. Curly points out to him that he has no general knowledge so Reg volunteers him as team captain. Doug asks Deirdre out for a meal. She admires his persistence and agrees to meet him for a drink. Bet becomes alarmed when Reg makes it plain that he finds her attractive. Curly asks Neil to build an observatory in the loft of No.7. Kevin is puzzled when a man, Mr Allott, hangs around the garage asking for a Dave Matthews. He feels sure that he means Doug. Doug sees the man and disappears. Curly tells Kimberley that he's building a room in the loft, she thinks it's a third bedroom and is thrilled. Derek plans a campaign to de-stabilise Harry.


33x137 13 November 1992

33x137 13 November 1992

  • 1992-11-13T19:30:00Z24m

Kevin gets annoyed when Doug doesn't come in for work. Jim helps him out at the garage. Mavis is alarmed to hear that Curly is building an observatory opposite her house. Angie is pleased that Neil is back in the Street. She agrees to go out with him, he is surprised. Bet feels that the quiz is taking over and doesn't like having to do everything the Brewery demands. She is certain that Richard Willmore wants to get rid of her. Kevin calls at Doug's house but is told he doesn't live there. Tracy babysits for Mark and is impressed by Maggie's house. Maggie tries to befriend her. Curly is horrified when Neil tells Kimberley about the observatory. Deirdre gets annoyed when Doug stands her up at the Rovers. Kimberley is upset that Curly never told her about his plans. She accuses him of not trusting her.


33x138 16 November 1992

33x138 16 November 1992

  • 1992-11-16T19:30:00Z24m

Bet worries that Reg is after her. Doug returns and tells Kevin why he ran away: his real name is Dave Matthews and his business has just folded, leaving him with massive debts. The bailiffs are now after his Classic Jaguar. He asks Kevin to trust him as he needs the job. Jim is annoyed that Doug is back as he wanted his job. Reg hosts the quiz, assisted by Raquel. The teams of Curly, Derek, Jack and Martin versus Vera, Mavis, Gail and Deirdre are confused by Reg's rules. The fuse blows and the teams end up rowing with each other over the questions. Richard Willmore, there to observe, is not amused.


33x139 18 November 1992

33x139 18 November 1992

  • 1992-11-18T19:30:00Z24m

Lisa is upset when Terry forgets her birthday. Curly buys a six-inch reflector telescope and is certain that Kimberley will grow to love it. Mike is impressed that Angie sold all her T-shirts in one night. Tracy pushes Deirdre to get a social life. Lisa has a new hair-do to cheer herself up and tells everyone that Terry sent her a wonderful card. Doug impresses Deirdre with his Jaguar and gets her to go to Cheshire for a drink. Lisa decides to have a good time and goes for a meal with Des. Curly is thrilled when Angie takes an interest in his observatory and the telescope. She is impressed by his knowledge. Des upsets Lisa by buying her a birthday cake. She tells him about Terry forgetting her and how she feels that she is in a prison. Vera is furious to discover that Lisa has gone out with Des.


33x140 20 November 1992

33x140 20 November 1992

  • 1992-11-20T19:30:00Z24m

Vera is certain Des is after Lisa when Lisa swears that she spent the whole evening in the Rovers. Harry tells Derek if he has any complaints he should join the union and talk to the union rep - him. Raquel is thrilled that Wayne Farrell is back in training. Doug is upset when the bailiffs take his Jaguar away. Mike is furious to see it happening as it could put customers off and sacks Doug. Kevin makes Mike see that he's a fool to sack Doug as he's a good mechanic and is prepared to work for peanuts. Mike agrees to take him back. Maggie offers Tracy a Saturday job at the florists. Tracy takes it as she needs the money. Kimberley rows with Curly for spending a fortune on the telescope when they're meant to be saving for the wedding. Derek decides to stop playing Harry's game and plans to resign. Reg is shocked when Bet tells him that she's pulled out of the brewery quiz. Vera makes an appointment to see Terry to stop his marriage being wrecked.


33x141 23 November 1992

33x141 23 November 1992

  • 1992-11-23T19:30:00Z24m

Carmel searches for a bedsit. Derek tells Mrs Jeffers that he wants to resign as he can't stand being Harry's whipping boy. He is stunned when she tells him that she knows Harry is a bully and she wants rid of him. She asks Derek to stay and help her get rid of Harry by keeping a log of all he does. Derek agrees to act as her spy. Jack warns Vera not to alert Terry to Lisa's social life. Terry is amazed that Vera has arranged a special visit just to tell him that he's forgotten Lisa's birthday. She slips up and tells him that Lisa has been going out with Des. She urges him to show Lisa how much he loves her. Carmel finds all the bedsits are rotten. Alma offers let Carmel rent her old flat, but Carmel says she's looking for somewhere bigger. Angie pays Mike the £20 for using his machinery. He is shocked when she admits she made £200 out of the venture. He tells her that he's interested in her designs. Kimberley works out that Curly has spent £2,000 on his conversion. She demands that he sends the telescope back. When he refuses she tells him that he has to decide between the telescope and her.


33x142 25 November 1992

33x142 25 November 1992

  • 1992-11-25T19:30:00Z24m

Angie accuses Curly of using the telescope to provoke Kimberley into breaking the engagement. Mavis fears that Derek will get hurt, caught up in the school politics. Lisa is thrilled to receive a bouquet from Terry for her birthday. Jack realises that Vera must have sent it. Carmel secretly cuts out a photo of Martin. Richard Willmore blames Bet for the quiz failure. He tells her to get more custom in the pub, warning her that he could get another manager. He tells her that she's only got a couple of months to sort herself out. Vera admits to Jack that she sent the flowers to Lisa. Curly tells Kimberley he loves her but isn't prepared to get rid of his telescope. She tells him it's obvious he's not ready for marriage and they must finish. Mike asks Angie to design for him. She tells him that she'd only be interested in a percentage of what he gets. He agrees. Carmel makes the most of Gail working late. She doesn't pass on the complete message to Martin and sets about showing him what a good home-maker she is. Kimberley tells her parents that she won't be seeing Curly again. Brenda Taylor is furious that she's let Curly go, especially since she's slept with him. Kimberley is adamant she's not marrying a man who doesn't love her. Martin is furious Gail is so late home and accuses her of treating Carmel like a skivvy. Carmel is pleased that he's annoyed with Gail.


33x143 27 November 1992

33x143 27 November 1992

  • 1992-11-27T19:30:00Z24m

Gail and Martin blame each other for Carmel's mixed-up message. Curly is depressed by Kimberley's rejection. Steve is confident that he'll pass his driving test and refuses to revise; he's always driven. Doug visits a debt counsellor and is advised to declare himself bankrupt. Lisa visits Terry and thanks him for the flowers - he hesitates before saying he sent them. Lisa swears that she loves him. Tracy starts at Maggie's flower shop. She is glad that Maggie's going out with Ken. Lisa tells Vera that she knows she sent the flowers. She tells her not to keep making excuses for Terry. Gail is annoyed when Carmel starts to make decisions about the children. She feels that she never sees them anymore. Nicky feels Gail is harder than Carmel and sides with Carmel. Gail admits that she feels like a visitor in her own home. Kimberley collects her stuff from No.7 and gives Curly his ring back. She tells him that he's given her confidence to believe in herself. Deirdre grills Tracy over Maggie but Tracy avoids the issue. Des is beaten up by two thugs who tell him to stay away from Lisa.


33x144 30 November 1992

33x144 30 November 1992

  • 1992-11-30T19:30:00Z24m

Phyllis is shocked to find bruised Des when she calls in No.6 in the morning. He refuses to see a doctor. Gail feels that she over-reacted in overruling Carmel the previous night. Des tells Lisa that Terry got heavies to beat him up. She is stunned to think that Terry could be so stupid. Des makes her see that Vera must have told Terry about him, fearing she's going to lose Tom. Lisa lays into Vera, telling her that she now sees Terry for what he really is. Steve is horrified to fail his driving test for speeding. Knowing his job depends on him being able to drive, he tells everyone he passed. Sally is put out when Carmel picks Sarah Louise up from school. Vera admits to telling Terry about Des. Lisa tells her that she's sick of her manipulating her. Carmel tells Sally that Martin and Gail are having marriage problems. Lisa realises Terry is a thug and will never change. Vera is adamant that Terry is a victim of circumstances. Lisa tells Vera that she's not going to remain a prison wife; she's going back to Blackpool.


33x145 2 December 1992

33x145 2 December 1992

  • 1992-12-02T19:30:00Z24m

Vera begs Lisa to stay. Lisa tells her that she's sick of hearing how saintly Terry is meant to be. Vera goes for Jack when he tells Lisa he's sorry she married Terry. Jack tells Vera that it's time she started blaming Terry and stopped making excuses for him. Carmel tells Gail about her boyfriend Michael in Ireland. She considers giving up her course to marry him. Jack tells Lisa that he'll miss her as he's loved her being around. Gail feels uncomfortable about Carmel's love for Michael. Bet starts a Happy Hour. Liz feels it's encouraging people to get drunk. Steve begins to panic when Mike sends him to Burnley in his Jaguar. Des worries that Terry will think Lisa's left him for him. Steve enjoys driving the Jaguar. Carmel starts to quiz Martin about Brian, telling him it must have been awful stepping into his shoes. Martin finds the situation hard to handle. Vera is hurt when she realises that Lisa thinks she might try to abduct Tom. Lisa is adamant that Terry is a violent man and fears he might turn on her. She tells Vera she's leaving as she doesn't want Tom brought up around violence. Doug is glad when the courts make him officially bankrupt. Jack comforts Vera as Lisa and Tom leave for Blackpool with Doreen Horton.


33x146 4 December 1992

33x146 4 December 1992

  • 1992-12-04T19:30:00Z24m

Vera can't understand why she can't have a normal family. Denise Osbourne moves into her beauty salon at the newly-refitted No.2. Carmel goes to Ireland intent on finishing with Michael. When she talks about him to Sally she keeps calling him "Martin". Sally realises that she's got a crush on Martin. Deirdre collects Tracy from the florists and realises who Maggie is. She is so stunned she accidentally tells Tracy about Mark being Mike's son.


33x147 7 December 1992

33x147 7 December 1992

  • 1992-12-07T19:30:00Z24m

Neil puts the finishing touches to Denise's salon. Curly sells Reg the idea of having a Mother Christmas after Percy volunteers himself as Father Christmas again. They decide to enter the Spirit of Europe. Reg suggests that Percy tries Krazy Kuts and tells Curly he has to find Mother Christmas. The Platts enjoy having the house for themselves and hope that Carmel will leave for good soon. Carmel returns telling Gail that she's finished with Michael and he took it badly. Ken is pleased that Mark is beginning to trust him. Deirdre talks to him about Mark and realises that he has no idea who Mark's real father is. Angie falls asleep at work after being up all night designing for Mike. Denise is annoyed that the shop is taking so long to set up. Deirdre tells Tracy that she mustn't tell Ken about Mark. Percy is taken on at Krazy Kuts. When Neil kisses her, Angie surrenders herself to him.


33x148 9 December 1992

33x148 9 December 1992

  • 1992-12-09T19:30:00Z24m

Gail and Martin try to push Carmel into finding a flat but she's in no hurry. Gail is frustrated that Carmel is taking over. Curly doesn't like the idea of Angie going out with Neil. Sally asks Kevin to warn Martin that Carmel is after him but Kevin thinks that Sally's imagining it. Sally tells Carmel that there's nothing wrong with the Platts' marriage and Martin is happily married. Carmel turns on the tears, telling Sally that she's just trying to make trouble for her. Carmel tells the Platts that Sally has upset her by saying she's in the way. Gail wants to talk to Sally about it but Carmel makes her promise to forget about it. Angie cooks a romantic meal for Neil. Tracy fears Ken is going to get hurt over Mark. Phyllis agrees to be Bettabuy's Mother Christmas. Angie is stunned to learn from Denise that Neil is her husband.


33x149 11 December 1992

33x149 11 December 1992

  • 1992-12-11T19:30:00Z24m

Neil is angry that Angie wasn't around for their meal and is cold towards him. She tells him that she knows Denise is his wife and is furious that he didn't tell her before they slept together. He swears that they're separated but she tells him to keep away. Percy enjoys being Father Christmas again. Tracy refuses to see Ken stay in ignorance and invites him round for a meal. Neil accuses Denise of ruining his love-life. Denise apologises to Angie for upsetting her and tells her that they are separated. Steve takes Mike's Jaguar on a job and is hit by a car on a dual carriageway. Two Policemen witness the crash and tell Steve that he couldn't have avoided the crash as the other driver is drunk. When he's asked for his licence, Steve gives his name as Kevin Webster. Bet is amazed to find her takings have gone up £100 a night. Denise assures Angie that she and Neil are divorcing and explains how the marriage never worked. She assures Angie that the marriage is well and truly over. Mike is horrified to see the Jaguar with a smashed wing and door. Bet thanks the staff for their hard work and tells them they must keep the profits up. She decides to lay on sandwiches to keep the drinkers' custom. Playing Father Christmas, Percy is disturbed to overhear Carmel telling a woman that David is her son. Steve's job is saved because of the Police witnesses. Angie apologises to Neil - he is glad they're together again. Percy tells Sally about what he overheard. Sally tells Gail but Gail accuses her of getting her teeth into Carmel. Steve admits to Kevin that he failed his driving test and told the Police he was him. Kevin is shocked. Tracy tells Ken that Mark is Mike's son. As soon as she's said it she realises that she shouldn't have. Ken is furious and marches out.


33x150 14 December 1992

33x150 14 December 1992

  • 1992-12-14T19:30:00Z24m

Ken waits for Deirdre to return from her night out with Audrey. He accuses her of spreading vicious rumours about Mark to hurt him because she's jealous. He tells her that she should have told Tracy the whole truth - including her affair with Mike. Kevin refuses to carry the blame for Steve's accident. Percy is certain Alf is selling out of date Christmas puddings. When Mike asks him to drive the Jaguar, Steve admits he hasn't got a licence. Mike is furious and sacks him. Ken demands to know from Maggie about her relationship with Mike. She tells him the truth and swears that she's tried to block Mike out of her life for years. He tells her about Mike's affair with Deirdre and his marriage to Susan. She is mortified as he explains he doesn't know if he can continue seeing her. Kevin tells Mike that as Steve hasn't got a licence his insurance on the Jaguar is void. Kevin agrees to present his licence at the police station to help Mike out on the condition he re-employs Steve. Mike is forced into agreeing. Percy swears to Gail that he heard Carmel pass David off as her own. Maggie begs Ken not to throw away all they've got. Denise opens the salon with assistant Fiona Middleton. Their cut-price cuts bring in the customers. Bet and Rita have beauty treatments. Gail is relieved when Carmel admits to passing David off as hers to stop a woman getting at her for being a babysitter. Kevin produces his licence at the police station where it is accepted without comment. Percy gets at Alf over the puddings, roping Betty in for her opinion. Alf threatens to spread rumours about her cooking and says that he'll eat a pudding to prove it's safe. Mike congratulates Kevin for breaking the law. Kevin feels put on. Maggie is happy when Ken apologises, telling her that he realises it's not her fault.


33x151 16 December 1992

33x151 16 December 1992

  • 1992-12-16T19:30:00Z24m

Carmel tells Martin she doesn't want to go home for Christmas. Alf eats one of his puddings in the Rovers, watched by the regulars. Jack ends up losing his £5 bet with Doug when Alf eats every crumb. Reg is thrilled that profits are up despite the recession. Ken and Deirdre get Tracy to promise not to tell Mark about his real father. Audrey and Alf go to the WART's Christmas dinner. He eats too much and collapses during the meal, clutching his chest. Audrey hysterically tries to help him, screaming for an ambulance. Martin goes to the hospital porters' Christmas party. Gail leaves Carmel looking after the kids to be with Audrey at the hospital. Reg asks Rita to spend Christmas with him. She refuses so he asks Bet. She also refuses. Audrey breaks down, certain that Alf has died. The doctor tells her that he's out of danger and doesn't think it was a heart attack. Ken is pleased when Maggie invites him for Christmas. Gail stays the night with Audrey, phoning Carmel to tell Martin. Martin returns home completely drunk and gets into bed unaware that Carmel is lying beside him.


33x152 18 December 1992

33x152 18 December 1992

  • 1992-12-18T19:30:00Z24m

In the morning Martin is alarmed to find himself in bed with Carmel. He demands to know what she's up to but she takes everything in her stride. Percy blames himself for Alf being in hospital, certain that he's got food poisoning from the pudding. Audrey is furious to hear about Alf eating the pudding. Martin is worried about his night with Carmel as he can't remember what happened. Alf recovers in hospital. He is horrified when Audrey takes his wallet to get more Christmas presents. Carmel tells Martin that she's madly in love with him and thanks him for a wonderful night. He tells her that he wants her to leave No.8, telling her that she's mad. He accuses her of trying to break up his marriage. She tells him that she knows he loves her and advises him to tell Gail about his feelings. Curly and Des decide to spend Christmas in Blackpool rather than the Street. Carmel leaves for Christmas in Ireland. Ken entertains Maggie in his flat. She refuses to let thoughts of Mike spoil their time together.


33x153 21 December 1992

33x153 21 December 1992

  • 1992-12-21T19:30:00Z24m

Bet is disappointed when Vicky phones and tells her that she'll be spending Christmas with Alec. Audrey is horrified when Alf is told an ulcer caused him to collapse. She vows that she'll put him on a diet. Raquel feels neglected by Wayne Farrell and, on reading he scored a goal, wonders why he hasn't told her. Des tells her that it was an Own Goal - one of Wayne's very own, something she still fails to understand. Bet and Rita agree to spend Christmas together. Andy returns home with long hair. He tells his parents that he's finished with Paula. Mike sees Mark for the first time and recognises him. He is stunned to hear from Nicky that Mark's father is dead. Mrs Jeffers asks Derek to look after the school gerbil, Gerry, for Christmas. He takes Gerry home much to Mavis' horror. Martin unburdens himself on Don, telling him all about Carmel. Don advises him not to tell Gail. Wayne puts the phone down on Raquel when she congratulates him on his Own Goal. Gail gives Martin the chance to tell her what's troubling him but he doesn't. Raquel feels humiliated and lashes out at Des, accusing him of being jealous because he's been dumped by all his women. Mike tells a stunned Alma that Mark Redman is his son.


33x154 23 December 1992

33x154 23 December 1992

  • 1992-12-23T19:30:00Z24m

Alma is furious that Mike has never told her that he's got a son. He tells her Mark is the most important thing in his life. She feels that he'll leave her and live with Maggie. She becomes hysterical as she knows that he's always wanted a family and she's too old to have one. Mike assures her that Maggie means nothing to him but he wants to give Mark a present. Alma breaks down and tells Gail about Mike's son. Gail is furious that Mike is forever hurting Alma. Mike buys a radio-controlled XJS although he promised Alma he wouldn't get Mark a present. Des and Curly head off to Blackpool. Audrey makes Alf eat grapes whilst she eats pork as he's forgotten their wedding anniversary. Des and Curly go to a nightclub. Neil is still in love with Denise and tries to make her jealous by kissing Angie in front of her. Mike tells Alma that they'll forget all about Mark but she catches him wrapping Mark's present.


33x155 25 December 1992

33x155 25 December 1992

  • 1992-12-25T19:30:00Z24m

Des calls on the Hortons to see Lisa whilst he's in Blackpool. Alma accuses Mike of wanting to get his foot in Maggie's door. Lisa is amazed to see Des. She starts to cry when he gives her a present. Reg tries to talk his way into spending the day at the Rovers but Bet ignores him. Mike dresses as a van driver to deliver the present to Maggie's house. He is stunned when Ken opens the door and tells him that he looks ridiculous dressed as he is and shuts the door on him. Maggie is pleased he did. The Robertses and Brennans spend the day with the Platts. Bet lays on lunch for Raquel, Rita, Phyllis and Denise. Audrey buys Alf an excerise bike. Carmel turns up at No.8, saying that she missed the boat. Martin can't believe it. Mike can't get over the fact that Ken is with Maggie and Mark. Carmel tells Martin that she's returned early because she missed him.


33x156 28 December 1992

33x156 28 December 1992

  • 1992-12-28T19:30:00Z24m

Carmel promises the kids a day out, trapping Martin into going with them whilst Gail works. Deirdre tells Mike that he's disgusting when he tells her Ken is sleeping with Maggie to get at him. Mike gives the XJS to Rosie when Kevin finds it in the van. Bet is amused to hear Jack, Doug and Reg betting on who can pull Denise. She tells Denise about the bet. Martin tells Carmel that he's had enough of living in her fantasy world; he's not her husband. He is shaken when she calmly tells him that he mustn't fight his love for her. He threatens to tell her parents and tutor if she doesn't move out. Alma makes Mike promise to forget about Mark. Maggie, Ken and Mark spend the day together. Later Mike calls on Maggie. She refuses to let him see Mark and slaps his face when he tells her that Ken's only interested in her because Mark is his son.

Season Finale


33x157 Wed Dec 30 1992

Season Finale

33x157 Wed Dec 30 1992

  • 1992-12-30T20:00:00Z24m