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Coronation Street

Season 37 1996 - 1997

  • 1996-01-01T20:00:00Z on ITV
  • 24m
  • 2d 17h 12m (163 episodes)
  • United Kingdom
  • English
  • Soap
The residents of Coronation Street are ordinary, working-class people, and the show follows them through regular social and family interactions at home, in the workplace, and in their local pub, the Rovers Return Inn. Britain's longest-running soap.

163 episodes

Season Premiere


37x01 Mon Jan 1 1996

Season Premiere

37x01 Mon Jan 1 1996

  • 1996-01-01T20:00:00Z24m

Judy insists that Gary rests after his electric shock. Don goes off to see his barrister. Judy has to go into Curly's house to dry her hair. Bill and Jim uncover a cast iron fireplace whilst renovating Mike's flats. They decide to sell it but Jamie tells Roy that they are nicking it and tries to blackmail them for a fiver. Curly tries to persuade Anne Malone to stay on at Firman's Freezers after she informs him that she is planning to leave. Steve learns from Nicholas Wilding that it was his own supplier, Malcolm Fox, who informed the police about him. Rita is invited to Daniel's birthday party but declines. Jack admits to doing the wiring at No.9 and Vera gets steamed up about it. Don returns from seeing the barrister in jubilant mood but it doesn't last as he slumps back into depression.

Bill looks over No.9 and tells the Malletts it needs rewiring. Judy is adamant that the Duckworths will have to pay any bills as they should have warned them. Curly interviews for an assistant manager. He is embarrassed to receive an application from Liz. He feels that Anne is the ideal choice and asks her to apply. Steve goes to see Malcolm Fox. Malcolm tells him that he had to name him as the police knew all about the operation. Anne doesn't want to be a boss but Curly begs her to apply. Denise throws a party for Daniel's birthday and is put out when the Dunkleys arrive. Brian corners her to tell her that he loves her and feels her enthusiasm is waning. Don has too much to drink and accuses Gail of trying to scare him off by thinking of telling the court about his phone calls. He tells her to do her worst. She is baffled by the outburst.

Raquel tells Vera that she is only going to work dinnertimes so she can spend time with Curly. An electrician tells Judy it'll cost £685 to rewire No.9. Denise tells Brian that it's obvious he can't cope with their affair so she wants to end it. She has decided she wants Ken more and she doesn't want Brian calling round again. When Vera refuses to pay for the Malletts' rewiring, Judy calls her an old bag and is thrown out of the Rovers. Brian turns nasty and warns Denise that he might not be able to stop himself from telling Alison about them. Gary apologises to Jack for Judy's behaviour and invites him round to watch satellite TV. Sally is uncomfortable when Mavis tells her that Rita is very upset over their split. Curly is delighted when Anne applies to be assistant manager. He is embarrassed when he has to tell Liz that she didn't get the job.

Jack goes against Vera's wishes and lifts the ban on the Malletts. Tricia gets a letter from the courts but ignores it. Vicky has a sad birthday, coming to terms with the knowledge that Steve lied to her. Roy gets a new job washing-up in a big hotel. To help Tricia out he buys her TV for £30. Jack takes Liz on to help out behind the bar. Gail is amazed when Don tells her that he's withdrawing his claim to the house. She is furious that he would think her capable of blackmail and assures him that she hasn't told a soul - not even Martin - about the calls. They agree to compromise and after a lot of debate decide that Don will buy the house from Nick for £12,000. Nick is thrilled. Deirdre wishes Ken luck when she hears he's marrying Denise. Steve suggests to Vicky that they could bribe Malcolm Fox to keep him out of the court case. He asks Vicky how much she thinks he is worth.

The Duckworths are annoyed to receive the Malletts' rewiring bill. They refuse to pay it. Brian calls on Denise demanding to know why she's ended their affair. She explains that she is disgusted with herself. He tells her that she's disturbed and she'll never remain faithful to Ken. He is stunned when she tells him that she's marrying Ken. Vicky withdraws £3,000 for Steve to give to Malcolm Fox. She is horrified when Steve tells her that she must be the one to talk to Fox and ask him to change his statement. Nick signs over No.5 to Don and is given £12,000, to be put in trust until he is eighteen. Nick thanks Don and Don wishes him well with the money. Josie is relieved when Don feels that Ivy is now dead. Vicky goes to see Fox, unable to believe Steve is putting her through it all. She asks Fox to perjure himself in order to keep Steve out of prison. Fox takes the £3,000 and tells her that he'll want another £3,000 after the trial.

Tricia worries about how she's going to cope with no money. Maud takes pity on Jamie and gives him a chocolate bar. Tricia accuses him of stealing it and hits him. Nicholas Wilding tells the McDonalds that the evidence against Steve is very damning and he may end up in prison. Steve and Vicky are relieved when Malcolm Fox tells the magistrates he mentioned Steve in his statement as a vendetta and that really Steve thought the scotch was clean. Alison tells Denise that she's been checking up on Brian and she's now certain he's been having an affair. Denise advises her to fight to keep her marriage going. The McDonalds celebrate when the police drop the charges against Stev

Steve promises Vicky that he'll stay on the straight and narrow. Ken finds the police looking for Tricia. They explain that, in her absence from court, she's been sent to prison for a week by the magistrates and, if she isn't found, it could be longer. Ken fetches her from the Rovers. When she sees the police, Tricia tells Ken that he's a scumbag of a snitch. She is taken to prison for non-payment of her TV licence fine and for not attending court. Jamie is taken into care. Brian tells Denise that he loves her and can't bear the thought of her marrying Ken. He asks her to come away with him and live with him. Ken walks in on Brian telling Denise that he and Alison are finished. Ken asks Brian to stop upsetting Denise and to keep her out of his marriage problems. Denise is stunned when Brian explains that he can't as she is his lover

Denise spends the night in her old flat. She begs Ken to forgive her and tells him that she doesn't want to leave him. He tells her that she was sick to betray her sister as she did. She tells him that she wants to marry him and is sorry for hurting him but he tells her that he doesn't want her as a wife. She is an unfit mother and he'll fight her for Daniel. The Platts receive a solicitor's bill for £1,200. Martin is adamant it's paid out of Nick's money. Alison calls on Ken as she doesn't know where Brian is. He delights in telling her about the affair. She confronts Denise and lays into her for ruining her life.

Audrey is thrilled to discover that Stephen is coming over from Canada on business. Gail and Alf are disturbed at the prospect of meeting him. Deirdre calls into social services to talk to Jamie. He says he'll run away again if he's put in care so they allow him to stay with Deirdre. Audrey is upset when Alf tells her that he doesn't really want to meet her son as it's a reminder of her relationship with Malcolm Reid. Maud reads Phyllis's tea leaves and tells her the man of her dreams is hers for the taking. Ken tells Mrs Jeffers about Denise leaving. She warns him that he's going to find it hard having a baby and a full-time job. Maud is stunned to find she read her cup by mistake, not Phyllis's. Fiona is shocked when Ken tells her that Denise has gone off with Brian and he's going to fight her for Daniel.

Maxine fears for her job with Denise gone but Fiona feels that they should just keep on with their jobs and wait for Denise to return. Anne is flattered when Curly invites her to dinner. Alma hears about Denise leaving and calls on Ken, offering him support. Percy is stunned when Maud asks him to marry her. He tells her that he needs to think about it but then becomes angry when Phyllis proposes. He accuses them of having a joke at his expense. Audrey tells Alf that she's never recovered from having to give Stephen away. Alf apologises to her and tells her that he is very welcome in their home. Alison calls on Ken and pleads with him to take Denise back as she wants Brian back. He refuses so she tells him that he's as selfish as Denise. Jim discovers that Des has taken on a new assistant at the bookies. He confronts Sean over the new girl and is told that Des had personal reasons for getting rid of Liz.

Alma is frustrated as she can't discuss her feelings with Mike. She is upset about Ken and Denise but knows she can't tell Mike. Bill gives Jamie a lift to Styal Prison as Tricia is released. They have an emotional reunion. When Jim tackles her with the knowledge that Des has employed another assistant, Liz tells him why she really left the bookies, about the attraction she felt towards Des and how she can't cope with his temper swings and that Des was a comfort. Jim believes Liz when she swears that she is not in love with Des and didn't sleep with him. Tricia tells Deirdre how hard prison was and how bad she felt for getting that low. Liz warns Andy that she's confessed all to Jim and now feels everything will be all right. When questioned about Stephen's father, Audrey and Alf invent a past life for her, including husbands who died young.

The corner shop is ransacked, with all the alcohol and cigarettes stolen. Maud blames Maureen for not being around; she can't reach to turn on the burglar alarm. In the middle of their rowing a potential buyer arrives to view the shop. He is put off by the mess. Kevin doesn't like the idea of Sally looking after Daniel, especially when Ken asks her to keep him from Denise if she turns up. Audrey goes to Liverpool Airport to meet Stephen. He is embarrassed as he wasn't expecting her and is with his colleague Carrie Meyer. Carrie defuses the situation by suggesting Stephen spends time with Audrey whilst she settles into the hotel. Jim tells Bill that he fears Liz is being unfaithful. He is suspicious of her whereabouts when she goes off to Southport for a few days to settle her mother into her new flat. Don and Josie return from the Canary Islands.

Maureen decides not to tell Reg about the burglary and is frustrated that she has to cope with everything on her own. Jim is relieved to discover that Liz really is with her mother. Alma is charmed by Stephen and thinks he's gorgeous. Kevin urges Ken to find someone to look after Daniel long-term as he doesn't want Sally worn out. Kevin feels bad when he suggests that Ken should have got married. Gail tells Alma how hard it was for her growing up knowing she was illegitimate and that she finds it hard explaining her relationship with Stephen to the children. Audrey is upset to discover that Stephen has been to England before and not contacted her. He explains that he didn't know if she wanted to see him again; she'd done her bit going to Canada but didn't know if she wanted everyone at home to know about him. They are glad they do have a future together. He is thrilled to meet Gail's children. Don, Deirdre and Vera meet at No.5 to discuss starting up a Rovers' outing. Vera is horrified to see Ivy's ghost on the landing. She rushes back to Jack, chilled to the bone. Don refuses to believe her but she is adamant that she saw Ivy.

Josie is bemused when Vera tells her about seeing Ivy's ghost, annoying Don. When he hears Des is on business in Wigan, Jim phones up to check up on him, relieved that it is true. Vera worries about Ivy's soul being in torment. Stephen arranges a small presentation for local businesses and asks Alma to take care of the catering. Josie and Don lay on a spread for the family as they celebrate Sarah Louise's ninth birthday. Maureen is shocked to discover that Maud had proposed to Percy. She feels left out of everything. Josie and Don are disturbed when the lights on Sarah's cake blow out by themselves. Mike urges Alma to cater for Stephen, telling her that it's an opportunity she can't miss.

Maxine has a wild night, with only twenty minutes sleep. She stays off work to sleep. Alma doesn't feel she's up to catering for Stephen but Mike presses her to do it. Maureen is tired of driving to and from Lowestoft and the grief Maud gives her for leaving her alone. Maxine arrives for work at 11.00am and is warned by Fiona that if it happens again she'll be fired. Liz returns from Southport. Jim is angry when she shows no sign of being pleased to be back. Maxine closes the salon at lunchtime to go back to sleep so Fiona sacks her. Kevin is annoyed when he has to look after Daniel as Ken has a parents' meeting. He tells Ken that he's taking advantage of Sally and she can't take any more. Ken agrees to sort something out. Alma takes Stephen to The Wheatsheaf so he can sample her menus. She tells him that she's not a very big caterer but she is up for the job. Des is surprised when Liz asks him to drink in a different pub so as to avoid Jim. Sally is furious with Kevin for telling Ken that she won't mind Daniel any more. Alma enjoys being in Stephen's company and is pleased when he likes her menus. Maxine tells Fiona that their lives are going to be unbearable if she remains sacked.

Maxine tries emotional blackmail to get her job back but Fiona takes no notice. Maud reads her palm, advising her to consider her actions more carefully. Liz applies for a job at The Hour Glass wine bar. She plans a night out there with Deirdre. Tricia offers her services to Ken to mind Daniel but he refuses as he wants a registered minder. She rows with him for not giving her a break. Alma is disappointed when she has a meeting with Carrie Meyer and not Stephen Reid. Fiona is stressed at the salon. She is annoyed that Maxine has not apologised. Tony tries to solve her domestic problems by asking her to move into a flat with him.

Liz dresses up, telling Jim that she's got an interview at The Hour Glass but he doesn't believe her and thinks she's tarting herself up for a man. Don asks Vera to stop telling people about Ivy's ghost as Sarah Louise now thinks she can see her. Ken employs Kelly Thomson as a childminder. She is anxious to please and feels sorry for Ken with Denise having left. Denise returns, thinking Ken is at work. She ascertains that Fiona is happy running the salon before calling at No.1 for some stuff. She is horrified to find Ken and Daniel there. She holds Daniel and breaks down, begging Ken to take him from her. Jim goes to The Hour Glass and finds they are not holding interviews. Denise throws her house keys at Ken and tells him that she won't be back. He's glad it's all over. Vera asks Sarah to tell her and no one else if she sees Ivy again

Kelly has her first day minding Daniel. Mike is keen to build on Alma's relationship with Stephen as he wants to do business with him. Maxine goes out of her way to be efficient at the salon. Emily doesn't think that Kelly's old enough to be looking after Daniel. She is left feeling foolish when Kelly asks her how many children she has actually had. Steve feels they should go after a contract with Stephen's firm Kbec. He makes Vicky see that they have to take big chances if they're ever to grow as a company. Vera summons Ida Clough and tells her about Ivy's ghost. She advises Vera to stop worrying about Ivy's soul as she'll wear herself out. Steve chats up Carrie Meyer about producing sportswear for Kbec.

Maxine is certain that she'll be sacked when Jon takes over the salon. Vera feels that Ivy needs to contact her but doesn't know how to go about it. Stephen advises Alma to stop putting herself down and to go for what she wants. Mike tells Steve that Kbec is too big for him and advises him to pull out but Steve sees through him. Maud feels that Vera's in torment and agrees to help her. Emily is embarrassed when Kelly catches her peeping through Ken's window, spying on her. Josie turns a blind eye as Vera and Maud try to contact Ivy's spirit in No.5. Don is furious when he finds them and throws them out.

Rita encourages Fiona to try and raise the money to buy the salon. Her bank manager refuses to lend her the money. Martin looks after the cafe whilst Gail helps Alma with her Kbec function. Martin takes Roy on to help out in the cafe. Stephen is embarrassed when Audrey insists on being present at his North West presentation. Alma helps him out by asking her to help her. Roy is interested to hear that Don has a ghost. He offers the benefit of his experience. Rita is outraged when Fiona asks her to help her financially in buying the salon lease. She is annoyed that she can't give any encouragement without people asking her for money. Steve and Vicky do their best to show Stephen that they know the youth market he is after

Steve is annoyed to discover that Mike has won the contract. Don gets a friend, Eddie Baines, to pose as a Catholic priest and perform an exorcism at No.5 to put Vera's mind at rest. She falls for the charade. Liz lends Andy £50 to pay his rent to Des. Liz tells Deirdre about her relationship with Des. Vera is thrilled that Ivy's soul has finally been laid to rest and treats Baines to a free hotpot. He leaves his bag in the Rovers by mistake. Jim is furious to find his £50 savings gone and accuses Liz of lining her fancy man Des's pocket. Liz tells him that she gave the money as she doesn't want Andy owing Des anything. Vera is horrified when Jack opens Baines's bag and snaps a rosary. When she turns icy cold, Vera feels Ivy's soul has settled in the pub. Stephen is taken aback when Alma makes a pass at him in his hotel room. He is very nice about it but Alma feels awful when he doesn't respond. She runs off, observed by Audrey.

Vera is certain that Ivy has settled into the Rovers. Jack thinks that she's barmy. Vera decides that one piece of advice that Ivy would give her would be for her to take on a cleaner. Jack becomes interested in the ghost idea when he hears that ghosts pull customers in. Vera advertises in The Kabin for a cleaner. Andy takes out a student loan to pay Liz back the £50. Alma apologises to Stephen but makes it clear she meant the pass. He promises her that he won't tell Audrey what happened and as far as their friendship is concerned it never did happen. Roy lends Vera books on ghosts and haunted houses. Alma tells Gail about making a pass at Stephen and how he rejected her. Gail sympathises. Jack persuades Vera to talk to the papers about Ivy's ghost. Audrey confronts Stephen over what she witnessed. To protect Alma he tells Audrey that he made a pass at her and it upset her.


37x24 Feb. 23 1996

37x24 Feb. 23 1996

  • 1996-02-23T20:00:00Z24m


37x25 Feb 26, 1996

37x25 Feb 26, 1996

  • 1996-02-26T20:00:00Z24m


37x26 Feb 28, 1996

37x26 Feb 28, 1996

  • 1996-02-28T20:00:00Z24m


37x27 March 1, 1996

37x27 March 1, 1996

  • 1996-03-01T20:00:00Z24m

Andy and Steve are ashamed of Jim and don't want anyone knowing that he hit Liz. Lee feels Fiona could get £70 a week for the salon flat but she doesn't want to rent it out. He wants to see his money used properly and threatens to find her a tenant. Liz stuns the Duckworths by arriving for work with a black eye, telling everyone that Jim's hit her. Jim is upset when his sons ignore him. He persuades Vicky to talk to him and apologises to her for being nasty when drunk. He is adamant that Liz dresses like a whore and wants to attract men. Des is relieved when Liz assures him that her black eye is nothing to do with him. Vera wants Jim barred from the Rovers but Jack persuades her that he is their best customer and Liz should go as her eye is unsightly. Fiona gives Alma a week's notice; she's moving into the salon flat. Maxine is upset as she doesn't want to live alone. Liz takes photographs of her bruises. Mike looks round an empty factory unit, telling Alma about his dreams of starting again in the rag trade. Jim tells Liz that he's sorry he hit her and she doesn't have to hide from him.


37x29 March 6, 1996

37x29 March 6, 1996

  • 1996-03-06T20:00:00Z24m


37x30 March 8, 1996

37x30 March 8, 1996

  • 1996-03-08T20:00:00Z24m


37x31 March 11, 1996

37x31 March 11, 1996

  • 1996-03-11T20:00:00Z24m

Deirdre hopes that Mike will give her a full-time job in his new factory. Sean Skinner grows interested in Liz when he hears that she's separated and Jim is in Ireland. He offers to take her on at his betting shop in Fallowfield. She refuses, telling him that she's not a pushover. Derek is furious when he negotiates a stationery deal with Mike only to have Mike back out after a row with Norris. Fred feels lonely without a partner to take to the Square Dealers' Ladies Night and asks Rita to accompany him. She declines. Derek forces Norris to apologise to Mike and the deal is re-established but Norris cuts the price, meaning that Derek will not receive any commission. Emily ponders the idea of working for Mike in his new factory. She is put out when he tells her that if she were younger he'd give her a job. Liz slaps Andy round the face when he challenges her over her feelings for Des.

Fiona has a new sign erected - "Hair by Fiona Middleton". She organises Lee, Maxine and Tony to help with her grand opening. Josie hears that Mike needs an office manager so goes after the job. Andy tries to get Steve to see that Liz is as much to blame as Jim but Steve isn't interested. Deirdre is pleased when Mike makes it clear that if she applies for the post of office manager he will give it to her. Jamie punctures Josie's bike tyre and then repairs it for £2. Bill is employed by Mike to repair his new factory. Mike isn't interested in the applicants for the manager's job as he wants to give it to Deirdre. He changes his mind when he sees on Josie's CV that she used to work for Marshall's. He gives her the job. Fred sends Ashley to Rita with a parcel of rump steak. Rita doesn't want it as she doesn't want to be obligated to Fred. Fiona throws an opening party and is pleased when her parents approve of the salon.

Maureen is annoyed when Reg calls off from visiting her at the weekend. Rita has enough of Mavis going on and on about the Square Dealers' Ladies' Night. She tells Fred that she's changed her mind and will go as his escort. Derek is eager to join the Square Dealers and is annoyed when Norris and his pals shut him out of their secret talks. Jim returns from Ireland determined to put things right with Liz. Liz talks to her solicitor Jo Marsh and tells her that this time she definitely wants to divorce Jim, the sooner the better. She then has the locks changed on the house. Raquel tells Curly that she'd like children, a boy called Blake and a girl called Tiffany. He is pleased to hear that she has stopped taking precautions. They leave it all up to Mother Nature. Jim is furious to find Liz has changed the locks. She refuses to talk to him and tells him they haven't got a future.

Jim appears before the magistrates charged with assaulting Liz. He pleads guilty. Liz tells the family that she thought Jim was going to kill her. Steve thinks he's crazy. Liz has made a statement telling the police about him beating her and hopes he'll learn his lesson. Jim's case is adjourned but as a condition of bail he is told to stay away from Liz. Vicky and Deirdre support Liz and try to assure her that Jim won't dare go near her again. When a shelf collapses in the shop, Maureen calls Bill in. Afterwards they have fish and chips. Jim moves in with Bill as a condition of bail. Curly nervously performs his duties as Master Cube at the Square Dealers' Ladies Night. Raquel is proud of him. Derek spends his time trying to find someone who will nominate him to join the Square Dealers and is intrigued when Norris arrives late and alone after a row with Angela. Audrey and Mavis make bitchy remarks about Rita, jealous that she's with the Master Dealer. Jim watches No.11 at night. Maureen tells Bill that she can't cope with the stress of balancing Reg and home any more. Liz is frightened to be alone in the house knowing Jim is on the loose.

Jamie works his puncture trick on Derek. Liz tells Andy that he must understand she will never have Jim back. Kelly is pleased to see Ashley, her old school friend. She gives him a cup of tea and is pleased to discover that he's not going out with anyone. She tells him that his old girlfriend Margaret was two-timing him all the time. She is embarrassed when Sally matchmakes between them. Josie is interested to learn that Jamie was on hand to mend Derek's puncture. Jim feels sorry for himself and feels that he'll be bad news for Bill if he carries on working with him. Rita asks Fred to stop sending her meat but tells him that she will drink with him. She feels that he is actually a nice man and she likes him. Maureen sets off to see Reg but runs out of petrol. She calls Curly who comes to her aid. Rita agrees to go out with Fred occasionally so long as there are no strings attached. Maureen decides that she's had enough and she's never going to Lowestoft again.

Jim takes the day off work as he can't stop thinking about Liz and their wasted marriage. He tells Steve that he doesn't understand how they've got into this state. Jack decides to arrange a pub outing to a racecourse. When Jim phones Liz she tells him that she won't speak to him and he's not allowed to speak to her. Mike tells Kevin he is selling the garage and gives him first refusal at a bargain price. Vera is annoyed when Jack refuses to let women go on the pub outing. Sally feels Kevin should buy the garage as it's a great opportunity. He isn't sure if he wants to have the responsibility. Jim tries to talk to Liz but she runs into the Rovers. When he follows, she phones the police. Andy and Steve try to get Liz to talk to Jim but she is scared of him. When the police arrive, Liz tells them that Jim has broken his bail conditions and is hounding her. The police arrest Jim and take him away.


37x38 March 27, 1996

37x38 March 27, 1996

  • 1996-03-27T20:00:00Z24m

Maxine vacates the cafe flat and moves back with her parents. Mike is interested to hear that Rita has lent the Websters money in the past. He tries to get Alma to drop heavy hints to her about Kevin's opportunity to buy the garage. Maureen can't cope with not hearing from Reg so decides to visit him in Lowestoft. When he hears the that Wiltons are after an allotment, Des offers to put in a word for them as he knows the man who allocates them. Bill feels bad that he allowed Kevin to lend him money seeing as he now needs it. Vicky and Steve visit Jim in prison. He tells them how ashamed he feels. Mike interviews for machinists, letting Ida Clough wait until last. Josie tells Mike that she and Don might be interested in buying MVB and he invites them to make an offer. Ida is annoyed at having to wait an hour and a half. Mike tells her that he'll employ her on the condition she is not militant and doesn't cause any trouble. She agrees. Maureen is upset to receive a letter from Reg. She refuses to tell Maud its contents and rushes to Lowestoft. Liz rests easy knowing that Jim is in prison and can't hurt her.

Josie suggests to Don that they remortgage their houses to buy the garage and doesn't care what her daughter thinks of the idea. She feels she's investing in their relationship. Eric Firman tells Curly that Reg has faxed his resignation. Maud worries about Maureen's state of mind and decides to go to Lowestoft to find her. Curly stops her and says that he'll go instead. The Wiltons are told to meet Tim Hedges at the allotments. Derek realises it can't be for real because of his name and thinks Des is playing an April fool on them. Bill replaces slates on The Kabin roof. Mike urges Sally to push Kevin harder as the garage is a bargain. Maureen is relieved to see Curly, she is distraught as all she knows is Reg has resigned from work and disappeared. Josie reads a letter from Mike to his solicitor over how much the garage is worth.

Sally tells Kevin they should ask Rita for a £4,000 loan. Mavis is annoyed by the way Rita always mocks her misfortunes. Rita struggles to keep a straight face as the Wiltons tell her about their run-in with Tim Hedges. Maureen is desperate to find Reg, telling Curly that she loves him so much. He doesn't know how to break the news that Reg has run off with another woman. Des is amused to think of the Wiltons believing he'd set them up with Tim. He offers to explain the situation to Tim. Don decides to offer Mike £38,000 with £45,000 as a top limit. Mike rejects the £38,000 outright. Derek humbles himself and apologises to Hedges. Hedges agrees to another meeting and tells the Wiltons they can have an allotment after all, before showing them the local bylaws about keeping gnomes who send postcards.

Maureen stays with the Wattses, unable to face Maud. Raquel tries to make her see that she's better off without Reg. Derek and Mavis check the soil quality at the allotment. Maureen returns home to sympathetic Maud. She assures Maureen that she is her friend and tells her that she must face the world and open the shop. The Wiltons meet the allotment secretary Wilf Gaskell. They promise to look after their allotment. Rita is invited to tea with the Websters and tells them that she knows about the garage and will lend them the money. Kevin tells her that he doesn't want it; he's decided he doesn't want the garage as it will need a lot of money spending on it. Rita is pleased she's been invited round out of friendship. When Kevin tells him that he doesn't want the garage, Mike tells Don that he can have it. Don and Josie are delighted.


37x43 April 8, 1996

37x43 April 8, 1996

  • 1996-04-08T19:00:00Z24m

Gail is furious that Martin spent over £300 on a racehorse. Kevin is amazed to hear Don and Josie have bought the garage. Sally is annoyed as they've got ambition where Kevin hasn't. Kevin is annoyed to discover that Bill has bought a share of a racehorse. Kevin reminds him that it was his family's money he spent. Bill feels terrible and sells his share of the horse to Fred for £250. Andy and Anne make up and Anne suggests that she cooks a meal for him at No.6. Maureen is sick of everyone being supportive of her. Bill assures her that she must carry on. Martin sells his share of the horse to Fred for £200, hoping to please Gail. Hilary Forrest phones Jack to demand £600 on account. He calculates it to £75 a share. Fred is alarmed as he now has three shares. Vicky and Steve are stunned when Alec arrives to stay.

Vicky is pleased to see Alec but Steve wants rid of him. Alec explains to Vicky that Sunliners Travel Agency have promoted him and he'll be running the north-west side of the business. Sarah Louise is upset to hear that Martin has sold the racehorse to Fred as she thinks he'll kill it for horsemeat. Martin wishes he'd never gone to the races. Bill gives Kevin the £250 and says he'll pay the rest back soon. Hilary Forrest arrives in the Rovers and demands her £600. She parks the horse in the Street and threatens to leave him unless she's paid. Bill and Martin enjoy watching the spectacle. Martin fetches Sarah Louise to see to reassure her that the horse is alive and well. Fred and Alf are forced to write cheques to cover the costs. Alec settles into running Sunliners Travel Agency on Rosamund Street after the previous manager, Harry Slater, has handed over to him. He is embarrassed when Vicky sees the shop and realises that it's a dump. Mike signs the garage over to Don. Don can't believe he's spent £43,000 on a garage and is now a boss. Jack is horrified when Alec walks into the Rovers. Alec toasts Jack and wishes him success.

Alec tells Vicky that he'll move out to a five-star hotel. Judy is furious when Gary pays the horse's feeding bill with their holiday money. Ashley and Kelly arrange to have a date in the Rovers, both terribly shy of actually asking the other out. Don tells Kevin that he intends to be a good boss and pump the profits back into the business. Percy catches Jamie hanging around the back alley, skiving off school. Jamie sees a girl steal Josie's bike from the backyard and chases after her. When Percy hears about the missing bike he tells Don that Jamie must have stolen it. Jamie follows the thief and grapples with her for the bike. When he calls for help she runs off.


37x47 April 17, 1996

37x47 April 17, 1996

  • 1996-04-17T19:00:00Z24m


37x48 April 19, 1996

37x48 April 19, 1996

  • 1996-04-19T19:00:00Z24m

Steve tells Vicky that the police obviously see her as the way to get to him and they want her to crack. He doesn't care about her feelings, he just wants her to keep quiet. Maureen doesn't want to wrangle over money with Reg but Bill advises her to fight for all she can or she'll end up with nothing. Maud urges Maureen to fight for her rights. Nicholas Wilding gets angry with Vicky and tells her to stop thinking of what Steve tells her to do and urges her to use her head. He makes her see that if the police have evidence it will all point at her. Betty feels she and Billy can't afford to pay £20 a week towards the upkeep of the horse. Vera agrees with her and tells Jack that the animal is useless. Jack and Fred call a shareholders meeting. Jim goes before the court and is released, being told he has to pay Liz £140 compensation. He feels that he's sunk as low as he can go. Bill takes him in at his flat. Steve tells Vicky that all Nicholas Wilding wants to do is split them up and he'll achieve that by persuading her to tell the police the truth; he'd go to prison. Liz fears for her safety now Jim is out of prison. Betty, Judy and Vera demand that their husbands get rid of the horse. Fred suggests that they sell it to Belgium for horsemeat and the others agree. Vicky turns to Alec for help, telling him everything. He advises her to do everything Nick says. After seeing her solicitor, Maureen moves into Reg's flat, claiming it as her marital home. Ashley tells Judy that Fred intends to sell the horse for horsemeat.

Steve gets a visiting order to visit Malcolm Fox and find out what is going on. Judy lays into Gary over selling the horse for meat and makes sure all the other women know about it. Maureen has the locks changed on Reg's flat and gets Bill to knock the "For Sale" sign down. Betty finds out about Jack's plan to sell the horse for meat and tells him that he's heartless. Fox tells Steve that his wife went to the police and told them everything in revenge after finding out he had a girlfriend. There's nothing he can do; the police have all the evidence they need. Ken tells Kelly he has to go on a course and asks her to move in for a couple of nights to look after Daniel. She is pleased. Jim tells Liz that he intends to be civil to her if they bump into each other. She is wary of him. Steve tells Vicky and Alec that the police know everything. Alec demands that he tells the police the truth but Steve tells

Steve tells Vicky that he needs her and doesn't want her family turning her against him. He feels that if she acts all innocent she'll be let off. When Kevin complains about all the taxi services he's doing, Don reminds him that he is the boss. Vicky tells Nick that she's decided to take the blame as she doesn't want to send Steve to prison. Alec confides in Rita that he had to give up the cruises as a younger man was promoted over his head and they disagreed on policy. Nick makes Vicky see that if Steve is prepared to lie now he'll lie in court and she'll end up in prison. He takes her to the police station where she makes a statement. Alec wants to view No.12 but the keys held by the estate agent, Herbert Townsend, don't fit the lock. Maureen tells him that it's her marital home and is no longer for sale. Steve is arrested. The men, backed by their wives, tell Fred that they don't want the horse sold for meat. He gives Vera all the feeding bills and tells her to sort out the mess. Steve returns home to find Vicky packing with Alec. She tells him that she's told enough lies and she can't live with him any more. She moves into the B&B with Alec.

Ken goes to Keele leaving Kelly looking after Daniel. Don spends the day at the garage, observing how it works. Kevin and Tony feel as if they're being spied on. Nick and Alec go through Vicky's finances with her. Vicky is embarrassed to see that Steve has eaten a big hole in her inheritance. Nick tells Alec that they'll need Vicky's cooperation to cut Steve off from her for good. Steve tells Liz how Vicky went behind his back and bribed Malcolm Fox to change his statement without his knowledge. He gets angry when Liz isn't sympathetic and tells her that he'll do better out of his marriage than his father has done with her. Vera tries to sell the horse to Nuttall's Brewery as a dray-puller but they're not interested. Don can't understand why, when Kevin and Tony are working flat out, the profits are low. Ashley spends the night with Kelly at No.1. Steve is furious to discover that Vicky has cleared out their joint account. He accuses Vicky of buying him and never loving him. She tells him that she's cancelled the lease on their flat and is hurt when he tells her that he doesn't need her.

Emily sees Ashley leaving No.1 in the morning and realises that he spent the night with Kelly. Vicky occupies her mind by working for Alec at Sunliners. Deirdre discovers Alec is short-staffed and offers her services. He takes her on at travel agency full-time. Kevin refuses to work with Don watching over him and tells him that he can stick his job.

Ken tells Kelly he understands that she needs to entertain boyfriends but asks her to respect his privacy. Emily decides not to tell Ken what Kelly has been up to as she doesn't want to get involved. Alec is under pressure from his boss, Geoffrey Gregan, to make the shop work. Deirdre starts with him, unsure how a travel agency works. Steve and Vicky go before the magistrates charged with perverting the course of justice. Vicky pleads guilty, Steve not guilty. They are bailed until the Crown Court case. Betty's Hot Shot is ill so Jack and Fred worry about vet's bills. Hilary Forrest withdraws the horse from a race.

Jack worries about the horse's colic as he's off his food. Vicky feels that Steve is too clever for her and fears he'll blame her for everything and walk free. Rita is sad to hear from Fred that Charlie Hunter, a fellow shopkeeper, has died. Jack discovers the vet's bills are £200 and the horse won't be able to race again this season. Bill feels sorry for Jamie so takes him with Kevin to watch Weatherfield County FC. Jamie is put out as he thought they'd see Manchester United. Jack and Fred try to work out how they can offset their outgoings whilst the horse is ill. Jack puts a collection box on the Rovers' bar to raise funds.


37x56 May 8, 1996

37x56 May 8, 1996

  • 1996-05-08T19:00:00Z24m

Steve feels confident that Alec can't call in the police unless Vicky wants him to and is certain that she won't. Alec urges Vicky to report Steve to the police for harassment. She says she will if he calls round again. Kelly is tired of living with her parents and envies a friend who is a live-in nanny. Liz asks Jim to talk to Steve about prison to stop him pestering Vicky. Vicky doesn't know what to do when she sees Steve watching Sunliners. Billy accuses Betty of not wanting them to look after the Rovers in case he gets drunk. To prove him wrong Betty tells the delighted Duckworths that they will stay at the pub. Ashley apologises to Kelly and tells her that he's fed up as they never get any privacy. Jamie agrees to look after Jack's pigeons for £10 whilst he's away. Ken is stunned when Kelly pushes him into a corner, suggesting she moves into No.1. He promises to think about it.


37x58 May 13, 1996

37x58 May 13, 1996

  • 1996-05-13T19:00:00Z24m

Maureen is amazed that she kept in control of the situation with Yvonne Bannister. Fred is put out to see Rita laughing and chatting to Alec. Maureen thanks Maud for being supportive. Maud tells her that she knows what gave her the strength to deal with Yvonne; she's always wanted a child of her own but was too old to have Reg's. Fred is delighted when Rita agrees to go to York with him. Mike has the print shop stripped and Tricia starts to clean it up. Ken tells Kelly that he worries about her parents' reaction to her living at No.1. Maureen hears from her solicitor that Reg has accepted her divorce terms. Tricia makes the cleaning job last as long as possible. Mavis is bored of Derek going on and on about growing turnips. Des tells Claire that he'd like to meet her daughter Becky but Claire wants to wait for the right moment. Fred questions Alec over his feelings for Rita.

Billy is hung-over and Betty tries to make as much noise as possible to upset him. Tricia wishes she could give Jamie more treats so that he can remember his childhood fondly. She makes the cleaning job last longer so she can get more pay. Derek plants his turnips, talking to the seeds as he works. He is annoyed when Des tells him that he's growing prize turnips in competition. Des enjoys upsetting Derek. Billy tries to please Betty but she ignores him. Mavis tells Derek it's obvious that Des is winding him up and it's very easy to do so. Peter Bryant and Andrew Turner, two DSS men, spy on Tricia behind her back. Raquel persuades Betty to let Billy look after the bar whilst she gives her an aromatherapy massage. Betty returns to the bar a refreshed woman and stuns Billy by kissing him in public. Kelly is on tenterhooks as her mother, Lorraine, calls to inspect Ken.

Tricia's upset at not having received her dole cheque. Steve visits his barrister and Alec tells Rita and Mavis that he can't get Vicky to set foot in the Street. Ashley asks for time off as he has enteritis. However, Fred discovers that he's helping Kelly to move into Ken's house. A row ensues and Ashley gets fired. Vicky gets upset after overhearing a conversation between Jim and Kevin about the unsuitability of her marriage. Des tries to impress his girlfriend's daughter, Becky Palmer, but all he gets are monosyllabic replies. Ashley refuses to make amends with Fred. Vicky desperately tries to talk to Raquel and Deirdre. Finally Alec finds her, distraught.

Ken is alarmed when Kelly asks him to teach her to drive. Vicky knows that she seduced Steve and if she'd left him alone he would have got back with Fiona. She feels she's responsible for what happened and so can't testify. Tricia is furious when the post office refuses to hand over her benefit. Steve tells Liz that he blames Vicky for everything. Tricia discovers all her benefits have been stopped because of the work she did cleaning out the print shop. She is angry and bitter as she has no money and her rent won't be paid. Kelly asks Rita to persuade Fred to take Ashley back as Ashley's too scared to approach Fred. Alec calls Nicholas Wilding in, telling him he's worried as Vicky seems to want to martyr herself for Steve. Nick tells her that if she withdraws her testimony she could be held in contempt of court but she doesn't care.

The McDonalds prepare to go to court. Jamie is sceptical when Tricia explains she may have a job by the time he returns from school. Rita explains to Kelly that she had no luck with Fred in getting Ashley's job back. Malcolm Fox gives evidence against Steve, and Vicky admits it was Steve's idea to give Fox the money. Mike interviews Tricia in the cafe and finally offers her a job so she can pay him his rent. Steve gives evidence declaring he had no knowledge of Vicky seeing Fox. Claire turns up unexpectedly to see Des and Fred reinstates Ashley. Judge Parrish passes sentence on Malcolm Fox, Steve and Vicky. Fox gets an extra twelve months on his sentence, Vicky a twelve month suspended sentence and she is remained free, while Steve is sent to jail for two years as punishment.


37x64 May 27, 1996

37x64 May 27, 1996

  • 1996-05-27T19:00:00Z24m


37x65 May 29, 1996

37x65 May 29, 1996

  • 1996-05-29T19:00:00Z24m


37x66 May 31, 1996

37x66 May 31, 1996

  • 1996-05-31T19:00:00Z24m


37x67 June 3, 1996

37x67 June 3, 1996

  • 1997-01-01T20:00:00Z24m

Andy refuses to make the first move towards Anne feeling she should be pleased that he won her parents round. Mavis hates having Norris to stay but Derek hopes he'll benefit at work from Norris's argument with Angela. Fiona decides to see Steve, keeping it a secret from Tony. Maxine thinks she's stupid. Derek is puzzled by Angela's absence at work. Raquel tries to drum up trade but no one wants a massage. Steve is thrilled when Fiona visits him and he tells her that he's sorry for everything. He asks her to visit him regularly as it matters to him. He feels that he doesn't belong in prison and tells her that he can't stop thinking about her. She agrees to visit again. Raquel gives Tony a free body massage. Derek looks round Angela's house and feels something peculiar has gone on. Mavis thinks she's probably gone away for a few days but Derek tells her the atmosphere at the house frightened him. Audrey warns Alma off Stephen. Alma admits to Gail that Audrey is right; she has been dreaming about seeing Stephen again. Fiona lies to Maxine, telling her that she went to see her parents.


37x69 June 7, 1996

37x69 June 7, 1996

  • 1996-06-07T19:00:00Z24m

With Stephen in the country, Mike panics about the state of his workforce. To get out of meeting Stephen, Alma pretends that a filling has come out and says she's going to the dentist. The Malletts are alarmed when their front door opens and Terry Duckworth walks in with Tommy. They tell him that the house is theirs and the Duckworths now run the Rovers. Stephen looks round the factory. Vera is thrilled to see Tommy but apprehensive about Terry's return. Alec buys No.12 for £29,500. Rita is pleased to have him as a neighbour. Terry tells Vera that he's settled in a good job and wants to make amends. He explains Tommy is going to live with him from now on in Sheffield. Alma and Stephen meet. She's aware that her feelings haven't changed. Mavis wants rid of Norris but he tells Derek that he's decided he's never returning to Angela. Jack is pleased to have Tommy staying but doesn't believe Vera when she says Terry has changed. Terry assures him that he has sorted himself out.

Jack is certain that Terry is up to no good. Alma tries to keep out of Stephen's way. The Hortons arrive looking for Tommy. They tell Jack and Vera that Terry took Tommy from them as they tried to get out of paying the annual £2,000. Vera tells them that they're disgusting for buying a child but Jack points out they only bought because Terry was selling. Terry arrives and Jeff tells him to name his price. Jack takes Tommy out of the room so he doesn't witness all the rowing. Vera is thrilled when Terry tells the Hortons it's not a question of money; Tommy is no longer for sale. Rita and Mavis are unnerved as they realise that Norris could possibly be a murderer. Derek tells them that Angela is capable of making her husbands want to kill her. Mike arranges a dinner foursome with Alma, Stephen and Deirdre. Deirdre is keen as she thinks Stephen is attractive. The Wiltons are horrified to learn that Norris has been digging on the allotment and fear he's buried Angela's body. Tricia meets Terry and thinks he's gorgeous. Derek digs where Norris has dug and finds something buried. Norris arrives in time to explain and uncover Angela's golf bag and clubs.

Norris tells the Wiltons that he buried the golf clubs as he wished he was burying Angela. Stephen tells Alma that he doesn't want her to keep avoiding him. He wants them to be friends and she agrees to that. Mavis feels awful for having thought Norris a murderer. When Audrey warns Alma to keep her hands off Stephen, Alma decides she'll have to come clean to Mike, fearing Audrey will get to him first. Mike talks to Josie about how to deal with women who have crushes on other men. She advises him to play it cool. Raquel makes her dislike of Terry obvious when he chats her up. Jack congratulates her on seeing through him. Terry makes a big show of shaking Des's hand and telling him there's no hard feelings. Alma tells Mike that she kissed Stephen and is furious when he shrugs it off, putting it down to a middle-aged crush. Derek is relieved when Angela phones to speak to Norris. Stephen and Deirdre get on well when Mike and Alma take them out. Alma is upset when Stephen flirts with Deirdre. Andy borrows the keys to the cafe flat to show Anne round. He tells her that he'd like for them to live together but she accuses him of making too many assumptions. Tricia flirts heavily with Terry and is annoyed when Vera warns her off. Mike tells Alma he guessed that she had feelings for Stephen. She accuses him of humouring her and says she'd have gone to bed with Stephen if he'd have asked. She accuses him of not caring about her.

Alma feels that Mike cares more for the business than her. He doesn't know how to react - thinking she only wants to row. Vera is upset that Jack won't accept Terry has changed. Jack feels that Terry is only visiting because of their inheritance money. Phyllis is ill so her neighbour Lily Dempsey shops for her. Percy is caught in the middle when Lily rows with Audrey when she pushes in front of them at the shop. Norris is reconciled with Angela. Mike has flowers sent to Alma but she gives them to Martin to take to the hospital. Don is amazed when Kevin tells him they need new equipment. He asks Kevin to buy second-hand as he's spending too much money and hates the way Mike sold him duff equipment. Don gets annoyed when Mike calls on Josie after work to discuss business. Josie is furious when he throws Mike out. Jack has trouble in the Rovers when a thug goes to hit him over the state of the beer. Terry grabs him and throws him out of the pub, causing Jack to be grateful. Alma tells Mike that she's sick of coming way down on the list of his priorities. He tells her that he'd sell the business and take retirement if it's what she really wants. Outside the Rovers, Terry pays the thug, Dave Woods, £20 for his performance.


37x74 June 19, 1996

37x74 June 19, 1996

  • 1996-06-19T19:00:00Z24m


37x75 June 21, 1996

37x75 June 21, 1996

  • 1996-06-21T19:00:00Z24m


37x76 June 24, 1996

37x76 June 24, 1996

  • 1996-06-24T19:00:00Z24m

Curly tries to boost Raquel's confidence but is amazed that she lost two jobs in one day. Terry contacts the Hortons and tells them that he's bringing Tommy back. Josie is upset that she and Don are splitting up. She collects her things with Don telling her that he wants to forget she ever lived in the house. Raquel decides to set up on her own at No.7 and places advertisements in the paper. Don accuses Josie of keeping her house on as she knew she'd always return to it. She tells him that she wants her money out of the garage and he promises that she'll get her £20,000 back. Betty is upset that Vera has sacked Raquel. Terry packs, telling Vera he's off to Sheffield for a couple of days. Jack can't help doubting if he'll return. Andy visits Steve on their birthday and feels sorry for him in prison. He is thrilled with a watch from Anne which cost £120. Curly doesn't like the idea of Raquel massaging people in their home. Liz tells Jim that she wants them to sort out how they split the furniture. He can't be bothered and tells her that she can have everything. She is dismayed as he makes her feel in the wrong. When Terry arrives with Tommy, Jeff Horton presents him with a Residency Order to sign, telling him it's binding in law and he'll never be able to take Tommy from them again. Terry signs and Jeff gives him a cheque for £10,000.

Don feels that he's better off without miserable Josie but also realises that she could be his last woman. Doreen Horton calls on Vera to tell her she can see Tommy whenever she wants. Vera is stunned when Doreen explains they've paid Terry off and now it's all legal. She is sickened and gets Betty to throw Terry's picture away. She phones her solicitor to make a new will as she wants Terry cut out. Jack guesses what's happened immediately and comforts Vera. She can't understand where they went wrong with Terry. They decide to make the Rovers work well for Tommy. Raquel gives Judy a massage at No.7, annoying Curly as he can't get into the living room. Mike and Alma celebrate when Stephen passes the order. Don tells Kevin that he can't pay him as he needs Josie's signature on the cheque and she's away for a couple of days. Raquel tells Curly that she's entitled to her own work; she is not just his fantasy. Tricia looks for Terry and is puzzled when Jack says he doesn't know him.

Mike gets Tricia to sell the reject sweatshirts on the market. Alec moves into No.12. Lily Dempsey pushes herself on Alma when Alma cleans the cafe. Alma feels obliged to let her help out. Lily is annoyed that Mayfield Court is being renamed. Audrey feels that Alf deserves a better building than Mayfield Court. She changes her mind when he drives her to view it. She tells him that she's proud of him. Mike enjoys himself on the market, reliving his barrow boy roots. Martin invites the local children round for a barbecue. Raquel is interested in enrolling on a ten-week aromatherapy course in Maidenhead but feels it would cost too much. Curly encourages her to invest in her future. Liz breaks the news to Jim that his mother has died. He is devastated by the news and stunned when Liz says that she won't attend the funeral. Alf is stunned when the OAPs tell him they won't let Mayfield Court be changed.

Don manages to pay Kevin and Tony their wages two weeks late. Alf feels he'd back down over the name change if the protest wasn't against him personally. Mavis is pleased when Derek finds an old carpet for the allotment. She gets at Rita over the predictable way she makes a joke about Wilton carpets. Percy and Lily Dempsey make placards and plan to hot up their protest against Alf. Alf is pressed into meeting a German delegation. Audrey refuses to take part until Alma makes her realise that Alf is the borough's leading citizen and it's an honour to know him. Fiona goes to visit Steve, feeling sorry for him over his dead grandmother.


37x81 July 5, 1996

37x81 July 5, 1996

  • 1996-07-05T19:00:00Z24m

Don decides to channel his drive into the garage to make it a success. Percy doesn't like the way the protest has become violent but Lily Dempsey has no regrets about throwing the egg and suggests putting a brick through Alf's window. Don asks Kevin to buy Josie's share of the garage and enter a partnership with him. Audrey is furious over her ruined frock and wants to take action against the OAPs, Alf tries his best to calm her. Don gets aggressive when Kevin admits he doesn't want to go into partnership with him. Alec employs Joyce to clean at Sunliners and his flat, asking her to invoice Sunliners for both. Don is amazed when Tony tells him that he might be interested in going into partnership with him, with backing from his father. Lily and Percy are militant when interviewed for the local TV station on their protest. Liz asks

Sally's frustration at her lifestyle continues to eat away at her. Tony tells Don that his father will not finance the business as a partner. Don's furious reaction upsets Tony even more and he storms out of the garage. Kevin tries to get Don to re-employ Tony stating his case that he couldn't run the garage single-handed, and things were going to get worse if he tried. Don realises his mistake but Tony is resolute about the situation, saying he won't going back. Sally gets a job with Mike and arranges for Kelly to look after the girls but Kevin isn't pleased. Fiona goes with the McDonalds to see Steve. He winds her up, thinking that he's in with all the running now that she and Tony have split up but Fiona tells him that this is her last visit. Audrey lets slip to Rita and Emily about the Street name being changed. Liz fails to get a mortgage.

In an attempt to stop Sally working, Kevin tells her that he'll buy into the garage. Rumours spread about the changing of the Street's name. Rita thinks that Alf deserves the honour but the rest of the residents aren't keen. Kevin tells Don that the garage needs investment and he'll go into partnership with him if he will put another £10,000 into the business. Don agrees to find the money. Don goes to the bank but they point out his business is bad; he's a mechanic down and his partner has walked out. He is horrified when Mr Reynolds of the bank refuses to lend him £10,000 and gives him seven days to repay his outstanding loan of £6,000 or the receivers will be called in. Ken agrees to let Kelly mind Sophie as well as Daniel in return for Sally paying half of her wages. Alf plans a party for the residents to announce the renaming. Liz tells Jim that the house has too many bad memories for her and she doesn't want to buy it. Audrey comes round to the Coronation Street idea when Alf says the new name will be Alfred Roberts Place. Tony is surprised when Maxine tells him that she's always fancied him. They kiss.


37x85 July 15, 1996

37x85 July 15, 1996

  • 1996-07-15T19:00:00Z24m


37x86 July 17, 1996

37x86 July 17, 1996

  • 1996-07-17T19:00:00Z24m


37x87 July 19, 1996

37x87 July 19, 1996

  • 1996-07-19T19:00:00Z24m


37x88 July 22, 1996

37x88 July 22, 1996

  • 1996-07-22T19:00:00Z24m


37x89 July 24, 1996

37x89 July 24, 1996

  • 1996-07-24T19:00:00Z24m


37x90 July 26, 1996

37x90 July 26, 1996

  • 1996-07-26T19:00:00Z24m

Alec is miffed when Jack refuses to hold any more talent nights at the Rovers. Audrey and Alf are surprised to find Nick is missing from No.8. Audrey resents having to look after him and is annoyed when Rita tells her that he hasn't done his papers all weekend. Vera worries about what Tricia has told her and doesn't want Jack to know. Kevin gets an interview at Fast Fitters Exhaust Centre where Tony works. Alf worries over Nick, feeling he wouldn't let Rita down willingly. His concern makes Audrey realise that something could have happened to him. Andy needs money for the summer but feels uncomfortable asking Anne for a job. Audrey forces herself to think Nick is staying away to get at her but Alf fears he could be dead. Jack is stunned when Tricia tells him that she's pregnant with Terry's child. He rounds on Vera for not telling him so she tells him that Tricia must be lying. Jack is furious that Terry has left them to sort out his mess again. Becky suggests to Des that he takes them to Florida instead of on a barge. Claire warns her to stop being stupid. Becky feels everyone hates her. Audrey stays the night at No.8, waiting for Nick's return.


37x92 July 31, 1996

37x92 July 31, 1996

  • 1996-07-31T19:00:00Z24m

Alf fetches Gail and the children home. Gail is furious with Audrey for waiting four days until she contacted her. She phones the police. Samantha is impressed that Gary has a 1969 Yamaha and asks him to give her a ride. He backs off as he fears what Judy will say. Mavis's neck goes stiff from delivering papers. Derek complains to Rita and somehow ends up being talked into delivering them himself. Vera tells Jack that she feels they should support Tricia. He tells her to wait and see what Tricia decides to do with the baby. The police question the Platts about Nick. They discover that he's taken his passport with him. Don talks to the police and rows with the family when they try to shut him out. He makes sure the police know that Martin isn't Nick's real father and that Nick always had trouble at home.

Nick has still not turned up. Ken suggests that his bank account is monitored to see if any money is withdrawn and they find that a sum was taken the day that he left. Gail loses her temper with Audrey as her nerves start to fray and she throws her out of the house. Audrey, in turn, takes out her temper on Don. Mike shows Mark round his factory. He goes away for a few days and leaves Sally in charge, which annoys Ida. Tricia and the Duckworths make their peace and she is told that they will support her with the baby. Jim, annoyed at Liz's attitude, pulls out of their joint mortgage arrangement on No.11.

Derek celebrates his sixtieth birthday. When Mavis doesn't make a big fuss he assumes that she's organised a surprise party for him. Rita puts up a missing poster with Nick's picture on it. Gail wants to keep topping Nick's account up so he doesn't run out of money but Martin isn't keen. She is grateful when Don offers to distribute some of the missing posters and goes along with him. Jack presses Vera to make Tricia see what Terry is really like. Judy talks to Gail about Nick's disappearance, telling her about all the teenagers who hang around the amusement arcade. Derek gets Norris to quiz Mavis about his party. When Norris reports back that there isn't one planned, Derek assumes that he's in on the secret. When Tricia asks the Duckworths for Terry's address, they tell him how Terry sold Tommy to the Hortons. They urge her to forget all about him. She is stunned. The council warns Alf to choose another street as the new link road is due to pass through Coronation Street and it may have to be demolished. Andy advises Liz to sell the house to Jim, pointing out that anyone who knows them will know he hasn't come out on top. Derek is disappointed to discover that Mavis hasn't organised a party and that his present is only blinds for the conservatory. He is furious when she thinks it's his fifty-ninth, she is horrified when he points out that it's his sixtieth. Gail is grateful when Martin puts £50 in Nick's account. Ken and Rita are pleased when Alf tells them that he isn't changing the street's name but he withholds the reason why.

Mavis tries to make amends to Derek but he feels that he has nothing in life to look forward to. The Platts discover that Nick has used his cash card near Leeds. Martin goes with Ken to Leeds to search for him. Tricia thinks that Terry only got rid of Tommy as he thought it was the best thing for Tommy. Liz tells Andy he's right; she's behaving stupidly over the house and Jim can have it. Derek is frightened when Norris tells him that he has to stand up for him against Angela who thinks he should retire. Jack and Derek are interested to hear that Square Dealer Tommy Mook has died. Derek asks Norris to get him into the Square Dealers as it would give his life some meaning. Ida complains to Mike about him promoting Sally as she feels that she should have the job. Mike tells her, in front of Sally, that she won't skive and dodge like an old-timer. Ida is affronted. Jack gives Fred free drinks in the hope of being made a Square Dealer. Fred hints that he might have to buy a second share of the horse. Jim thanks Liz when she tells him that he can buy her half of the house. Martin searches for hours in Leeds but doesn't find Nick.


37x97 Aug. 12, 1996

37x97 Aug. 12, 1996

  • 1996-08-12T19:00:00Z24m


37x98 Aug. 14, 1996

37x98 Aug. 14, 1996

  • 1996-08-14T19:00:00Z24m

Judy is upset because she's jealous. Ida tries to cause trouble for Sally but Sally manipulates her by telling her that she's the top machinist. Gary asks Samantha to tell Judy she's thinking of buying the bike. She is amused and accuses him of being under the thumb. He is puzzled when she tells him that she'd want it for £700. Liz moves out of No.11 and she wishes Andy luck with Jim. Becky relaxes and starts to enjoy being with Des and Claire. Gail is disappointed when the boy on the video isn't Nick. She and Martin fear for Nick as the boy was definitely using his cash card. Jim moves back into No.11 not sure if it was worth the fight. Audrey tries to look on the bright side of Nick's disappearance but Gail spells out her fears. Becky is upset to find Claire and Des kissing. She accuses them of not wanting her around and kicks Claire. Gary is confused when, in front of Judy, Samantha gives him £680 for the bike. Judy is thrilled when Samantha tells her that Gary's buying her a dishwasher. Gary realises he's lost his bike but doesn't know what to do. Jim is upset to discover Andy is planning to move out so he can live with Anne. Claire assures Becky that she often thinks of Jeff but she's not a nun and has to carry on. She accuses Becky of only talking about Jeff when she wants to get at her. Des assures her that he's not trying to take Jeff's place. Josie tells the Websters that she's been to the bank and they'd accept £25,000 for the garage. She urges them to buy it as she wants to salvage something. The Websters are excited at the thought.


37x100 Aug. 19, 1996

37x100 Aug. 19, 1996

  • 1996-08-19T19:00:00Z24m


37x101 Aug. 21, 1996

37x101 Aug. 21, 1996

  • 1996-08-21T19:00:00Z24m


37x102 Aug. 23, 1996

37x102 Aug. 23, 1996

  • 1996-08-23T19:00:00Z24m


37x103 Aug. 26, 1996

37x103 Aug. 26, 1996

  • 1996-08-26T19:00:00Z24m


37x104 Aug. 28, 1996

37x104 Aug. 28, 1996

  • 1996-08-28T19:00:00Z24m


37x105 Aug 30, 1996

37x105 Aug 30, 1996

  • 1996-08-30T19:00:00Z24m

Des feels awkward when he stops Becky from borrowing one of his X-rated videos. Jamie is impressed by Nick's talk about what his life was like in London. Tricia is livid when Jamie thinks running away to London is cool. Claire tells Des he's going to have to get rid of his dope plant. He gives it to Mavis, telling her it's a rare pot plant. Gail is upset by the way Nick refuses to talk about his life in London. She fears something nasty happened to him. Alma is annoyed that Gail hasn't told her that Stephen is back. Tricia goes for Nick when she sees him in the Street, accusing him of filling Jamie's head with nonsense. Gail sees her and rows with her. Martin has to grab hold of Gail to stop her attacking Tricia, she tells them she's had enough of them all - especially Nick. Martin gets them all into the house and tells Jamie that Nick has not told them anything about London. Nick is embarrassed when Jamie starts to retell all his adventures and says he'll tell the Platts what happened. Nick admits he went to London but only stayed for two hours as he found it boring and spent the rest of the time in Torquay. Gail and Martin can't stop laughing at the tame time he had.

Alf is stunned and thrilled. Tricia is furious when Sally refuses to let her do overtime at time-and-a-half as she was late in. Sally is pleased to see the girls starting to treat her like the boss. Martin tells Stephen they'd like to go to Canada as they want to interest Nick and stop him running away again. Carol Palmer brings a framed photograph of Jeff for Becky. Rather than keeping it by her bed, Becky puts it on top of the TV in the lounge. Claire tells Des that Jeff wouldn't have wanted to be on top of the TV as he always told her that if he died she should enjoy her life. Stephen arranges for the Platts to go to Canada but tells them that they'll have to leave within the week.


37x108 Sep. 6, 1996

37x108 Sep. 6, 1996

  • 1996-09-06T19:00:00Z24m

Drag queen Shirelle, owner of the old Gatsby Club, contacts Alec for some acts. Maxine asks if she can be one of the acts as he promised her some work after the talent show. He tells her that she's not good enough. Sally likes to be friends with everyone and finds it hard to adjust to being a boss. The Wiltons are thrilled when the Weatherfield Historical Society selects their house to be part of a guided tour. They are intrigued to find out why their house is so famous. Deirdre is fed up when she struggles to cope at work whilst Alec interviews acts in the back office. Alec struggles to come up with five good acts and worries when Shirelle tells him that he wants top acts. Kevin tells Tricia that Sally stood up for her and stopped Mike from sacking her. Judy tells Gary that she needs the house decorated so she can start nest-building. The Wiltons do research and discover a highwayman was hanged on the site of the Street. They believe this must be why they've been chosen. Deirdre feels that Stephen only took her out for a meal out of pity and that she's too old for him. Alec tells Maxine that he's changed his mind and she can perform at Shirelle's. She agrees on the condition he pays her £25.


37x110 Sept. 11, 1996

37x110 Sept. 11, 1996

  • 1996-09-11T19:00:00Z24m


37x111 Sep. 13, 1996

37x111 Sep. 13, 1996

  • 1996-09-13T19:00:00Z24m

Alec thinks that Fiona has a great future ahead of her. Ken is put upon to direct the school play when the drama teacher falls ill. Fiona is amazed when Alec tells her that he wants to book her to play at Shirelle's. She thinks Alec is barmy and tells him that she's not interested. Liz is embarrassed when Jim heckles her in the Street accusing her of bleeding him of money. She is put out when Deirdre and Andy don't want to listen to her moans. Tricia tells the Duckworths that Carl is out on parole soon and she's dreading seeing him. Maxine is annoyed that Alec thinks Fiona is good and she isn't. Bill follows Maureen when she meets Simon in a wine bar. Bill is upset to see them getting on well together. Tricia assures the Duckworths that she's finished with Carl. Jamie overhears her telling them that she's lied to him saying Carl was in a prison miles away when he's really in Strangeways. She promises him that she's never visited Carl.

Maureen is thrilled with Simon the dentist and thinks he's perfect. Maud is happy as she thinks Maureen is having a relationship with Bill. Fred offers Alec the chance to join the Square Dealers but Alec refuses, saying he's not the type. Derek and Jack are horrified to learn that Alec has been asked to replace Tommy Mook at the Dealers and can't understand why he turned the honour down. Jamie writes to Carl in prison. Maud is stunned when Maureen tells her about joining the lonely hearts and her blind date. Fiona is impressed when Alec promises her training and support and says that he'll book Rita as her coach. Ken struggles directing A Midsummer Night's Dream. Rita doesn't want to coach Fiona in singing for Alec until Fiona tells her that she genuinely wants to be trained. Sue Jeffers opens her heart to Ken and tells him that her husband has left her for another woman. He tries to comfort her. Jim gets Bill and Liz together in the Rovers, telling them that as Liz wants half of all he earns he is no longer going to work and his partnership with Bill is over.

Becky buys a bell for Beauty, pleasing Mavis. Jim enjoys an idle day. He is annoyed when Jack accuses him of living the life of Riley and starts drinking again. When Maud questions him about work he turns on her, frightening her. Rita takes charge of Fiona, sorting out her dresses and taking her to a pianist, Gerry, who produces a backing tape for her. Maud goes to Llandudno for the weekend with an OAP group. Mavis watches in interest as the Weatherfield Historical Society visit the Street. She is horrified when James Pilling, the guide, talks about Ernie Bishop's murder at the factory on the site of their house. Emily overhears the talk and is mortified, especially when she learns that Mavis and Derek gave their permission. Mavis apologises but Emily is furious that she didn't ask the society why they wanted permission. She accuses Mavis of helping to cheapen Ernie's death. Alec and Rita support Fiona as she does her act at Shirelle's. She goes down well but hasn't got a song for an encore. Tricia is horrified when Carl phones for her. Norris is stunned when Jack quotes some Square Dealer talk to him. Fiona isn't sure if she wants to be a singer in back street clubs.

Jim spends the weekend on a drinking binge. He is relieved when Andy tells him that he wasn't violent towards anybody. Andy begs him to stop drinking but Jim feels that he needs to live his life blurred. Tricia is annoyed that Jamie gave Carl their number and address. Fiona tells Alec she only wants to be a hairdresser. He tells her that she must carry on singing as she is gifted. Derek tells the Weatherfield Historical Society to leave No.4 off the tour. He tells Emily that Mavis values their friendship and is sad she's upset her. Emily feels it's going to take her a while to forgive the Wiltons. Norris and Fred spy Curly talking in secret with Jack and ask him to a special Square Dealers meeting. Tricia asks the Duckworths if she can move into the Rovers. They tell her that running away from Carl won't help and suggest she visits him to keep one step ahead of him. Fiona is flattered when Rita tells her that she's got a great talent. Emily is annoyed when Mavis offers her chocolates as a peace offering. She refuses them, telling Mavis she always does the easiest thing and never thinks of other people. Maureen breaks down and tells Bill that Simon stood her up. Bill comforts her with a kiss and tells her that he likes her, but she draws back. Jim gets drunk and shouts in the Street at Sally when she complains about the noise he's making.

Jim suffers from the detox, sweating and shaking. Andy doesn't understand why he puts himself through it. Maureen avoids Bill. Des gives Mavis chocolates in the hope she'll babysit Becky but Mavis has an engagement. The Platts return from Canada and tell a shocked Audrey that Nick is staying. They explain he's enrolled in a private school for a couple of years, using his inheritance. Audrey accuses Gail of shoving Nick away because he's a problem. Jim stops drinking. He tells Bill that he wants to return to the firm but Bill tells him that he's unreliable and he's taken on another worker. Jim tells him that he can no longer use his van. Des is horrified when Mavis gives Becky a budgie of her own. Fiona tells Alec that if she's going to continue she wants a contract drawn up. When he agrees, Fiona feels that she's played into his hands but still says that she wants a contract. He tells Rita that he's backing Fiona because he wants to push one of his discoveries all the way to the top. Bill tells Jim that he'll take him back on if he stays sober. Jim agrees to let him use the van again.

Bill apologises to Maureen, thinking he's embarrassed her. Curly assumes that Fred and Norris are going to ask him to join the Inner Rectangle of the Square Dealers. Fiona spends £120 of Alec's money on a dress for her act. Don is furious when he hears that Nick is living in Canada. He accuses Martin of conveniently getting shut of him and is annoyed that the school fees are coming out of his money. Gail breaks down as he accuses her of marring Nick for life. Fred and Norris accuse Curly of revealing the sacred oath to a non-Dealer. Curly swears that he didn't tell Jack anything but they find him guilty and tell him that he'll have to perform the forty-nine tasks. Maureen tells Bill that she liked it when he kissed her but she's scared of getting involved. Sue Jeffers asks Ken to join her for a conference in Southport. Fiona does another gig and is unimpressed by the shabby state of the club. Tricia visits Carl in prison, telling him that she's finished with him but will let him see Jamie. When she tells him that she's pregnant he calls her a slut and thumps her. The wardens jump on him.

Andy moves out of No.11 and in with Anne at 16 Orchard Close. Jamie is horrified to see Tricia has a black eye. She tells him that she tripped over at a nightclub. Audrey convinces herself that Nick is better off with Stephen than Gail. Anne organises her things as she moves into the new house. Curly fetches Raquel back home from Maidenhead. The Duckworths comfort Tricia as she breaks down in tears over her black eye. They are angry that Carl hit her and agree with her that they've got to get him out of her life. Vera tells Raquel that she should never have sacked her but Raquel tells her that she did her a favour. Don tells Jack he can't afford to pay his share towards the horse and asks him for a sub. Jamie believes Tricia goes to clubs to pick up men and that one of them thumped her. He longs for his dad to come home and protect them.

Curly is surprised by Raquel's new positive attitude to herself and work. She sends out job applications. Jim enjoys teasing Bill about his relationship with Maureen. Alf worries that Audrey is going to make a fuss over his seventieth birthday. Vera discovers that Jack has written a cheque for the horse's upkeep which includes Don's share. She tells him that subbing Don won't help him. Raquel is amazed that Curly is stressed over being reprimanded by the Square Dealers. She urges him to see them and sort it out. Maureen is upset when Jim tells her that Bill has been telling him about their relationship and that Jim knows all about Simon standing her up. Mavis books a holiday in Estoril, Portugal. When Alec complains that she didn't buy it through him, she reminds him of the last time he sold her a holiday and she never got beyond the airport. Maxine tries to get Fiona to spend some money on refurbishments in the salon. Fred and Norris are startled when Curly tells them that he won't be doing the tasks. He is forced to back down when they tell him that Eric Firman is going to hand out the tasks. Vera suggests to Don that if he needs money he should take in a lodger. The police ask Tricia to press charges against Carl but she refuses, saying she just wants him out of her life as she's frightened of him. Maureen tells Bill that she can't forgive him for telling Jim about her lonely hearts and feels a fool to have ever trusted him.

Jim apologises to Bill for upsetting Maureen. Fred tells Norris that the book containing the details of the forty-nine tasks has gone missing. Raquel has an interview in Manchester. Anne gives Andy a rent book, telling him that he can now claim housing benefit. Norris and Fred try to remember what the forty-nine tasks stood for. Norris comes up with a plan set around the mystical seven, forty-nine being seven times seven. Norris tells Curly that one of the tasks will take seven years to complete. Fred thinks that he's going too far. Raquel is offered a job but isn't sure if she wants it, thinking that if they would employ her then a better firm might as well. Curly is amazed by her new confidence. Tricia tells Jamie the truth about his dad hitting her at the prison. He calls her a liar and runs off from her.

Alf celebrates his seventieth birthday, thinking he's guessed Audrey's surprise - tickets to see Grease. Tricia tries to make Jamie see that they're better off without Carl but he doesn't believe her. When Jamie runs out of school in the middle of the day, Sue Jeffers sends Ken after him to see what's going on. Jamie tells Ken he was hoping to get to Strangeways to see his dad. He gets Jamie to return to school by promising that he'll talk to Tricia about his feelings. Alf looks forward to going to theatre but Audrey only organises a gathering at the Rovers as he has told her that he doesn't want a big fuss. Ken advises Tricia to spend more time talking to Jamie and listening to what he has to say. Alf turns up for his party dressed in his old suit from his Teddy boy days to get into the spirit of watching Grease. He is touched by the party that the regulars lay on. Tricia agrees to arrange for Jamie to visit Carl. Raquel is furious when Curly lets her down over an evening out as he's doing one of his forty-nine tasks. Ken makes a speech at Alf's party and Audrey gives him his present - a three day stay at a health farm for two. Alf is horrified by the cost - £800.


37x122 Oct. 9, 1996

37x122 Oct. 9, 1996

  • 1996-10-09T19:00:00Z24m

Curly agrees to see Alf and to resign from the Square Dealers. Tricia gets a letter from Carl blaming her for losing him his parole and telling her that he always knew Jamie wasn't his son. She is upset that he is denying his own son. Alf is sad to hear from Curly that he's resigning from the Rectangle. Ashley doesn't like his mother's boyfriend Trevor and feels they want him to leave home. Jamie finds Carl's letter and is upset that he's saying he's not his father. He turns to Jack and the pigeons for support. Jack doesn't know what to say. Audrey tells Alf that she's taking Alma to the health farm instead of him. He is furious that it's his present and he still has to pay for it, even though he's not going. Sue Jeffers calls on Ken and tells him that she can't stop thinking about her husband leaving her. He tells her that he's glad to listen to her woes and cooks her dinner. Kelly tells Ashley that Don needs a lodger and it would be handy as it's only two doors from her. Fred and Norris are stunned when Alf tells them that Curly has resigned. They tell him about Curly telling Jack the sacred oath but are interrupted by Alec who delights in telling them that it was he who told Jack. Tricia burns Carl's letter in front of Jamie telling him its contents are a pack of lies. Maureen is pleased when Bill buys her a drink. Norris and Fred apologise to Curly, telling him that he doesn't have to do any more tasks and promising elevation to the Inner Rectangle. Curly is pleased to withdraw his resignation but Raquel feels that he's put the Dealers before her. Ken assures Sue that her life isn't over; she'll meet another man.

Becky stands up for Jamie when her friend Lauren teases him about his dad being in prison. Curly is stunned when Raquel dresses in a sophisticated style for an interview at the Imperial Hotel in Manchester. Billy questions Des about Claire losing her widow's pension from the RAF. Des doesn't know what he's talking about. Becky tells Jamie how much she misses her dad. He tells her that he's upset as Tricia is seeking a divorce from Carl. Tricia is annoyed that she can't divorce Carl quickly without his agreement. Vera assures her that she'll pay the solicitor's bills. Curly reminds Raquel that they want to have children but she now wants to concentrate on her career first of all. Don shows Ashley around No.5. Ashley likes it but Kelly is wary of Don. When Des asks Claire about her pension, she automatically thinks that Carol has told him. She calms down when he says it was Billy who told him. Raquel is taken on at the hotel on a trial basis. Ken tells Deirdre he fears that Sue Jeffers is attracted to him and will make a move at the teachers' conference. Deirdre advises him to clear the air before they go away. Bill tells Maureen he likes her and would like a relationship with her. She is flattered but tells him that she feels committed to her mother and the shop and that she feels she's not completely over Reg yet, although she responds when Bill kisses her. Des is stunned when Claire tells him that her pension is £16,000 and she doesn't mind giving it up to live with him.

Kelly thinks that No.5 isn't the right house for Ashley as she doesn't like Don. Raquel tells Curly that if he wants children then she must see that he is more committed to the idea. Jim fumes when Liz's solicitor asks him to value the furniture he bought with the house. Ken tries to get out of going to the conference with Sue Jeffers and so she accuses him of thinking that she is interested in him. Although that is what he is thinking he assures her that he can't. She admits that she might be a bit interested in him but she says that she wouldn't make a pass so he agrees to go to the conference after all. Roy lectures Jamie when he catches him skiving from school. He gets to the root of the problem when he asks after Carl. Gail tries to talk to Jamie about how much he misses his dad but he doesn't want to talk about it. Des doesn't know how to treat Claire now that she is willing to give up £16,000 for him. He isn't sure that he is happy with that amount of commitment. Deirdre tells Ken that Sue is obviously letting him know that she is available if he is interested. Claire assures Des that she is not interested in marrying him. She is hurt when he tells her that he is going off women when they are available to him. He tells her to pack her bags but she knows that he doesn't want her to leave.

Having established that Maud is going to bingo, Maureen invites Bill round for the evening. Raquel starts work at the Imperial Hotel and starts to socialise with the other beauticians. Jack gets Jamie to agree to stop skiving school by threatening to withdraw the promise of his own pigeon. Ashley moves into No.5. Don tells him that now he has his rent money he doesn't need to work so many night shifts. Ashley is disappointed as he was hoping to entertain Kelly. Bill tells Maureen that she means a lot to him and she leads him upstairs. She is horrified when she sees Maud arrive home. Maud sees Bill's van and decides to leave them alone. Maureen is confused and feels that she can't go to bed with Bill. She assures him that there will be another time. Claire is pleased when Becky tells her that she likes Des. Des tells Claire that he can't let her turn her back on the money and suggests that she moves out but continues to be his girlfriend. She warns him that if she moves out then they are finished.

Claire is upset that Des won't commit himself to her. Ken organises the Autumn fair at school. Becky is upset when Claire tells her that she is splitting from Des. She thinks that it's because of her. Alf is forced to walk as his driving licence has expired on his seventieth birthday and he refuses to apply for an extension as he may be refused on health grounds. Ken goes to Southport with Sue Jeffers and Deirdre warns him to be on his guard. Derek's plans to decorate the spare room are shelved when Norris tells him that he's to accompany him to a trade fair. Curly tells Raquel that he feels out of things now that she has got a job and new friends. She tells him that he must accept that things are now part of her life. Ashley's plans to go out with Kelly are spoiled when Don drags him onto a poker game. Kelly is furious when he stands her up as he enjoys the game and wins the others money. Becky accuse Des and Claire of not being honest with her and telling her that she was the cause of their split.

Des and Claire assure Becky that they are not splitting up because of her but because of Jeff's pension. Raquel overhears that Claire is looking for a flat and asks if she and Des are moving. She is embarrassed when Claire tells her all about their relationship. Liz and Jim meet with a professional mediator, Mrs Bardsley, in the hope of sorting out their differences. Derek and Norris check into their hotel in Southport only to discover that there is only one room available. The mediator is caught in the middle when Liz and Jim row about his mother's money. Liz gets worked up and storms out. Derek and Norris are forced to share a double room. Norris makes sure that his bed faces north using a compass. The Malletts entertain the Watts' with the conversation being centred around children. When Judy's alarm buzzer goes off they go upstairs for sex as it's their optimum time for conceiving. Curly and Raquel don't know how to react. Norris is upset when Derek discovers that his compass is wrong and that he has been sleeping the wrong way for years. Sue Jeffers opens her heart to Ken and brings wine to his room. When she falls asleep he leaves her and goes to sleep in her room.

Des accuses Claire of only looking for a reason to finish with him. Ken is horrified to find Sue Jeffers unconscious in his hotel room, after slipping and banging her head in the bathroom. As she is taken to hospital, he finds it hard to explain to the hotel management why she was in his room. Norris sees Sue being carried out on a stretcher and tells Derek. Bill tells Jim that he's sick of hearing about his divorce and accuses him of being thick and playing games just so that he can hang onto Liz. Derek phones Mavis with the news of Sue being carried out of Ken's room on a stretcher. She tells Rita; unaware that Becky is listening. Sean tries to chat Samantha up but she isn't interested. Jim tells Bill that he's right and decides to offer Liz money. Becky gossips to her friends about Ken and Sue sharing a hotel room. Alf decides to prove his fitness by taking part in the school's sponsored walk. Don advises Ashley to be masterful with Kelly. Ashley tells Kelly that he's not weak and is stunned when she slams the door in his face. Des shows Claire the empty flat over the bookies, telling her that she could pretend to move into it in case anyone spied on them for the RAF. She doesn't like the deception. Ken returns and tells Deirdre about his awful experience. Sue had to have stitches in hospital but is alright now. Deirdre finds the scenario amusing. Emily refuses to listen to Mavis's gossip about Ken. Jim gives Liz a cheque for £500 but she tells him that it's not enough and throws it back at him.

Kelly is upset that Ashley is trying to act macho. Claire and Becky agree to move into the bookie's flat for a month to see how they like the situation. Curly tells Raquel that the Malletts' show of affection made him feel jealous. Liz thinks that Jim's £500 was insulting. She wants to settle up but also wants a fair deal. She asks Andy to act as go-between but he refuses. Fred is annoyed by the new masterful Ashley and blames Kelly for changing him but she tells him that it's Don's fault. Sue Jeffers apologises to Ken for all that happened in Southport and thanks him for being understanding. Fred advises Ashley to show Kelly he's the boss by grabbing her for a kiss. Claire and Becky move into the bookie's flat. Kelly is pleased when Ashley kisses her passionately and apologises but he oversteps the mark when he tells her to shut up so she slams the door on him again. Liz agrees to accept £1,000 from Jim.

Maud reads Raquel's palm and tells her that she's going to be travelling soon. Alf goes to see Dr Stirling to prove he's fit. When he tells the doctor about his worry over his past heart attack he is told that wouldn't affect his licence and advised to send his renewal form back. In the car park he tries to manoeuvre and backs into Dr Stirling's car. Eric and Edith Firman entertain the Wattses, Anne and Andy to dinner. Anne feels awkward and Curly fears that Raquel will make a fool of herself again. Maud urges Maureen to get passionate with Bill, disappointed that nothing happened after she left them alone in the house. Raquel proves to be a great hit with Edith as she is self-assured and confident. Curly is impressed. Audrey and Alma go to a health farm. Kelly and Ashley make up and she admits that she does enjoy it when he's forceful. Edith warns Raquel that Curly will grow into Eric and all he'll think about is frozen food.

Claire is bemused about sleeping in a grotty flat and living at No.6. She shows Carol Palmer around her new home, suffering her opinions of how low she's sunk. Percy decides to take part in the school sponsored walk. Alf is determined to out-walk him. Jim gives Liz £1,000. She thanks him. Carol tells Claire it's obvious that the flat is a charade and that she's still living with Des. Ken acts as master of ceremonies at the school fete. In his rush to out-walk Percy, Alf trips and sprains his ankle. He is attended by Dr Stirling who tells him that he's written to the DVLA saying that he feels he isn't fit to drive a car. Fred attends the fete and meets Sue Jeffers, reminding her of their childhood when they were next-door neighbours. She is horrified when he tells her that he's heard about her being carried out of Ken's hotel room. Bill's plans to celebrate his birthday are spoiled when Maureen has to look after sick Maud. Maud is upset as she wants Maureen to go out with Bill. Sue accuses Ken of telling people about her accident.

Ken accuses Derek of spreading rumours about him and Sue Jeffers. Derek denies doing so. Audrey and Alma return from the health farm. Audrey tells Alf that she intends to go once a year. Alf worries about Dr Stirling's report and fears he'll lose his licence. Audrey tells him that he's being stupid and gets him to send his renewal form in. Raquel's friend Lorraine Mason from Maidenhead comes to stay with her whilst she's up for an interview. Raquel is stunned when she's told that she'll have to leave the Imperial Hotel as there's not enough work. Lorraine tries to cheer her up and suggests she joins her at her interview. Derek tells Mavis off for gossiping about Ken and Sue; Mavis tells Becky off. Des is upset when Claire calls him a con man for the pretence of the flat. He tells her that he's had enough of her moaning and suggests she leaves him, reminding her that she's a free agent. He is surprised and pleased when she tells him and Becky that she's decided to move back to No.6 permanently. Fiona sings at Shirelle's and gets angry when the audience talks over her song. She stops halfway through and walks off stage. Bill takes Maureen for a meal and then back to his flat.

Bill and Jim are depressed when their van breaks down. Maud is pleased that Maureen spent the night with Bill. Deirdre is thrilled when Tracy visits but stunned when she tells her that she's getting married. Alec tells Fiona that she obviously cares about singing or she wouldn't have walked off the stage. He tells her that she must stick at the singing to make it work for her. Jim is annoyed to see Liz drinking and chatting with Sean. Tracy assures Deirdre she's not pregnant and assures her that her fiancé, Robert Preston, has a good job. He's twenty-five and comes from Withington. Deirdre is alarmed that they've only known each other for six months but Tracy tells her that he's the man she loves. Deirdre gives Tracy her blessing. Claire tells Carol that she was right about the flat being a charade so she's moved back to No.6. Carol accuses her of cheating the authorities but Claire tells her it's nothing to do with her. Ken is thrilled that Tracy is getting married. Raquel and Lorraine Mason have interviews at Berkeley International. Jim stops the cheque he gave Liz, telling Bill they need the money and if Liz is with Sean she won't go short of cash.

Jim buys a new van. Betty and Emily are thrilled with the news of Tracy's wedding. Tracy is angry when Mike gloats about her marrying in London and not letting Ken walk her down the aisle. Lorraine Mason doesn't get the job at Berkeley International, but Raquel gets through to the second interview. Lorraine tells her that it's not a friendly thing to do and accuses Raquel of taking her job from her. Ken and Deirdre are delighted when Tracy tells them that she's decided to get married in Weatherfield. Jim doesn't want to tell Liz about stopping the cheque but Bill forces him to. Liz is horrified and shouts at him. He is angered by her reaction and tells her that she's not going to get a penny out of him. He calms down and tells her that he needed the money to buy a van and thought he could pay her in instalments. She accepts this. Weatherfield Register Office has a cancellation for next week so Tracy takes it. Ken and Deirdre start to plan the wedding. Fiona takes Rita's advice when singing and sings to one member of the audience. She enjoys her performance but is embarrassed when her eye contact, Alan McKenna, offers to buy her a drink, telling her that he thinks she's a great performer.


37x136 Nov. 11, 1996

37x136 Nov. 11, 1996

  • 1996-11-11T20:00:00Z24m


37x137 Nov. 13, 1996

37x137 Nov. 13, 1996

  • 1996-11-13T20:00:00Z24m


37x138 Nov. 15, 1996

37x138 Nov. 15, 1996

  • 1996-11-15T20:00:00Z24m

Jack refuses to talk to Alec, thinking that he played dirty with Harvey Nuttall. Curly returns home to find all trace of Raquel gone. Judy pushes Gary to befriend him to make sure he's alright as she promised Raquel to keep an eye on him. Gary is out of his depth talking emotions with Curly and is relieved to find he's coping okay. Fred asks Rita to visit the stables with him for an owners' open day. She agrees, thinking it might be fun. Jack finds out about open day at the stables and is annoyed as he hasn't received an invite. He confronts Fred who points out that all invites go to him as major shareholder. Alan McKenna calls at the salon looking for Fiona, telling Maxine that he's her biggest fan. Fiona is thrilled to discover she's got an admirer.

Curly slips out of Anne's house in the early hours. He struggles to stop himself looking back all the time. He asks Judy to tell all the neighbours so he doesn't have to. Fiona arranges to sing with a band at The Hour Glass but Alec tells her that he's already booked her into Victoria's and arranged for a London agent to see her. Liz visits Steve and tells him that she's strapped for cash. He walks out of the visit when she breaks the news that she's going out with Sean. Fiona decides to play Victoria's and then go on to The Hour Glass. She agrees to putting her relationship with Alec on a legal footing. In prison,

Maureen is upset to hear that Raquel has left Curly. Fred takes Rita to the stables to see Betty's Hot Shot. He is horrified when Jack turns up with Jamie, Gary and Don in tow. Fred tries to see them off, embarrassing Rita. Jack is taken with the idea of having his photograph taken on the horse for a Christmas card picture. Jamie makes a noise, startling the horse who bolts with Jack on top. The horse jumps a gate and pulls up, causing Jack to fall off. He is knocked unconscious. Maureen offers comfort to Curly. He tells her that he couldn't live with knowing Raquel didn't love him any more. He hopes that Raquel can find someone to love one day. Fred and Rita go to hospital with Jack. Deirdre cooks Ken a meal. He tells her that his biggest mistake was losing her. They are drawn to each other and kiss passionately before she leads him into her bedroom. Kelly is horrified when Denise and Brian Dunkley turn up saying they're taking Daniel away. She phones Ken at Deirdre's flat but gets no answer. Brian wants Denise just to snatch Daniel but she is adamant she must see Ken and make him see that Daniel is legally hers. Maureen assures Curly that he will, eventually, get over Raquel. Vera is horrified to learn Jack is in hospital. Kelly pleads with Denise not to take Daniel and keeps phoning Deirdre's flat but no one answers.


37x142 Nov. 24, 1996

37x142 Nov. 24, 1996

  • 1996-11-24T20:00:00Z24m


37x143 Nov. 25, 1996

37x143 Nov. 25, 1996

  • 1996-11-25T20:00:00Z24m


37x144 Nov. 27, 1996

37x144 Nov. 27, 1996

  • 1996-11-27T20:00:00Z24m

Alf celebrates getting his licence renewed. Rita is horrified when Jamie reveals, in front of Audrey, that Fred told Jack he'd proposed to her. Fred apologises to her for letting it slip. Audrey delights in telling Alf that Fred has proposed to Rita. He is so shocked he drives the wrong way into a one-way street and smashes into a police car. Fred fears he's ruined his chances with Rita and hopes to make amends. Vera struggles with the Rovers as half the staff are ill. Gary wires the outside of the house with Christmas lights as a surprise for Judy. She is annoyed as they're meant to be saving. When Alan offers a free night in a posh hotel, Fiona dumps her gig to be with him. Liz hopes that Sean left the money but he tells her that he didn't. Alec is furious when Maxine tells him that Fiona can't do the gig as she has flu. Betty advises Rita to follow her instincts over Fred. Rita is sad as she knows that she'll turn him down. Gerry Turner turns up at The Hour Glass and gives Liz flowers from her admirer. He refuses to tell her who he is.


37x146 Dec. 1, 1996

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37x147 Dec. 2, 1996

37x147 Dec. 2, 1996

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37x148 Dec. 4, 1996

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37x149 Dec. 6, 1996

37x149 Dec. 6, 1996

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37x150 Dec. 8, 1996

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37x151 Dec. 9, 1996

37x151 Dec. 9, 1996

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37x152 Dec. 11, 1996

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37x153 Dec. 13, 1996

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37x154 Dec. 15, 1996

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37x155 Dec. 16, 1996

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37x156 Dec. 18, 1996

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37x157 Dec. 20, 1996

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37x158 Dec. 22, 1996

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37x159 Dec. 23, 1996

37x159 Dec. 23, 1996

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Don is overcome with smoke in the garage, his head falls against the horn and the noise wakes the Street up. Martin and Kevin investigate and find Don. They take him into No.8 and resuscitate him. Jack lays into Vera for allowing Alec behind his bar and fears he wants his empire back. He accuses Vera of encouraging Alec and demands to know what they got up to. Vera is thrilled by his jealousy. Don comes round and refuses to let Martin take him to hospital. He rows with Martin for stopping him from killing himself. Gail can't understand why Don would want to kill himself but he tells her he's lost everything and there's no point in him living any more.

Maureen regrets her night of passion with Curly. When Bill returns she is angry with him, feeling that if he hadn't let her down she wouldn't have called on Curly. Bill is disheartened. Don refuses to be pampered by the Platts and returns home. Jack hates having the Armstrongs around, feeling they take over too much. He is shocked when Martin tells him about Don's suicide attempt and agrees to keep an eye on him. Gerry tells Liz that she has to visit Fraser as Steve is in trouble. Curly feels bad that he took advantage of Maureen. He tells her that their night together was special but they haven't a future together whilst she has one with Bill. Jack visits Don, trying to cheer him up, but Don tells him that he's not got a future. Curly has his last day at Firman's Freezers and tells delighted Anne that she is the new temporary manager. She tells him that she's always looked up to him as he oozes wisdom and self-knowledge. Liz worries over Steve and fears Fraser might be using him to get to her. Bill is relieved when Maureen makes up with him. He feared that she'd thought he and Elaine had spent the night together.

Anne diverts Curly whilst preparations for his farewell party from Firman's Freezers at the Rovers are completed. Drunk, she reveals her true feelings for him. Curly is overwhelmed by the surprise party. Tricia broaches the subject of maternity benefit to Mike. Ashley keeps Don company. Curly takes Maxine back to No.7 with him.

Season Finale


37x163 Mon Dec 30 1996

Season Finale

37x163 Mon Dec 30 1996

  • 1996-12-30T20:00:00Z24m