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Coronation Street

Season 22 1981

  • 1981-01-05T20:00:00Z on ITV
  • 24m
  • 1d 17h 36m (104 episodes)
  • United Kingdom
  • English
  • Soap
The residents of Coronation Street are ordinary, working-class people, and the show follows them through regular social and family interactions at home, in the workplace, and in their local pub, the Rovers Return Inn. Britain's longest-running soap.

104 episodes

Season Premiere


22x01 Mon Jan 5 1981

Season Premiere

22x01 Mon Jan 5 1981

  • 1981-01-05T20:00:00Z24m


22x02 7th January 1981

22x02 7th January 1981

  • 1981-01-07T19:30:00Z24m


22x03 12th January 1981

22x03 12th January 1981

  • 1981-01-12T19:30:00Z24m


22x04 14th January 1981

22x04 14th January 1981

  • 1981-01-14T19:30:00Z24m


22x05 19th January 1981

22x05 19th January 1981

  • 1981-01-19T19:30:00Z24m


22x06 21st January 1981

22x06 21st January 1981

  • 1981-01-21T19:30:00Z24m


22x07 26th January 1981

22x07 26th January 1981

  • 1981-01-26T19:30:00Z24m


22x08 28th January 1981

22x08 28th January 1981

  • 1981-01-28T19:30:00Z24m


22x09 2nd February 1981

22x09 2nd February 1981

  • 1981-02-02T19:30:00Z24m


22x10 4th February 1981

22x10 4th February 1981

  • 1981-02-04T19:30:00Z24m


22x11 9th February 1981

22x11 9th February 1981

  • 1981-02-09T19:30:00Z24m


22x12 11th February 1981

22x12 11th February 1981

  • 1981-02-11T19:30:00Z24m


22x13 16th February 1981

22x13 16th February 1981

  • 1981-02-16T19:30:00Z24m


22x14 18th February 1981

22x14 18th February 1981

  • 1981-02-18T19:30:00Z24m


22x15 23rd February 1981

22x15 23rd February 1981

  • 1981-02-23T19:30:00Z24m


22x16 25th February 1981

22x16 25th February 1981

  • 1981-02-25T19:30:00Z24m


22x17 2nd March 1981

22x17 2nd March 1981

  • 1981-03-02T19:30:00Z24m


22x18 4th March 1981

22x18 4th March 1981

  • 1981-03-04T19:30:00Z24m


22x19 9th March 1981

22x19 9th March 1981

  • 1981-03-09T19:30:00Z24m

Emily tells Arnold to leave her life but he tells her it's not possible. He is upset she reported him to the police. He tells her he has no regrets. Bet is upset when the customers don't show their gratitude in her return. She tells Annie she wants to leave but Annie sorts things out for her. Arnold is obviously mentally disturbed and frightens Emily. He tells her they must be together in the next life as well as this life. Emily threatens to call the police if he doesn't leave her. He physically stops her from leaving the house. He tells her he knows God wants them to die. She tells him she is not prepared to die. Wally Randle takes Elsie on the town. Sonia Price starts Yoga and Beauty classes at the Community Centre. Arnold urges Emily to pray with him before they commit suicide. She begs him to let her go. He demands to see her Bible. She tells him it's in her bedroom. As he goes upstairs she runs out of the house. She finds Len passing outside and hysterically tells him that Arnold is inside. Len checks but Arnold has already left by the back door.

Len puts a new lock on Emily's door. Rita takes care of Emily and takes her to the police. Sonia takes a fancy to Ken. Emily is upset when the neighbours want to know all the details of Arnold's visit. She feels sorry for Arnold. He phones Emily and asks to meet her at the park. She tells the police and they ask her to act as bait for them to catch Arnold. She feels she is betraying Arnold. Ivy feels sure that Len will keep Bert on at the yard. Bet flirts with Wally Randle but Elsie sees her off. He asks Elsie if he can become her lodger - she refuses. Mike plans a flat-warming and asks Deirdre to organise the food. Emily arrives to see Arnold with the police. Arnold is arrested and taken away.

Fred amazes Bet and Betty by being cheerful. Sonia Price asks Ken to take her to Mike's flat-warming. He is pleased to agree. The police tell Emily that Arnold has been admitted to a psychiatric hospital. Sonia uses Mavis as her model for the beauty classes. Sonia takes Ken for a drink. They enjoy each other's company. Emily decides to get away from the Street for a break and invites Mavis to come with her as her companion.

Bet and Betty are amazed to discover that Fred has got a girlfriend. Rita gets a singing job in Eccles. Sonia Price thinks that Ken loves Deirdre. He assures her that Deirdre's in the past as far as he's concerned. Len agrees to Mavis going on holiday. Vera and Ida measure Mike's flat up for curtains. Rita refuses to do the early papers in Mavis's absence as she's singing - Len will have to do them. Emily puts an advert in the paper saying that she's changing her name back to Bishop. Mavis and Emily decide to go to Malta. Bet tricks Fred into telling her that his girlfriend is called Eunice Nuttall. At Mike's flat, Vera reads a letter saying Mike owes £1,300. Mike tells her that the letter is for Mr Shuttleworth, the former occupant. Mavis and Emily book for the next day for two weeks in Malta. Deirdre is jealous that Ken is taking Sonia out. Rita tells Len he has to do the papers at 6.00am. Fred tells Bet and Betty that he'll bring Eunice into the pub to stop them joking about her.

Gail asks Brian to take more responsibility with Nicky and stop acting as if he is single. Annie returns from visiting Joan to discover that Fred has a girlfriend. Eunice Nuttall arrives at the Rovers. Annie and Bet are amazed that she seems so nice. Len refuses to give the paper boys a rise. One of them, Richard Dickinson, threatens a strike. Len doesn't believe him. Gail is annoyed when Brian tries to get out of spending an evening at home with his family.

When Len still refuses to meet Richard Dickinson's demands for an extra £1 a week, Richard brings the paper boys out on strike and blacks The Kabin. Gail assures Brian that things will get better as Nicky gets older. Annie lays on a duck supper for Eunice. She wants to make sure that Fred doesn't entertain Eunice in his bedroom. The Tilsleys get a huge rates bill. Gail is frightened to show it to Brian. Rita offers paper girl Penny Shaw an extra £1 a week on the quiet to do the papers but Richard frightens her off. Annie interrogates Eunice and encourages her to pursue Fred. Deirdre acts as hostess at Mike's flat-warming. She is annoyed when Mike spends the time dancing with Sonia Price. Fred and Eunice enjoy their supper. She agrees to visit his bedroom but Annie spoils their plans by getting Eunice to wash-up. Gail shows Brian the £158 rates bill - he is furious that they're so in debt. Mike takes Sonia and the partygoers to the Panda Club, leaving Ken and Deirdre behind to wash-up.

Len employs Bert as paper boy whilst the strike is on. Hilda puts her washing in a black bag. She is horrified to discover that Eddie has taken it to the tip instead of the rubbish, also in a bin bag. Deirdre is furious that Mike dumped her but is pleased she spent the evening with Ken. Ivy is furious to find the regulars joking about Bert having a paper round. Mike plans an evening out with Deirdre. Richard Dickinson asks Bert to stop his paper round as he's strike breaking - Bert agrees. Deirdre refuses to go out with Mike telling him that he's a rat and she's not going out with him again. Eddie confirms he threw out the bin bag from the kitchen. Hilda tells him that it contained all of their laundry. Eddie tells her that the bag will be on the tip until the morning. Hilda swears they'll try to salvage it.


22x26 1st April 1981

22x26 1st April 1981

  • 1981-04-01T18:30:00Z24m

Stan, Eddie and Hilda spend the morning searching through the tip for their washing. They give up as there are thousands of identical bags on the tip. Hilda is distraught. Ron Sykes has told Brian that due to the recession there will be no more overtime. Len offers Richard Dickinson a 50p rise instead of £1 demanded. Mike apologises to Deirdre for taking her for granted. She still maintains that their relationship is over. Eddie organises a whip-round for the Ogdens but the residents are reluctant to chip in. Len and Richard settle on a 65p pay rise and Richard calls off the strike. Brian tells Bert he's fed up with Gail being tired all the time, bills, mortgage and a crying baby. He upsets Ivy by saying he wishes he'd never married. Deirdre invites Ken for a meal. He accepts. Annie gives Hilda some spare blankets. Fred admits to Betty he'd like to marry Eunice.


22x27 6th April 1981

22x27 6th April 1981

  • 1981-04-06T18:30:00Z24m


22x28 8th April 1981

22x28 8th April 1981

  • 1981-04-08T18:30:00Z24m


22x29 13th April 1981

22x29 13th April 1981

  • 1981-04-13T18:30:00Z24m


22x30 15th April 1981

22x30 15th April 1981

  • 1981-04-15T18:30:00Z24m


22x31 20th April 1981

22x31 20th April 1981

  • 1981-04-20T18:30:00Z24m


22x32 22nd April 1981

22x32 22nd April 1981

  • 1981-04-22T18:30:00Z24m


22x33 April 27, 1981

22x33 April 27, 1981

  • 1981-04-27T19:00:00Z24m


22x34 April 29, 1981

22x34 April 29, 1981

  • 1981-04-29T19:00:00Z24m

Vera boasts about a night on the town she's had with another man called Harry. Elsie realises that all her clothes have been ruined. She tells Len what happened but refuses to contact the police. Vera tries to get Jack to take her out but he doesn't want to be seen out with her. She plans another night with Harry and tells Jack that she's seeing Ivy. Elsie is disgusted with herself and sick of everything. Fred and Eunice shop for a wedding ring. He buys her one for £89. Eddie's friend lets him down with the minibus for Fred's stag night. He looks around for another car to take to London. Alf agrees to be Fred's best man. Fred discovers that The Crown and Kettle has been given a new landlord and the pub isn't his. Jack finds out about Vera and Harry and throws her out. She dumps herself on Ivy and Bert.

Bert is horrified to find Vera sleeping on the sofa. Annie assures Fred that he and Eunice can stay with her as long as they need to. Elsie's insurance company tells her that she can't claim if she hasn't contacted the police. She is frightened of the newspaper headlines and refuses. She just wants to get things back to normal. Bet and Len are forced to tell the residents that Elsie has had vandals at No.11 when Hilda starts snooping. Eunice feels that the wedding ought to be postponed until they've got a pub. She doesn't want to start her married life living with Annie. Jim Sedgewick is furious when Elsie takes more time off and sacks her. She feels it's the last straw. Fred is told that the Shipwright's Arms is coming up. He is horrified as it's a rough dockers' pub. Len threatens to summon Linda Cheveski if Elsie doesn't agree to go and stay with her. Elsie talks to Linda and arranges a visit. Hilda touches Elsie by giving her some clothes. Vera refuses to return to Jack and she can't stay with Harry as he's married. Bert and Ivy tell her to beg Jack to take her back but she refuses. Eddie organises Fred's stag night and plans to include a stripper. Ken tells Albert that Deirdre has agreed to marry him and has gone to tell Blanche.

Deirdre returns from seeing Blanche. Eddie organises Sugar La Marr to appear at Fred's stag night. Bet warns him that Annie will not stand for a stripper. To help Eddie out, Bet phones Nellie Harvey and gets her to invite Annie over for the night. Bet wants to see Fred with a stripper. Sugar La Marr arrives for Fred's stag night - he is horrified. Albert wishes Deirdre happiness with Ken. Fred refuses to let Sugar perform at the Rovers. Vera finds No.5 too quiet. Ivy gets rid of Vera for ten minutes by getting Bert, under protest, to take Vera to the Rovers. Sugar refuses to leave without her £15 payment so Eddie is forced to pay her. Deirdre and Ken wonder how to tell Albert they won't be living with him once they're married. Eddie is jealous when Fred drives Sugar back home to Patricroft. Eunice phones the Rovers and Eddie tells her that Fred has taken the stripper home.

Eunice doesn't care about the stripper - just that Fred took her home. Fred's bed hasn't been slept in. Bert and Ivy start bickering at each other over Vera. Eunice searches for Fred. He turns up half an hour before the service, having spent the night on floor at Sugar's house. Ivy phones Jack and tells him that Vera is with her and wants to return to him. She begs him to make the first move. Fred tells Eunice that he saw Sugar off to protect their chances of getting a pub of their own. She thinks he did the right thing. Ken finds it difficult to tell Albert that he and Deirdre won't be living with him. Fred and Eunice are married at Weatherfield Register Office. Sid Clarke - Eunice's father, Alf and Debbie Nuttall - Eunice's daughter - are witnesses. Jack dumps all of Vera's clothes in the backyard at No.5. After the wedding, the wedding party stop at three pubs before arriving at the Rovers. Annie lays on a wedding breakfast for the guests. Sid's crudeness upsets Annie. Fred and Eunice leave for Rhyl. Albert is looking forward to having a child around the house. He is upset when Ken tells him that they won't be living with him.

Brian is tired from working nights at the petrol station. Ken assures Albert that he'll keep an eye on him when he moves out but Albert pretends not to be bothered. Vera feigns illness to get away from work to entertain Harry at No.5. Hilda witnesses Vera kissing Harry and letting him into No.5. She tells Ivy. Ivy dashes home to find the door bolted. Harry escapes and Vera answers the door. Ivy is furious. Gail and Brian entertain neighbours Sue and Colin Jackson. Bert asks Jack to take Vera back. Jack claims that he's enjoying his peace too much. Bert persuades Jack to see Vera and tell her she must apologise or never return home.

Ivy is upset that the residents know Vera has been entertaining a man in her house. Albert feels alone with his memories. Jack doesn't care if Vera wants to return to him or not. Vera thinks that Jack will beg her to return and is stunned when he tells her that if she doesn't give Harry up and return home he'll change the locks and never take her back. As a result she returns home. Colin Jackson mends the Tilsleys' stereo for them. Gail expresses her thanks to him. Beattie Pearson contacts Albert, saying that she's going to visit him. Colin tells Gail that she needs company in the evenings whilst Brian is working.


22x41 25th May 1981

22x41 25th May 1981

  • 1981-05-25T18:30:00Z24m

Beattie Pearson arrives. She congratulates Ken on his engagement but doesn't think much of Deirdre as she's divorced. The Gees return from honeymoon. Eunice starts bossing Fred around and makes herself at home in the Rovers. Beattie looks through Albert's Post Office account. Albert complains to her that she hasn't seen him for six months. The Jacksons and Tilsleys have a picnic. Colin flirts with Gail but Brian thinks he's harmless. Albert accuses Beattie of wanting something. She tells him she wants to know what arrangements Ken has made for him. Eunice starts to take over the Rovers and Annie doesn't like it. Beattie accuses Ken of abandoning Albert. He suggests she takes him in but she says she hasn't the room. Knowing Brian is at work, Colin calls on Gail. He makes a pass at her, telling her he fancies her. She says she doesn't fancy him and slaps his face when he comes on strong.

Annie tries to keep her meals solitary but Eunice feels that she needs company. Ken and Deirdre look at houses. Colin Jackson apologises to Gail and asks her not to tell Sue. She agrees. Eddie considers advertising for a lady companion. Sue invites the Tilsleys on a caravanning weekend. Gail isn't keen and tells Brian about Colin's pass. Brian wants to thump Colin but Gail thinks it would be a bad idea. Ken and Deirdre find a house in Meadow Bottoms, five miles out. Deirdre tells Beattie they will not be taking Albert with them. She tells Beattie that Ken has been doing her duty for years. Beattie refuses to have Albert with her. The Tilsleys tell the Jacksons that they can't go away for the weekend. Brian tells Colin to keep away from them. Eunice lays on a special tea for Annie. Albert realises no one wants him and has a quiet weep.

Emily and Mavis decide to travel to London to watch the Royal Wedding. Ken starts to organise Social Services for Albert. Eddie has a day off and digs Albert's allotment over. Len doesn't understand Rita when she is moody. Annie feels that the Gees are putting up with her. She wants them to leave. Albert refuses to have a home help. Eunice sits behind the bar and acts as hostess of the Rovers. Annie bites her tongue. Rita tells Len that she wants to be a mother and she'd like to adopt. She feels she needs a child to fill a gap in her life. Len feels too old to have a child. Albert tells Ken that he might as well shut him away in a home. Deirdre finds him collapsed in the Street.

Albert recovers in bed after his fall. Ken thinks that he's making the most of it. Len tells Rita they'll be too old to adopt. She can't accept that she'll never be a mother. Fred wants to spend his day off at Old Trafford but has to chauffeur Annie and Eunice to Altrincham. The brewery writes to Fred giving him an interview as they've got a vacancy. Dr Judith Hollins tells Ken that the only thing wrong with Albert is his age and he shouldn't be left on his own. Fred gets drunk as a celebration and slaps Annie's bottom. Surprisingly, she is amused. Ken tells Albert that he and Deirdre will be living with him when they marry. Len tells Rita that he was a bad father and wouldn't be any good. He tells her that no one will let her adopt a baby and asks her to forget all about it.

Len agrees to talk about a child. Deirdre agrees to live at No.1 on the condition that Albert moves into the front parlour so that Tracy can have his room. Len gets holiday brochures to take Rita's mind off children. Eddie plans to attend the Sports and Social Club stag night. Albert refuses to sleep downstairs. Rita begs Len to agree to have a child. Eddie offers to get Stan a ticket to watch strippers. Stan tells Hilda that he's going to go to the Legion. Len agrees to see the adoption society. Rita is delighted.

Deirdre threatens not to live at No.1 if Tracy has to sleep downstairs. Stan pays £3 for a ticket to the Sports and Social Club stag night. Ken feels he can't win as he tries to do his best for everyone. Eddie makes Albert see that he can't expect Tracy to sleep downstairs and points out he'd have privacy in the front parlour. The Faircloughs go to the adoption society. They say they'd like a five-year old and say a child would be well loved by them. Albert tells Ken that he's moving into the parlour but wants it decorating. The adoption officer, Mrs. Ramsden, tells the Faircloughs that they are too old to adopt. Rita breaks down saying she wants a child. They are refused adoption despite Rita's pleas. Stan and Eddie go to the Social Club. Deirdre tells Ken that she wants a church wedding with Tracy as bridesmaid. They set the date for 27th July. Rita refuses to believe she's too old to be a mother. She refuses to give up. Len tells her that he can't face going through it all again. Eddie and Stan are still out at 2.00am. Hilda fumes.

Stan returned at 3.00am. Hilda refuses to believe he spent the whole evening at the Legion. Stan and Eddie say that there was a snooker tournament on. Annie writes Fred a glowing reference to Richard Cresswell. Elsie returns from Birmingham. Legion steward Ernie Sadler agrees to swear there wasn't a stag night on to please Eddie and Stan. Rita hears that Gladys Turnbull's daughter is expecting an unwanted baby. John Ridley interviews the Gees. Fred is very uncomfortable trying to sell himself. John tells them that there will be vacancies very shortly. Hilda overhears Ernie asking after Stan's wife, "Freda" and grows suspicious. She discovers the new barmaid at the Legion is called Freda. George Newton recognises Eunice by her maiden name. Eddie swears to Hilda that they went to the Sports and Social Club when she accuses Stan of spending the night with Freda from the Legion. Rita visits Mrs Turnbull and tells her she'll take Sandra's baby when it's born. Len tells her that she must be mad.


22x48 17th June 1981

22x48 17th June 1981

  • 1981-06-17T18:30:00Z24m

Eddie and Stan tell Hilda all about the strippers at the Social Club but Hilda is adamant that Stan spent the night with Freda Woods at the Legion. Hilda washes her hands of Stan and tells him she's not feeding him anymore. Fred gets a letter from the brewery saying he can't have a pub. Hilda goes to the Legion to see Freda and accuses her of having an affair with Stan. Freda doesn't remember who walked her home on the night in question. Gladys Turnbull tells Rita that she and her husband have decided to take the baby on themselves. Rita wishes her well. Hilda tells Stan he's a fool to see other women. She realises he's weak. He promises not to be weak again. Elsie searches for a job. Bert's dole is cut as he's been claiming for over six months. Eddie takes Freda to the Rovers. She doesn't recognise Stan and upsets Hilda by saying she'd have to be desperate to spend the night with him. Fred swears to Eunice he'll find out why they've been turned down. Len tells Rita they should look into fostering. She agrees

Ken plans to decorate No.1 himself, Deirdre doesn't think that he's capable. Len goes to the Social Services about fostering. Jim's wife Alma Sedgewick tries to cope at the cafe single-handed. Eunice thinks that Annie's reference might have put the brewery off. Social worker Don Worthington interviews the Faircloughs at No.9. The Vicar at St. Mary's Church refuses to marry Ken and Deirdre as she's divorced. John Ridley tells Fred that he was turned down as the Gees are unsuitable. The Faircloughs fill in fostering forms. Annie interviews Frank Pritchard, the prospective new potman. Elsie asks Alma for a job at the cafe. Alma agrees to take her on - as her assistant, and for less money than before. Annie arranges with Pritchard to move in as soon as the Gees leave. The Gees are forced to tell her about their rejection. Annie tells them that she'll get to the bottom of the matter with the brewery.

Ken and Deirdre struggle with the decorating. Elsie feels it's a bit of a comedown to be a waitress. Alf and Emily agree to provide references for the Faircloughs. Annie phones Douglas Cresswell and discovers that the Gees have been rejected because Eunice was sacked for stealing in a previous job at the Foundryman's Arms. Bert is thrilled when Deirdre asks him to decorate for them. Ken gets a vicar to marry them on the 27th July. The Faircloughs go on holiday to the Cotswolds and look forward to fostering when they return. Annie tells Eunice that her past has caused the rejection.

Annie tells Eunice that she must tell Fred about her past before the brewery do. Bert decorates No.1 for Ken and Deirdre. Ken pays him £30 in cash. Alf is upset that Len is Ken's best man. Eunice tells Fred about the £30 she supposedly stole from the Foundryman's Arms. She swears she didn't steal the money but he tells her that he only married her to get a pub. Fred swears to make the brewery change their mind as she's innocent. Ken and Deirdre buy her wedding ring. She asks Alf to give her away. He tells her that he'll be proud. Fred phones the brewery and arranges to see John Ridley. Eunice begs Fred to leave it alone for her sake. Elsie is furious when Alma Sedgewick constantly takes time off. Annie hires Maurice Dodds to decorate the Rovers' living quarters. She is shocked to discover that he's normally an artist.

Elsie is run off her feet at the cafe as Alma Sedgewick is so lazy. Deirdre tells Ken that she'd like another child. Maurice Dodds starts work at the Rovers. Fred goes to the brewery and is told that Eunice is a thief. She accuses Fred of wanting to believe she was guilty. She swears her innocence and tells him that it's up to him to believe what he wants to. Deirdre doesn't know what to do with Tracy whilst they honeymoon. When Frank Pritchard rings the Rovers, Fred tells him to look for another job. Eddie offers to sell Maurice's paintings for him. Maurice tells him that he's welcome to try. Annie tells Fred he had no right to put Pritchard off. Ken books a honeymoon in Corfu but they don't want to take Tracy with them. Elsie walks out of the cafe, sick of being a dogsbody as Alma skives off all the time. Fred tells Eunice he believes that she was innocent. Annie tells the Gees that Pritchard will be moving in as potman. She is going away for a week and wants them to have left the pub by her return.

Stan refuses to work his round as his back causes him pain when he climbs the ladder. Annie agrees to exhibiting Maurice's paintings in the Rovers. Bet tells Eunice that Fred was suspended for drinking from the optics. Ken is delighted when Susan agrees to be a bridesmaid. Eunice tells Fred his suspension was just as bad as her sacking. She calls him a hypocrite. He tells her that he's had enough of married life. Eunice suggests they move back in with her dad but Fred refuses. Eddie tries to sell Maurice's paintings but no one is interested. Deirdre asks Emily if she'd look after Tracy during the honeymoon. Emily is delighted but realises that she'll have to cancel her London trip. Eddie gives Stan an extending window sponge so he can clean first floor windows. Stan tells him that he's a genius. Ken agrees to having another child. Mavis admires Maurice's paintings. She tells him that she envies his talent. He sells her a picture for £5. He encourages her to paint and offers to help her.

Fred and Eunice agree to face the future together. He goes for a job interview as relief manager for Grassington's Brewery. Deirdre asks Emily to be her matron of honour. Emily is pleased. Stan starts with his new poles. He finds them much easier. Annie phones from Derby to remind the Gees that they have to leave. Fred is put on a waiting list of twenty-five and is told the brewery are looking for a younger man. All of Stan's customers want to buy poles, saying they can do their own windows with it. He demands his money back from Eddie. Maurice Dodds takes Mavis painting on the canal bank. He gets her to appreciate the beauty of the Northern landscape. The regulars advise the Gees not to leave the Rovers until they're ready and Annie can't sack Fred as he's done nothing wrong. Fred decides to face Annie's wrath by refusing to leave.

The Faircloughs return from holiday. Annie returns from Derby and is furious to find the Gees still in residence at the Rovers. Eunice tells Annie that she can't throw Fred out - she owes him so much. Mavis enjoys drawing with Maurice Dodds. She thinks he's romantic. Annie feels as if she's got squatters. The factory girls plan a send-off for Lynn Watts who is marrying and emigrating to Australia. Maurice tells Mavis that she needs to be more confident and express herself in her paintings. He wants to try drawing a nude but needs a model. He tells Mavis that he'll draw her in the nude if she'd let him.

Rita is astounded that Maurice Dodds wants to paint Mavis in the nude. She advises Mavis to steer clear of him. Annie phones Billy and tells him that she's being held hostage in her own home. Mavis is upset when everyone thinks that Maurice is kinky. Annie tells Fred that Billy is returning and his room is being decorated so he'll have to have Fred's room. She tells Fred he must leave before Billy's return. Mike is annoyed to find the girls having a party for Lynn Watts. The girls win him round. Maurice wants to start painting Mavis but she puts him off. Elsie asks Mike for Lynn's job, even though it's on a machine. Eunice accuses Annie of putting them onto the street. She tells Fred that she's sick of the situation and is leaving.

Eunice has walked out on Fred. Blanche and Susan arrive for the wedding. Peter can't get leave from the navy. Fred refuses to make the first move towards a reconciliation with Eunice. Betty warns him that he could lose her for good. Emily puts Blanche up at No.3. Fred finds Eunice at her dad's house. He tells her that he doesn't want them to split and she agrees. Susan is planning to go to university when she gets her exam results. Rita assures Maurice that Mavis is dead keen to be painted. Eunice tells Fred to ask Annie about him keeping his job but living off the premises. Maurice makes arrangements to paint Mavis the next evening. Billy phones and tells Annie that he can't get time off to visit.

Fred stays with Eunice at Sid's house. Susan considers getting a hotel holiday job. Blanche organises a hen party for Deirdre. Fred works at the Rovers under sufferance. Betty advises him to be gracious and let Annie feel obligated to him. Mavis worries about posing for Maurice Dodds. Fred gives the Rover a special polish to please Annie. The effect is spoilt when Annie sees him talking to Eunice in the car. She takes the car keys off Fred causing him to tell her that he's finished. She warns him that if he doesn't serve notice she will black him at the brewery. Eunice tells Fred to pander to Annie in order to get a good reference from her. Ken has his stag night at the Rovers. Eddie entertains on his accordion. Maurice guesses that Mavis doesn't want to pose. She feels that she's letting him down and is upset when he says goodbye to her. Hilda does her Carmen Miranda impersonation at Deirdre's hen night. Mike and Ken get drunk together on the stag night. Annie writes to Frank Pritchard asking him to start work in a week.


22x59 27th July 1981

22x59 27th July 1981

  • 1981-07-27T18:30:00Z24m

Deirdre takes off her glasses for the wedding. Mike is upset that Deirdre is marrying Ken. Blanche, Stan, Hilda, Elsie, Annie, Rita, Albert and Mavis attend All Saints church to see Ken and Deirdre marry. Alf gives Deirdre away, Len is best man, Emily is Matron of Honour, Tracy and Susan are bridesmaids. Eunice's friend Ronnie gets Fred a labouring job. Annie lays on a wedding spread in the Select. Deirdre is touched when Ray Langton sends a telegram wishing her luck. Frank Pritchard rings Annie and says he's found another job. She is furious. The Barlows leave for honeymoon in Corfu.

Mavis and Betty set off to London to see the Royal Wedding. The residents have prepared the Street with Union Jacks to celebrate the Royal Wedding. Hilda is upset that she has to watch the wedding on a black and white television. Annie moves her television into the Select for the customers to watch. Emily enjoys looking after Tracy. Eddie borrows a colour TV for the day for Hilda. She takes her curlers out to watch and settles down. Annie tells Fred she'd rather employ him than Frank Pritchard. Fred tells her that he'll let her know his decision. Annie's TV breaks down. No one can make it work. Eddie hires Hilda's TV for £10 to Annie. Mike gets Susan a holiday job as a barmaid in a Chiswick wine bar. Susan is thrilled. Eunice tells Annie that Fred can stay on at the pub only on the condition that he no longer lives in and is given an extra £12.50 a week. Fred is amazed when Annie agrees. The Faircloughs are asked to foster a thirteen-year old boy immediately.


22x61 3rd August 1981

22x61 3rd August 1981

  • 1981-08-03T18:30:00Z24m


22x62 5th August 1981

22x62 5th August 1981

  • 1981-08-05T18:30:00Z24m


22x63 10th August 1981

22x63 10th August 1981

  • 1981-08-10T18:30:00Z24m


22x64 12th August 1981

22x64 12th August 1981

  • 1981-08-12T18:30:00Z24m


22x65 17th August 1981

22x65 17th August 1981

  • 1981-08-17T18:30:00Z24m


22x66 19th August 1981

22x66 19th August 1981

  • 1981-08-19T18:30:00Z24m


22x67 24th August 1981

22x67 24th August 1981

  • 1981-08-24T18:30:00Z24m


22x68 26th August 1981

22x68 26th August 1981

  • 1981-08-26T18:30:00Z24m


22x69 31st August 1981

22x69 31st August 1981

  • 1981-08-31T18:30:00Z24m


22x70 2nd September 1981

22x70 2nd September 1981

  • 1981-09-02T18:30:00Z24m


22x71 7th September 1981

22x71 7th September 1981

  • 1981-09-07T18:30:00Z24m


22x72 9th September 1981

22x72 9th September 1981

  • 1981-09-09T18:30:00Z24m


22x73 14th September 1981

22x73 14th September 1981

  • 1981-09-14T18:30:00Z24m

Hilda gives up cleaning for the Faircloughs. Jack moonlights on the taxis whilst claiming his dole. DOS Investigator Tom Elliott looks for Bert. Hilda goes for a cleaning job for a businessman. She is shocked to discover it's Mike. He agrees to take her on at his flat as she's honest and trustworthy. She is thrilled. Annie is horrified at the course manner in which Bet compares the "Mr and Mrs" competition. Bet is assisted by Len and Rita. Ivy is embarrassed by Bert's answers about their sex life in the quiz. Vera loses the quiz for the Duckworths by swearing Jack has never been unfaithful. Brian and Gail are persuaded to enter the quiz at the last minute. The Ogdens fail to get questions right. Brian and Gail are declared the winners and given champagne.


22x74 16th September 1981

22x74 16th September 1981

  • 1981-09-16T18:30:00Z24m


22x75 21st September 1981

22x75 21st September 1981

  • 1981-09-21T18:30:00Z24m


22x76 23rd September 1981

22x76 23rd September 1981

  • 1981-09-23T18:30:00Z24m


22x77 28th September 1981

22x77 28th September 1981

  • 1981-09-28T18:30:00Z24m


22x78 30th September 1981

22x78 30th September 1981

  • 1981-09-30T18:30:00Z24m


22x79 5th October 1981

22x79 5th October 1981

  • 1981-10-05T18:30:00Z24m


22x80 7th October 1981

22x80 7th October 1981

  • 1981-10-07T18:30:00Z24m


22x81 12th October 1981

22x81 12th October 1981

  • 1981-10-12T18:30:00Z24m


22x82 14th October 1981

22x82 14th October 1981

  • 1981-10-14T18:30:00Z24m

Mike is horrified to discover Johnson's have closed down. Brian celebrates his twenty-third birthday. He is determined to enjoy himself. Fred flirts with Audrey, annoying Eunice. Mike discovers Peter Johnson has run his business down. He is annoyed with himself for not finding out sooner. He starts looking around for another buyer. Bet dresses up in order to win more tips. Fred and Betty are annoyed at her smugness. Audrey stirs things between the Gees by telling Eunice she thinks Fred is sexy. No one wants Johnsons' order. Audrey and the Tilsleys throw a party for Brian and they forget their troubles with wine. Gail makes a birthday cake. Betty refuses to speak to Bet and uses Fred as a go-between. Annie tells the staff the situation has become unbearable and in the future all tips must be shared. Bet is pleased as she's proved her point.


22x83 19th October 1981

22x83 19th October 1981

  • 1981-10-19T18:30:00Z24m


22x84 21st October 1981

22x84 21st October 1981

  • 1981-10-21T18:30:00Z24m


22x85 26th October 1981

22x85 26th October 1981

  • 1981-10-26T19:30:00Z24m

Alf lets Audrey continue with her salon. Vera and Elsie start on the market. Mike puts them on 5% commission on top of their wages. Vera hopes she'll click. The regular denim seller, Jimmy, takes all the customers as his prices are much cheaper than Baldwin's. Ronnie Burgess pleads guilty to the robbery charge so Brian doesn't have to give evidence against him but still has to appear in court himself. Mike sorts out the market stall rival by threatening a price war. Audrey helps Alf to paint out Renee's name above the shop. Mike tells Ivy and Ida he's booked another stall - for them.

Deirdre is alarmed to find that she has to man the shop whilst Audrey spends the day in her back room salon. Ida and Ivy find the market stall hard as they are too shy. Mike takes them off and puts Vera and Elsie back on. Vera leaves Elsie to man the stall whilst she helps George Carter on his lingerie stall for a larger commission, splitting half with Elsie. She enjoys the work and is tempted when George offers her a permanent job. Audrey decides she wants a car and tells Alf that he should have one so he can have more fun. Ronnie Burgess is remanded for social reports instead of given a sentence. The Tilsleys are horrified. Deirdre is left alone as Alf takes Audrey out. Alf decides to buy a car.

Audrey goes with Alf to choose a car. Ivy discovers that Vera is spending all day on George Carter's stall and lays into her, telling her that she's meant to be trying to save their jobs. Vera decides to leave the factory to work for George. Annie tells Alf that people are talking about him and Audrey. Alf tells Annie he likes the way that Audrey makes him feel young again. Elsie warns Audrey that Alf could be thinking of a long-term relationship with her. Jack refuses to let Vera work for George. Ronnie Burgess disappears from police custody.

Brian hopes Ronnie Burgess will not be found as the case will be dropped. Annie accuses Audrey of leading Alf on. Audrey tells her to mind her own business. Alf buys a black MG sports car. Audrey is delighted with it. The Tilsleys go to court and wait to see if Burgess turns up. Deirdre refuses to be taken for granted by Alf and Audrey any more. Brian is alarmed when Burgess arrives for the court case.

Brian is charged with unlawful wounding. He agrees to be tried by the magistrates and pleads not guilty. Audrey goes for a drive with Alf rather than watch Brian's case. Michelle Fenton gives evidence against Brian, saying that Brian was all over her and turned on Ronnie Burgess out of jealousy. Gail is upset when Michelle swears that Brian made eyes at her. Audrey changes her mind and says she wants to go to court but the car breaks down. The magistrates find Brian not guilty. The police are pleased at the outcome.

Eunice doesn't want to spend long living in a council flat. Fred finds Debbie Nuttall and boyfriend Jeff Walters snogging in the Rovers' Snug. John Spencer tries to escape the arguments at home as his mother's boyfriend hits him. Audrey asks Alf to take her to the wrestling. He fears that she'll go out with another man if he doesn't agree and asks Deirdre to work late. She tells him that she's not a mug and walks out, giving her job up. George Carter asks Elsie to work with him on the markets, running a stall for him. He tells her that she's got the knack. She is interested but asks for time to think it over. Eunice is pleased to see Debbie. John sneaks into No.9 behind Rita's back. Elsie is tempted by the money but doesn't like the idea of working outdoors. Debbie tells Eunice that her dad has thrown her out. Eunice takes her in despite Fred's protests. Debbie demands that Jeff stays with her. Mrs Spencer asks the Faircloughs if they've seen John as he's disappeared. Rita worries that he's alright.

Fred is forced to sleep on the sofa as Debbie Nuttall sleeps with Eunice. John Spencer spends the night in his old room at No.9. The Faircloughs find him. He tells them that he wants to stay with them but they tell him that he must return. Mrs. Spencer takes him home and makes it clear to the Faircloughs she doesn't want them to see John again. Elsie tells George Carter she won't be able to cope with the market work and refuses his offer. Audrey expresses an interest and talks it over with George. She realises that she can't leave Alf in the lurch. Debbie and Jeff Walters search for a flat of their own. Mrs. Spencer and her boyfriend Bill Sutton call on the Faircloughs. Bill accuses them of luring John away from home and tells them that they'll never see John again. Len throws them out of the house when Bill threatens to report them to the fostering people. Debbie and Jeff get a flat just off Rosamund Street. Eunice is horrified that her daughter is going to live in sin. Fred doesn't care so long as they leave the Community Centre flat. Eunice tells Debbie that she'll have to stay with her until she's married.

Mr Wormold dies and the residents of the Street are given the chance of buying their ground rents for £48. Debbie Nuttall tells Eunice that she's turned into a skivvy living in a rabbit hutch. Eunice is upset by the truth. Len buys the plot of land where No.7 used to stand off Wormold's estate. Bert realises that he's applied for sixty jobs since he's been redundant. Councillor Ben Critchley tells Alf that people are complaining about Fred and Eunice's attitude at the Community Centre. Fred has had a row with the Town Clerk's sister-in-law. Fred rows with Debbie about her attitude towards work. Eunice feels caught in the middle. Rita thinks that Len's throwing money away with his plans to build a new house in the space left by No.7. Alf warns the Gees that Critchley could cause a lot of trouble for them and for him for getting them the job. Elsie warns Audrey that Alf is planning to propose.

Eunice is upset by Fred and Debbie's constant rowing. Ben Critchley forgets all about the complaint when he sees Eunice. He makes her feel uneasy. Audrey tries to avoid being alone with Alf. Ivy and Bert are upset that Len has bought the land space of No.7 and is building a new house as they had plans to buy it themselves but didn't have the money. Alf closes the shop and offers Audrey a future there as his wife. She tells him that she doesn't want to be tied down at the moment and turns him down. He feels dejected. Critchley tells Eunice that he doesn't want to upset her. Debbie decides she's bored in the Street and decides to return to her dad. Audrey resigns from the shop and contacts Tony Ditchburn who agrees to take her back. Critchley feels that Alf had no right to give the Gees the Community Centre and decides to bring them up at the committee meeting.

Hilda returns from visiting her brother Archie Crabtree. She is taken by Archie's new house and feels that No.13 is a dump. Ben Critchley tells Alf that it looks as if he pulled strings to get Fred the Community Centre as he's a friend. He says there'll either have to be an official investigation or he can tell the Gees to leave. Alf tells the Gees they have to vacate the flat in two months. Eunice blames Fred. Mavis is intrigued by rep Bobby Simpson, a voice on the phone. He asks her for a date but she feels that she couldn't go on a blind date. Hilda decides to take Stan to see a modern show house. Alf is sad to hear that Audrey has returned to Tony Ditchburn. Fred rows with Ken in the Rovers when he says he that can't help him. Fred refuses to leave.

Eunice feels nothing will ever go right in her marriage. Critchley offers the Gees jobs at his hotel, the Park View. Eunice is thrilled at the chance of being a barmaid again. The Ogdens look round the show house. Hilda thinks that it's a palace. Deirdre feels sorry for Alf and agrees to return to the shop. The house salesman tells the Ogdens that they could sell No.13 for £7,000 and use it as a deposit on a modern house. Mavis agrees to meet Bobby Simpson. Fred feels that Critchley is a creep and refuses to work for him. Hilda tells Stan she wants to sell No.13.

Hilda wants to buy the River Park Estate house for £17,000. Ben Critchley offers Eunice a job, with or without Fred. Mavis tries to get out of her blind date. Stan refuses to move house. Eunice looks round the Park View Hotel and wants the job. She urges Fred to see it but he refuses and accuses her of fancying Critchley. Hilda tells Eddie that he can move with them and works out that, with his rent, they can afford to move. She puts No.13 up for sale. Mavis stands Bobby Simpson up. Bet is horrified to hear that she's let a man escape and meets him herself, calling herself Mavis.

Annie is amazed that the Ogdens can afford to buy a new house. Fred feels that Critchley just wants to break up his marriage. Elsie encourages Hilda to use her phone, hoping the Ogdens will quickly move. Bet finds Bobby Simpson boring. She promises Rita that she won't tell Mavis. The Bells view No.13. They like the house and are cash buyers. Bobby calls at The Kabin. Mavis apologises to him for standing him up and they arrange another date. The Ogdens are denied a mortgage as Stan doesn't earn enough. Bet is shocked when Mavis takes Bobby into the Rovers. He is stunned. Bet tells him to forget all about their evening together. Eunice packs and leaves Fred to work for Critchley. She tells him that she hopes he'll follow her.

The Bells tell the Ogdens they want to buy No.13 and offer them £7,500 cash. Hilda tells them that the sale is off. Fred pretends Eunice is ill and tries to cover for her at the Community Centre. Elsie is disappointed that the Ogdens aren't moving. Len encourages the Bells to offer Hilda more money to move. The Bells offer the Ogdens £8,000 and leave a cheque for £800 with them as a deposit. The Ogdens don't know what to do.

Stan and Hilda are tempted by the £8,000 but realise they need a house. They decide to try for a council house. Fred is forced to tell Ken that Eunice has left him. Mavis waits for Bobby Simpson to contact her. Stan offers Alf money to secure a council house for them. Alf throws him out. Stan goes to the Town Hall and is allocated a three-bedroom house on Lime Kiln Road for £10 a week. Elsie tells Hilda that the road is in a rough area and she returns the Bells' cheque, deciding not to sell. Betty urges Fred to fight for his marriage.

Ken warns Fred that if Eunice doesn't return he'll have to leave the flat. Alf tells him that a new caretaker has been appointed. Fred accuses him of letting him down. Albert feels in the way at No.1. Fred is too proud to beg Eunice to return. Eunice comes back for her clothes. He begs her to stay and promises it will be different. Ken asks Albert to be more considerate towards Deirdre. Eunice enjoys the security that the hotel job gives her and refuses to return to Fred.

Deirdre invites Emily for Christmas and she is delighted to accept. Fred goes to the Park View Hotel and tells Eunice that he loves her and pleads with her to make a new start together. She tells him that she's tired of struggling. He goes for Critchley accusing him of taking his wife off him. Eunice tells Fred she likes Critchley more than him. Mavis goes to the wholesalers to see Bobby Simpson but comes back upset to say that he isn't interested in her. Rita tells Mavis that Bet took her place on the date. Fred realises that his marriage is over. He is grateful when Annie offers him his old room back. Albert feels unwelcome in his own home. Fred moves back into the Rovers. Hilda is upset when Stan gives her an air freshener as a Christmas present. Deirdre feels sorry for lonely Alf and invites him for Christmas, pleasing Albert. Mavis gets drunk and tells Bet what she thinks of her. Emily receives a letter from Arnold's solicitor asking to see her.

Sylvie Hicks calls on Mike whilst visiting her parents as her mother is ill with a heart problem. Eddie tells Annie about a pub which has started a happy hour. She refuses to consider the idea. Emily phones the solicitors and discovers that Arnold has died. Annie hears from Mike and Sylvie that all the best London bars have a happy hour but they call it a "cocktail hour". Pleased with this more "up-market" name, she feels it could help trade. Mike asks Elsie to help him win a business deal by making up a foursome for dinner with buyer Wilf Stockwell. She agrees. Emily feels guilty for not visiting Arnold in hospital when he wanted her. Annie announces a cocktail hour between 5.30pm and 6.30pm, during which time beer will be 10p cheaper and spirits half price. The enthusiastic male regulars get drunk as Fred and Bet are run off their feet.

Season Finale


22x104 Wed Dec 30 1981

Season Finale

22x104 Wed Dec 30 1981

  • 1981-12-30T20:00:00Z24m