Children of the Corn

First time seeing this. Its a bit of a slow burn and proceeds to stay that way.

I wasn't sure how the plot was going to unfold I assumed it was just I didn't see the whole demon at the end of the movie coming, I assumed it was just a fanatical kid gone off the rails and taken everyone else with him, so that surprised me, so props to that.

My initial reaction going in was oh Linda Hamilton, you kids are messing with Sarah Conor, but no she's not the warrior type in this one, funny enough Terminator came out 7 months after this film.

I don't want to say its dull, there is an air of mystery while you work out why these events have taken place, and the end does kick in a bit more, apparently the sequel is more entertaining than this one, but its worth at least a one off watch, as the plot is different plus its Stephen King so you know.

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Evil Toons

This was gonna be a 3 star review but I enjoyed it more than Halloween Ends (check my review if your curious on that one)

Not that far into the movie I actually asked myself "Is this acting?" that question pretty much stayed for the entire runtime, and should be a good indicator of what your going into, bar a few exceptions. David Carradine did the whole menacing feel pretty well when he was on screen, Dick Miller I thought was wasted in this as well as Arte Johnson.

The thought of a horror filled who framed Roger Rabbit meets the Evil Dead. style movie should be a good sell, it just didn't hold water. The cartoon style demon only showed up for a few scenes which I expected to see more of it.

There is plenty of topless nudity on offer with Monique Gabrielle who looked quite stunning.

Overall a cool idea which disappointingly falls flat, would recommend if you want something a bit silly and deffo check it out if RiffTrax picks this up.

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The Watchers

An interesting concept, overall as the film went on and wrapped up I left with an I expected more kind of feeling.

It's different, a bit weird but not the worst thing ever. I saw the twist at the mid way ish mark, although it didn't manifest until near the end, making me go "why didn't you bring or do this given the scenario you knew you were gonna be in and 2 "well that's that I guess, time for a cuppa"

I think it had a strong location, being in the middle of the forest, kind of like Evil Dead being very secluded, there was suspense and horror I feel it was turned way down lower than it could have been.

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Space Sharks

I watched this, so you don't have to.

The poster is a lie, this somehow managed to have the audacity to call itself a movie. Eric Roberts must have owed a big favor or lost a bet to feature in this ..... thing. 90% of this movie features foliage and dirt paths. In the first few minutes I was like is this even acting, we have people walking along paths, people out of frame walking, random people who seem to serve no purpose, bad cgi shark people that make an appearance like 3 times and some dubious alien plants. The only way I managed to get through it was riffing it with a friend, and believe me there's a lot to riff. Take from me, use this hour to do something else, anything else.

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Jumpin' Jack Flash

As @Greggy15 put it, a Goofy little Whoopi Goldberg movie.

I enjoyed the film, then again this is right up my street, intrigue and espionage with good humor. Watching as the situations get more and more out of hand leading to a final showdown.

The cast is pretty great as well, Annie Potts from ghostbusters with a small role. The unmistakable Carol Kane and Phil Hartman, Jim Belushi, Jonathan Price, the cast reads like a who's who of great actors.

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Deadly Weapon

A very different movie. Ok so this is a low budget VHS era sci-fi movie.

The film is ok, and that's about it. It's very bland of it's time, the gun looks cool though as well as the laser beam it emits.

Generally its had its day, can be skipped and you wont have missed much.

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American Dreamer

As the French say Tre magnifique.

I loved it all, it made me laugh, it made me cry it engrossed me right to the finish line.

If you like your 80s spy thrillers with subtle yet sophisticated comedy then this is for you, the chemistry and comedic acting of Tom Conti and JoBeth Williams was great, in particular Tom's mannerisms and bewilderment had me howling with laughter at the situations JoBeth (Cathy Palmer aka Rebecca Ryan) was getting him into.

I could have honestly watched more, such a joy to watch, hopefully you think so too.

and the end credit music to top it off, this is the style.of movie I love.

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Call Me

Shout by MysticSynthWaveVIP
BlockedParentSpoilers2024-05-10T03:04:01Z— updated 2024-05-15T22:12:08Z

An interesting one for sure, quite a slow burn. It tries to be kinky, it tries to be mysterious, maybe it tries too much.

The plot is hap-hazard, with unrealistic responses to situations that just happen and you end up going along with.

This could have gone a few other ways, and while I like the aesthetic and what it was trying to achieve, it falls flat.

For example when Annas husband comes in, while she's having phone sex, and writes It off, or when Anna has sex with her friend/acquaintance who lives down the street, like what is going on here.

Then we have the cop who keeps putting a gun in peoples faces with the whole tough guy routine overdone.

I won't even mention the orange, who would put an orange there, but hey ho.


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Hot Pursuit

A delightful 80s action, adventure romp.

The premise intrigued me for a watch and I ended up really enjoying this one.

Where our hero dDanny faces mishap after mishap trying to catch up to his girlfriend, only realized after looking at the info of a young Ben Stiller.

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Splitting Heirs

the plot reminds me of a loose "Kind hearts and Coronets" style plot with Alec Guinness. One which I highly recommend.

This one being very different modern ish take however. Its an of it's time film you'd find on VHS, it's pretty silly but watchable.

Just keep your expectations low though, still nice to see Rick Moranis and Eric Idle as well as John Cleese as well as the beautiful Zeta Jones.

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Shout by MysticSynthWaveVIP
BlockedParent2024-03-09T03:06:06Z— updated 2024-08-05T02:11:19Z

I watched this ...thing ... so you don't have to.
As my friend said, this has to be one of the stupidest things I have ever watched

20 second in, "I can tell what film this is gonna be"

less than 5 mins in "I'm not sure I can sit though this, at least not without my friend to heckle it with." this coming from someone who has sat through the likes of space cop, Santa clause and the Easter bunny, heck even wizzo the clown (okay that last one might be a bit extreme)

there's lots of weird sound effects, silly humor that comes across like a struggling comedian giving a 1.5 out of 10 performance.

imagine if amateurs and school kids had free range on a movie set and you have the movie.

if your looking for a good camp movie and you've seen the majority wanting more skip this one, instead go watch camp hideout 2023, with Christopher Lloyd

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Gleaming the Cube

Not all heroes wear capes, some ride skateboards.

I love these 80s style movies, this is one of the better ones.

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Outrageous Fortune

A very fun 80s outing, there's comedy, espionage and chaos all the way.

Shelly Long and Bette Midler give a great pair of performances in this, it also features a few familiar faces, such as John Schuck who played Herman in the Munsters Today as well as Robert Prosky the judge from a Miracle on 34th Street.

Well worth a watch, had me smiling like only these 80s feel good capers can.

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There is a movie in here ..... somewhere wedged between everything else.

I genuinely have to ask is this comedy?

going on looking at the synopsis the cast seemed pretty good, with the premise of a deranged madman holding the city ransom story.

The film has moments of lucidity but then goes wacky again, which makes it hard to take seriously.

The ending, just what? That was it? or was it? the end song is nice but yes ok then I don't know how to describe it, that's how they ended it.

I lack any justification to watch this one aside from the stars mentioned.

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Dirty Laundry

This gives comic farces a run for their money.

it's a film of it's time, there's lots of stupid in this weather you find it funny will vary. you'll know what type of film I mean within the first 5-10 minutes.

overall it's meh to ok, something you could have on in the background.

Does have a few notable people such as Sonny Bono and Nicolas Worth whom I've seen a few films in.

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The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

I've seen a few of the sleepy hollows and I do enjoy them, I have a fond remembrance for the 1999 Canadian version as I recall watching that Moreso on DVD, and of course there's the animated classic.

I mean its sleepy hollow adaptation, so I need not go on there, its what you expect more or less, this one does its own thing here and there with a bit more hijinks.

I always enjoy Jeff Golblum and he was very entertaining in this one.

Its a bit more cooky than it is spooky tell the truth but I enjoyed it.

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Phantom Town

Not what I expected. I thought this was going to be another bit of low budget family fluff, it did surprise me somewhat.

It's still aimed for younger audiences...question mark. I'm just not sure what ages, the effects are cool but there are moments when I was like if I was a really young kid I would prob find this disturbing.

I would put it in the teens at least. There is no blood in the movie, as it's all green but yea deffo PG-13 I would say. The story is pretty neat for what it is, the acting wasn't terrible, so yea it can make for an enjoyable watch.

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Phantom of the Mall: Eric's Revenge

Genuine surprise to watch this one.

Was a bit skeptical of the Phantom of the Opera in a modern 80's setting, but the art, the plot and other comment by [email protected] piqued my interest.

It has that 80s aesthetic, horror, action vibe mixed together nicely, so if any of that is your thing then you'll surely find something to like about this one.

Also a few faces I recognized Pauly Shore and Morgan Fairchild and Ken Foree.

It's just a a lot of fun, activate the neon mood lighting and enjoy, one of those I wish I had watched sooner movies.

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Spooky House

A nice family Halloween movie for younger ones, it can be a bit of a slow burner clocking in at just under 2 hours but its quite a touching film. Lots of magic and spooky hi-jinks afoot combined with some really silly villains.

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I Downloaded a Ghost

I will say while the film isn't great and the bad guys arelike watching a kindergartens style comedy the song by, "Jess Goldman" - "In My Room" is well worth listening to, you can find it on YouTube so that's a plus.

Overall a bit of a silly affair with some genuine laughs here and there, it will appeal to younger Halloween audiences and little ones for family viewing.

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Beverly Hills Vamp

"I always wondered who you'd have to f**k to get off this movie" Actual quote from one of the characters.

10 mins in and I had to ask what the expletive am I watching?, it's one of those films.

The film is a pretty low budget no real coherent plot, lots of quick nude scenes and crass.

The last section of the movie moves along better and has some innuendo laughs with the priest which is humerous at least.

One of the great vampire films it is not, unless your really dedicated I would pass on this one

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Killer Klowns from Outer Space

“They took your wife away in a balloon? Well you don't need the police, pal, you need a psychiatrist!” :joy:

First time watching this one, pleasantly surprised, ok so its goofy, its over the top, a truly crazy ride.

For one the film is very imaginative and creative in a lot of ways, such as when the clown is chasing the car and its just a clown pretending to be in a car and his feet have headlights, like what its pure genius and insanity at the same time.

It was also cool how killing them the deputy had to blast their noses off, like wtf

Looking forward to playing the upcoming video game :video_game: and reliving the crazy clown action.

How do I sum it up.....if you like goofy, off the wall, horror, sci-fi comedy then this is for you.

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Out on a Limb

It's not for everyone, despite having a pretty good cast of characters. Did I enjoy it, yes but its not the greatest thing since sliced bread, and is pretty silly, not that three's anything wrong with that, I'd say for a family or younger audience viewing would be the target audience minus any swearing ofc.

I actually forgot what I was watching for the first 5 mins while it got going, and then realized what it was doing and continued to do throughout the film which was neat in a way.

If you watch it don't take it too seriously because it sure doesn't take itself seriously.

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Super Fuzz

First and foremost what in the name of all that is holy were they thinking with that intro video my eyes need adjusting after that, it's like a bunch of kids somehow got into the editing room and played with all the dials.

The intro song which is predopminant throughiut is great though,

He's a super snooper
really super trooper
a wonder cop a one like you never saw
he's a super snooper
really super trooper

Ok with all that out of the way, the film itself is pretty comical, oldschool slapstick and some funny gags, this is a totally family friendly film especially for younger viewers which is nice.

Older audience's will hit or miss with the kind of humor its going for viewing it as pretty silly which it is but in a good way, I enjoyed the farce till the end, was also nice seeing Ernest Borgine after recently seeing him in Airwolf.

Just cover your eyes for that intro sequence yee gads.

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Beverly Hills Cop

Shout by MysticSynthWaveVIP

A pretty decent pilot, I enjoyed the episode and was gutted when it finished, really wished they went ahead to make at least a full season.

The fact Murphy was also in it here and there as well as Judge" Reinhold at the end was a nice touch.

Sadly we didn't get a series, but hey at least we are getting a fourth movie finally next year.

Worth a watch.

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Free Ride

Only able to watch via vhs, man its been a while since I've watched a vhs with the runny lines, bad sub HD look of today, and there's a good reason this hasn't made it to modern HD formats, that reason ain't good.

Stay for the intro song and leave while the goings good is my advice.

The movie while probably nostalgic if you watched it when it came out just doesn't hold water today, its all a bit too silly for its own good, aside from the odd giggle or topless girl, this is not worth the runtime, look elsewhere.

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Meatballs: Part II

Well it was alright up until 19 mins in when The Alien space ship appeared with Aliens who were sending their kid to camp here on earth so that threw out any sense of immersion/normality etc coming off the first film which I know this only lends itself in name but still.

Best advice watch the original with Bill Murray and skip over this one, there's not really much here, I mean the outro song is catchy so you know i'm pulling at straws here, I guess if you want something on in the background this would also suffice as a passable background movie but that's it.

There were some familiar faces though like John Larroquette from Richie Rich and Paul Reubens from the likes of Dunston Checks in and Mystery Men, hey look it was 1987 and they wanted to feed a sequel what can you do?

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The Lost Boys

A Great Vampire movie overall, the music, humor and setting were all spot on, honestly I could have watched more.

A really enjoyable take on the vampire genre, "Kiefer Sutherland" was a great cast as "David" he really suited the role.

When the kids formed up to go to the vampires lair and essentially start a war with the vampires, I was thinking how on earth are they gonna pull this off, but the ending was great from the holy water pistols to the giant stakes.

My only real criticism would be that I was disappointed by the fight between David and Michael or even Michael and Max for that matter as they were pretty short, I was expecting a longer fight sequence between these characters.

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The Cable Guy

A very dark and disturbing film when you burrow right down into it, especially at the end of the film you really do feel for the cable guy.

I Never got to see it when it came out, I recall the posters at one of my Blockbusters was very prominent at the time. it's worth a watch, especially if you like Jim Carrey's flavor of humor.

Also features a few familiar young faces such as Jack Black and Owen Wilson to boot. Its kind of surreal having a cable guy talking about coax cables at one point, or the over the top hi-fi you see in the film, I can see that being a bit hard to resonate with today's audiences in sch a situation, but growing up around that time you kinda get it a bit more.

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A solid take on such a worked concept, taking the usual fluffy body swap with the usual comedic results and turning it into a glorified horror/thriller/comedy is a genius move.

Only a few mins in and you can tell what your in for, sure it has its gruesome moments without going too over the top, but just be advised if your a little squeamish.

Solid performances from the cast, Vince Vaughn was really funny when you get to see him throughout and it's nice to see him in a different role, the last one I saw of his was the Internship. Both Vince and Kathryn gave great performances for their characters.

Overall I recommend this one, the plot remains simple but it does not falter or detract in its path from being a fun watch.

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